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GG Fetish Media
GG Fetish Media
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Lily Meets Kaa 2

11/29/23 8:01 AM12 min794 MBmp41080p
Price10.99 EUR


After Lily's first encounter with Kaa in the jungle, being entranced and toyed with, she was let go and allowed to return home. Lily had no idea that Kaa followed her back to her apartment, and now he's arrived to once again put Lily back under his spell.

Key highlights of video include:

Lily is mesmerized by Kaa's eyes and put under his spell. She repeats her programming while colored circles pulse in her eyes.
Extended scene of Lily being controlled with circles in her eyes. (3 min)
Zombie-walks while chanting her mantras.
Presents her hosed legs and socked feet for Kaa to inspect and taste.
Posed as a zombie while chanting mantras.
Constricted and entranced.
No nudity.

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