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Chapters: 146, Volumes: 22, Days: 1.10, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
101 / 271
10 / 26
2 Loveless On Hiatus
5 / -
2 / 13
3 Suki tte Ii na yo.

Really love this manga.

What it's not:

There's no asshole male lead looking for redemption or in need of a girl to "save him," and no weak hearted or annoying heroine. And there's no over the top drama that makes you roll your eyes.

What it is:

It's just a genuine developing relationship between two people with just enough bumps to keep things interesting. The female lead, Mei, is a strong girl who tells it like it is without seeming like a bitch, and while Kurokawa had me a little worried in the very VERY beginning, he's a genuine good guy (actually, he's so nice it's his character flaw). The side characters (even the annoying ones) all get their share of development with side stories that keep things fresh and interesting (because they make you second guess your initial judgements). And of course, the relationship between the MCs is heartwarming.
40 / 73
10 / 18