May 18, 2017 10:12 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: No, what is the point? What is any good reas to continue this day when there is nothing to learn from it?Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Jackrito @Togs This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can. Absolutely not Information we still have 27 hours i will not allow the phase to end sooner, also it has to be voted vy everyone not the person being lynched. |
May 18, 2017 10:13 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: we've learned a lot. I've had a lot of good interactions today with you, mel, cross, RE. We have 26 hours to gather more information. Shinichi-Kun said: No, what is the point? What is any good reas to continue this day when there is nothing to learn from it?Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Jackrito @Togs This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can. Absolutely not |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 10:15 AM
logic340 said: [/spoiler][/quote]Shinichi-Kun said: I can to the same conclusion on wen and Crossbell as I've seen both of them bus in similar situations. I have a stronger read on wen though.logic340 said: Crossbell said: Vote count I the spoiler below.Tell me - say we live in a world where Abu and Rosie are both scum. Who is the last scum in your viewpoint? Based of my current reads and what I can make of this vote count I'd say You, Shinichi, Ruu, or Mela (to a lesser extent since our interaction) You could throw RE in there too but I have a town on right now. So you, Ruu, Shinichi would be where I would look. 🍫 Day 1 Final Votecount 🍫 Key: Green = Town Limegreen = believable claim Purple = Anti-Town Red = Mafia 🔥 🐥 AbuHumaid 🐥 🔥 (5): 🐰 melanoid, Zymf, Crossbell, wen294, WyNdZ 🐰 🐣 Melanoid 🐣 (3): 🐰 logic340, AbuHumaid, Oyasumi_Rosie 🐰 🐣 WyNdZ 🐣 (2): 🐰 yurkin, RE1031 🐰 🐣 logic340 🐣 (1): 🐰 Ruu 🐰 🌱 Not Voting 🌱 Shinichi-kun 🐤 Role Index 🐤 Camoflagued Egg [Watcher] - Crossbell Fullmetal Egg [Jailer] - Zymf Golden Egg [Lightning Rod] - AbuHumaid [color]=purple]Explosive Egg [Bomb] - Oyasumi_Rosie[/color] Occult Egg [Peeker] - Wyndz Duckling Egg [Neighborizerr] - Logic340 Sparkling Egg [Reloader] - Yurkin Royal Egg [Doublevoter] - Re1031 Spooky Egg [Amnesiac] - Shinichi-kun Decorative Egg [Artist] - wen294 Oeuf Suprême [Chef] - melanoid Green Egg and Ham [Egg Thrower] - Ruu >>Day 1 Timer<< From my POV since abu was on mela train its possible no one there is scum since i dont think scum would vote for the same person this early but then again rosie is on that train >_>. If youu look at the abu train logically the only people who could possibly be scum there is wen or crossbell maybe wen tho? Also @logic340 why is ruu vote on you? Ruu voted for me because she said I felt like scum logic from Sailor Moon mafia. I asked others about this comparison but they are both scum (Rosie/Abu). It seems I've moved from scum to neutral now. Here is the post with her vote on me. [Spoiler]quote=Ruu message=50752350] wen294 said: WyNdZ said: Did you not read what I posted? What are your reasons for voting zymf? If you wish to vote on zymf after reading what I said it's better to just vote on me instead. Ruu said: AbuHumaid said: i think that the Peeker should hurry up and reveal who the confirmed townie is, i can't think of a good reason to delay it tbh Why? they won't get lynch and they can wait until the very end of N1 to reveal it. Why are you so focus on getting that info? I've already revealed...... Usually when people start backreading they start from the top. As i said earlier, when i asked her something similar, she probably just hasn't read your post yet. I found the post! It's so hard to read on mobile ;-; I see.... If our Jailer is town then I won't be voting for him. I don't think that Zy and Wy are mafia together that would be a silly move to make if they were. So I'll trust both of them for now. And vote for my second scum read. (It could also be possible that Wy is mafia and by saying that Zy is town he gets to pocket him + gain towncred but I'll think about that later...) vote change: logic Good that we came to the same conclusion I cant really give a comparison because i wasnt there, but we've also came to the lot of conclusions which makes me trust you alot more than ruu. |
May 18, 2017 10:15 AM
Shinichi-Kun said: Fine. The I will keep saying. Every hour, on the hour till one of the replies.Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: logic340 said: Shinichi-Kun said: regardless I still think it's worth talking about. Is there anyone else other than Zymf you exempt?RE1031 said: wen294 said: Can't we just make all the people in the PoE pile vote for Rosie, and then rosie can just kill whoever from that pile? I did think about this lol but it seems a bit cruel. Plus I doubt they would consent. Town knowing they themselves are town wouldn't do it, and mafia wouldn't do it either cause they are scum. SAdly u are right I dont wanna specfically pick anyone because i want people to make the wrong or right choice themselves its the best way to catch a slip. no i wont say it again Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: It doesn't matter if you believe my plan, now that RE has failed i can say with 200% that it won't work and it doesn't matterOyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: They posted "My plan fails if Rosie is not scum."Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: what else would you call "Hurdurdur, i've got a super secret plan that i already said would fail if Rosie isn't mafia which is has stated at lest three times today, hurdur"Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Togs If everyone votes for me, there is no point in keeping the game going. If everyone votes for me I will vote for myself, please end the phase then. We don't even lose that much time since we can talk during the night. And honestly Re's smug bullshit is getting on my nerves. I'm not being smug wtf? No one acn know his plan has failed its literally impossible why because he hasnt posted his plan lol. But your talking under the assumption we all beive your claim lol Not sure what you mean, did you read my plan? It can happen still. Unless people are actually willing to throw themselves under the bus because they are getting scum-read slightly more than others. So your implying you choose odd phases? I am not implying anything. |
May 18, 2017 10:17 AM
Shinichi-Kun said: What? You like to go back on your word? THis is the post right after the one where you state that you won't say it again, where you are in fact, saying it again.Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Jackrito @Togs This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can. Absolutely not Information we still have 27 hours i will not allow the phase to end sooner, also it has to be voted vy everyone not the person being lynched. With Re stupid full out for everyone to see, and the fact I could say oxygen helps you live and no one would believe, no one is going to switch their votes to me, making this impossible to end. |
May 18, 2017 10:20 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: Fine. The I will keep saying. Every hour, on the hour till one of the replies.Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: People want info right?? Lets pester the mod! Get the to change the day. The you will get more info to talk aboutlogic340 said: Shinichi-Kun said: regardless I still think it's worth talking about. Is there anyone else other than Zymf you exempt?RE1031 said: wen294 said: Can't we just make all the people in the PoE pile vote for Rosie, and then rosie can just kill whoever from that pile? I did think about this lol but it seems a bit cruel. Plus I doubt they would consent. Town knowing they themselves are town wouldn't do it, and mafia wouldn't do it either cause they are scum. SAdly u are right I dont wanna specfically pick anyone because i want people to make the wrong or right choice themselves its the best way to catch a slip. no i wont say it again Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Read between the lines. I'm not scum and the bomb can't go off today. THat is one of the many reason I was asking to be killed yesterday, and hoping I would get killed last nightOyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: It doesn't matter if you believe my plan, now that RE has failed i can say with 200% that it won't work and it doesn't matterOyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: They posted "My plan fails if Rosie is not scum."Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: what else would you call "Hurdurdur, i've got a super secret plan that i already said would fail if Rosie isn't mafia which is has stated at lest three times today, hurdur"Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Togs If everyone votes for me, there is no point in keeping the game going. If everyone votes for me I will vote for myself, please end the phase then. We don't even lose that much time since we can talk during the night. And honestly Re's smug bullshit is getting on my nerves. I'm not being smug wtf? No one acn know his plan has failed its literally impossible why because he hasnt posted his plan lol. But your talking under the assumption we all beive your claim lol Not sure what you mean, did you read my plan? It can happen still. Unless people are actually willing to throw themselves under the bus because they are getting scum-read slightly more than others. So your implying you choose odd phases? I am not implying anything. Doesnt matter what you say they wont end the phase early just cause you say so lol, and ok even if the ur ability isnt active today ur still tpr which doesnt change much. Only difference it could make is the off chance we decide to wait till an odd number to lynch to you which i both want to wait and don't >3> |
May 18, 2017 10:21 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: What? You like to go back on your word? THis is the post right after the one where you state that you won't say it again, where you are in fact, saying it again.Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: No, what is the point? What is any good reas to continue this day when there is nothing to learn from it?Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Jackrito @Togs This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can. Absolutely not Information we still have 27 hours i will not allow the phase to end sooner, also it has to be voted vy everyone not the person being lynched. With Re stupid full out for everyone to see, and the fact I could say oxygen helps you live and no one would believe, no one is going to switch their votes to me, making this impossible to end. How is she stupid? We have no idea if u choose even or odd, and all we have to off of is your word right now. It's not fair for us to have to assume that you choose odds. |
May 18, 2017 10:21 AM
Shinichi-Kun said: Why? Now that scum knows that I have no ability to hit scum. You have sucesfful neutered. I am completely useless as a player now. You have already took every thing from me. Why can I die?Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: People want info right?? Lets pester the mod! Get the to change the day. The you will get more info to talk aboutlogic340 said: Shinichi-Kun said: regardless I still think it's worth talking about. Is there anyone else other than Zymf you exempt?RE1031 said: wen294 said: Can't we just make all the people in the PoE pile vote for Rosie, and then rosie can just kill whoever from that pile? I did think about this lol but it seems a bit cruel. Plus I doubt they would consent. Town knowing they themselves are town wouldn't do it, and mafia wouldn't do it either cause they are scum. SAdly u are right I dont wanna specfically pick anyone because i want people to make the wrong or right choice themselves its the best way to catch a slip. no i wont say it again Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Read between the lines. I'm not scum and the bomb can't go off today. THat is one of the many reason I was asking to be killed yesterday, and hoping I would get killed last nightOyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: It doesn't matter if you believe my plan, now that RE has failed i can say with 200% that it won't work and it doesn't matterOyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: They posted "My plan fails if Rosie is not scum."Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: what else would you call "Hurdurdur, i've got a super secret plan that i already said would fail if Rosie isn't mafia which is has stated at lest three times today, hurdur"Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Togs If everyone votes for me, there is no point in keeping the game going. If everyone votes for me I will vote for myself, please end the phase then. We don't even lose that much time since we can talk during the night. And honestly Re's smug bullshit is getting on my nerves. I'm not being smug wtf? No one acn know his plan has failed its literally impossible why because he hasnt posted his plan lol. But your talking under the assumption we all beive your claim lol Not sure what you mean, did you read my plan? It can happen still. Unless people are actually willing to throw themselves under the bus because they are getting scum-read slightly more than others. So your implying you choose odd phases? I am not implying anything. Doesnt matter what you say they wont end the phase early just cause you say so lol, and ok even if the ur ability isnt active today ur still tpr which doesnt change much. Only difference it could make is the off chance we decide to wait till an odd number to lynch to you which i both want to wait and don't >3> |
May 18, 2017 10:22 AM
@logic340 Rosie is getting lynch no matter what I do. I don't care about her train because I would like to focus on other players as well. Like I said a million times. @Crossbell I wasn't here when the Abu train started. MY GRANDPA DIED PEOPLE, OFC I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREAD! I hadn't even had the time to consider Abu as a possible scum. I still think Rosie is either scum or tpr (more tpr now that she is voting for herself). What's the point on focusing only on her? that lynch is set, shouldn't we worry now about the other possible partner? is not like Rosie dies we win. We still need to find the last mafia. Can we focus on that please? I already gave my possible suspects and I'm voting for one of them. Tunneling is not the way to go, we need to keep searching. |
May 18, 2017 10:23 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: What? You like to go back on your word? THis is the post right after the one where you state that you won't say it again, where you are in fact, saying it again.Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: No, what is the point? What is any good reas to continue this day when there is nothing to learn from it?Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Jackrito @Togs This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can. Absolutely not Information we still have 27 hours i will not allow the phase to end sooner, also it has to be voted vy everyone not the person being lynched. With Re stupid full out for everyone to see, and the fact I could say oxygen helps you live and no one would believe, no one is going to switch their votes to me, making this impossible to end. It was a pretty good plan, which is to say it wasn't BS, which is more than most mafia game plans can say >:( And it wasn't that I didn't believe you are TPR, it's just that your wincon was really weird. |
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not. |
May 18, 2017 10:24 AM
logic340 said: I don't have time to do much of anything right now except unvote to avoid getting killed by Rosie.I don't want zymf anywhere near this train. Will try to catch up tomorrow. Unvote (Yes I bluffed) |
May 18, 2017 10:24 AM
Shinichi-Kun said: I forgot the word plan.Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: Shinichi-Kun said: No, what is the point? What is any good reas to continue this day when there is nothing to learn from it?Oyasumi_Rosie said: @Jackrito @Togs This day isn't worth playing out at this point. With night talk people have plenty of time to talk and work out their plans. Please end the phase as soon as you can. Absolutely not Information we still have 27 hours i will not allow the phase to end sooner, also it has to be voted vy everyone not the person being lynched. With Re stupid full out for everyone to see, and the fact I could say oxygen helps you live and no one would believe, no one is going to switch their votes to me, making this impossible to end. How is she stupid? We have no idea if u choose even or odd, and all we have to off of is your word right now. It's not fair for us to have to assume that you choose odds. Her plan is stupid, because 1)I. AM. NOT. SCUM. 2) I. CAN'T. EXPLODE. 3)NOW THAT THIS INFO IS OUT THERE, SCUM KNOWS WHEN TO KILL ME. I am not saying that she should have known, I am saying now that all the info about how its going to fail is out ther, despite me telling you at least 5 times now that it was going to fail anyways, its SUPER DUPER going to fail. |
May 18, 2017 10:28 AM
Ruu said: the thing is my vote is on Rosie and I've focused on many other players and topics this phase. I put hard pressure on Melanoid and have been calling out Crossbell and you to a extent. Also you not being concerned with her train is what bothers me, moving your vote makes it look like your distancing yourself I'm not the only one who has said it. It seems you fear retribution?@logic340 Rosie is getting lynch no matter what I do. I don't care about her train because I would like to focus on other players as well. Like I said a million times. @Crossbell I wasn't here when the Abu train started. MY GRANDPA DIED PEOPLE, OFC I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREAD! I hadn't even had the time to consider Abu as a possible scum. I still think Rosie is either scum or tpr (more tpr now that she is voting for herself). What's the point on focusing only on her? that lynch is set, shouldn't we worry now about the other possible partner? is not like Rosie dies we win. We still need to find the last mafia. Can we focus on that please? I already gave my possible suspects and I'm voting for one of them. Tunneling is not the way to go, we need to keep searching. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 10:31 AM
logic340 said: Ruu said: Denja and I caught you D1 but w lynched our cop (bunny) instead. D2 you worked out of being lynched again (iirc) at the cost of Soren. I scum read you that whole game yet kept getting accused of protecting you? You did pay well that game ave I wish Denja was here to tickle you now.Crossbell said: You fooled me in Final Fantasy 15 Mafia. Really got me good that game :( wait didn't I quit that game after like two phases? xD It was the one Shad hosted right? I got replace after a couple of days :/ What's up with your vote? I hope you're not avoiding this Rosie train. If Rosie is scum whoop is her teammate? If she's TPR do you think there are 2 scum left? If so who are they? oh but I got out before the player that replaced me got lynched right? I seriously don't remember... I'm working on it... did you read my notes btw? |
May 18, 2017 10:33 AM
logic340 said: the thing is my vote is on Rosie and I've focused on many other players and topics this phase. I put hard pressure on Melanoid and have been calling out Crossbell and you to a extent. Also you not being concerned with her train is what bothers me, moving your vote makes it look like your distancing yourself I'm not the only one who has said it. It seems you fear retribution? There are too many people on my train to for there not to be scum. Like I said in my Wen post, when I flip the scum can be like "Well, I did whatever else did." Another reason to hate RE's plan is that it lets scum off the hook. |
May 18, 2017 10:35 AM
logic340 said: Ruu said: the thing is my vote is on Rosie and I've focused on many other players and topics this phase. I put hard pressure on Melanoid and have been calling out Crossbell and you to a extent. Also you not being concerned with her train is what bothers me, moving your vote makes it look like your distancing yourself I'm not the only one who has said it. It seems you fear retribution?@logic340 Rosie is getting lynch no matter what I do. I don't care about her train because I would like to focus on other players as well. Like I said a million times. @Crossbell I wasn't here when the Abu train started. MY GRANDPA DIED PEOPLE, OFC I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREAD! I hadn't even had the time to consider Abu as a possible scum. I still think Rosie is either scum or tpr (more tpr now that she is voting for herself). What's the point on focusing only on her? that lynch is set, shouldn't we worry now about the other possible partner? is not like Rosie dies we win. We still need to find the last mafia. Can we focus on that please? I already gave my possible suspects and I'm voting for one of them. Tunneling is not the way to go, we need to keep searching. ofc I fear retribution. I don't want to get killed by her -_- I'm not 100% focus on this game that's why I haven't been super active. Give me a break -_- I believe Mel is town because scum wouldn't vote for a teammate if they know they won't be here to unvote if necessary. |
May 18, 2017 10:36 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: logic340 said: the thing is my vote is on Rosie and I've focused on many other players and topics this phase. I put hard pressure on Melanoid and have been calling out Crossbell and you to a extent. Also you not being concerned with her train is what bothers me, moving your vote makes it look like your distancing yourself I'm not the only one who has said it. It seems you fear retribution? There are too many people on my train to for there not to be scum. Like I said in my Wen post, when I flip the scum can be like "Well, I did whatever else did." Another reason to hate RE's plan is that it lets scum off the hook. +1 |
May 18, 2017 10:38 AM
WyNdZ said: RE1031 said: Sorry for the delay, went from packing all day to driving all night, not fun. Anyway, about my plan, seeing as it ticked more than a couple people off, I won't joke about it. Because my role is the double voter, and Rosie only needs 2 votes for a lynch, I'm going to offer to use my active and vote for her today. I'm getting scum read by at least two people, and it'd be a waste for someone with a much better townie rep to be killed (and flip town). I had this plan since N1, and I was quite worried I'd be killed because my role is dangerous for scum. If the top two lynch trains are scum and me, I can vote scum simply to save myself. This plan does work - like you technically can't stop me because if I use my active, you'd be risking getting killed by the bomb for nothing. It's just that if Rosie is mafia, it works better because then we know town was always going to get killed, and then the votes can be more easily read. If she's TPR, then there'd actually be a chance of mafia dying, and votes will be harder to read. And of course, the reason I had to wait is because if I offered this plan from the start, there'd be nothing to go off on when it comes to who's willing to vote Rosie and who's not, since we'll all just default to the plan. There are a couple issues with my plan, but all of them are trust-issues. Also, the only reason I'm telling you instead of doing it is just in case I missed something and it doesn't work before I waste my only shot. Hmmm that's an interesting plan. I feel like if Rosie is indeed TPR and not mafia we might have been able to get some information by seeing who was reluctant to vote on her. Like you said you've already waited for some time to get such information and well I feel like the mafia would know it would bring suspicion on them if they didn't vote so probably everyone would vote on Rosie. I don't really like when someone is sacrificed but if everyone agrees then i guess we can follow through with your plan. We're going to have to keep our faith that nobody is going to do a last minute vote or anything though. Unlikely but lol it wouldn't be the first time I've seen something crazy happen in a mafia game before. We also negate the possibility of Rosie being able to kill a mafia. She seems pissed at the town though so I think she would probably try to kill someone who she thinks is town. Anyways I feel like Rosie probably chose odd days so if we do go through with this plan hopefully you survive. Fear of getting killed by Rosie = mafia smh nobody wants to die no matter their alignment. |
May 18, 2017 10:39 AM
If Rosie is telling the truth we have options. She could also be lying to get as many people on the train to choose from as well? If she's telling the truth we can lynch her today with no fear of losing a townie but we lose the slight benefit of possibly hitting a scum. We could put it off until tomorrow but there's no guarantee we hit scum today and we still run the risk of her hitting town tomorrow anyway. We could also enact RE's plan tomorrow but I don't see a reason to wait. The best I can hope for is she's lying about being mafia and telling the truth about her bomb day. Then we lynch her today and she doesn't blow up anyone. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 10:41 AM
Ruu said: yes I quoted it and asked you a question about a post you never responded to. I'll go find it and repost it.logic340 said: Ruu said: Crossbell said: You fooled me in Final Fantasy 15 Mafia. Really got me good that game :( wait didn't I quit that game after like two phases? xD It was the one Shad hosted right? I got replace after a couple of days :/ What's up with your vote? I hope you're not avoiding this Rosie train. If Rosie is scum whoop is her teammate? If she's TPR do you think there are 2 scum left? If so who are they? oh but I got out before the player that replaced me got lynched right? I seriously don't remember... I'm working on it... did you read my notes btw? |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 10:44 AM
logic340 said: Ruu said: yes I quoted it and asked you a question about a post you never responded to. I'll go find it and repost it.logic340 said: Ruu said: Denja and I caught you D1 but w lynched our cop (bunny) instead. D2 you worked out of being lynched again (iirc) at the cost of Soren. I scum read you that whole game yet kept getting accused of protecting you? You did pay well that game ave I wish Denja was here to tickle you now.Crossbell said: You fooled me in Final Fantasy 15 Mafia. Really got me good that game :( wait didn't I quit that game after like two phases? xD It was the one Shad hosted right? I got replace after a couple of days :/ What's up with your vote? I hope you're not avoiding this Rosie train. If Rosie is scum whoop is her teammate? If she's TPR do you think there are 2 scum left? If so who are they? oh but I got out before the player that replaced me got lynched right? I seriously don't remember... I'm working on it... did you read my notes btw? please do. Catching up on mobile is really difficult and I missed stuff without realising it. |
May 18, 2017 10:46 AM
I hate Wyn post so much. It fills me with so much angry. It reads to me "Huh, nobody is going to believe what she says anyways, so I might as well take credit for it" |
May 18, 2017 10:46 AM
logic340 said: All the more reason to end the day earlyIf Rosie is telling the truth we have options. She could also be lying to get as many people on the train to choose from as well? If she's telling the truth we can lynch her today with no fear of losing a townie but we lose the slight benefit of possibly hitting a scum. We could put it off until tomorrow but there's no guarantee we hit scum today and we still run the risk of her hitting town tomorrow anyway. We could also enact RE's plan tomorrow but I don't see a reason to wait. The best I can hope for is she's lying about being mafia and telling the truth about her bomb day. Then we lynch her today and she doesn't blow up anyone. |
May 18, 2017 10:47 AM
May 18, 2017 10:48 AM
Ruu said: read on mel is kind of angle shotty. How do you know mel knew they wouldn't be around to move there but if necessary? Where are you getting this information from to make such a statement? Mel voted 14 hours before phase change and said nothing about but being back for phase change? So I'm not understanding how any of that says town? I also like you to weigh in on his behavior for the rest of the game and not just that one vote what does it tell you? I have been giving you a break but I can't give you a free pass either. I understand you're going through a hard time but I still need to find the mafia. Inb4 you say "I'm not mafia though" how do we know that?logic340 said: Ruu said: @logic340 Rosie is getting lynch no matter what I do. I don't care about her train because I would like to focus on other players as well. Like I said a million times. @Crossbell I wasn't here when the Abu train started. MY GRANDPA DIED PEOPLE, OFC I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREAD! I hadn't even had the time to consider Abu as a possible scum. I still think Rosie is either scum or tpr (more tpr now that she is voting for herself). What's the point on focusing only on her? that lynch is set, shouldn't we worry now about the other possible partner? is not like Rosie dies we win. We still need to find the last mafia. Can we focus on that please? I already gave my possible suspects and I'm voting for one of them. Tunneling is not the way to go, we need to keep searching. ofc I fear retribution. I don't want to get killed by her -_- I'm not 100% focus on this game that's why I haven't been super active. Give me a break -_- I believe Mel is town because scum wouldn't vote for a teammate if they know they won't be here to unvote if necessary. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 10:49 AM
Crossbell said: Despite the fact that Logic voted for Melanoid, I really like his string of posts from 540 to 547. Those posts show that he is adapting to the gamestate as opposed to pushing an agenda, and he's actively questioning and forming reads on others. Plus, I don't think scum!Logic and scum!Abu both vote for the countertrain on Melanoid Day 1 here. Tying himself so closely to a scumbuddy like that isn't really how I feel scum!Logic would approach the end of Day 1 there. I think he was just misguided. yes he would here logic and I were scum together |
May 18, 2017 10:49 AM
RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu |
May 18, 2017 10:49 AM
logic340 said: What i meant is that i think Rosie lied about her role, and that her actual role is executioner. Claiming executioner is like the worst TPR you could claim. It feels like she decided to pick something slightly less dangerous for town. Then again that's just my gut feeling, she might've been telling the truth too.wen294 said: I guess you're right there about the frustration coming from any alignment. Executioner is kind of like your role in Disgaea but Rosie has to pick/guess the person? logic340 said: RE1031 said: Honestly after my interaction with Rosie this morning I'm more inclined to believe she is TPR. If that emotion was faked she's a better scum than I give her credit for. That being said she's still got to go. logic340 said: Shinichi-Kun said: So RE pretty much dismissed it with her post #685 but I'd like you to show me where I am? I even asked her to help us hunt down the final two scum and take one of them with her?logic340 said: Shinichi-Kun said: who has accepted it? She's got 5 votes on her right now. You and RE have both been on and aren't voting for her?Also i find the chances of the bomb role being the tpr so bs, its so easy for scum to hide behind this its not even funny. Are you all sriously ok with just accepting that shes tpr? Seems like only u and rei are dismmissing its possibility , the votes don't answer questions words do XD. I mean she could still be TPR but I don't think that's her wincon. Also, yes, I'm starting to get those kinds of vibes from Crossbell. Voting for Abu could just be this game's version of coming down on grrr. Also, he confessed that he visited Zymf last night, but I don't know why he'd do that when Zymf made a big deal of jailing Crossbell? Don't know why Ruu's voting for me. That lynch is never gonna go through, and she isn't a stubborn player like me. Seems like an attempt to get off the train. If she's scum who do you think her partner is? If she's TPR we should still have 2 scum to catch? Who do you think they might be? wen294 said: to me it's about your pause and approach to mafia that makes me feel that way. I know it will only take me so far but I'm hoping to get some use out if it nonethelesslogic340 said: I feel DenjaX, wen and Zymf are a few players who would I feel would get the full potential and benefit greatly from this type of role. I'm not really good at convincing people of anything. Strategy in who to neighbourize will only get you so far. Pause and approach...? |
May 18, 2017 10:51 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? |
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not. |
May 18, 2017 10:51 AM
RE1031 said: @Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? I've seen scum doing risky stuff more than once. And the plan is giving you town cred even thou we haven't putting into motion. So you are already winning without been at risk. |
May 18, 2017 10:53 AM
RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: @Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? only if you actually get the town cred but I'm not buying it |
May 18, 2017 10:55 AM
RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: @Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? All scum plans are stupid to everyone who isn't scum. But here is the paradox. If you town, you have stupid useless plan, and you made a strong player who was willling to work with you useless as well, you have made wincon for town that much harder. If you are scum, by having this convo with me, you have made yourself way more suspicious, and once my flip comes, people will start looking in to this, making it way harder for you to cover up. You have made wincon for scum that much harder. |
May 18, 2017 10:55 AM
Ruu said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? only if you actually get the town cred but I'm not buying it I guess now I know how Rosie feels, not getting believed. Oh well. It's not like I town read you anymore anyway. |
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not. |
May 18, 2017 10:56 AM
logic340 said: @Ruu@Ruu you're still hung up on #141 when I responses to you in the spoiler below? You never even responded to this post? logic340 said: Ruu said: logic340 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: While all roles are neutral there are some that would be better for mafia than other. logic340 said: No idea! All roles are neutral in reality, so I don't really have a reason to really think of them.Oyasumi_Rosie said: logic340 said: Zymf said: Below is my own personal quickly-made list of roles that I initially find the most townish and scummy. I will not give away my reasoning yet, but I encourage others to make a similar list ^^ I think it's a good place to start your analysis on other people. Townish roles: 1. Camouflaged Egg (Watcher) 2. Fullmetal Egg (Jailer) 3. Golden Egg (Lightning Rod) 9. Spooky Egg (Amnesiac) Scummy roles: 4. Explosive Egg (Bomb) 5. Occult Egg (Peeker) 7. Sparkling Egg (Reloader) 8. Royal Egg (Doublevoter) Neutral roles: 6. Duckling Egg (Neighborizer) 10. Decorative Egg (Artist) 11. Oeuf Suprême (Chef) 12. Green Egg & Ham (Egg Thrower) Reasoning can go a lot of ways. I think I understand some of yours others not so much, Townish roles: 2. Fullmetal Egg (Jailer) 3. Golden Egg (Lightning Rod) 10. Decorative Egg (Artist) 11. Oeuf Suprême (Chef) 12. Green Egg & Ham (Egg Thrower) Scummy roles: 4. Explosive Egg (Bomb) 5. Occult Egg (Peeker) 7. Sparkling Egg (Reloader) Neutral roles (could go both ways): 1. Camouflaged Egg (Watcher) 6. Duckling Egg (Neighborizer) 8. Royal Egg (Doublevoter) 9. Spooky Egg (Amnesiac) I am scum no matter what? What if I picked it because Kira is my second favorite jojo villain? Though, in all honesty, the neighboring role really is the most scummy to me. That role would be perfect for scum to pocket another player. Egg Thrower/Artist/Chef are three roles I don't think mafia would even want. They give them no power, and being that two of them don't visit anyone they are in danger of being watched making a kill. So while I wont just say the people with these abilities are town I would say that there is less chance the mafia would target these abilities as they aren't very helpful. Sucks for Ruu since she admitted to having Egg Thrower last which is where I would expect these roles to show up on almost any list but especially mafia's. Wait you think that it makes me look scummy the fact that my role was the last on my list? Is a boring one why would I wanted over a pr? xD |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 10:59 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? All scum plans are stupid to everyone who isn't scum. But here is the paradox. If you town, you have stupid useless plan, and you made a strong player who was willling to work with you useless as well, you have made wincon for town that much harder. If you are scum, by having this convo with me, you have made yourself way more suspicious, and once my flip comes, people will start looking in to this, making it way harder for you to cover up. You have made wincon for scum that much harder. I don't understand the first part, who was willing to work with me? And as for the second part, good thing I'm not actually scum. But anyway, didn't you say you wanted town to lose? Or was that directed at me. |
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not. |
May 18, 2017 11:00 AM
Ruu said: Weak. She already said she'd be shooting me if she gets the chance. Did i back off? Just because somebody threatens to kill you doesn't mean you should let them off the hook. That's not town behaviour.logic340 said: Ruu said: @logic340 Rosie is getting lynch no matter what I do. I don't care about her train because I would like to focus on other players as well. Like I said a million times. @Crossbell I wasn't here when the Abu train started. MY GRANDPA DIED PEOPLE, OFC I WAS NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREAD! I hadn't even had the time to consider Abu as a possible scum. I still think Rosie is either scum or tpr (more tpr now that she is voting for herself). What's the point on focusing only on her? that lynch is set, shouldn't we worry now about the other possible partner? is not like Rosie dies we win. We still need to find the last mafia. Can we focus on that please? I already gave my possible suspects and I'm voting for one of them. Tunneling is not the way to go, we need to keep searching. ofc I fear retribution. I don't want to get killed by her -_- I'm not 100% focus on this game that's why I haven't been super active. Give me a break -_- I believe Mel is town because scum wouldn't vote for a teammate if they know they won't be here to unvote if necessary. Also scum can leave a vote on a teammate even if they know they won't be able to unvote. I'm the living example of that. |
May 18, 2017 11:00 AM
May 18, 2017 11:01 AM
Ruu said: While I did vote with you put it in context though. I did that out of self preservation not to save a partner. Also the fact that everyone was on me about not causing a no lynch. Did I vote my scum buddies at any point during that game? Because it seems you're implying I did it here?Crossbell said: Despite the fact that Logic voted for Melanoid, I really like his string of posts from 540 to 547. Those posts show that he is adapting to the gamestate as opposed to pushing an agenda, and he's actively questioning and forming reads on others. Plus, I don't think scum!Logic and scum!Abu both vote for the countertrain on Melanoid Day 1 here. Tying himself so closely to a scumbuddy like that isn't really how I feel scum!Logic would approach the end of Day 1 there. I think he was just misguided. yes he would here logic and I were scum together |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 11:02 AM
RE1031 said: @Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? I don't think scum would take the action, but asking this is exactly what scum would do. |
May 18, 2017 11:03 AM
RE1031 said: Ruu said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? only if you actually get the town cred but I'm not buying it I guess now I know how Rosie feels, not getting believed. Oh well. It's not like I town read you anymore anyway. Yuck. |
May 18, 2017 11:04 AM
RE1031 said: Zymf already moved his vote because he was "scared" so yeah I would consider stuff like that working with you. You made the wincon for town that much harder by weakening a weapon that they could have used.Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? All scum plans are stupid to everyone who isn't scum. But here is the paradox. If you town, you have stupid useless plan, and you made a strong player who was willling to work with you useless as well, you have made wincon for town that much harder. If you are scum, by having this convo with me, you have made yourself way more suspicious, and once my flip comes, people will start looking in to this, making it way harder for you to cover up. You have made wincon for scum that much harder. I don't understand the first part, who was willing to work with me? And as for the second part, good thing I'm not actually scum. But anyway, didn't you say you wanted town to lose? Or was that directed at me. And I am not sure what you mean? I was always talking to you in that post? So any statement that has 'you' in it is refering to you. What is your point bring that up? I have been very clear about how I feel about this town and if they should win or not. What about you? The only sort of benefit from you plan now is that town is weaker? So do you want town to lose? Because that is really the only benefit I see. |
May 18, 2017 11:07 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: um....I think Zymf moved his vote at my request? He even quoted me saying I wanted him nowhere near your train when he unvoted. I was very vocal about confirm town not being on your train.RE1031 said: Zymf already moved his vote because he was "scared" so yeah I would consider stuff like that working with you. You made the wincon for town that much harder by weakening a weapon that they could have used.Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? All scum plans are stupid to everyone who isn't scum. But here is the paradox. If you town, you have stupid useless plan, and you made a strong player who was willling to work with you useless as well, you have made wincon for town that much harder. If you are scum, by having this convo with me, you have made yourself way more suspicious, and once my flip comes, people will start looking in to this, making it way harder for you to cover up. You have made wincon for scum that much harder. I don't understand the first part, who was willing to work with me? And as for the second part, good thing I'm not actually scum. But anyway, didn't you say you wanted town to lose? Or was that directed at me. And I am not sure what you mean? I was always talking to you in that post? So any statement that has 'you' in it is refering to you. What is your point bring that up? I have been very clear about how I feel about this town and if they should win or not. What about you? The only sort of benefit from you plan now is that town is weaker? So do you want town to lose? Because that is really the only benefit I see. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 11:08 AM
logic340 said: Well great. Still not helping.Oyasumi_Rosie said: um....I think Zymf moved his vote at my request? He even quoted me saying I wanted him nowhere near your train when he unvoted. I was very vocal about confirm town not being on your train.RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? All scum plans are stupid to everyone who isn't scum. But here is the paradox. If you town, you have stupid useless plan, and you made a strong player who was willling to work with you useless as well, you have made wincon for town that much harder. If you are scum, by having this convo with me, you have made yourself way more suspicious, and once my flip comes, people will start looking in to this, making it way harder for you to cover up. You have made wincon for scum that much harder. I don't understand the first part, who was willing to work with me? And as for the second part, good thing I'm not actually scum. But anyway, didn't you say you wanted town to lose? Or was that directed at me. And I am not sure what you mean? I was always talking to you in that post? So any statement that has 'you' in it is refering to you. What is your point bring that up? I have been very clear about how I feel about this town and if they should win or not. What about you? The only sort of benefit from you plan now is that town is weaker? So do you want town to lose? Because that is really the only benefit I see. |
May 18, 2017 11:11 AM
Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Zymf already moved his vote because he was "scared" so yeah I would consider stuff like that working with you. You made the wincon for town that much harder by weakening a weapon that they could have used.Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? All scum plans are stupid to everyone who isn't scum. But here is the paradox. If you town, you have stupid useless plan, and you made a strong player who was willling to work with you useless as well, you have made wincon for town that much harder. If you are scum, by having this convo with me, you have made yourself way more suspicious, and once my flip comes, people will start looking in to this, making it way harder for you to cover up. You have made wincon for scum that much harder. I don't understand the first part, who was willing to work with me? And as for the second part, good thing I'm not actually scum. But anyway, didn't you say you wanted town to lose? Or was that directed at me. And I am not sure what you mean? I was always talking to you in that post? So any statement that has 'you' in it is refering to you. What is your point bring that up? I have been very clear about how I feel about this town and if they should win or not. What about you? The only sort of benefit from you plan now is that town is weaker? So do you want town to lose? Because that is really the only benefit I see. You know what? Don't care. Pretty much done with this game. I'd rather get you lynched first and then take the fall tomorrow since this game's been nothing to me but trash talk from you. I tried :/ |
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not. |
May 18, 2017 11:13 AM
RE1031 said: Fine, help me get the mods to end this game.Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Oyasumi_Rosie said: RE1031 said: Actually.... I think they would. At least they would state their plan and except people not to go through with it. You know I normally use RNG for these kinds of things, so if you were scum you could have taken a change that there were too many people/Wen was still on my train.@Ruu You suspect me, yet you've clearly read Rosie's post about my plan being stupid. Stupid or not, do you think scum would do that? @Ruu So is it a stupid plan or not :P If I'm scum, it's brilliant, no? All scum plans are stupid to everyone who isn't scum. But here is the paradox. If you town, you have stupid useless plan, and you made a strong player who was willling to work with you useless as well, you have made wincon for town that much harder. If you are scum, by having this convo with me, you have made yourself way more suspicious, and once my flip comes, people will start looking in to this, making it way harder for you to cover up. You have made wincon for scum that much harder. I don't understand the first part, who was willing to work with me? And as for the second part, good thing I'm not actually scum. But anyway, didn't you say you wanted town to lose? Or was that directed at me. And I am not sure what you mean? I was always talking to you in that post? So any statement that has 'you' in it is refering to you. What is your point bring that up? I have been very clear about how I feel about this town and if they should win or not. What about you? The only sort of benefit from you plan now is that town is weaker? So do you want town to lose? Because that is really the only benefit I see. You know what? Don't care. Pretty much done with this game. I'd rather get you lynched first and then take the fall tomorrow since this game's been nothing to me but trash talk from you. I tried :/ @Togs @JackRito See, look at this. I am not the only one who hate this Day. Please let this phase end! |
May 18, 2017 11:14 AM
wen294 said: thank you for clarifying that for me. Based on mafia and town win condition I can see her role being something that assigns more with the mafia. I've seen a similar role to what Rosie is claiming in NnT Mafia. Claire had to guess the lynch target 3 times.logic340 said: What i meant is that i think Rosie lied about her role, and that her actual role is executioner. Claiming executioner is like the worst TPR you could claim. It feels like she decided to pick something slightly less dangerous for town. Then again that's just my gut feeling, she might've been telling the truth too.wen294 said: logic340 said: The frustration of nobody listening to you is real irregardless of your alignment. My personal bet is on her being an excecutioner but there's still a possibility for her to be scum.RE1031 said: Honestly after my interaction with Rosie this morning I'm more inclined to believe she is TPR. If that emotion was faked she's a better scum than I give her credit for. That being said she's still got to go. logic340 said: Shinichi-Kun said: So RE pretty much dismissed it with her post #685 but I'd like you to show me where I am? I even asked her to help us hunt down the final two scum and take one of them with her?logic340 said: Shinichi-Kun said: who has accepted it? She's got 5 votes on her right now. You and RE have both been on and aren't voting for her?Also i find the chances of the bomb role being the tpr so bs, its so easy for scum to hide behind this its not even funny. Are you all sriously ok with just accepting that shes tpr? Seems like only u and rei are dismmissing its possibility , the votes don't answer questions words do XD. I mean she could still be TPR but I don't think that's her wincon. Also, yes, I'm starting to get those kinds of vibes from Crossbell. Voting for Abu could just be this game's version of coming down on grrr. Also, he confessed that he visited Zymf last night, but I don't know why he'd do that when Zymf made a big deal of jailing Crossbell? Don't know why Ruu's voting for me. That lynch is never gonna go through, and she isn't a stubborn player like me. Seems like an attempt to get off the train. If she's scum who do you think her partner is? If she's TPR we should still have 2 scum to catch? Who do you think they might be? wen294 said: logic340 said: I feel DenjaX, wen and Zymf are a few players who would I feel would get the full potential and benefit greatly from this type of role. I'm not really good at convincing people of anything. Strategy in who to neighbourize will only get you so far. Pause and approach...? sorry mobile is killing me in these typos are just so upsetting. That was supposed to say playstyle and approach. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 11:14 AM
vote: Oyasumi_Rosie Just in case she's lying about choosing odd phases. |
...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not. |
May 18, 2017 11:16 AM
May 18, 2017 11:18 AM
@Oyasumi_Rosie and @RE1031 you two should take a break for a few. Or at least focus on other people and topics. Give your irritation and frustration with one another some time to cool down because neither of you is getting anywhere with this right now. I'm going to take a little break from posting I'll be checking in from mobile. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
May 18, 2017 11:22 AM
logic340 said: Bro I leave for class in 20 minutes, you won't see me for nine hours after this. @Oyasumi_Rosie and @RE1031 you two should take a break for a few. Or at least focus on other people and topics. Give your irritation and frustration with one another some time to cool down because neither of you is getting anywhere with this right now. I'm going to take a little break from posting I'll be checking in from mobile. I shouldn't have to suffer alone. And what about the points I made? RE's plan is way more scum than town, esp the way it would play out. |
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