Americans Are the "Most Attractive" People in World, Poll Finds


Postal Paranoiac
Yep. There's something to that miscegenation. Oh yeah.
I have to think that the people involved in this must have just went off of what is seen in the movies and television and not what is the overall normal view of how we are, because quite frankly it's often very different than that perception.
WTF??? India above Canada? Gtfo. Quality over quantiy. Shit. Even if it was quantity over quality, Canada should still be ahead. This list is crazy. There is more beautiful women at the Calgary Stampede than there is in the entire country of India.
WTF??? India above Canada? Gtfo. Quality over quantiy. Shit. Even if it was quantity over quality, Canada should still be ahead. This list is crazy. There is more beautiful women at the Calgary Stampede than there is in the entire country of India.

Lmao, you're hilarious. :1orglaugh

Just wait until Revamp gets in here...


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
WTF??? India above Canada? Gtfo. Quality over quantiy. Shit. Even if it was quantity over quality, Canada should still be ahead. This list is crazy. There is more beautiful women at the Calgary Stampede than there is in the entire country of India.

Maybe the people or person who made the list, only examined bollywood actresses and not the people in the slums?
WTF??? India above Canada? Gtfo. Quality over quantiy. Shit. Even if it was quantity over quality, Canada should still be ahead. This list is crazy. There is more beautiful women at the Calgary Stampede than there is in the entire country of India.

You damned xenophobic racist pig...:tongue:

Just admit it, America is better than Canada...and the rest of the world for that matter. ;)

(Well, I can vouch for my state, the Midwest and a few other states for that matter, but in general the rest of America is entirely up in the air - regional, cultural, and otherwise. America really IS like four [or more] different countries in one: South, Midwest, East, West, IMO.)

Hmmm, not sure about that, but we are the most diverse country in the world.

:popcorn: :tongue:

The 5,000 globe-trotting Britons that completed the poll, must have been celeb magazine reading women. Hollywood images for No1, followed by some beach holiday destinations.

My top List Would be something like this.

1. Canada
2. Czech
3. Hungary
4. Romania
5. Slovakia
6. Russia
7. Sweden
8. Aussies
9. Brazil
10. Spain or Netherlands

150. England
The 5,000 globe-trotting Britons that completed the poll, must have been celeb magazine reading women. Hollywood images for No1, followed by some beach holiday destinations.

My top List Would be something like this.

1. Canada
2. Czech
3. Hungary
4. Romania
5. Slovakia
6. Russia
7. Sweden
8. Aussies
9. Brazil
10. Spain or Netherlands

150. England

England 150? You'd really put us that high?
The 5,000 globe-trotting Britons that completed the poll, must have been celeb magazine reading women. Hollywood images for No1, followed by some beach holiday destinations.

My top List Would be something like this.

1. Canada
2. Czech
3. Hungary
4. Romania
5. Slovakia
6. Russia
7. Sweden
8. Aussies
9. Brazil
10. Spain or Netherlands

150. England

Sorry BNB, but I can't agree. What provinces have you been to? Most of them are completely baren wastelands with nothing but maybe one large metro area to them (i.e. Manitoba, Saskachewen, and the Eastern Provinces). I've been to three and I was never knocked over by a female, although I don't doubt at all that there are pleanty there.

Again referring to my post above yours, speaking about my region in general I know for a fact there are stunners all around me. I can go to the Mall of America this afternoon and see at least a few dozen women that are flawless. I won't speak for the rest of the nation except a few other state I've been to such as Illinois, Florida, Texas - all of which have some foxes. :2 cents:)

Also, I thought your European list was a bit off as well. Ukraine? Denmark? Poland? GERMANY? These are at the top as well IMO. Although I am Czech, Hungarian and Swedish so no arguments there.

Sorry BNB, but I can't agree. What provinces have you been to? Most of them are completely baren wastelands with nothing but maybe one large metro area to them (i.e. Manitoba, Saskachewen, and the Eastern Provinces). I've been to three and I was never knocked over by a female, although I don't doubt at all that there are pleanty there.

Again referring to my post above yours, speaking about my region in general I know for a fact there are stunners all around me. I can go to the Mall of America this afternoon and see at least a few dozen women that are flawless. I won't speak for the rest of the nation except a few other state I've been to such as Illinois, Florida, Texas - all of which have some foxes. :2 cents:)

Also, I thought your European list was a bit off as well. Ukraine? Denmark? Poland? GERMANY? These are at the top as well IMO. Although I am Czech, Hungarian and Swedish so no arguments there.


I agree 100% Dude where I live there are babes everywhere and it seems the younger they are the hotter, sexy breeds sexy right? Anyway if I went to the Mall I'd see literally hundreds of hotties and all day long too, dont get me wrong there's some ugly bitches too but they don't like to go out in broad daylight :D You see these type's in Walmart and Family Dollar wearing Pajamas and Moomoo's. But for sure America has the most Beautiful women in the world! Also Lebanese women should be in that list!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
oh boy.
Most know I live in Colombia.
There is no doubt in my mind that Colombian women ( most of whom are as white as the average German for example) are the most attractive women in the universe.
Faces like angels, Bodies like no other country in the world.
Almost anybody who has been here will tell you the same.
And they didn't even make the list.

But the title does say "People" and if you equate the average Colombian guy in the mix, Homely as sin, anarexic looking stains maybe thats why Colombia didn't make the list.

I have to admit, I clicked on this thread just to see how badly you'd wig out at the results. :D

You know what's wild though? That most Colombian woman are White and have angelic faces with perfect bodies, while the average Colombian guy is "scrawny and Indian looking" (a MeesterPerfect post from another thread). :confused: Just from a genetic standpoint, I think that's pretty fascinating stuff. I bet it's like in ancient Sparta, where they'd inspect baby boys and cull the ones who were born premature, small or had deformities. They'd take those babies out and leave them to die in the hills. They must do that with baby girls in Colombia. Otherwise, the ugly, scrawny, Indian looking boys, who had sisters, would likely have ugly, scrawny, Indian looking female siblings. He's a big shot and hard to get close to now, but if I ever get a chance to talk to Juan Montoya again, I'll have to ask him about this (supposed) genetic anomaly in Colombia. ;)

Anyway, even though my current girl isn't a Latina, their look is one that I've also preferred in the past. Looking back, I guess even I have put up with crap from pretty Latinas that I'd never let other girls get away with. Once they know they've made you mad, they go into that little sing-song voice (like Sofia Vergara does on Modern Family) and you might as well realize that you've lost the battle. Colombia does have some beautiful women though (to my eyes). As does Brazil, Venezuela and Argentina. How many years has Miss Venezuela won the Miss Universe pageant? It seemed like a girl from South America would win almost every year there for awhile. But my guess is, the U.S. placed so high because we have SUCH a diverse population. Even in the White population here, there is a diverse mix of ethnicities and nationalities. Whereas in a lot of other countries, there isn't as much diversity. Back in my running days, if I went to a party in D.C., in one evening I might meet some Koreans, some Brits, some Nigerians, some Brazilians, some Salvadorans, some Germans, some French-Canadians, some Greeks... and I'd be with my Peruvian fiancee, who was of Italian and Spanish ancestry.

There is no objective or universal standard of beauty. So IMO, variety is truly the spice of life. Viva la Difference! :clap:

But if you go for a walk on the Mall in D.C., go shopping at the Westwood Village Galleria (near UCLA) or have lunch at Marina del Rey, and you don't see a girl that you find attractive, you're probably either dead, blind, gay... or all three.
oh boy.
Most know I live in Colombia.
There is no doubt in my mind that Colombian women ( most of whom are as white as the average German for example) are the most attractive women in the universe.
Faces like angels, Bodies like no other country in the world.
Almost anybody who has been here will tell you the same.
And they didn't even make the list.

But the title does say "People" and if you equate the average Colombian guy in the mix, Homely as sin, anarexic looking stains maybe thats why Colombia didn't make the list.
But Mexico did? Laughable.
England? Oh jeez.
And the USA #1? Shit, when I'm in the states I go months without seeing a women I think is beautiful.
No Czech, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia?
Who made this list, Mr. Magoo???????

Well said.....some unbelievable women from Hungary and the Czech Republic.

I think that the moral of the story here, though, is that diversity is the key and if you want a pretty baby,

1. Put down the swastika
2. Tell grampa (and his 1950's bullshit) to fuck off back to the nursing home
3. Go find yourself a different skin tone.

Failure to do this will result in a buck-tooth freak of nature who will, ultimately, be resigned to marrying another buck-tooth freak of nature....and your genetic line is doomed forever.

Oh and one more thing,

4. Stay the fuck outta Arizona.

I hope this helps.

Sorry BNB, but I can't agree. What provinces have you been to? Most of them are completely baren wastelands with nothing but maybe one large metro area to them (i.e. Manitoba, Saskachewen, and the Eastern Provinces). I've been to three and I was never knocked over by a female, although I don't doubt at all that there are pleanty there.

Again referring to my post above yours, speaking about my region in general I know for a fact there are stunners all around me. I can go to the Mall of America this afternoon and see at least a few dozen women that are flawless. I won't speak for the rest of the nation except a few other state I've been to such as Illinois, Florida, Texas - all of which have some foxes. :2 cents:)

Also, I thought your European list was a bit off as well. Ukraine? Denmark? Poland? GERMANY? These are at the top as well IMO. Although I am Czech, Hungarian and Swedish so no arguments there.


Wastelands!!! don't you mean the prairies?;)

Last time I visited the States, no matter what crack house I went to, all the women were ugly. There wasn't a stunner in sight. :tongue:

I selected Countries as a whole rather than select provinces. I admit Canada as my no1 was biased bullshit and I could have left them out. Mind you, there's some hot chicks in Ontario and Quebec. I wasn't being serious with England's rating either, both UK and USA prob wouldn't quite make my top 10 though.

There's beautiful women in lots of countries, if you're in the right places.