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Mar 29, 2022 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
Hinata does appreciate everything Tsukasa has done for her after all. How sweet.

Even in the finale, it was still a very lighthearted episode with comedy. Lol, the amount of imaginations thrown into this episode though. Marriage, kids? Ha.
Mar 29, 2022 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
While Jinguuji wallows in his sadness, Schwartz is being best wingman to help shieid him from Tachibana's attacks. Just give her him the praise already GODDAMMIT!

Haha, Schwartz beating some sense into Jinguuji to open his eyes, this is a wingman moment boys. But it also speaks to their inner psyche, and it converts that into their emotional fight where Tachibana looks up to Jinguuji as a hero.

Welp, if there's a time that they need all the power they have to destroy Meepon and save Tachibana, now's the time to do so. And that whole flashback praise speech of Jinguuji's can go on forever and ever for Tachibana to go all embarrassed, that was humane pent-up laughter. Ygraine really has to be blamed for part of the trouble.

Haha, Schwartz just keeps making jokes, and after a season's worth of Jinguuji getting allured to Tahcibana, the reverse domino effect holds true, to which she is definitely charmed. So this is how it feels to be on the other side of the coin. If that marriage went either would've been a possibility. Till then, the curse holds until the Demon Lord is defeated.

This was comedy, parody fun. Not the greatest, but a good watch nonetheless.
KANLen09Mar 29, 2022 9:58 AM
Mar 29, 2022 8:33 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Pretty good and hilarious finale.

Overall, this was one of the best comedies of the season.
Mar 29, 2022 8:42 AM

Jun 2017
Such an over-the-top compliment barrage that was from Jinguuji, xD. No wonder it managed to stir the feelings from both parties back to surface. And that ends what has been a hilarious show from start to finish!

Obviously the final fight was going to end like that, lol. Yuusha-kun turned out to be a pretty useful asset in the end. It's hilarious how he know all along where the Demon King resided but just never just got the chance to share it out loud.

Yuu-chan averting the blame and dodging responsibility by trying to play the mediator role in the second half of the episode made my day. I snorted at least a couple of times just there.

I was hoping for a 2nd season announcement right after the episode but welp, here's to hoping it'll come sooner than later!

8/10 from me.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Mar 29, 2022 9:18 AM

May 2021
Gotta love how Jinguuji is giving a self-depriciating speech to himself and being embarrassed while German Kirito is desperately fighting for his life.

But this - "Just like my hero." broke my heart. The reveal that Jinguuji wanted to become a hero was also quite heart-warming. And through the power of friendship(or love?), Tachibana has managed to break free from the manipulation. Right before cute bunny turned into HYDRA. I swear, this is the second time I have been deceived by a cute bunny.

Jinguuji's 3-minute From Zero-like speech describing all of Tachibana's good traits was a blast to hear. And we now also have the Demon King's location which does interest me quite a bit. Like how they showed what the other characters were up to. This is now officially my favourite isekai comedy and I might pick up the manga later. I was hoping for a S2 announcement tho.
RioFSMar 29, 2022 9:56 AM

Mar 29, 2022 9:39 AM
Mar 2019
Really great episode, the few changes that they made here made it better than the manga.
The only thing that was bad is the cut content in episode 9, if they didnt cut it (or they inlude it in an OVA) this would have been an easy 10/10 for me but because episode 9 kinda messed things up bad,

Mar 29, 2022 9:51 AM

Apr 2018
Wow seriously Jinguuji's praising scene on Tachibana was great, that was probably the best episode so it's perfect as a final, I will miss this fun isekai kind of parody, that was definitely a nice ride xD
Mar 29, 2022 10:05 AM

Jul 2021
This is peak comedy of the season. Man I can't give it a 9/10 because I'm being a bit generous and there are nitpicks from here and there in the 2nd half so I'll go with a 8/10 because the journey stays fun as ever
Mar 29, 2022 10:06 AM

Oct 2013
Hats off to Satoshi-san (Jinguji's VA)! Because I bet he nearly had a heart attack when he saw the original page of Jinguji's "praising" LMAO:

Good adaptation and solid final episode. I would've liked it more if they didn't speed up the pacing for the last arc but I get it.
PrancingColorsMar 29, 2022 10:12 AM
Mar 29, 2022 10:21 AM

Jan 2012
And so with the robot rabbit defeated Tachibana and Jinguuji air some grievances and grow even more "charmed" with each other as they continue their quest. This series was okay. I'm gonna be honest the comedy with pretty hit or miss for me, though I think it probably did hit more than miss on the whole. In my mind I tended while watching this to lump it together with two other, similar shows that were airing this season: Leadale and Kenja no Deshi. I'd refer to these three as the "Mediocre Trio" in my mind. But of the three I'd say this was definitely the strongest and so I'll be nice and give it a generous 7/10.

Oh, and Schwartz-kun was easily the best character.
Mar 29, 2022 10:24 AM

Feb 2019
I never really was able to get into this it’s weird. I wanted to like the show but just couldn’t. I guess it’s the gender bender thing for me, I struggle to like doujinshi and I guess an anime is no different. Final episode was pretty fun still, definitely had some laughs at various points throughout the season as well. Solid 7.
Mar 29, 2022 10:28 AM
Mar 2019
RioFS said:
Gotta love how Jinguuji is giving a self-depriciating speech to himself and being embarrassed while German Kirito is desperately fighting for his life.

But this - "Just like my hero." broke my heart. The reveal that Jinguuji wanted to become a hero was also quite heart-warming. And through the power of friendship(or love?), Tachibana has managed to break free from the manipulation. Right before cute bunny turned into HYDRA. I swear, this is the second time I have been deceived by a cute bunny.

Jinguuji's 3-minute From Zero-like speech describing all of Tachibana's good traits was a blast to hear. And we now also have the Demon King's location which does interest me quite a bit. Like how they showed what the other characters were up to. This is now officially my favourite isekai comedy and I might pick up the manga later. I was hoping for a S2 announcement tho.

They cant really announce a S2 if there isnt enough source material yet, maybe if the current arc ends we can hope for it.

And i would highly advise to read the manga, chapter 102 is already the best chapter and that isnt even the climax of the arc.
Mar 29, 2022 10:30 AM
Sep 2015
No one praise Schwartz? He's a teenager that can resolve an adult's quarrel, can you imagine how hard it is! It seems like Lucius is really fallen in love with Schwartz, she even trying to protect him from Jinguuji, yes, a full power Jinguuji. I'm wondering what will happen if Schwartz has to go back to his own world after defeating demon lord. Will he has to separate with Lucius? Which is good because I want Schwartz by myself. Or maybe he'll choose to stay in isekai world, citing "I don't have a life in real world, but I have a life here so I'll live here", or Lucius will go to the real world with him, or the Goddess will grant a power to jump between real world and isekai easily like opening a door.

Talking about event after defeating demon lord, I'd be very disappointed if Tachibana and Jinguuji don't develop romantic relationship, even if Tachibana turn back into a guy.

I hope to see the next season (or even better if it's Schwartz spin-off), I want to know more about Demon Lord, I hope he's a handsome mascular guy.
Mar 29, 2022 11:12 AM

May 2021
Great final episode! Jinguuji sure did have a lot of praise for Tachibana and he couldn't stop his excessiveness xD. Schwarz was awesome as always in this episode fending off the laser beams with his legendary sword. Seems Schwarz knew where the demon lord was all along and thought Jinguuji and Tachibana already knew lol. Tachibana got charmed by Jinguuji!

I really loved this show and I hope we get a 2nd season!
Mar 29, 2022 11:32 AM
Sep 2021
OK ngl I'm gonna miss this show, never thought I'd say that about a seasonal isekai (probably won't get a second season but who knows?). I'm surprised how much fun I had watching this, since it was comedy focused and actually delivered on it. Anyways a really solid final episode.
Mar 29, 2022 12:00 PM

Jul 2014
With just the title and synopsis I wasn't too impressed but the PV made me curious and I'm glad I gave it a try, what a hilarious show! Comedy of the season for me, I enjoyed it much more than I initially expected.

In the first episode I joked about how I had been tricked into watching a BL and having just finished the series I have to say that this was like a BL for non-BL fans + hilarity haha.

Special mention to Schwartz, who at the beginning I thought would be annoying but ended up being quite likable...... And I ship him with Lucius!

I hope we get a season 2.
Mar 29, 2022 12:34 PM

Dec 2013
This show was great and the final episode was pretty touching, everyone has their own thing and even if it may seem like an ordinary thing it could be a great aspect to another person, I would love to get a season 2, the comedy was great, Shen seemed to be part of the group and Hinata's design was on point.
Mar 29, 2022 12:52 PM

Nov 2019
great final episode!
Mar 29, 2022 1:48 PM

Oct 2013
All throughout the start i was expecting it to be better, but it wasn't. After the mid point i was expecting it to get worse so i could drop it... But it wasn't, staying half decent, the comedy bits work kind of nice sometimes too. So in the end, just decent, but not really good.
Mar 29, 2022 2:19 PM

May 2021
“FA”NTASY (Fu) to! kimi to! kimi to! kyun to
kami no setto risuto (zettai da!)
rakuen no tobira hirake (ōpun!)
acchi ka na (cho to chigau)
kitto kocchi da yo (Woo~)
bouken da~~~~ !!!!!!
(Fu) (Let’s go!)
(Fu) (“FA”NTASY to! Yeah!)

fabyurasu × fabyurasu totsuzen shutsugen
fantajii ga kanjou desu (sou desu!)
hapinesu × hapinesu kiki-teki toki ni
tokimeite shimatta no

kono gensou wa YES? (fuwatto on the Dream)
demo kanousei wa No? (kiratto in my Eyes)
dame ni nari sou (ganbatte!)
akutibu to (passhibu to)
suki na sukiru de (Woo~ Yeah!)

“FA”ARE YOU? (Fu) to! tsumi to! batsu to! to
tsudoe fainarisuto (ippai da!)
LOVE mitai de LOVE janai (janai!)
sunao nante naccha ikenai no (OK!)

“FA”NTASY (Fu) to! kimi to! kimi to! kyun to
kami no setto risuto (zettai da!)
rakuen no tobira hirake (ōpun!)
acchi ka na (cho to chigau)
kitto kocchi da yo
taihen da~~~~!!!!!!

dekinai wake janai ga, dekiru wake demo nai
suki tte koto janai ga, kirai tte wake janai
koi shita wake janai ga ai ga nai wake janai
“FA”NTASY to! kimi to! kimi to!
Mar 29, 2022 3:50 PM

Dec 2018
Thanks to Schwartz shielding Jinguji from attacks and punching some sense into him, they successfully took down Mehpon and we got an impressive amount of compliments from Jinguji to Tachibana lol, but it was a nice way to bring the two back together, and it was complete with an explosive escape, gotta love it. After that, Tachibana apologized for his behavior to the king (and the king did as well lol) and we learn that Schwartz knew where the Demon Lord was the entire time, I was always wondering what that giant thing in background was for lol. And now the heroes go their separate ways, but with Tachibana alone with Jinguji again, they find it difficult to look at each other after all that’s happened lol, as well as Tachibana getting “charmed” too.

And that was a great show, really enjoyed this one. I found myself laughing a lot the whole way, really came to love the whole cast, and the concept of the show stayed fresh the entire time imo, a favorite of mine this season for sure. The OP and ED were both great as well, but I think I slightly prefer the ED. I’ll definitely miss seeing Tachibana and Jinguji going through hilarious situations every week, I really hope for a season 2!
Mar 29, 2022 4:31 PM

Jan 2012
Best isekai this season hands down and probably the best comedy.

It's really cool to know that there are some isekai anime out there that aren't a copy paste of each other. 8/10.
Mar 29, 2022 6:04 PM

Jan 2021
A really fun show, with a unique premise of the two main characters trying not to fall in love with each other. The comedy was very hit or miss with me, some episodes I just wouldn't laugh or smile. But overall the show was good, it stuck with its premise, there's consistent world building, and the side characters were relevant. I'm actually surprised Schwartz wasn't a one time character, he actually has some depth and was surprisingly endearing. Tachibana was a little too whiny at times and that made me dislike him a lot. But at the end it showed that he was aware of how much a burden he was and how sorry he felt. This show definitely had some effort put into it.
Mar 29, 2022 6:27 PM

Mar 2020
Hoping for season 2!!
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
Mar 29, 2022 7:19 PM

Feb 2020
Schwa carries the fight yet again. Jinguuji out here making speeches. what an interesting episode.

though the series in general was just alright. first little while was quite enjoyable but it slowly went down, since it was quite repetitive after all... plus of course, the average isekai/DL fiasco.
Mar 29, 2022 7:23 PM

Jan 2017
PrancingColors said:
Hats off to Satoshi-san (Jinguji's VA)! Because I bet he nearly had a heart attack when he saw the original page of Jinguji's "praising" LMAO:

OH MY LORD they did this perfectly, thanks for sharing! I may need to read this soon then
Mar 29, 2022 9:12 PM

May 2018
Wow, just wow, I never really thought I would enjoy this anime that much. I was laughing the whole time and I really love all 3 heroes in this anime, they are funny and interesting to watch. Hoping there's more episode to watch.

Still, those number of compliment, amazes me to the top.
Mar 29, 2022 10:23 PM
Mar 2022
it was pretty good.
Mar 29, 2022 10:37 PM
Mar 2021
well its over really sad gonna miss this anime 100%, and Tachibana getting charmed... so hard laughed so hard how the tables have turned, i really liked this comedy isekai laughed alot of times i hope a second season gets announced or a ova or special well, now for spring isekai.
Mar 30, 2022 12:12 AM

Feb 2020
Nice little final episode.

Congratulations, Tachibana, you approved yourself being charmed by overly complicated praising from the great Jinguuji. Though, its a very good development for Jinguuji too having himself realized to finally being honest with Tachibana and not being hesitate to said that embarassing things out loud. As a result for sure Tachibana get affected by the power of charm. Lmao the loop. How come its happening in the end.

Schwartz-kun being an absolute great character too on this time. Having an op sword that can slice through everything, manage to slap that scary Jinguuji back to earth, and put an end to those old men quarrel. Dang, idk why Kirito can be that good on this comedy show.

Even if they already know where demon lord at, i believe there's a long story and journey before that. Surprise that this isekai manage to be consistent to entertain me with all those comedy and i feel like one season isn't enough for this fantasy knockout reincarnation show. Lets pray for another five year or so....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 30, 2022 12:45 AM

Jun 2021
Jinguuji basically confessing by saying that he loves every thing about Tachibana.
Mar 30, 2022 2:02 AM
Jul 2020
ye XD this anime was such a good adaptation!! hopefully s2 current arc of the manga is amazinh\ggg
Mar 30, 2022 2:07 AM
May 2021
This anime was too good 9/10 🔥🔥.Can anyone tell me at which chapter the anime ended? I want to read furthur 😁
Mar 30, 2022 2:08 AM
May 2021
Xuggy said:
Really great episode, the few changes that they made here made it better than the manga.
The only thing that was bad is the cut content in episode 9, if they didnt cut it (or they inlude it in an OVA) this would have been an easy 10/10 for me but because episode 9 kinda messed things up bad,


at which chapter ep 12 ended bro?
Mar 30, 2022 2:52 AM
Mar 2019
Apratim said:
Xuggy said:
Really great episode, the few changes that they made here made it better than the manga.
The only thing that was bad is the cut content in episode 9, if they didnt cut it (or they inlude it in an OVA) this would have been an easy 10/10 for me but because episode 9 kinda messed things up bad,


at which chapter ep 12 ended bro?

Apratim said:
This anime was too good 9/10 🔥🔥.Can anyone tell me at which chapter the anime ended? I want to read furthur 😁

I made a post here on mal about what you should read in the manga:
XuggyMar 30, 2022 3:59 AM
Mar 30, 2022 4:03 AM

Feb 2014
Schwartz was on fire, slicing up Hinata's attacks while Jinguuji was too busy expressing his sorrows, but with a much needed punch to the face by Schwartz, Jinguuji was up and running again and stopped the mecha. I'm impressed with his VA performance in this episode, mostly with the praising scene with Hinata that kept going and going! XD

It's also amusing to see Hinata being charmed for the first time, too, which led to more laughter between the two of them acting all awkward with each other.

Overall, this series has been a pleasant surprise. Production values were good and the comedy scenes were funny and awesome the vast majority of the time.

8/10 will be my final score for this nice gem of the Winter season. =D
Mar 30, 2022 4:14 AM
Mar 2012
Such intense confession. Nice to see their past clarified. Decently funny (romcom?) isekai, with short but fun fights.
Needs a sequel, and PM's on a journey where? sorta wish Schwartz, princess or PM join them tho.
Mar 30, 2022 6:11 AM

Oct 2016
Schwa-kun truly the MVP, budget Kirito who? This was a fun show, and it was fun all throughout it's run.

That speech by Jinguuji, mans really did that thing where you say everything you like about your partner, except he actually did say everything, unless you know, that was only the tip of the iceberg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Charmed Tachibana was hilarious, what a way to end the season. I hope we get a second season, though, I can see myself starting the manga at some point. 7.5/10
Mar 30, 2022 8:17 AM

Jun 2016
im gonna miss this show !!!

tachibana best waifuuu !!
Mar 30, 2022 8:48 AM

Jul 2015
Calm down, Eren.

Overall, fun comedy. Definitely way above average. 8/10

Mar 30, 2022 8:56 AM
Jul 2020
Awokawok lumayan ngakak sih ini anime, apalagi ada si plagiat Kirito (panjang bet dah namanya).
Mar 30, 2022 11:52 AM

Dec 2012
I started to watch it without any background info (didn't even read the synopsis) just because the "heroine" had shark teeth and ended up one of my favorites in the season.
Definitely gonna read the manga after this.
Mar 30, 2022 2:41 PM

Oct 2016
Definitely the anime I enjoyed the most from it's season. Hopefully a season 2 will come out in a couple years.
Humans only live for a hundred years, it is as unreal as a dream that ends in an instant. What is the point of a person living in this world? No more than just being on a journey, and witnessing interesting things. Although I do not want to die, I do not fear death. I am already on my right path, I have no regrets even if I die.

— Fang Yuan (Reverend Insanity)
Mar 30, 2022 2:50 PM

Oct 2015
It was an okay series. The comedy was good.
Let there be light...
Mar 31, 2022 2:35 AM

Nov 2019
While an overall entertaining comedy, it's really only got one joke.

Which was good enough for this season, but I'm not sure how much longer it can be dragged out considering it was already getting stale in this last arc.
Mar 31, 2022 7:17 AM

Oct 2014
If both of them charmed at the same time, the charmed effect will never wear off because they will be constantly pampering each other. And eventually, they will surely do it if the mood is right.

That was a fun ride. This anime brings me laughter to fight the depression AoT gave me per episode lol.
Mar 31, 2022 8:28 AM

Dec 2020
This last episode was unnecessary, could've handled better.
Mar 31, 2022 8:59 AM

Apr 2020
Ah Hinata and Jinguuji's reunion where our boy finally managed to praise our gi- I mean a very long way that can trump video essays!

But all journey must come to end, and our duo finally say goodbye to Yuu and the Kingdom, Schwa and his Master, and finally us viewers for this season. I hope there will be a sequel, and with the quality of the show, I think it ended up just as fine. I still find the show funny but it definitely wore out by the latter half especially the unnecessary final arc.
Apr 2, 2022 4:58 AM

Jul 2021
Oh boy these last two episodes. They absoultely exceed the first ten episodes in terms of literally everything. Episode 12 was the episode I laughed the most till now, amazing epsiode man and it wasn't just funny scenes there was that genuine praise scene as well and some man tears were shed during that part.

And man the scene where Tachibana got charmed got me so fucking good bro, I was audibly laughing so much at that scene, that was brilliant and then the "imagination" scene happened where Jinguuji and Tachibana imagined a whole marriage together lmao.

Great way to end the season, 5/5 episode man. The way it ended clearly tells us that there should be a season 2 happening and I hope there is a season 2 announced soon because I can't imagine anyone going back to read it's manga after such a great adaptation.

Can't wait to watch the second season when it's released.

I originally rated this 8/10 before watching episode 11 and 12 but after watching them I don't think anything is holding me back to rate this 10/10 and I'm gonna rate this 10/10.

After these last two episodes this really deserves 10/10.
TsutanaiFuunApr 2, 2022 5:01 AM

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Apr 2, 2022 12:52 PM

Nov 2013
This was fun xD Glad I didn't sleep on this show. Gotta pick the manga sometime.
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