Science Based Ways To Look Younger And Live Longer
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Learn how to improve your skin tone, boost energy, and restore that youthful glow! Discover the research and revolutionary practices guaranteed to help you look and feel younger!
In this episode of The Chalene Show Podcast, Chalene Johnson dives deep into the secrets of maintaining a fresh, youthful appearance without resorting to surgical interventions. Discover the transformative power of sun protection, hydration, and the magic of restful sleep. Hear personal anecdotes that echo the beauty and confidence of aging gracefully. Chalene unpacks the significance of lifestyle and diet in longevity and vibrancy. Learn about the antioxidant goldmine in your kitchen and why exercises like zone two cardio can be a game-changer for youthful vigor.
But it's not all about the physical; Chalene stresses the impact of stress on aging and shares calming practices like tapping and meditation. Plus, get the real scoop on alcohol and smoking's effect on appearance. It's time to embrace aging with wisdom, making conscious choices that reflect on the outside and the beauty within.
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Share some of your anti-aging secrets!
I'm 60 and have been doing bhrt for 7 years. Wish I knew about them way before that. I lift hard 3x a week and play pickleball 3x a week. Eat clean, 1grm protein per lb of body weight. That has made a huge difference. Take supplements, so many haha. They make a difference as well.
I’m 57. Luckily I’m still getting my period. I know! Awesome. I love magnesium at night and I love Nighty night tea for great sleep
Really! I’m almost 56 and still have It and I complain about it
@@Tethero66 what do you do to deal with peri menopause
Apple cider vinegar is no joke!! In the morning & night 1 TB AC Vinegar 1 TB organic ginger juice 1/2 lemon squeezed all in 8oz cup filtered water. Watch your skin & feel your health transform!!
I got a puppy who has increased my walking outside, he also stops me from getting on my cell in the am before our walk, he also cuddles with me which increases my oxytocin. He is the cutest too.
awww!! Adorbs! I miss my Monkey ❤️
Animals increase your happy hormones and extend life expectancy ❤❤❤
You look thinner now than your old Pics. Maybe stopping the drinking helped your face look less puffy🎉🎉
I just found your channel the other day, and I’m very grateful for that 🙏🏽❤️
I eat a clean diet, avoid processed foods, started back with weight training & walking a few weeks ago, and I’m always open to learning new things 😍
I totally agree with you about aging! I love myself so much more today. I feel so grateful to age! My Mom didn't get this opportunity. So I take full advantage of every day in honor of her too! ❤️
Oh I love this so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Same here shannonparker1. My mom passed away at 50. I feel and look better than ever at 50.
same here. 🙏🥺❤️♾️
My naturopathic doctor said every woman over 30 needs this on a daily basis to age gracefully and reduce mystery illnesses:
- B Complex
- Omega 3’s or Cod Liver Oil
- Multivitamin
- Vitamin D (because the sun gives us facial stains when hormones fluctuate
-Electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, calcium)
- Vitamin C (natural food sources, not pills, because they work with collagen to improve skin and improve immune system)
Important: get a high quality product like Pure encapsulations or Xymogen brands, not cheap stuff with fillers from grocery stores
omg thanks so much for sharing!!
Re STRESS - my mantra since a teen is: it’s not what happens to you; it’s how you REACT to what happens to you! I’m certainly not a natural let-it-roll-off-my-back kind of person, but I’ve trained myself not to overact so emotionally over the years. It’s much better for my mental health, and blood pressure! 😊
You are def doing it right!!
I stretch 2 times day. Stopped running, low impact hit, weights, bike, walk, sunset yoga at the beach, journal. Best part… 58 and got a string bikini. Zone 2.
Love your videos. ❤
FYI. Zero process 💩🍷
Good mentra if you don't have medical issues.
Unfortunately it's not symptom free despite meds.
@@RnW9384 need to rewire your brains Unreasonable flight reaction when you're going into panic mode for NO REASON.
The treatment is available. Up to you to be proactive and seek it.
I'm 66 years old. I've been on this healing path for 40+ years. I have been proactive since 1970's. Have been to and used majority of healing modalities. I have CPTSD and Complex Grief since early childhood.
What's the brain rewiring treatment called ?
I know you’re probably not gonna see this but I was watching a video on RUclips by a Doctor Who made a flow chart of all his patients bloodwork. He prescribed them nothing but resistance exercise. He demonstrated doing push-ups to failure as an example, and he said that by lifting weights to failure, your body will produce human growth hormone.. he said that all the people no matter what was wrong with them had improvements in their blood work, and I think that’s a lot of them here to my people work out Simply look better. I wondered if you might cover that
I’m 42 n feel like Crap😭😭… You definitely got me a lil motivated to start changing ❤
Girlllll life too short to not feel and live your best life
But sunlight is soo important for us
We definitely need to sit in sunshine each day it's so healthy ❤
I agree that sleep is the most important thing for health, beauty, energy, brain power, etc. and would love to hear your tips on how to improve sleep. Please share!!!
Whole Foods plant based diet has just changed my skin walking 20,000 steps per day has improved my mental state and stress so much I look 10 years younger now than I did 6 months ago
Oh I love this so much!
You do keto diet?
@@Gene-c8xyesssss...100% careful on the vegetables...full of pesticides pfo's
I started watching your programs about three days ago. And I can already tell my outlook is changing. I have been sleep deprived for a very long time taking antianxiety tablets having panic attacks and I’m turning 63 this month. I recently decided to take a break from drinking and started searching RUclips for support and somehow I was directed to you. I am so happy I found your channel. I think what you’re doing is amazing and I’ve added you to my daily routine. In fact my husband and I watched your interview with the sex expect together and it helped us both understand each other better. I’m going to continue following and I just wanted to say a big thanks I can’t wait to see my transformation.
Amazing job that you stopped drinking 👌🏽 I believe in you ❤
I was just in Spain for a month and was blown away by how great the people looked-they walk everywhere and eat their veggies.
I absolutely love you. You are transforming the way I feel about aging. Thank you, Chalene!!
omg this is the reason why I do what I do! 🥰🥰🥰
Eat super healthy and get outside as much as possible. Lots of water and moisturize! I keep getting told I look easily 10 years younger than I do. And at 58..very little grey hair
When I was around 10 years old I was watching the Dinah Shore talk show. She asked Diane Carroll what was her secret to great skin. She said "Ponds cold cream" it stuck in my head. I'm 65 years old and swear by p.c.c. everyone says I look 35-40.👍
I went researched Ponds cold cream, but only saw remove mske up? Is this one you are talking about?
I have been chronically sleep deprived for decades due to my occupation. Now that I am retired I still can’t sleep. Tried every sleep program out there with minimal help. I need more sleep
How wonderful that your joints work and u have no pain. Blessings to you. I wish I could exercise like that w out severe pain or damage 😢
Since I’ve been 9yrs old I gave myself facials every week. Cleansing then using a cold washcloth wet but rung over face for 5 min. I keeps pores closed and slows down aging process. I am 70 and still do this. I also do strength training since 10yrs old.
OMG! These are so good! My trick is also staying out of the sun and supplementing with d3/k2. I was a mouth breather, because I my nasal passages were always congested. Giving up dairy reduced my phlegm production and now I sleep with my mouth closed. Yay! 30 minutes of dancing daily and my insane love of broccoli has been doing wonders. I just started with red light therapy and loving the results so far. Fasting is really the hard one for me, but intermittent fasting has been working somewhat, when I can remember to do it. I want to get more into that. Thanks for this video. It's so much fun to see what other people are doing to stay active and look great.😀
I love this
I'm 45, and WAY more confident, happy, and in love with life than I ever thought I could be.
Amen to looking as wonderful on the outside as you feel in the inside!
right?!? 😉
I am 48 and just found you! I just wish I would have found you before! I am binge watching your knowledge bomba! Thanks for simplifying it all for us ❤
Always love to help 😘😘😘
God bless you for this video. As a 40 year old woman it is so vitally important to hear this message. I deeply appreciate you.
Yes please! Episode on fasting
Charlene! You make me so happy! When I watch your videos I am so uplifted!! I am a fellow Spartan and we are the same age...I think that we were at Michigan State at the same time. Thank you for your positivity! I have learned a lot from you. The most important being to be confident and positive!
I hate the cold showers, but it really does help me .
😂love them
I just joined ur mindset n energy challenge. I use to watch u years ago but my parents got sick, not at same time, few years apart, n at the time I had someone else i was caring for n lived about 7 miles from my parents (i was a live in caregiver for abt 20 yrs). I'm also an artist trying to learn the process of building a business online that involved MANY online courses, in fact Im still in training.....going on 7+yrs!. Sorry I know I'm jumping around but u will understand in a second😁. All in all, my time for ME was late at nite, taking my art classes, painting, writing (I also write alot, journaling n mostly poems). It was rare that I would just go to bed, like a normal person. I've always been hyper n energetic n very social. I lived this life almost 20 years. My father passed away 8 years ago, my patient passed 3 yrs ago n my mother just passed a couple months ago. I just turned 60 n wow have I aged. I look so tired AND OLD N I HATE IT!!! I don't feel old tho thank God, however I have gained some health issues over the years. My point is.....I've cared for others n not me! Now it's my time, n altho I'm battling with the belief that I'm probably too old to change alot of things, I'm trying very hard to not let that change my MINDSET!! Ur mindset videos by the way r extremly uplifting n hit home for me! Im determined to give this a try. In fact I just went thru a few of ur videos on ur video list n saved quite a few to watch later. U r an amazing woman n ur info is so valuable!!! I encourage EVERYONE to "join in" with ur journey, for lack of better words🙂. My problem is my skin is creepy dry n saggy yet I drink SO much water, in fact maybe too much. I go thru almost a gallon if ice water A DAY n have been doing so for YEARS so don't understand why my skin seems so dehydrated. All my weight goes to my lower body while my upper body looks "deformed"😂.. skinny n malnutritioned. Lol. I don't have the best diet either n just starting to workout some. In the past, ur makeup videos I watched ALWAYS made sense n worked for me. Wondering if u had any on saggy dry creepy skin, building muscle on upper body n tightening muscles on lower body? I know that's asking alot but as I stated, I TRUST U N WHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM U HAS WORKED!!! I DONT WANT TO LOOK NOWHERE ELSE , to put it bluntly lol. I regret not keeping up with ur teachings n advice over the years, FOR SURE! I hope others read my comment becuz I can't stress enuf how awesome, uplifting, valuable n honest ur words are!!! U r the best "mentor" I've ever come across! I'm really bad at liking, subscribing n commenting but that's gonna change now. In such a short time, It's been a challenge, but 4 the past couple of days, I've noticed how my mindset is changing. Honestly I'm scared to make this change but it's necessary if I want to live out what life I have left happy, free of mental n emotional abuse, secure, independent, organized, less stress, GOOD ENUF n successful. Thank u Chalene. Looking forward to ur reply or U have my email for the 14 day energy boost blueprint challenge. Excited n anxious, thanks!!!
Yes, you can change and become a better you! Fasting works even if you do it a little bit. I'm 55 and do it occasionally. I only eat 2 meals a day as well. I'm certain you can change too❤
I am so glad you talked about the sun. I have been so careful but I also walk my dogs 3x per day in the hot Texas sun and don’t always put sunscreen on my arms. Well I recently received a very scary melanoma diagnosis - thank God my margins came back clear after surgery (huge scoop out of my arm) but I will never make that mistake again! I’ve been so careful with my face and neck but the rest of the body matters too! ❤
Also wear SPF clothing too
Since almost everyone is D (the sunshine vitamin) deficient, supplementing is vital and I like a sunscreen without toxic chemicals❤
I’m 43, female, Canadian 😊 and just found your channel through the almighty YT algorithm… I’ve been binging videos on hormone replacement therapy and it led me to your video with Dr. Mary Claire Haver… and now I’m addicted to your videos… thanks!
I went into overnight menopause (full on) due to radiation therapy for cancer, and it has “aged” me! Like in a matter of months! So hormone loss is a huge factor as well for aging.
My diet was never the best, but since my diagnosis, I cut out sugar, wheat, fried foods, processed foods, fast-food, and I was already a vegetarian for most of my life (just cuz I gag every time I eat meat since childhood).
So I’m sure eating whole foods has helped.
Love your channel, who needs a TV when you have a channel like this to educate and entertain??! 😅
Aww! Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it and I'm just so glad you're here! Keep slaying sister!! 💕💕💕
You look amazing!! I also was in the best shape of my life: healthly, vibrant and young-looking from age 50 to 56. I felt my best and have ALWAYS taken care of my diet and exercise. Now 10 years later, gravity and sagging is starting to take effect (still feel wonder and in great shape); however, some of us have never had ANY type of procedures or botox and can never compete with those than are able to. I would if I could! 😏 Keep up the great work and motivation beautiful lady!!!❣️
Aww! Thank you! Have you tried lymphatic massage?
I’ve not long discovered you Chalene. You look better in each video 😊 not one of those trying to hard to look “young” but you have hair make up and clothes that emphasise all the good. Plus your overall general attitude towards life is optimistic which always makes a person appear youthful and vibrant. I’m 48 and feel inspired that women can still look and feel good for their 50’s and beyond x
Chalene is smart, gorgeous and forever 21 and a gift from God!
Thank you!!! 😍😍
Cutting back on processed sugar always makes me look younger and feel so much better. I love infrared sauna too. Exercise, of course. Also, I can’t drink alcohol anymore, makes me sick, messes up my hormones, and I look horrible, even if I only have one drink. I also drink a lot of water and electrolytes. I’ll be 51 in two weeks and while I don’t look as youthful as I would like, I’m happy with how I look overall, and without Botox (not against it, just haven’t done it….yet), etc. I also noticed when I’m not intermittent fasting, I don’t look as youthful, so I’m getting back into doing that. This video is inspiring me! 👏❤️ (BTW, you look fantastic as always, but even more so than when I watched you last, maybe 9 months ago.)
You are so spot on, Chalene, and I love the well-researched information you impart. I've been "mewing" for the past two years now and I too, sincerely believe that it's made a difference in my jawline. What else do I do? I attempt to notice when my energy is becoming anxious and implement ways to slow down and ground myself. Additionally, I dance to old disco music everyday, which is so much fun and re-connects me to my much younger self. Yes, finding things you love to do and that make you smile is the best anti-aging protocol. Love you! xo
Oh I love this so much! Thanks for sharing your tips!
Thank you great video , you look great
Here's some of the ways I have changed my appearance: Increase water intake, reduce sugar, exercise with resistance bands and stretching, be aware of my thoughts , be grateful, be more positive and have more fun.
Lifewave Alavida skin patch has made a big difference in my 69 year old skin. They are non-transdermal so nothing goes into your skin, it just radiates back the light/infrared heat in your body with organic copper peptides. So much cheaper than what you had done Chalene!
Would love an update on intermittent fasting. I have been doing it a long time, but you don't always reduce calories. Sometimes you do a little bingeing. If you can do an update , that would be great! I am turning 70 tomorrow and love this video! Taking notes! Thank you, Chalene. xo
Will sure do! Happy Birthday!!
I found that I loss muscle. I have been advised to go no more than 12 hours without eating now. I am 58 and post menopausal.
Thank you Chalene
Im 51 tomorrow & i feel so joyful seeing your video
I love your energy ❤
Happy birthday gorgeous!!
I gave myself permission to stay in zone two today at Orangetheory fitness. After I told the coach that, she said, that is so great. Because your body needs recovery time after beating it up in zone three so much. At age 62, it’s OK not to have to run on the treadmill with the 20-year-olds.
I really love your positive energy of not feeling like we all have to get surgery. I want to age gracefully, and have fun without having to feel like I must have expensive surgeries and treatments that make me appear fake.
That’s awesome. Love that your instructor was supportive!!!
Just want to say you look great in your profile pic! 😊💗
I also regularly go to Orange Theory. I am an avid power walker on a decent incline. It’s so underrated because it’s lower stress on joints and overall body, but also works the backs of legs and butt that running can’t do. I may never get a shoutout from the coaches, but I know it’s better for me.
Yes PLEASE please share the new research on intermittent fasting 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
I think I posted a while back on one of your videos that I jump rope for exercise. Welp, it got to the point where I was feeling burnt out, I had pain in my wrists and fingers (I use weighted ropes up to 2 lbs), everything ached, wasn’t sleeping well and not looking forward to my workouts but would do them anyway. So I decided to just walk everyday for a week. I feel so much better and really look forward to being outside. I got a lot of benefits from jumping but I think, at 52 y/o, that maybe it was just getting too stressful on my body. I love jump rope, but I can’t do it anymore.
I would say don’t be afraid to change up your workouts, or anything, if it’s not working for you anymore. Tfs
Jump roping became a cortisol inducing workout for you. I’m so glad you gave a walking a chance!
How about you try rebounding on a small trampoline as a jump rope swap??
Walking has changed my life ! Thank you so much !! ❤I train at home as I’m not able to afford gyms . But thanks to all your tips I feel so much better . Now I need to learn how to sleep better lol
Adopt a dog or cat......❤ Proven affects on over all health and live longer.....pure unconditional love
I love your karma and positivity. I'm a native New Yorker. I recently lost 30.pounds and have seen 3 plastic surgeons for body flab. They each said that there isn't anything they could do except cut me up like a road map.I feel and a 30 year old and.lookmpretty acceptable for 68 yrs.old I have marionette and chin lines....practically popped up over night .You are my beacon of light asI want to do weight training for my body flab. The face bothers me but it's either a vertical lift or your methods. Thank you and I will send you two recent pictures. Please stay around ....we need you.
I couldn't send them but I look younger than my age.
I know you look amazing queen! I love you and I mean it!
Thanks Charlene
I’m in the phase of life where I am blessed with young children but not much sleep! This was a great reminder on all accounts. I have had the most success in managing my weight when I incorporate intermittent fasting. I would love to see a video on that topic! 🤗
No worries! I got you! 😘
Intermittent fasting for Women is different than for Men. learning it changed my levels of success! 🙋
I have been drinking exogenous ketones for fat loss for almost 2yrs and found out that it also improves my mood, energy and focus. So after 70lbs of fatloss in 6 months and just feeling better overall, I know I will definitely be drinking these for a very long time.
Vegan, and working out consistently for 17 years. I'm 47 but look like I'm in early 30s
I love how you started the episode with how you love aging and all you've learned in the process!!! THANK YOU!
Love listening to your wisdom. Please do an episode on getting better sleep! I can’t figure out how to sleep better and I’m tired of being tired 😏
I just recently did 😘
I take glycine and it helps tremendously.
I lovvvveeeee: 1) sauna bathing 2) collagen peptides/bone broth 3) autophagy fasting with each season
@@chalenejohnsonim so confused some people say fast not do not skip breakfast and others say fast 18 hours daily. Im confused.
Yes please to fasting and sleep tips! I love your episodes, Charlene. Thank you so much!
I did videos about these ❤️
Walking, Riding my bike, eating Legumes & Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, Berries has kept me young. I don't have any skin care treatment. But people have told me I look young & i feel young. 😊
I’m so grateful for what I know about resistance training and nutrition. I know I’m aging better than my mom, even though she is fairly healthy, I feel like resistance training and hormone therapy and Pilates are making me younger and reversing any damage I’ve done. Thank god for educating oneself and modern technology.
I love it!! You are absolutely killing it! 🔥🔥🔥
I am 64 years young and I changed my diet, I am gluten free, grain free, sugar free, I tried dairy free but I need to eat yogurt (calcium) for my bones (osteoporosis) so I eat sheep yogurt every day. I fast 14, 16 and sometimes 18 hours can't extend it because thyroid issues. I am 4'11 and 105 pounds I usually receive complements about the way my skin looks, I started taping my mouth 2 weeks ago hoping to help with my jawline. I wish I can live until I am 100 or more We have a quadriplegic cerebral palsy son who is 25 years old who needs 24 hour care, so what is going to kill us is stress in our case is not easy almost impossible to get rid of stress when first thing in the morning instead to have a nice cup of coffee, read the papers, watch the news or workout is change diapers and start to taking care of our son. I am going to start to drink more water and try tapping 😊
Your dedication to live a healthier life for your son is truly admirable. You are such an inspiration for all of us. Sending you lots of love xo
Magnesium for bones
I also look better now than years ago by taking care of myself, exercise,skin protection ( also fair). I invested in a micro current machine for my neck & it has just made me look so much less jourly 😊. I am very lucky not rich but comfortable enough to invest in some beauty treatments. Hormones are so important women. I had a total hysterectomy & have estrogen gel & blood tests (waiting) to see if need testosterone. I want to be there for all my family & grow old with elegance. Thank you for your channel 😘
Which micro current product did you purchase?
Oh I love this so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Loved the video, love your personality... Speaking of that; I believe that when you can remain young at heart, enjoying life with a childlike joy, laughing a lot, and a bubbly personality... it also keeps you young and appearing younger. I'm 47 but have a bubbly, young at heart personality, and that along with my appearance makes many people think I'm in my early 30's. Definitely less stress & more joy has made a difference. I believe that you have to take care of not only your physical body, but your soul and spirit too. A healthy, positive mind also keeps you younger... ❤
Yes!!! I couldn’t agree more more with you sister! I love this so much!
I really enjoyed this video and just re-hearing how important it is to take charge of our own life. I think everyone looks better when they just "smile". I friendly expression is contagious. Also, keeping current with makeup ...especially less is more as we age.
Oh I couldn’t agree more! ❤️
I am Hispanic and have to stay out of the sun due to my melasma. Sunscreen is my BFF. I am full menopause and have seen my skin change but have changed my habit, no alcohol since January of this year. I have added good supplements and eat better. Sleep is getting better. I got an oura ring and has help me a lot. I fast 12 hours everyday. I walk two miles am/pm with a weighted vest. I think am in the right path to aging and am not worried.
Cháleme you are the QUEEN of Podcast 🥰
Aww! Thank you!!! 😍😍
Attitude is everything and a positive outlook! There is do much to be said with a woman who is happy and carries herself well even in challenging times! A beautiful smile coupled with grace goes a long way!!
I completely get the cold plunge thing. I can’t do it either, but I started using an ice cold washcloth on my face every morning and at night and I noticed some difference in my skin. My skin looks smoother , right after the cloth my face is super red ,probably from blood flow I don’t know but it seems to make a difference.
That - I can do! Thanks for sharing! ❤️
I'm very concerned about my health for when I'm in my 70s. Of the 3 generations before me, most died in their early 70s. One parent died and the other is in late stage dementia in their early 70s. I don't want that to be me. It won't do me any good to be wrinkle free if I'm wearing a diaper that someone has to change.
Your channel is being a huge help to me in many ways. I appreciate all of the anti aging information that you are presenting. I think that you're doing and excellent job at covering anti aging in a well rounded way. You've given me hope and some serious goals. I even want to set up a weight bench now.
Love hyperbaric chambers. I have done it to help me to recover from a very difficult case of Covid in 2020. After spending 10h over period of 2 weeks in the chamber I felt like new. And later I did another 10h just because I loved it so much. I wish I could do it again but yes it is very expensive.
Yes! It’s super amazing! ❤️
Luv your energy. Im 66 yrs old been told i look much younger. I have always exercise, i eat a lot of fruit berries . My biggest obsession is watermelon. Ive notice my skin looks younger less lines etc. I also, use an infrared massage bed for 20 yrs now. I agree with everything thing u mention to stay youthful. My mother who is now 89, use to power walk 5 miles a day up until she was in her 70s. Her sister that never exercised her age now walks with a walker and needs assistance bathing etc
Chalean you are like the big sister here to tell us all the things! ❤ thank you
more like you big bossy sister lol I just do this because I love you 😘
@@chalenejohnson thank you for doing it! And we love you too!
That is why I could drink wine in France and Italy. But when I drank wine or even beer in the United States. I would get a migraine headache . And if you have ever had a migraine headache. It is nothing like a regular headache.
Hormone Replacement Therapy has helped me tremendously. Just like evrything else, it has to be tweaked periodically.
I couldn’t agree more!
Not for me
Have you researched stem cells and Exosomes in skincare? They’re the new buzz word in skincare but they work. They are good for hair growth/ scalp health too! Now ppl are getting PRF injections instead of PRP. Do a video on these topics too!! Thank you Chalene!! So so so glad I found your channel!!! You’re amazing!! True inspiration!! ❤🙏🏻🙌🏻
I sleep like a bear, eat healthy, exercise, no children, no smoking, no drinking or sun low stress, no sugar, no dairy, low carbs and I look 12+ years younger. BTW money helps a lot with the whole process LOL ❤
lol good for you sis!
I am on my second day of watching all of your videos. They are amazing! You are wonderful, inspiring, genuine and so intelligent!! Thank you for sharing all of these great tips!!❤
Yes please! On specialist and the benefits of intermittent fasting.
Yep! I think that’s what we need
And how to do it with weight training.
Gotta tell you that I absolutely loved this show... I need to go back and watch the tapping episode... and yes please #bettersleep 47yrs old would love better sleep
OMG! That is so touching. seriosuly. Thank you so much! xoxo
Yes to sunblock!! Even if you’re not going outdoors. Then double cleansing before doing your skincare at night. Btw thank you for this amazing tips Chalene!!! ❤
You’re welcome!! 😊
As a former cosmetics MGR. I can wholeheartedly agree. It's 365!
Being in that oxygen chamber would give me a claustrophobic panic attack! But Red Light is something that is really great for you & it's not hot at all! Amazon has many Red Light Panels at all price points - mine was only $50, and it cleared up a rash on my neck overnight by sitting in front of it for only 15 minutes! It's great for joints & injuries but also excellent for collagen growth on the face!
So in LOVE with this lady & this content!
I just remembered that you read every comment (I don't know how!) Thank you so much Chalene for all the effort you put into this channel! You're such an inspiration - I will get my channel started before the end of the year, it is a promise on my vision board & in my calendar! Thanks again - Vivi Lareau
Oh I just love you! You better start that channel girl! I know you got this Vivi! 😘😘😘
Chalene, this is my first video i have watched of yours. Great video! I am 55. People think i am in my mid to late 30's. I cant say i follow all the items i should, but i would love to see a video on sleep. I am very fit and healthy, but like you, sleep is not a priority. After nursing and caring for my 8 children, i learned to be energetic on little sleep. How did you fix your sleep? I am intrigued!
Welcome! I'll def will upload a video about sleep soon!
Same problems here. I had horrible sleep for years (4-5 hours per night) and had to be highly functional in a high stress job. I started fermenting L Reuteri and other probiotics yogurt. I also take a Triple Calm Magnesium supplement at night. I now sleep 8-9 hours every night even throughout the full moon night which I was never able to get any sleep during full moons. It's mind blowing what gut microbiome can do for us.
@@everhappy6312 Thank you so much for the info! Yes! The full moon messes with my Cancerian self...even a couple of days before and after
Pencil yourself in for #Sleep
Anti-aging secret…I’ve been taking cod liver oil by the tablespoons almost everyday since I was 25 ish and now I’m 52…I like to call it moisturizing from the inside.
I’m loving your channel! I’m learning so much about so many things !
Palm Coast, Florida
Oh I appreciate that so much Yvette! ❤️❤️❤️
@@chalenejohnson do you have any videos on natural ways to treat vaginal atrophy 🙈 without HRT
#better sleep habits
Thanks Chalene for your motivation videos to be at our best. You are such a smart example 🌸
Thanks for the great topic and tips, Chalene! Would love to hear more about Intermittent Fasting and it's benefits. Thank you!!
You’re welcome!! 😘
I am SO with you on the cold plunge thing. And I hate being too hot too. Summer is not my favorite time of year, especially since I like to cover up to protect my skin and summer is all about shorts and tank tops. And yes, Stevie is definitely a badass!!
I have never done hyperbaric oxygen, but I would love to try it because it sounds so wonderful and if people could do it, in the long run, insurance companies would probably save money but unfortunately I think they just don’t want us feeling too good because we might not need them and they want us to be sick.
Loved this video. Have been going through alot the last year and it has aged me significantly! I've already implemented some of the things you talked about and it's amazing how quickly things can change. That then gives you the energy and motivation to do more and keep going! Thank you for being you!!❤
👏 Thanks so much for this, tips in this video are really useful, ps:- You are totally right about the cold plunges, as it’s definitely off balance & just another social media fitness trend, till another one comes along!! Appreciate your content ⭐️ 🙏🏽
You are so welcome! 😘😘😘
I love your perspective on love, life, and the pursuit of happiness! How we can and must continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes we look in the rearview mirror and wish we were younger. When this golden age (I'm 61) can be every bit as awesome. The things I know now about healthy living are so much better. I may not be as powerful but like to think I'm a lot smarter and don't sweat the small stuff. I still think you and your hubs are still hotties. Keep inspiring
I couldn’t agree more with you! Thank you!!! 😍😍
No sun means low vitamin D. VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOUR HEALTH.
Dear Chalene, you are such an inspiration and give us hope. Thank you
The one thing I hate about aging is my hair! My hair used to be so shiny and straight I was asked to move at a football game because the shine from my hair bothered her eyes. NOW no shine. The texture fuzzy limp fine. My skin looks beautiful I’m 67 and I get compliments daily. In high school I brought a face towel to the beach and covered my neck and face. 1974. Nobody did this. I did. They are wrinkly I’m not. The sun. The worst! What do you do to keep your hair looking so great?
Dyson airwrap and hair clip ons ❤️
Water is my religion! I ALWAYS have my water bottle with me. It’s the first thing I have in the morning and the last thing I have at night, besides my tea obsession, and I rarely ever have sweet tea or soda and I’ve never had an energy drink. Sunscreen is a newer addition to my routine but I definitely use it everyday. I already have sun damage from my early years and the fact I live at the beach. I love being outside and it definitely makes me a happy person but sunscreen has become as much of my daily routine as brushing my teeth. I also rarely eat fast food and the hubby and I only eat out once a week for date night or while on vacation. I love cooking for us. It’s our love language 🥰
No drinking, eating, smoking and even no sun? Do you want to live long like that? Does it matter if I look older, if I enjoy my life and if I' m happy?
It’s more than just about your physical appearance. Do you want to put yourself and those who have to care for you through lung cancer, Alzheimer and heart disease. etc. Might be time for you to really start doing the research. Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean you aren’t having a full and fun life. On the contrary ! ❤
If that’s not your jam then you do you sis 😘
@@Rositasparks ,the problem is, you don' t have any garanty by aging, even if you do everything you can. But of course, better do something, than nothing.
Some doctors say don't sleep with your face, stomach facing the bed. It is a harmful position. Sleep either on your back or on your sides.
Great video as always! I’m w/you in the too hot/too cold. Just can’t do it. But I do red/infrared light therapy w/out the sauna part….
Do you just lie under the IR lamp? I have recently bought a lamp (cannot afford the sauna) Would you mind sharing?
Those are just too much for me tbh
Things don't get better when your 75 and trying hard to be healthy. Can't lose wt., thyroid, autoimmune.all from stress. Didn't live a glamorous life. It was a hard knock life for me. Single parenting, working 2 jobs, etc etc etc
Try:: Read Wheat Belly by Dr Davis. Eat 1 gram protein per 1 pound of ur goal weight. Move instead of sitting still. Leave those nasty people behind. Hashimoto's can resolve, try Armour thyroid or NP thyroid not synthroid. Listen to the Dry Bar Comedy channel. 😊 ur a survivor.
#bettersleep!!!! 😊
You should make a work out video! I would love to know your exercise routine! You look amazing. I learn so much from you. I have done microneedling. That really helps with texture, pores and collagen production. I have done threads. Don't recommend them. Waste of money ! I have done RF. I love it. Very relaxing and gives a temporary tightening of the skin but results are very short lived.
Girl, I am so with you on the hot/cold extremes. No thanks. Also, tretinoin and peaceful relationships
I know - Right?!?
oh my goodness, I do not like to be hot either, but I do the infrared sauna! You can build up on temp and time! You will be hooked. Thank you for all your info! So helpful.
I have a portable far infrared sauna too and love it.
Please share your sleeping tips!!! I would love to hear more.
Coming soon!
You forgot to mention micro needling and frequency treatments. so good.
I read a quote that really stuck with me:
“ everyone gets to be young, but not everyone gets to grow old”
I love that !!
I love that "your appearance radiates how you feel inside". I will remember that❤
I so appreciate that. Thank you!!! 😍😍