The Old Republic: Rescue Mission - (2015) Short Film

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Follow us: / torrescuemission
    WINNER of 4 JMC Academy 2015 Martini Awards for Best Direction, Best Musical Score, Best Post-Production & Best Overall Picture!
    What if the only way to be a hero was to become a villain?
    The Old Republic: Rescue Mission is a passion project born from the idea of breaking the bounds of achievability. Begun as a small collective of individuals to soon becoming a larger team, we set out with an aim to create some of the best fan-made content ever to be based from the Star Wars Expanded Universe lore. It is an original story featuring Mission Vao and Revan, set between the events of the KOTOR game and Drew Karpyshyn's novel 'Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan'.
    'A thief captured for reasons involving a galactic threat is the target of a rescue attempt by the Republic’s finest, botched by the fallen hero she had served with many years ago.'
    Shot in Melbourne, Australia.
    Stephanie Elkington, Cassandra Bleechmore & Matthew Keating.
    Directed by Dean Musumeci & Michael Irwin
    Screenplay by Kirstin McKenzie & Liam Shanahan
    JMC Academy, Melbourne.
    Oaklands Productions
    Sanspants Radio
    Australian & Asian Orchestra Inc
    The Mandalorian Mercs - Sandhawk Clan
    Thank you to our Cast, Crew, Fans & IndieGoGo Supporters! You have all helped in making this project what it is today.
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 4,3 тыс.

  • @tuckbanks8039
    @tuckbanks8039 8 лет назад +2423

    This Revan is THE Revan, his beliefs on force use, his mannerisms, his voice, when I think of Revan, I think of this Revan.

    • @River-pg1uk
      @River-pg1uk 6 лет назад +15

      besides the torturing I imagine

    • @Adoobius
      @Adoobius 6 лет назад +176

      No, even that was Revan, he did so to prove a point, which was proven, he's a Gray, which means he will do what is necessary even if it seems wrong.

    • @shevthegreb757
      @shevthegreb757 6 лет назад +38


    • @kronoscamron7412
      @kronoscamron7412 6 лет назад +52

      Exactly.... pretty accurate , they also did a good job with his armor.

    • @AvarllanTelesto
      @AvarllanTelesto 6 лет назад +66

      "Define good?"

  • @MindedJewel
    @MindedJewel 5 лет назад +2436

    The person who portrayed Revan absolutely nailed the role!

  • @The_Lunch_Man
    @The_Lunch_Man 8 лет назад +1999

    Revan had a good actor.

    • @solasenergy2275
      @solasenergy2275 7 лет назад +45

      He did an amazing job, Revan is one of my personal favourites & I would love to see his character get properly developed, please have a look at the link I have in this reply, it could actually make this possible.

    • @spliff0289
      @spliff0289 6 лет назад +48

      @@solasenergy2275 BAD IDEA! I would not trust Netflix with a project like this. They've already butchered the Witcher. I don't wanna see Revan turn into a SJW lunatic. I'd rather wait until someone who knows what they're doing gets their hands on it. Netflix can't be given another opportunity to kill the things we love

    • @gamma2589
      @gamma2589 6 лет назад +29

      @@spliff0289 The Witcher hasn't even been released yet, calm down.

    • @Copeydude101
      @Copeydude101 6 лет назад +8

      @@gamma2589 I dont understand how people can judge something based on 1 photograph my judgement is reserved until iv seen an episode or 2

    • @gamma2589
      @gamma2589 6 лет назад +1

      @@Copeydude101 Mhm.

  • @michaelmckeithan2293
    @michaelmckeithan2293 5 лет назад +1450

    This is still the best depiction of Revan that I have ever seen. The voice, the mannerism's the willingness to pull his punches in order to teach even in the field of battle... 4 years later, I still look this up and watch it.

    • @blake4770
      @blake4770 5 лет назад +23

      its fucking beautiful

    • @whiterose8601
      @whiterose8601 4 года назад +13

      Joseph Miller how did you get here without knowing who one of the most popular old Sith Lords in Star Wars he is easily in top 5
      The old sith are better the palp and sky guy

    • @BO4_R1
      @BO4_R1 4 года назад +3

      @Joseph Miller One of, if not the most power sith and jedi in the history of Star Wars.

    • @proudamerican183
      @proudamerican183 3 года назад +1

      @@whiterose8601 Maybe he was just surfing the RUclips waves, hangin' 10 and just going wherever the waves took him? And the waves brought him here?

    • @leconenleksa1137
      @leconenleksa1137 3 года назад

      @@whiterose8601 learn to use these: . , So damn hard to read.

  • @Ratman1029
    @Ratman1029 5 лет назад +1140

    Having the Mandalorians actually speaking Mando'a really sealed this for me as one of my favorite Star Wars fan films, along with the fantastic depiction of Revan. Also Revan's voice actor was scary good.

    • @CrucialSlimm
      @CrucialSlimm 5 лет назад +12

      Yeah but they did take off their masks. It could be that they arent actual mandalorians like the fetts but if they are its lore breaking. Still an amazing short film

    • @phenjaws569
      @phenjaws569 5 лет назад +114

      @@CrucialSlimm actually, the never removing the helmets thing is new for The Mandalorian, in Clone Wars and Rebels mandalorians remove their helmets pretty often

    • @CrucialSlimm
      @CrucialSlimm 5 лет назад

      PhenJaws do you know if the mandalorian is truely canon?? Bc I thought the mandalorian was set before rebels and clone wars, but still I guess that’s true

    • @phenjaws569
      @phenjaws569 5 лет назад +32

      @@CrucialSlimm it's between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, and I'm pretty sure it's canon as disney/lucasfilm hasn't made anything that isn't supposed to be canon as of yet

    • @CrucialSlimm
      @CrucialSlimm 5 лет назад +2

      PhenJaws okay cool, thanks for letting me know!

  • @aliasn4088
    @aliasn4088 6 лет назад +1427

    "Not a step further."Takes a step.
    "I am not here for you."
    Savage Revan. Savage.

  • @larseirikfodnes4361
    @larseirikfodnes4361 5 лет назад +1105

    Best strategy for fighting Revan: Don't.

    • @vladskiobi
      @vladskiobi 4 года назад +79

      Ask Malak, he'll tell you. The first time, he lost his jaw. The second time, his life.

    • @NoahDentonVlogs
      @NoahDentonVlogs 4 года назад +22

      Ha ha, don’t fight Revan unless you have a death wish

    • @ellnats
      @ellnats 4 года назад +1

      true, but its a part of my past that i need to face

    • @jeffreyherrera5069
      @jeffreyherrera5069 4 года назад +14

      Emperor Vitiate: Allow me to introduce myself.

    • @larseirikfodnes4361
      @larseirikfodnes4361 4 года назад +18

      @@jeffreyherrera5069 Yeah, Vitiate is just insane powerful. One of many characters I'd love to see make a live action- appearance in a movie/series sometime

  • @RedFeralWolf
    @RedFeralWolf 4 года назад +748

    Jedi: “We use it for good”
    Reven: “Define good”
    Such a good line. This was truly awesome good work to everyone who worked on this. Love the dude playing Reven.

    • @proudamerican183
      @proudamerican183 3 года назад +35

      It is a valid point. Try to give the definition of good. You will get many answers. There is no one definition of good same as there is no one definition of bad. Everything is but a gray. Good to one is bad to another. Vice versa, bad to one is good to another. Right is right yet right is wrong. Wrong is wrong yet wrong is right.

    • @RedFeralWolf
      @RedFeralWolf 3 года назад +20

      @@proudamerican183 true, very few (though there has been some) people view themselves as evil even when they do horrible things. We can only judge things based off our own values and hope people have similar outlooks as us.

    • @upsidedownpyramid7617
      @upsidedownpyramid7617 2 года назад +4

      I think it hit so incredibly hard, especially due to what was happening as the conversation was being held. The consular and her guardian dropped the entire mission, left the republic soldiers to be slaughtered by Mandalorians in the same way the jedi council did all that time ago just so she could attempt to apprehend Revan, who she knew damn well she wasn't going to beat in a fight, all for the sake of the jedi order. She was there to help those republic soldiers save Mission from the Mandalorians, but the moment she saw Revan she decided she was better off getting in his way and costing the republic troops their lives, nearly costing Mission her life had she not been so crafty, and nearly costing her own life, if Revan was as evil as her order portrayed him. Revan (and myself to a degree) have a very consequentialist way of thinking, the thing that is good, the thing that is morally right, is the thing that secures peace, safety, happiness, etc for the most people. Everyone is deserving of equal respect, if killing one saves three thats the right choice for instance.

    • @littlemagpie2156
      @littlemagpie2156 2 года назад +4

      I loved the tone of Revan's reply too. When he said, "define good," he seemed sad, like he wished he knew the answer himself

    • @sebastianb.3978
      @sebastianb.3978 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@upsidedownpyramid7617Thinking like that only works as long as you're talking strangers. I highly doubt you'd still adhere that mindset if the choise was "let my child die, three strangers live."

  • @phant0mgltch192
    @phant0mgltch192 6 лет назад +478

    Revan: "You must be prepared for the next sith you face may be your last...I am not sith"
    Love, love, love
    Revan is the best

  • @beastlyrex2947
    @beastlyrex2947 5 лет назад +762

    “There is no power a Sith holds that a Jedi cannot choose to wield. You must be strong enough to master the Force in its entirety.”
    Probably my favorite quote from this fan film. Perfectly showcases Revan’s decisions throughout his life

    • @beastlyrex2947
      @beastlyrex2947 4 года назад +70

      Because the Jedi Code forbids the user to use Force Lightning or Nihilus’ Abilities. It has the potential to corrupt the user’s mind and go to the dark side. What Revan teaches is this: Anyone can use any ability and can stay on their chosen path. True strength lies in trusting the Force alone, not truly abiding by one’s Jedi/Sith Code.

    • @alexandrelourencinho1431
      @alexandrelourencinho1431 4 года назад +15

      @@beastlyrex2947 nihilu's abilities seems to cannot be control entirely. Even Kreia is afraid of it.

    • @beastlyrex2947
      @beastlyrex2947 4 года назад +11

      Ohraz, Because she knows her limitations. Revan was able to tap to both sides of the spectrum of the Force, allowing him to be one of the best force wielders in Star Wars. Kreya understands that she cannot tap into Nihilus’ power, and she is afraid of how powerful Nihilus was.

    • @alexandrelourencinho1431
      @alexandrelourencinho1431 4 года назад +16

      @@beastlyrex2947 nihilus became slave of his own power and can't do whatever he wants. His fate would have been to devour the entire galaxy then die starving. This is not a real power, it's a curse. Kreia say it in the ebon hawk when the exiled ask for nihilus powers.

    • @beastlyrex2947
      @beastlyrex2947 4 года назад +5

      Ohraz, because Nihilus was too far gone with the dark side of the force. Because he was engulfed with too much of the Dark Side, it consumed him and controlled him. But, Revan was able to keep that balance of both Light and Dark

  • @Fnelrbnef
    @Fnelrbnef 6 лет назад +1376

    "You saved your guardian using something you thought was abhorrent." Shieet.
    Disney - take notes!

    • @blackdevildog6416
      @blackdevildog6416 5 лет назад +60

      Disney takes only the childhood and lore of our favorite galaxy far, far away and corrupts and perverts it to cater to a weak generation of fans. Throws out YEARS of novels and explanatory texts that elaborate on EVERY era of the Star Wars universe in favor of money.

    • @HenryLouis21
      @HenryLouis21 5 лет назад +2

      BlackDevilDog no, they only removed the old books from canon because it could allow them to tell new stories that new readers can enjoy and not alienate new audiences who might be introduced to the franchise for the first time.

    • @blackdevildog6416
      @blackdevildog6416 5 лет назад +37

      @@HenryLouis21 You're right. It makes total sense to destroy an established franchise instead of writing more original content that lines up with existing canon. Disney has ruined Star Wars, that's how it is. They simply don't get how the universe works. If you couldn't understand that from the bomber scene, then you had no chance of grasping it. On top of that, they couldn't write a good character if they wanted to.

    • @HenryLouis21
      @HenryLouis21 5 лет назад +2

      @@blackdevildog6416 Oh yeah, cause technically having bombs dropping down on a dreadnought somewhat makes Disney not understand the franchise they own. Jesus your fanboys are pathetic. Second of all, they are already beginning to make more original content such as The Mandalorian and the High Republic books and comics.

    • @blackdevildog6416
      @blackdevildog6416 5 лет назад +26

      @@HenryLouis21 You can buy a Ducati without knowledge of how they work. You can buy a .50 Cal without knowing the grains of the rounds or the proper way to set your headspace and timing. Owning something doesn't automatically mean you understand it. If you can defend a bunch of child molesters and political rejects and they're shoddy "work," then you are loose from reality. Star Wars is all political and immature pandering and has been since Disney got their grubby stained hand on it.
      The Mandalorian is the only thing that can possibly save Disney any face on the Star Wars front. It's true to the "old books" and holds weight without the need to make men look worthless, or glorify a character with no arc or development.
      I'm sorry if you're new to the saga and universe and don't quite understand how it's worked for literal decades. But even from a fiscal standpoint, Star Wars has been a major disaster since "Episode 7" came along. Huge flops. Poor box office sales after episode 7, lowest toy sales, and the production cost was barely covered for each film. The reason some people even give these poor excuses for movies the light of day is PURELY nostalgia. More fans of the franchise agree that Disney has ruined Star Wars than those who support it. A good portion of new fans only flock to it because it tickles their social justice fancy. People who had never even seen a movie, book, or game just came out of the woodwork. And that pandering led to disastrous moves on Disney's part. They can have the same great actors they have now, but until there's a real canon script, it's worthless. Hell the have my brother playing the sappiest "sith lord" I've ever seen. Adam does great work and is a fine actor, but his character's arc is flatter than Captain Marvel's ass and is poorly written. That's not Driver's fault, he's doing what he gets paid to do. Just like he did while he was in.
      In summary, my friend, if you're going to step up to the plate to defend the bullshit that is "Star Wars" today, then come with actual debate. Calling someone pathetic is pretty weak, by the way. I've been called much worse by much better men than you. So go do your homework, open your mind a little bit, and then come try again.
      До свидания

  • @bigj1905
    @bigj1905 4 года назад +197

    Revan literally fought that entire duel just to prove a point. What a legend.

  • @lordrevanchist
    @lordrevanchist 8 лет назад +1222

    Revan dialogue and acting was 10/10.

    • @marcusdial2462
      @marcusdial2462 8 лет назад +58

      Best Revan I've ever seen

    • @tuckbanks8039
      @tuckbanks8039 8 лет назад +60

      I know, right? I mean, usually in Star Wars fan films, you hear that "Give yourself to the dark side. It is your destiny" stuff. But here, it's so refreshing! Like, it shows that the force is much more a science than a matter of good vs bad

    • @SnifyWisper
      @SnifyWisper 8 лет назад +67

      The over all message was very similar to Kyle Katarn and his view on the force. There is not true good or evil, only how one chooses to use the to use the force.

    • @Darth_Xionn
      @Darth_Xionn 8 лет назад +6

      If you like less good and evil type stuff, the Vong books are pretty neat with that.

    • @Cj-zg6gm
      @Cj-zg6gm 7 лет назад +2


  • @killianmck7
    @killianmck7 8 лет назад +763

    Revan's acting and dialogue were incredible!!

  • @BlackBirdGuardian
    @BlackBirdGuardian 8 лет назад +492

    not gonna lie... That Revan costume looks perfect!

    • @tuckbanks8039
      @tuckbanks8039 8 лет назад +4

      +I. Th. YES.

    • @Duchess_Van_Hoof
      @Duchess_Van_Hoof 8 лет назад +28

      Yep, THIS is Revan.

    • @aaronfrank541
      @aaronfrank541 7 лет назад +1

      BlackBirdGuardian where did you get the costume? the mask and robes?

    • @misfit4373
      @misfit4373 7 лет назад

      omfg when she forcepulled his sword as this bitch would ever been able to overpower revans forcepower shed never be able to break through his mental defense and pull the sword...

    • @misfit4373
      @misfit4373 7 лет назад +2

      but lmao when he smacked her face and cut the mofuckers knees that made me feel good

  • @CainEverest
    @CainEverest 4 года назад +152

    Revan fought countless opponents over the years. Two Jedi underlings were never going to stand up to him.
    This wasn't a fight, this was a lesson. And Revan taught them both some stuff

    @HORSESNDOGS9 8 лет назад +500

    "We use it for good."
    "Define good."
    Love that line!

    • @NYG1991
      @NYG1991 6 лет назад +21

      HORSESNDOGS9, Revan: ”I am not Sith.”

    • @thakingkaiser
      @thakingkaiser 6 лет назад +12

      I just love all of his lines (and of course all of his everything else too)

    • @TabacoTheGreen
      @TabacoTheGreen 6 лет назад +12

      Revan is the equilibrium is what i always said about the jedi and the sith is like real life extremes are not good. Jedi equal to communism sith equal to fascism. Amazing Revan.

    • @michaelsandoval7608
      @michaelsandoval7608 6 лет назад +4

      Peace, Love, Happiness, Liberty, & Justice.

    • @ellnats
      @ellnats 5 лет назад +4

      there is corruption even in the purest of hearts

  • @altantagrin9474
    @altantagrin9474 4 года назад +344

    "Where is Revan?"
    Me: *tilts head* ...Mission?!
    *Reads title again* ...ooooh, that Mission. Punny. *clap clap clap*

    • @ellnats
      @ellnats 4 года назад +1


    • @christiannamarieterenama6254
      @christiannamarieterenama6254 4 года назад +14

      I recognized Mission right off... How many other slate grey twills do you know... But where is her walking carpet...

    • @phineashammer4752
      @phineashammer4752 4 года назад +1

      from kotor!!!

    • @personmcperson4440
      @personmcperson4440 4 года назад +2

      @@christiannamarieterenama6254 But.....Mission Vao is BLUE, not gray.
      I don't know how many slate gray twills you know, but if they say they're Mission, they're imposters.

  • @jimjimellell
    @jimjimellell 5 лет назад +591

    Red = Sith. Blue = Jedi. Red + Blue = Purple. Revan has knowledge of the force that predates the schism between the two factions. I'm hangin' with Revan.

    • @chancecarlson2023
      @chancecarlson2023 5 лет назад +53

      I think it was darth bane who looked at a holocron revan had made and was just baffled by how much knowledge and power revan held. He touted him as the strongest sith to have ever lived

    • @NYG1991
      @NYG1991 4 года назад +16

      I always wondered why Revan wielded a purple lightsaber. The only Jedi who did was Mace Windu. I never thought of it in that way. Thank you for the explanation. It’s actually brilliant if you think about it.
      Revan truly was one of the top three in my book.

    • @NYG1991
      @NYG1991 4 года назад +3

      General Grievous, Exar Khun turned to the Dark Side and dominated an entire species of Sith monsters.

    • @post_rockybalboa
      @post_rockybalboa 4 года назад +2

      A Grey Jedi 🖤

    • @alexandrelourencinho1431
      @alexandrelourencinho1431 4 года назад +11

      His knowledge came krom arren kae, aka Kreia, who is really the fucking most interesting character in the whole star wars history

  • @NoblePerseverance
    @NoblePerseverance 6 лет назад +584

    13:53 "I am not Sith."
    This has got to be the coolest sensation being recieved from this scene. THIS IS SO AWESOME!

    • @religiousotaku9926
      @religiousotaku9926 5 лет назад +39

      JohnRyan Granada *pulls out violet lightsaber*
      *faints from nerdgasm*

    • @ellnats
      @ellnats 5 лет назад +21

      i agree, i try to be a good jedi, but i do use force abilities like lightning and grip, but i dont use it on innocent lives, i use it to defend them, i am not sith, but i am not with the jedi either

    • @cerooscuas
      @cerooscuas 5 лет назад +1

      Gave me chills

    • @matatosmiff9496
      @matatosmiff9496 5 лет назад

      cerooscuas me too

    • @K_Balu
      @K_Balu 5 лет назад +7

      He was somewhere beetwen the Jedi and Sith, Light and Dark, he knows the positives and negatives both sides, but never let himself consumed by either, he can be merciful and ruthless, mostly killed who deserved it and what the Jedi never understood

  • @solidsnake8169
    @solidsnake8169 5 лет назад +254

    Love that when he was using red lightsaber they kinda stood a chance,but when he started using purple,he just trashed them.

  • @argentum1392
    @argentum1392 6 лет назад +596

    Whoever did the voice for Revan sounds just like he does in SWTOR. It's great.

    • @75JUNAKI
      @75JUNAKI 5 лет назад +8

      Argentum I hate Revans SWTOR voice but like this one

    • @75JUNAKI
      @75JUNAKI 5 лет назад +12

      Argentum also he does not sound like he did in SWTOR

    • @antezarko6397
      @antezarko6397 5 лет назад +19

      He sound like liam neeson

    • @Alpharius180
      @Alpharius180 5 лет назад +20

      He sounds like SWTOR voice but his lines fit him so much better with the idealistic tactician, a protector without mercy while swtor Revan just kind of existed as fan service

    • @jasonmugford6100
      @jasonmugford6100 4 года назад +2

      This would be a great opening to an old republic movie/series. Rly great stuff, thanks.

  • @Pav94an
    @Pav94an 8 лет назад +161

    The camera use was excellent, the acting I thought was medicore until Revan spoke --- he nailed it perfectly, good job.

  • @RKVersion1
    @RKVersion1 4 года назад +127

    "There is no Power a Sith holds that a Jedi cannot choose to wield."
    Hey that's a pretty decent depiction of Revan.

  • @ethanlukes584
    @ethanlukes584 8 лет назад +299

    Jedi Sentinal: "Embracing the dark side is not the answer."
    Revan: "So good of you to think so."

  • @nathanaelheil2818
    @nathanaelheil2818 8 лет назад +639

    I like Revan's ideology of the force in this one.

    • @tennoshenaniganizer9234
      @tennoshenaniganizer9234 8 лет назад +17

      I. Th. he's a grey Jedi

    • @227th3rdPioneers
      @227th3rdPioneers 8 лет назад +6

      I. Th. by ancient, you mean that the force is one and not two?

    • @227th3rdPioneers
      @227th3rdPioneers 8 лет назад +17

      I. Th. Well, I'm going it'd of Kotor's and SWTOR version of him where he believes the force isn't light or dark it's just the force.

    • @vladskiobi
      @vladskiobi 7 лет назад +25

      If Grey Jedi were in the dictionary, it would show a picture of Revan. I always try and play him as grey as possible when I play KOTOR. If my light side/dark side bar isn't dead centre by the end, I'm doing it wrong.

    • @mr.whisper3338
      @mr.whisper3338 7 лет назад +21

      I really am intrigued by the idea that the Dark Side can be used for good as long as the user directs their anger/hate in the proper way.

  • @linegenrou
    @linegenrou 8 лет назад +65

    The guy who played Revan nailed it. He had a strong presence and the voice was awesome.

  • @vernonhampton6973
    @vernonhampton6973 5 лет назад +376

    The person playing Mission Vao was great
    Whoever played Revan needs an Oscar...

    • @blake4770
      @blake4770 5 лет назад +2

      @ he literally says her name at the end

    •  5 лет назад +4

      @@blake4770 I don't know why but she looks kinda...... Fat?

    • @16imademanudutawedharma96
      @16imademanudutawedharma96 4 года назад +13

      @ not fat you fool!
      She's *THICC* !
      She achieve a powerful force ability not even rey can achieve!

    • @16imademanudutawedharma96
      @16imademanudutawedharma96 4 года назад

      @ huh.
      I didn't even think of that.

    •  4 года назад

      @@16imademanudutawedharma96 hahahah!

  • @thomashames5081
    @thomashames5081 8 лет назад +235

    This is the best Rendition of Revan that I have ever seen. His voice, his philosophy, and even his look. He spares the Jedi but thoughtlessly kills the mando. This is one of the top Star Wars films I've ever seen. Please make more!!!

    • @BMAD_Christoph27
      @BMAD_Christoph27 8 лет назад +41

      He didnt thoughtlessly kill the mandos, he gave the first one a chance but he blew it and he had to kill the second one as he was about to shoot mission.

    • @inszel
      @inszel 6 лет назад +15

      the mando called him a coward and a few other things i didn't catch, no point trying to interrogate a mando after that.

    • @dragongreek9059
      @dragongreek9059 6 лет назад +1

      for me this in number 1

  • @Specter40364
    @Specter40364 3 года назад +125

    The way Revan walks up to the defeated Jedi… Calmly, casually. Then gently kneels down, and tenderly hands her her lightsaber. She grasps it, and pulls it to her chest tightly. Like a child, pulling a favorite stuffed toy closer in a moment of fear.
    “The Force does not control you, young one. You saved your guardian, using something you thought was abhorrent. But your motives are still aligned with the Jedi code.”
    This is a MASTERFULLY written scene. A Sith convinced a Jedi to use the dark side of the force for good… and then convinced them that there’s no difference in the end.

    • @Grandadmiral_Mitthrawnuruodo
      @Grandadmiral_Mitthrawnuruodo 2 года назад +16

      Revan is no Sith and no Jedi, he is the Heart of the Force.

    • @Pecos1
      @Pecos1 Год назад +16

      Revan was a Jedi, who became Sith (thanks to the Emporer's mind control), who then became a Jedi once more (thanks in no small part to his... well, to Bastilla Shan). Eventually, Revan found both sides overly dogmatic and two-faced, and thus walked away from both, learning to balance both sides of the Force, and becoming a true Jed'aii, the progenitors of the Jedi who walked in balance, being neither too light nor too dark. Younger fans mistakenly coined the term "Gray Jedi" because they didn't know the history.

    • @Grandadmiral_Mitthrawnuruodo
      @Grandadmiral_Mitthrawnuruodo Год назад +2

      @@Pecos1 True

    • @DS93336
      @DS93336 Год назад

      Reminds me of Kyle Katarn

  • @BlakPanthaa
    @BlakPanthaa 8 лет назад +124

    I loved how "Darth Revan" was slick giving advice to the jedi, getting her to unlock her true potential

    • @vladskiobi
      @vladskiobi 7 лет назад +7

      He isn't really "Darth" anymore, seeing as how he abandoned the Sith as well as the Jedi.

    • @vladskiobi
      @vladskiobi 7 лет назад +7

      No, his mind split after he was captured and tortured by the Emperor for 300 years.

  • @AethyrPrime
    @AethyrPrime 5 лет назад +253

    Best depiction of Revan in live action ever. The Twi’lek’s acting was a bit spotty in the beginning and two of the republic soldiers were a bit over acted but everyone else was spot on. The effects were great and the story was also great. Revans dialogue was stellar, as was his acting, line delivery and voice. Great job to all involved. More please.

    • @AndreNitroX
      @AndreNitroX 4 года назад

      Very impressive

    • @QuatarTarandir
      @QuatarTarandir 8 месяцев назад

      Yeah, at first, I was a bit worried about this, but the Revan acting and such more than made up for it

  • @Respect-qn9tp
    @Respect-qn9tp 8 лет назад +136

    "You must be strong enough to master the force in it's entirety." OOOOOhHHHHH, chills!

  • @michaelkaiser4293
    @michaelkaiser4293 8 лет назад +365

    The guy who did Revan was fucking awesome

  • @IGLXenix
    @IGLXenix 7 лет назад +776

    That was the best Revan depiction I've seen! with Revan's ideology of the force. his voice, his demeanor and his costume was just about perfect! Well done to the actor too who played him it was a brilliant performance! And well done to everyone who worked on this, it was vary entertaining!

    • @blamalam7257
      @blamalam7257 5 лет назад +17

      So you're saying when Keanu Reeves gers cast in this role ....this is a film he should study for it in reference

    • @japman17
      @japman17 5 лет назад +14

      @@blamalam7257 yea ik think so, this is the best revan version i've seen so far....

    • @75JUNAKI
      @75JUNAKI 5 лет назад +1

      David Williams he shouldn't be cast as Darth Revan or Prodigal Knight Revan

    • @75JUNAKI
      @75JUNAKI 5 лет назад

      DeltaTM what are you talking about

    • @cadkls
      @cadkls 5 лет назад +1

      @@75JUNAKI He agrees. Are you not familiar with this common phrase?

  • @TorrmProduction
    @TorrmProduction  4 года назад +291

    Hello, all you glorious fans! We understand that with the recent release of The Mandalorian, it's given us some new lore about the culture. We've been getting inundated with "Mandos never remove their helmets!" comments. TOR:RM was released over five years ago waaaaay before Mando hit the global streaming services, and TOR:RM was developed under the basis of Old Republic Lore. In addition, please check some of your favorite Mandos from The Prequels (Jango), Canderous (TOR), and many others from Clones Wars, Rebels and our beloved EU. They too, remove their helmets!
    We appreciate all and every like and comment since our release (we still do read every single one of them!), and we are still very proud to have given you the best depiction of Revan to this day. Long live Revan, long live the EU!
    - Dean Musumeci

    • @J0rdanWebster
      @J0rdanWebster 4 года назад +9

      When's the Sequel?

    • @The.Orange.Wizard
      @The.Orange.Wizard 4 года назад +13

      I’d like to point out, Mandolorians not being allowed to remove their helmets in public was only in effect for foundlings, or ones taken in.
      This was likely a sign of a ‘new identity’ and many other Mandolorians have been shown removing their helmets like Canderous Ordo, Gar Saxon and Pre Visla.

    • @GreatBigBagOfDouche
      @GreatBigBagOfDouche 4 года назад +4

      Has Revans actor been picked up by Lucasfilm yet?

    • @Kanyama381
      @Kanyama381 4 года назад +9

      @@The.Orange.Wizard it's actually not for foundlings but a rule made up my Mandalorian who are children of the watch

    • @The.Orange.Wizard
      @The.Orange.Wizard 4 года назад

      @@Kanyama381 Eh, true, although that was revealed after my comment as Mando season 2 wasn’t out yet.
      I THINK...

  • @vaulthunter7777
    @vaulthunter7777 8 лет назад +166

    This is why The Old Republic should be a TV series.

    • @Basschannel1
      @Basschannel1 6 лет назад +6

      You, sir, are about to get your wish.

    • @DrLaserz
      @DrLaserz 6 лет назад +1


    • @adriannitoiu9925
      @adriannitoiu9925 6 лет назад +2

      @@Basschannel1 how do you know?

    • @theoking7705
      @theoking7705 6 лет назад

      No it would be to hard to adapt a videogame with that many different choices and outcomes into a tv show.

    • @thedeathmonkey3891
      @thedeathmonkey3891 6 лет назад +1

      Like clone wars

  • @killbilly2012
    @killbilly2012 8 лет назад +286

    lmao! Jedi: "we use it for good" Revan: "define good" Jedi: crickets...... love that part!

    • @ravenXcozmo
      @ravenXcozmo 8 лет назад +4

      killbilly2012 it would've been more epic if after the Jedi said "we use it for good." Revan would've instead me ousside!how ba dat!
      Jk it was perfect the way it was.

    • @JamMasterJesus
      @JamMasterJesus 7 лет назад +1

      David, link me.

    • @yanivgalmor1747
      @yanivgalmor1747 4 года назад +1

      "is watching hundereds of people die from the side and do nothing about it that much worse than killing hundreds of people?" i feel like this is something revan would say tbh

  • @LushVoxx
    @LushVoxx 4 года назад +274

    The Jedi: Embracing the dark side is not the answer.
    Revan: so good of you to think so.
    One of my favorite lines!!!

    • @dianabarnett6886
      @dianabarnett6886 4 года назад +24

      They got Revan's wit and sense of humor down.

    • @martmandred9182
      @martmandred9182 2 года назад +2

      Only a bit dry, since he was more serious, direct and straight forward.

  • @joetoft3428
    @joetoft3428 4 года назад +63

    This is Revan. All he wanted was to pass but he felt the force around her. He then decided to teach her something both the sith and jedi completely missed. Force Users believe that the force is a living energy and that energy is allowing them to wield it. Revan understood that the force does flow through everything but its doesn't control us, we act like a conduit for it. He made such an excellent point by stating that the force was here long before the jedi and Sith divided it into two opposing forces, with each granting unique abilities found only in their faction. Revan proved that both could ability sets could blend together given the weilder has sufficient strength to contain the power struggle and that the Jedi and the Sith in the end really are not so different. Its pretty dope. Also, the fact that he spoke Mando'a is even better.

  • @regirex4418
    @regirex4418 6 лет назад +75

    Love everything about Revan, how he’s basically a prophet who just wants to let Jedi and Sith grow to their full potential. He believes in the use of both Light and Dark, not just one.

    • @proudamerican183
      @proudamerican183 3 года назад +4

      "Prophet" seems to be the wrong word I think. "Mentor" seems to be a much better word for Revan.

  • @peanutbuttersketches
    @peanutbuttersketches 5 лет назад +169

    "You must be strong enough to master the force in its entirety."
    Such a boss line.

  • @goldman77700
    @goldman77700 8 лет назад +170

    Wow didn't think anybody could nail Revan's character that alone made this worth watching. Good stuff.

    • @kielwhitehead2579
      @kielwhitehead2579 6 лет назад +1

      Sorian Sky agreed. That is what keeps drawing me back to this short. I’ve probably watched it at least a dozen times

  • @lorastra6975
    @lorastra6975 5 лет назад +653

    "Define Good." "You are a fool to believe your masters when they tell you that there is only one way." "The Force was here long before the Jedi and Sith divided it."- Revan
    Those are the only words that needs to be said to ALL Jedi. It would probably take half of the entire Order. That is the change that the Sequel Trilogy should have given us....not purple haircuts.

    • @billygranzow1331
      @billygranzow1331 5 лет назад +19

      Sounds like he learned that from Jolee

    • @dhump132
      @dhump132 5 лет назад +21

      I really wish that they make a series like the mandalorian but based on Revan his views of the force seen so much more enlightened than either the sith or Jedi. His philosophy seems much more in line with the balance that the chosen one was supposed to achieve. Destroying the divide between light and dark and unifying all wielders to aim at a pure form of the force devoid of any bias

      @U.S.A.IS.A.BRIT.PROTECTATE 5 лет назад +5

      Not really lol. The Jedi know who they are & what they are: Beings who were given the Force to maintain the balance within the Force... The Sith (Dark Jedi) manipulate the Force to their will causing imbalance. Why would a Jedi want to embrace the Dark Side of the Force when it brings nothing but pain and suffering?

    • @williamflowers9435
      @williamflowers9435 5 лет назад +8

      John Cena... you ruined WWE, leave Star Wars to characters that can evolve

    • @wampyrelli
      @wampyrelli 5 лет назад

      I think it's a wrong understanding of Lucas's universe though. It doesn't have the same obvious rules as our universe. I guess EU sort of does that though... :D

  • @kylealbert6512
    @kylealbert6512 8 лет назад +658

    Seeing Revan on screen is awesome. Disney really needs to utilize his story.

    • @kylealbert6512
      @kylealbert6512 8 лет назад +14

      Disney owns Lucasfilm.

    • @kylealbert6512
      @kylealbert6512 8 лет назад +5

      Lucasfilm is now a division of Disney. Disney execs have full control over which stories will be used for the films in the future.

    • @kylealbert6512
      @kylealbert6512 8 лет назад

      You are completely wrong on this one bud. Just google it if you need to.

    • @kylealbert6512
      @kylealbert6512 8 лет назад

      Lol okay, "kid".

    • @jamesfortner9695
      @jamesfortner9695 8 лет назад +9

      +I. Th. Sorry , yes it's a subsidiary but Disney owns all rights to SW's. Lucasfilm does nothing without Disney's approval in regards to SW's
      I don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand. Disney owns SW's and all related property....Lucas film does the effects and production but under supervision of Disney via Kathleen Kennedy

  • @Chris_MarMar
    @Chris_MarMar 2 года назад +15

    “The light and the dark wage a constant war within you. The balanced is tipped in one side now, but it can easily be tipped back”.
    “Savior. Conqueror. Hero. Villain. You are all things Revan and yet you are nothing. You stand with neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone”.
    At least I think that’s how Darth Malak’s words went if I’m remembering right lol. Such a badass line about Revan.

  • @drxkoamv72
    @drxkoamv72 5 лет назад +270

    Don’t presume my paths When you walk yours blinded - Revan

    • @Copeydude101
      @Copeydude101 5 лет назад +25

      I think it was........Don’t presume to tell me my path when you walk yours blindly

    • @necrosis7525
      @necrosis7525 5 лет назад +4

      Or he just said “Blind”.

    • @blake4770
      @blake4770 5 лет назад +7

      fuck man Revan quotes hit different

    • @aarontoles5988
      @aarontoles5988 4 года назад +1

      @@necrosis7525 No its don't say I'm dumb when your dumber

  • @alanbarnardjr.2534
    @alanbarnardjr.2534 5 лет назад +69

    The most powerful line in this, atleast to me, was 2 words. "Define good"

  • @RJazz909
    @RJazz909 8 лет назад +57

    Leon Coy, nice fucking job being the voice actor for Revan. Calm, cool, collected. Bloody brilliant. If anyone ever makes an actual Old Republic movie with Revan in it, that's how he needs to sound.

  • @JC-ux1rs
    @JC-ux1rs 6 лет назад +287

    My love for Star Wars lives on solely through fan made films like these nowadays.

    • @japman17
      @japman17 5 лет назад +5

      sma here, the movies suck now except rogue one wich i really liked but not the other 2.
      thse fan movies seem to get the characters as lucus did. like the vader fan film from SW theory for example

  • @doublea422
    @doublea422 9 лет назад +811

    I really liked the guy who played Revan. Nicely done.

    • @holycrusad3r
      @holycrusad3r 9 лет назад +93

      +doublea422 I couldn't agree more. The voice was perfect and the wisdom he taught was so accurate to his character. Along with the way the showed his presence and demeanor was spot on.

    • @ZeonRemnants
      @ZeonRemnants 9 лет назад +9

      +doublea422 i second that, his voice sounds a little like the shadow of revan in swtor but i prefer this guy over that voice actor

    • @rhinohorn1258
      @rhinohorn1258 9 лет назад


    • @BradMarshFitness
      @BradMarshFitness 9 лет назад +9

      +doublea422 He was the best part of this short, very believable in the way his script was written and voice acting to match.

    • @yehudahausman4352
      @yehudahausman4352 9 лет назад +2

      Revan was awsome

  • @RextheRebel
    @RextheRebel 2 года назад +40

    This is a damn near perfect depiction of Revan. The acting was on point! His voice, his mentality, his wisdom and wit being put on display showed he was 2 steps ahead of everyone.
    Brilliant performance.

  • @anakinskywalker6920
    @anakinskywalker6920 6 лет назад +201

    WTF is this Revan Not the Big screen???!
    Favorite line was " So good of you to think so"
    This Is Revan!!

  • @murebaalgu
    @murebaalgu 9 лет назад +82

    Whoever delivered those Revan lines did an excellent job. Kudos.

  • @luciusvi8323
    @luciusvi8323 8 лет назад +47

    Revan was depicted so perfectly is this film. Great job staying true to the character

  • @AlainKaczmarek-0490
    @AlainKaczmarek-0490 5 лет назад +242

    Better than the Last Jedi.

    • @ElliottJSteele
      @ElliottJSteele 4 года назад +12


    • @LordDirus007
      @LordDirus007 4 года назад +19

      This had more Character development in this short then the whole Sequel Trilogy

    • @mrtyrant1680
      @mrtyrant1680 4 года назад +10

      Not exactly hard to do.

    • @splashnskillz37
      @splashnskillz37 4 года назад +2

      Knock it off all of you, just enjoy the short film

    • @Slayer398
      @Slayer398 4 года назад +5

      DThat's an insult to this as TLJ was pretty easy to surpass.

  • @YvanTDF
    @YvanTDF 8 лет назад +244

    This Revan was top notch!! I want to see that Revan on the big screen.

    • @stevenirizarry1304
      @stevenirizarry1304 7 лет назад +10

      TheDancingFishstick ditch the emperor valkorian plot line and make revan more based on KOTOR 2 and we got ourselves a great film.

    • @D-fireD-pop
      @D-fireD-pop 7 лет назад +6

      I love the acting, and the tone that Revan used, but I still think that Keanu Reeves would be the best Revan on the big screen.

    • @mazrimtaim3107
      @mazrimtaim3107 6 лет назад

      @@stevenirizarry1304 Revan wasn't even in KOTOR 2

    • @75JUNAKI
      @75JUNAKI 5 лет назад

      D-Fire/ D-Pop no

    • @75JUNAKI
      @75JUNAKI 5 лет назад

      Mazrim Taim he was but only appeared once and been talked about by Kreia

  • @Tubeman244
    @Tubeman244 8 лет назад +329

    Inquiry : Master, do you require assistance in terminating those meatbags?

  • @Darth_Urruz
    @Darth_Urruz 8 лет назад +166

    Revan: "Define good"
    Jedi: draws her lightsaber....
    And who are the aggressive ones?...

    • @thechaosinsurgencyscientis7841
      @thechaosinsurgencyscientis7841 4 года назад +12

      alternative scenario:
      Revan: "define good"
      Jedi: draws her lightsaber....
      Revan: "i said define, not fight" *uses force lightning*

  • @vladskiobi
    @vladskiobi 4 года назад +76

    Lol imagine if the Mandos had taken her to Clan Ordo.
    Canderous: Mission!?
    Mission: Sup?
    Mandos: !?

  • @AksentNethariaFilm
    @AksentNethariaFilm 9 лет назад +121

    I've never played Knights of the Old Republic because I've never had a compatible computer, but this video alone made Revan one of my favorite Star Wars characters of all time.

    • @supersanity6897
      @supersanity6897 9 лет назад +5

      +AksentNetharia Good news. Got a phone or a tablet? Because you can get it on the Apple or Android stores.

    • @AksentNethariaFilm
      @AksentNethariaFilm 9 лет назад

      Holy shit what

    • @warhog14
      @warhog14 9 лет назад +2

      +AksentNetharia First KotOR js available for mobile devices, Win7+ and MacOS. Second one isn't available for mobile devices but it runs on Win 7+, MacOS and Linux. It's recommended to get restored content mod for this one (available in the Steam workshop).

    • @supersanity6897
      @supersanity6897 9 лет назад

      warhog14 The original KotoR runs like shit on Win 8. Idk how it runs on 10.

    • @warhog14
      @warhog14 9 лет назад

      +Robert Gornick I've never bothered with win 8. It seems there are some issues on win 10 but apparently they can be easily fixed in the options menu.

  • @jacobgarcia9787
    @jacobgarcia9787 8 лет назад +523

    Imagine taking a hike in the woods seeing this happen

    • @violentscorl697
      @violentscorl697 8 лет назад +15

      Hahahaha hilarious thought ;)
      I imagine this might've even happened at some point

    • @TorrmProduction
      @TorrmProduction  8 лет назад +139

      We had more than several mountain bikes pass through these tracks, and one primary school tour.
      It was as awkward as you'd imagine.
      ~ TOR:RM Team

    • @Harber-dx1to
      @Harber-dx1to 8 лет назад +16

      Torrm Production Lol, the struggle is real.

    • @Clover-bs2im
      @Clover-bs2im 8 лет назад +19

      Torrm Production lol kids saw Star Wars for them selves

    • @kuttalu
      @kuttalu 8 лет назад +6

      Jacob Garcia i'll join the Jedi for sure.

  • @Daedalus669
    @Daedalus669 9 лет назад +49

    "There is no power a sith holds that a jedi cannot choose to wield" love that line

    • @4life4win
      @4life4win 9 лет назад +2

      +Daedalus669 And it is also true. Sadly both sides in that universe are puppets and they never realize except the mighty few.

    • @Daedalus669
      @Daedalus669 9 лет назад +1

      To be honest if i was a jedi i'd choose to use both light and dark side powers though that would make me a gray jedi i think

    • @4life4win
      @4life4win 9 лет назад +4

      Daedalus669 The Gray Jedi are ok in my book. They not into politics nor into wars too much. They know what too much involvement can cause, when people with powers at play. Basically I like almost any Gray Jedi like group. Even though Kyle Katarn was a Jedi in the Legends timeline, he knew that light side and dark side powers are nothing more than tools not influences. Only fools let them be defined by their powers. Or inexperienced.

    • @Daedalus669
      @Daedalus669 9 лет назад +1

      4life4win Gray jedi are cool in my book too, not afraid to use both light and dark side powers of the force, always willing to do what needs to be done when others cannot and can block influence from both Jedi and Sith, yeah i'd more than likely be a gray jedi lol

    • @NYG1991
      @NYG1991 9 лет назад

      Unless they were talking about Gray Jedi. Only they can harness both sides of the Force.

  • @JediMasta5775
    @JediMasta5775 6 лет назад +63

    I am a huge star wars fan, and Revan is hands down my favorite character in the expanded universe, and this portrayal of him was excellent

  • @ga6257
    @ga6257 8 лет назад +71

    you know. it makes me want a Netflix series of this so much more

  • @Baraz_Red
    @Baraz_Red 8 лет назад +58

    Revan was well acted here. Nicely done. The twi'lek prisoner played her role well also. I liked the Jedi's aid body language (the one in black armor: Kohan Shinsu? I think). Of course, they are all pretty good, but those three stood out.

  • @SeanKL107
    @SeanKL107 8 лет назад +669

    What is it with people with purple lightsabers and decapitating madalorian bounty hunters?

    • @Ancaneon
      @Ancaneon 8 лет назад +4

      Mandalorians aren't a species.

    • @Ancaneon
      @Ancaneon 8 лет назад +2

      I don't know the exact definition but I thought xenophobia means a fear of alien races.

    • @Hizashi25
      @Hizashi25 8 лет назад +23

      +Sean Lavelle i guess revan did it because of his presence in the Mandalorian Wars, so that he really did not find a liking in the Mandalorians.

    • @Hizashi25
      @Hizashi25 8 лет назад +3

      And for Windu :D well shit i guess :D

    • @nathanaelheil2818
      @nathanaelheil2818 8 лет назад +31

      The Purple lightsaber was to represent Revan's balance in the force

  • @iamthenight13
    @iamthenight13 3 года назад +32

    Absolutely one of my all time favorite fanp films. The guys who voice acted Revan was freaking superb. This is bar none the best and depiction of revan via fan film i have seen. Imagine a full length version of this that would be so freaking amazing.
    The writing and dialogue between the Jedi and Revan gave me chills literally. When I think of Revan and how he should be depicted this is it for sure. I could go on and on about Revan... but instead I'll just this with one of my favorite quotes.
    "One cannot understand the mysteries of the force without embracing both sides of it, Dark and Light intertwined"

  • @twojastara9265
    @twojastara9265 7 лет назад +49

    "not a step further"
    does a step further xD
    that's so much Revan

  • @jeshonloonskin4176
    @jeshonloonskin4176 5 лет назад +120

    Love how when revan wants the Jedi to define good she just ignites her lightsaber even if it is a bit cliche

    • @ArgonYouTube
      @ArgonYouTube 5 лет назад +31

      Nah he just knows she cannot define it. I doubt anyone can, as good and evil are subjective.

    • @NotaPersin6504
      @NotaPersin6504 4 года назад +4

      @@ArgonRUclips unless there is a higher being then they get to define good and evil

    • @ArgonYouTube
      @ArgonYouTube 4 года назад +12

      Owen Kilcup Good thing there isn’t then. And even if there was a higher being, good and evil will always be subjective.

  • @gunslinger1824
    @gunslinger1824 5 лет назад +48

    I don’t know why but I love when Revan activates his red blade he adds a kind of a flick of the wrist. It looks awesome

  • @TheNappalorian
    @TheNappalorian 5 лет назад +44

    I do love that they actually put time into speaking actual Mando'a for this film. :D

  • @TheGuySilver
    @TheGuySilver 9 лет назад +81

    OMFG whoever played raven Was Perfect, The timing and shots were fantastic

    • @TheGuySilver
      @TheGuySilver 9 лет назад +5

      +The_Guy_Silver oh yeah forgot to mention, Those costumes were really good as were the sfx

    • @razzah1454
      @razzah1454 9 лет назад

      +BluntArrow watch the scene again, revan chose a weak point between the plates. and beskar doesn't deflect shots and sabers 100% especially not if someone shoots at it from a short distance or impales it with a lightsaber.

    • @TheGuySilver
      @TheGuySilver 9 лет назад +1

      I meant the Way they shot the film, But even then all films have flaws, It doesn't matter cuz it was a good film IN MY OPINION, Not yelling just saying its my opinion not fact

    • @JamMasterJesus
      @JamMasterJesus 9 лет назад +3

      +BluntArrow Revan ignites the lightsaber in between the plates where there was no armoring, so Beskar was useless in that situation.

  • @davidwilliams4837
    @davidwilliams4837 6 лет назад +40

    Revan was incredible. Great depiction of an intriguing character.

  • @98TrueRocker98
    @98TrueRocker98 6 лет назад +231

    13:37 Revan knows of the power of the high ground

  • @99thJediWarrior
    @99thJediWarrior 5 лет назад +16

    Revan gave her a lesson in letting go of her ignorance! She used Force Lightning in order to save her friend! Plus, I love the lines you gave him. This is the Revan we needed in the book, along with a better ending!
    "Abilities aren't inherently good or evil. It's how you use them." - Kyle Katarn.

  • @Nararnius
    @Nararnius 9 лет назад +299

    I tend not to touch star wars fan films with a twelve-foot pole. Or just fan films in general. I can't take them seriously over how silly some of the actors' performances are.
    This one was different.
    Despite the fact there were some less than stellar actors (namely the jedi, her stiff expression bothered me throughout the entire movie) there were some actors who absolutely redeemed it in every way (get it? Revan? Redeemed...? ...I'll go sit in the corner now.)
    The camera work was superb, shone especially in the duel. I found myself re-watching the whole sequence both because of the amazing camera and because of how perfect Revan's voice and actor were. (seriously, you guys absolutely could not have picked a better person/people to portray him. I fucking loved it.)
    The effects went way above what I expected, too.
    The choreography was a bit lacking in the fistfights, too slow in some parts, but the lightsaber duel was a lot better.
    Over all?
    This movie is a 8.5/10, some actors were a bit stiff, some of the choreography not perfect. Still needs like twelve times this many views.

    • @Nararnius
      @Nararnius 9 лет назад +3

      ***** That is a fair point, but judging by how quickly she "falls" to the dark side she doesn't exactly have the best grip on her emotions, does she~?

    • @Nararnius
      @Nararnius 9 лет назад +2

      ***** I really like the way you look into it, but I still have to disagree, I think it's just sub-par acting. There's a difference between an emotionless character and an emotionless actor.

    • @TorrmProduction
      @TorrmProduction  9 лет назад +8

      +Narney Brickman Veyr'un Kor's reserved expression was a directorial decision. We can guarantee that Cassandra Bleechmore's acting performance has a very impressive range. She was nominated for Best Actress at the 2015 JMC Academy Martini Awards, along with Stephanie Elkington who played the role of Mission Vao.
      Veyr'un is at the very bottom of the pit in regards to character development. She will definitely come out of her shell in future content.
      For everything else, thank you very very much for your kind feedback. We'd love twelve times this many views as well. :)
      ~ TOR:RM Team

    • @Nararnius
      @Nararnius 9 лет назад +1

      Torrm Production Huh!
      Well, I stand corrected then. Lovely :P
      And future content, hm? Can't wait!

    • @Nararnius
      @Nararnius 9 лет назад

      25thdrummerboy Why? :P

  • @Bear_4243
    @Bear_4243 8 лет назад +35

    That was the best Revan I've ever seen. Great fan film.

  • @ElCabron889
    @ElCabron889 6 лет назад +40

    Seriously, the finest representation of Revan I've seen. I'd love for a full series on the character, and this VA should take the role on board. Major kudos!

  • @bloxbeargaming6399
    @bloxbeargaming6399 4 года назад +20

    “The Jedi use it for good”
    “Define good”
    that is probably one of the best lines in anything star wars

  • @AndreyKarlovich
    @AndreyKarlovich 9 лет назад +61

    The moment when the Jedi used Force Lightning.. I had that Sidious moment of.. "GOOOOOOD!!!"

    • @hokage64th
      @hokage64th 9 лет назад +33


    • @Discorded
      @Discorded 9 лет назад +14

      +hokage64th dew it

  • @justjacobtv
    @justjacobtv 4 года назад +13

    “Do not proceed to tell me my path, when you follow yours blindly.”

  • @Terminatorfan-2016
    @Terminatorfan-2016 8 лет назад +131

    15:05-15:15 is perhaps one of the most bad ass quotes I've heard in the Star Wars universe.

  • @tenshiginakuch2388
    @tenshiginakuch2388 3 года назад +6

    17:37 "Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc"
    Thats really cool. That is a mandalorian proverb. its meaning is "Better one big enemy that you can see than many small ones that you can't."

  • @killbilly2012
    @killbilly2012 8 лет назад +66

    might i ask, who voiced Revan? whomever it is, i would summarize that should they desire, would have a very successful career at least in doing voices. just enough "elegance", "pride" and "confidence". once again, i am in awe...

    • @killbilly2012
      @killbilly2012 8 лет назад +23

      Leon Coy, i see that in the credits. very phenomenal work Mr. Coy. i usually don't "stay for the credits"

    • @championsoundrecords
      @championsoundrecords 6 лет назад

      Sounds a lot like MATT BERRY doing Revans voice.

  • @Mutilise
    @Mutilise 8 лет назад +76

    Did a great job with Revan.

  • @TSwif7y
    @TSwif7y 8 лет назад +44

    The Revan performance was so good.

  • @SnakeDST
    @SnakeDST 6 лет назад +45

    That Revan made the video worth it.
    God he’s my favorite.

  • @flash5384
    @flash5384 8 лет назад +36

    This was amazing! Really showed the fact that mandolorians were some of the best fighters around, as well as showing Revan being able to speak many languages. Also great job including Mission. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go play through KOTOR again!

    • @flash5384
      @flash5384 8 лет назад

      Also forgot to mention you did an amazing job on the fighting and the sounds of the force sense

    • @gregmattes2119
      @gregmattes2119 6 лет назад

      I just started a new playthrough! It’s great to be able to appreciate all the nuances in it now that i’m not 10 and can actually catch everything.

  • @wavescale
    @wavescale 6 лет назад +10

    19:40 Shivers were running down my spine as I heard the familiar theme from KotOR during this scene. This portrayal of Revan was spectacular.

  • @AntoineBandele
    @AntoineBandele 9 лет назад +503

    Incredible effort ya'll.
    Only huge critique I would have is the action choreography, there is a lack of geography. Could not follow what was happening with the shoot out.
    You're depiction of Revan was pretty spot on. I loved the lesson he gave to our Jedi protag.
    I loved Mission in this, especially the "he's right behind you" line. That made me LOL for real.

    • @markhorwood3425
      @markhorwood3425 6 лет назад +9

      "there was a lack of geography" its a forest and if that was a typo i understand but its a damn forest...

    • @ladtheoneandonly4980
      @ladtheoneandonly4980 6 лет назад +7

      One more critique for me is that the armor for the Mandalorians are in the wrong era.

    • @billclark5055
      @billclark5055 6 лет назад +5

      I originally thought this film was during the Mandalorian Wars. After the Jedi Civil War Revan became a jedi and converted. I don't understand why any of this is happening or why he is fighting Jedi again.

    • @mikojovanovic3765
      @mikojovanovic3765 6 лет назад +3

      agree, one little add on is that does soldier dudes could have had a little more attention to detail in their costumes but aside from that it was good!

    • @potatochip4467
      @potatochip4467 2 года назад

      Oh hay it’s antoine bandele keep up the good content man 😁

  • @shredforceone
    @shredforceone 3 года назад +3

    “You are a fool to listen to your masters if they tell you there is only one way.”
    That's actual, real advice, outside of Star Wars. This character is such a philosopher.

  • @martinson1252
    @martinson1252 8 лет назад +48

    Like for Revan and his voice.

  • @AntoineBandele
    @AntoineBandele 9 лет назад +417

    When will this go viral!?

    • @robertj8062
      @robertj8062 7 лет назад +2

      Antoine Bandele 👋

    • @xedxeam
      @xedxeam 7 лет назад +2


    • @randromix8135
      @randromix8135 7 лет назад +1

      Xed Xeam Queue Star Wars music

    • @johnloken2213
      @johnloken2213 6 лет назад

      Love your channel!

    • @JEELEN2
      @JEELEN2 6 лет назад

      When they try it again using actors.

  • @metalstnick6664
    @metalstnick6664 3 года назад +52

    It would be awesome if the person who portrayed Revan here could voice him in the KOTOR remake! He absolutely nailed it imo.

  • @sonar357
    @sonar357 2 года назад +8

    I love how Revan gives the Jedi her saber back after proving his point. He's not Sith or Jedi but he's still willing to give her a teachable moment while encouraging her to remain true to the Code. Awesome video.

  • @HKFiftyTwo
    @HKFiftyTwo 9 лет назад +26

    Best Revan costume and voice actor I've seen yet, bravo.

  • @elpakotheglorious
    @elpakotheglorious 2 года назад +4

    Seriously, why can't we for once have a serious Star Wars movie featuring Revan's story? These 20-some minutes have so much more feeling to them than the entire sequel trilogy. Revan is maybe the most ambivalent force user there could be, and with all those KOTOR/SWTOR fans around the globe there'd be a serious support to such a movie.
    I totally dig this depiction of Revan. The actor has done an admirable job and what is there to be known about Revan is all there, in a nutshell.
    And to the makers of this, I really hope you can do more of this. Keep doing it, the community loves you for it!

    • @75JUNAKI
      @75JUNAKI 2 года назад

      I personally don’t believe they should make a K.O.T.O.R 1 & 2 movie adapt as imo they work better as R.P.G game’s.
      I do believe they could bring in stories from after K.O.T.O.R duology R.P.G’s like stories of S.W.T.O.R M.M.O.

    • @elpakotheglorious
      @elpakotheglorious 2 года назад

      @@75JUNAKI They should tell the story of Revan's role in the Mandalorian Wars, his fall and redemption. this could be so badass to see someone master both sides of the force. Although Revan is a massive challenge to everyone adhering to the good vs. evil aspect of Star Wars.

  • @xgage24
    @xgage24 8 лет назад +252

    this was a rescue mission to rescue mission

    • @msremnant5576
      @msremnant5576 8 лет назад +6

      As that a joke about her name!

    • @vladskiobi
      @vladskiobi 7 лет назад +9

      I was too busy thinking "DAMN Mission got them THICC thighs and hips now!" to laugh at your comment.

    • @kenpoarniceguy1
      @kenpoarniceguy1 6 лет назад +6

      codiene He still cares for the little girl he once knew.

    • @billclark5055
      @billclark5055 6 лет назад +1

      I'm a bit confused about this plot. I originally thought it was during the Mandalorian Wars But, it obviously isn't since Mission is in it. Why is Revan using the dark side again when he had already converted to the light side at the end of KOTOR 1?

    • @djgeth613
      @djgeth613 6 лет назад +1

      @@billclark5055 kotor 1 had a light and dark side ending

  • @JediMaestr0
    @JediMaestr0 5 лет назад +138

    This is, hands down, the best Star Wars fan film I've seen. Somehow you created a Revan who feels really true to the source material. The costumes were stellar, and the action was solid. You showed amazing attention to the lore, with the Mandalorians speaking in Mando and the era weapons like the vibroblade. The score also showed great understanding of Jeremy Soule's KOTOR score, with Revan's theme and Bastila's/The Force theme and the Old Republic theme all showing up in appropriate places. The solo cello and orchestra really added to the cinematic feel of the film. Plus Cass (the actress who played the Jedi) was in it, who is one of my very favorite podcasters!
    All in all, 10/10. I would really really love to see another of these with Revan. I know it came out four years ago. But please, you gotta make another of these.

    • @Borsilive
      @Borsilive 5 лет назад +2

      Don't agree on that. Costumes of every Character except reaven were terrible..... The action was not on point and it didn't look like the force users were fighting with the force. There were some Continuity issues, the different Jedi and Sith fighting styles weren't really used. On top of that, the Jedi Guard was just there for Revan to totally destroy him and he was so annoying to watch. I don't even want to talk about the effects. But the Revan was good :^)

    • @mightbe3315
      @mightbe3315 5 лет назад +4

      There's a bunch of fan films that are great. There's one with Maul that stands out for action particularly. SW Theory's is also well made.

    • @Copeydude101
      @Copeydude101 5 лет назад +5

      @@mightbe3315 couldn't agree more so far my top 3 are this then the maul one and finally the SW one