The Incredible Logistics of the Tokyo Olympics

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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    Writing by Sam Denby
    Research by Sam Denby and Tristan Purdy
    Editing by Alexander Williard
    Animation by Josh Sherrington
    Sound by Graham Haerther
    Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
    Select footage courtesy the AP Archive
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Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @jzph
    @jzph 3 года назад +3421

    When you see “The incredible logistics of” you know it’ll be a good video!

    • @charlesevanshughes3638
      @charlesevanshughes3638 3 года назад +8

      @hv a gooday Go to hell.

    • @tolep
      @tolep 3 года назад +1

      It wasn't. Just reading a bunch of numbers from publicly available document.

    • @jzph
      @jzph 3 года назад +34

      @@tolep cry about it

    • @mikehawk2610
      @mikehawk2610 3 года назад +1

      @@jzph do you like it when people spam their non related content?

    • @serg9320
      @serg9320 3 года назад +1

      Always a fantastic watch

  • @moorephasiaj.3430
    @moorephasiaj.3430 3 года назад +1102

    I have 0 involvement in any kind of official logistics of any kind but man, do I love these videos for some reason

  • @tsakeboya
    @tsakeboya 3 года назад +2541

    IOC whenever they need a new facility:
    *Fuck it, build a new city*

    • @agentofashcroft
      @agentofashcroft 3 года назад +148

      ioc is so corrupt

    • @dojokonojo
      @dojokonojo 3 года назад +33

      LA and Paris: We have no such weakness

    • @ikeekieeki
      @ikeekieeki 3 года назад +9

      just raze existing living structures! - IOC, every time

    • @lisasforehead6043
      @lisasforehead6043 3 года назад +2

      @@dojokonojo it will be tough for Paris to do so

    • @ZOCCOK
      @ZOCCOK 3 года назад +34

      @@ikeekieeki lol true, it would be just more cost effective and even better to just have a permanent Olympic event in a dedicated city ever year.
      It can even be on Olympus, the place where the Olympics originated

  • @DMSMedia
    @DMSMedia 3 года назад +1478

    I'd love to see "The Incredible Logistics of producing a Wendover Productions video" next

    • @CharliePapaUniform
      @CharliePapaUniform 3 года назад +6

      Yes please

    • @Steentje06
      @Steentje06 3 года назад +30

      Guy probably hires a guy who then in turn hires a couple Indian guys or girls with excellent English, who then proceed to write-up most info and then he records the voice over and adds jokes. Much the same for the editor I imagine.

    • @wuzzabug
      @wuzzabug 3 года назад +38

      That sounds like a better suited video for that guy over at Half As Interesting

    • @JoshuaGoudreau
      @JoshuaGoudreau 3 года назад +1

      @@wuzzabug Yeah, that guy is way better (I almost said 'way more interesting' but I couldn't figure out a way to work the joke)

    • @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721
      @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 3 года назад +1

      And reveal all his secrets?

  • @iancypes5911
    @iancypes5911 3 года назад +896

    6:27 The 2028 situation was even worse than you think. Los Angeles had bid for the 2024 Olympics. The IOC chose Paris instead but were so afraid that no one would bid for 2028 that they gave 2028 to LA 4 years early because they liked both cities' bids

    • @purplerabbit638
      @purplerabbit638 3 года назад +71

      @@crinjal_mrp ya and they organized the only profitable Olympics to date.

    • @iancypes5911
      @iancypes5911 3 года назад +193

      @@crinjal_mrp IOC was likely afraid of the USA not even bothering to bid. New York lost out on 2012, Chicago got rejected in 2016, and no American city even bothered for 2020. The IOC didn't want to drive away it's biggest financial contributor by completely rejecting all of its largest, most capible cities

    • @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721
      @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 3 года назад +62

      I just want to know what would happen if no city bid.

    • @Yeldren
      @Yeldren 3 года назад +160

      They half gave Paris 2024 because Paris hosted the 1924 Olympics and pretty much everyone figured it would be nice if they were able to host an Olympics 100 years later.

    • @albertsun3393
      @albertsun3393 3 года назад +83

      @@crinjal_mrp California being California, there was likely to be (and still probably is) massive backlash to the costs surrounding the Olympic games. LA is busy enough as-is and the traffic caused by the Olympic games would make it worse.

  • @ThomasNing
    @ThomasNing 3 года назад +478

    Dude, I grew up in the Sydney Olympic village. The whole area is very well utilised, event-wise and liveability-wise.

    • @TheActualDP
      @TheActualDP 3 года назад +9

      As someone who once made use of the area every month or so, I think it's a bit too liveable if you know what I mean.

    • @MORErings
      @MORErings 3 года назад +2

      So is the olympic park in East London

    • @bostonblackie9503
      @bostonblackie9503 3 года назад +4

      It is my understanding the Sydney Olympic cost was way beyond the esstamate, as is the usual case!

    • @Abigail-hu5wf
      @Abigail-hu5wf 3 года назад +24

      And, in a topical twist, the olympic park is currently being used to provide COVID vaccinations! I got my vaccination in the olympic park :D It's a fantastically-utilised space all told.

    • @bobsingh7949
      @bobsingh7949 3 года назад +5

      Glad to hear it. Sydney is one if those cities folks travel to anyway i hears...

  • @kevindillon6203
    @kevindillon6203 3 года назад +725

    I wonder if the ice cream machine at the Olympic village McDonald’s works.

    • @ikeekieeki
      @ikeekieeki 3 года назад +47

      depends on if they have to have it serviced by Taylor's favorite colluders i mean technicians

    • @jeffreypierson2064
      @jeffreypierson2064 3 года назад +13

      I forget who did the video, but I watched one on this. The "cleaning" cycle is a heat sanitation cycle. If there is too much ice cream mix in the machine, it doesn't all get hot enough. That then is reported to the workers in an unclear message. So just remove some mix if the cleaning fails.

    • @ikeekieeki
      @ikeekieeki 3 года назад +27

      it was Johnny Harris who did the video - really good investigative reporting !

    • @lonestarr1490
      @lonestarr1490 3 года назад +3

      @@jeffreypierson2064 Unclear error reports. Well that's some place I have definitely been to.

    • @iwillchangemynamelater6290
      @iwillchangemynamelater6290 3 года назад +17

      the ice cream machine not working is mostly an american problem

  • @njaaknifen
    @njaaknifen 3 года назад +6296

    The irony of McDonalds giving out food for free in an athletic village...

    • @penguinpingu3807
      @penguinpingu3807 3 года назад +580

      smart move they wont waste much money for giving out free food, while getting some shitload of publicity

    • @Noahwhereman
      @Noahwhereman 3 года назад +213

      @@penguinpingu3807 I don't think McDonald's needs more publicity lmao, I'm pretty sure they're #1 fast food chain internationally or at least close to #1
      Edit: also yes, it is technically a loss for McDonald's to give out free food for the athletes. Idk what u
      mean by "they won't waste much money giving out food for free"

    • @ZeeBri
      @ZeeBri 3 года назад +480

      Don't be stupid. It tastes good and they need calories. It's not like they're going to suck down a big mac then sit in their room on their pc all day

    • @SayYourSomething
      @SayYourSomething 3 года назад +41

      @@penguinpingu3807 You speak as if McDonalds is this small mom and pop business

    • @Noahwhereman
      @Noahwhereman 3 года назад +230

      @@ZeeBri yes because McDonald's is the most healthy source of calories that professional athletes have access to. Also McDonald's doesn't taste that good idk what your on lmao.

  • @SuperSmashDolls
    @SuperSmashDolls 3 года назад +2411

    Tokyo: "We sent in a 2020 Olympics bid to show the world we recovered from the Tohoku Earthquake"
    2020: sup fam

    • @stansman5461
      @stansman5461 3 года назад +54

      I had to look up if the olympics even took place cause the year was too crazy.

    • @josephboen178
      @josephboen178 3 года назад +43

      Got slapped then proceed to got kicked

    • @syxepop
      @syxepop 3 года назад +12

      worse yet, the Tokyo Olympiad is still being marketed as the 2020's even as they haven't yet occurred as I type this....

    • @EE-sw3uh
      @EE-sw3uh 3 года назад +24

      @@syxepop Euro 2020 did the same

    • @bgl11
      @bgl11 3 года назад +2

      The Olympics: unimaginable complexity! Tokyo: best I can do is no spectators, and no international visitors.

  • @lukem3720
    @lukem3720 3 года назад +516

    10 years later we still got a chart topping song about rolling in the deep

    • @Zachariahtoms
      @Zachariahtoms 3 года назад +30

      What do you know about rolling in the deep

    • @kiriakos.17
      @kiriakos.17 3 года назад +2


    • @Sneaker3719
      @Sneaker3719 3 года назад +10


    • @shreyaspillai8421
      @shreyaspillai8421 3 года назад +2

      @@Sneaker3719 the new rickroll

    • @twintimeproductions8700
      @twintimeproductions8700 3 года назад +1

      When these people talk too much, put that shit in slow motion yeah

  • @Simon_GH
    @Simon_GH 3 года назад +2225

    Wow didn't know the Olympics use OBS to stream the games

    • @KnuxMaster368
      @KnuxMaster368 3 года назад +51


    • @bobthegreat297
      @bobthegreat297 3 года назад +63

      lol that would be epic

    • @gxpher7
      @gxpher7 3 года назад +44

      they must have a lot of scenes

    • @TheOttomila
      @TheOttomila 3 года назад +5


    • @RaymondHng
      @RaymondHng 3 года назад +15

      OBS was formed in 2001 and started broadcasting with the 2008 Olympics.

  • @randomvibinguy1306
    @randomvibinguy1306 3 года назад +693

    „The First Season of Game of Thrones is on the way of becomming a tv phenomenon, Osama bin Laden has been killed by Navy Seals“ That escalated quickly

    • @willblack8575
      @willblack8575 3 года назад +8

      Fake news, throw the body in the ocean, sure sure

    • @jorenvanderark3567
      @jorenvanderark3567 3 года назад +46

      If it had been fake the the guy would have gone on TV if only to embarass the Americans, he hasn't therefore he isn't!

    • @helper_bot
      @helper_bot 3 года назад +26

      @L Train45 oh well im sure the entire internet wouldn't say that sentence ever again in history after your complaint

    • @Joerje
      @Joerje 3 года назад +9

      @L Train45 that escalated quickly

    • @mechanomics2649
      @mechanomics2649 3 года назад +1

      @L Train45 The internet, or world for that matter, doesn't revolve around you, princess.

  • @Stazariii
    @Stazariii 3 года назад +36

    As a Sydneysider I never knew Olympic Park was special for how successful it's been post Olympics. Certainly been taking it for granted!

  • @smileyeagle1021
    @smileyeagle1021 3 года назад +23

    I think Salt Lake City was incredibly smart in how they handled the construction of the Olympic Village. The University of Utah needed new student housing, so they built the Olympic Village in such a way that all they had to do once the athletes moved out was to take down all the signs indicating it was the Olympic Village and viola, new student housing.

    • @rderouck
      @rderouck 7 месяцев назад

      I'm going to start writing viola instead of voilà too. Looks better

  • @tellmeaboutit691
    @tellmeaboutit691 3 года назад +110

    You forgot to mention how Japanese people here hate the idea of Olympics now. Right in the middle of pandemic. Japan has been very slow in vaccine rollout and the number of new cases is escalating rather quickly. People in Tokyo have been under a state of emergency for the past 3 month (now will be 4 with the Olympics period) with limited freedom of movement but the city is apparently ready to host the largest event in the world.

    • @SpectacularLeigh
      @SpectacularLeigh 3 года назад +23

      This is hugely overlooked, this video seems to willingfully gloss over negative impacts of the event.
      Granted this is a logistics video it's fun to point at big numbers, I'm left feeling like I got a dose of propoganda.
      What is the proof that olympics is actually good for a city compared to a city without olympics?

    • @tellmeaboutit691
      @tellmeaboutit691 3 года назад +7

      @@SpectacularLeigh As the video mentioned the demand to host the games is decreasing. After Tokyo Olympics it will decrease further I think

    • @SpectacularLeigh
      @SpectacularLeigh 3 года назад +12

      @@tellmeaboutit691 Brisbane, Australia is taking on 2032. Yet it just feels like the bids are about whoever is willing to show up to be the next guinea pig.

    • @calvinmitchell141
      @calvinmitchell141 3 года назад +1

      @@SpectacularLeigh it’s because people are selfish and don’t want to invest in something unless it directly benefits them

    • @lzh4950
      @lzh4950 3 года назад +1

      Heard people in Japan have also been ignoring the government's advice to avoid travelling between cities too though? e.g. during Golden Week (maybe to express displeasure at the government, or due to fatigue with pandemic restrictions?) & sports venues e.g. baseball are still allowed to have spectators

  • @genrikblazevic3866
    @genrikblazevic3866 3 года назад +119

    Was looking for something to watch during my meal. Thanks for the timely upload! :D

  • @Zachruff
    @Zachruff 3 года назад +45

    My sister works for the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball and was supposed to be present at these olympics as she was one of the main planners for the volleyball, but sadly they arent allowing most staff to travel there anymore (which is probably a good thing)

    • @noobnoob8138
      @noobnoob8138 3 года назад +8

      As a resident of Japan it's def a good thing (though I wish it wasn't the case and she could come). As things are now us residents of Japan are having these games forced down our throats. I've never seen the majority of Japanese so angry at having their voices dismissed by the IOC and JOC.

    • @RaymondHng
      @RaymondHng 3 года назад

      @@noobnoob8138 Why weren't the Japanese more vocal about their refusal to support the bid back in 2010?

    • @tyreekbtb
      @tyreekbtb 3 года назад +9

      @@RaymondHng Cause covid and state of emergencies weren't a thing taking place back then 👀 weird question

    • @ZOCCOK
      @ZOCCOK 3 года назад +7

      @@RaymondHng things were a lot different 10 years ago, for example you were 10 years younger back then, it's just a small example but you can see how different it was

    • @ZOCCOK
      @ZOCCOK 3 года назад

      @@RaymondHng secondly politicians who are eager to the next big thing to get clout without thinking about the repercussions

  • @mattdog471
    @mattdog471 3 года назад +551

    $19,000 for an internet connection. Sounds like my internet provider.

    • @crazychinese7315
      @crazychinese7315 3 года назад +21

      The head of Olympic financial department (or accounting, can't really remember).. it was a guy in charge of money in Japan's Olympic program, and he jumped the rail a couple of months ago.. Give you an idea of where those money went

    • @ADefenestrator
      @ADefenestrator 3 года назад +13

      For that price, you should get something close to a 100Gb link, not 100Mb. Surprised they don't at least have a 1Gb option so they can run >2 4K streams

    • @AnthonyClauser
      @AnthonyClauser 3 года назад +1

      Think of the IOC like Disney, and the broadcast networks like the guests.

    • @YukariAkiyama
      @YukariAkiyama 3 года назад +1

      For 30 Mbps download and 5 Mbps upload at that price, too.

    • @cheesebusiness
      @cheesebusiness 3 года назад +1

      It’s a pretty good price for 20Mbps connection

  • @prettypic444
    @prettypic444 3 года назад +34

    I’m from Los Angeles, and basically the whole argument for us hosting was “well, we’ve already got the facilities- might as well use them.” (I’m still skeptical about the impact on our already horrific transit system/traffic though)

    • @Zeoytaccount
      @Zeoytaccount 3 года назад +9

      It might help to improve the metro system though! I hear they’re going to bum-rush development to meet the deadlines for the Olympics.

    • @prettypic444
      @prettypic444 3 года назад +3

      @@Zeoytaccount I certainly hope so! It feels like they’ve been working on the purple line extension for decades!

  • @niklaswag
    @niklaswag 3 года назад +187

    I just imagine they sit in the OBS (Olympic Broadcasting Services) setting up their multicam live stream set up using OBS (Open Braodcaster Software) like every live streamer on Twitch :D

    • @ScribeHolder
      @ScribeHolder 3 года назад +2

      OBS ception

    • @HopperNation
      @HopperNation 3 года назад

      @Him that doesn’t mean it’s bad software

    • @xtradark4621
      @xtradark4621 3 года назад

      they are defs NOT using obs :P

  • @ksmurphable
    @ksmurphable 3 года назад +142

    Now we need a logistics of the Olympic Games from the teams perspective how do they get all the sail boats and other large equipment to all these places can’t be easy.

    • @counterfit5
      @counterfit5 3 года назад +8

      I bet it would end up being similar to F1 logistics for fly away races

    • @alias_not_needed
      @alias_not_needed 3 года назад +10

      In rowing they usually pack their boats in special racks that can be transportet in standard shipping containers. When you can get there over land, they use special trailer. That trailers are used for the normal regattas and worldcups anyway.

    • @karenhaller9988
      @karenhaller9988 3 года назад +1

      I've always wondered: How do they transport horses for equestrian events? Do they make special horse size jets? How can they train an animal to calmly sit through something like that?

    • @alias_not_needed
      @alias_not_needed 3 года назад +1

      @@karenhaller9988 was that irony? never seen a horse trailer on the road? i don't know anything about horses, but i guess they get trained to do that stuff and/or the get used to it.

    • @karenhaller9988
      @karenhaller9988 3 года назад

      @@alias_not_needed You can't take a trailer across an ocean to Tokyo. And I suppose you could use a boat, but keeping a horse happy in a boat for weeks on end would be challenging too.

  • @gentlegiant4067
    @gentlegiant4067 3 года назад +91

    Honestly I can't wait for the video about the logistics of the World Cup. The most watched sporting event in history and the logistics must be insane, especially with the expanded 40 teams for the 2026 World Cup and three nations hosting it for the first time. Stadiums, food supply, travel, hotels, stadiums, etc.

    • @msgpatient7850
      @msgpatient7850 3 года назад +10

      Doing it for this Euro could be nice especially because of the circumstances but i doubt an american would talk about it.

    • @richkidnl9079
      @richkidnl9079 3 года назад +9

      Football is the biggest sport in the world and like OP said it’s the most watched event in the world so it would make a good vid definitely

    • @michaelrossevans
      @michaelrossevans 3 года назад

      They're just using Toronto and Edmonton in Canada here

    • @thankuslay6766
      @thankuslay6766 3 года назад +1

      While most of American: the biggest sport event is super bowl🤣🤣🤣

    • @manuelsaal9331
      @manuelsaal9331 3 года назад +1

      Quite similar to olympcs but on a bit smaller scale. Same as for Olympic games, there is a specific company which has the broadcast rights for the world cup and they distribute this to the rest of the world channels

  • @herzogsbuick
    @herzogsbuick 3 года назад +8

    14:53 Electric Kettle for $23? Pretty damn reasonable, especially at an event like the Olympics
    "Thank you for the kettle! Where do I plug it in?" "Right over here, for only $876!" 14:05

  • @americanpaisareturns9051
    @americanpaisareturns9051 3 года назад +99

    Brazil serves as a great example of what could happen to all the infrastructure after the Olympics have concluded.

    • @johnmccaa7232
      @johnmccaa7232 3 года назад +19

      Look at Atlanta Georgia

    • @jaskaransingh8664
      @jaskaransingh8664 3 года назад

      Yeah true

    • @aperson5994
      @aperson5994 3 года назад +5

      What could ?
      Meaning they did it badly ? Or meaning they genuinely did it well ? Or that they had good plans but poor execution?

    • @johnmccaa7232
      @johnmccaa7232 3 года назад +23

      @@aperson5994 the huge money dump into infrastructure then everything is abandoned after and then you have a high crime area with no business or good housing.

    • @iancypes5911
      @iancypes5911 3 года назад +11

      @@plutomatters9776 Sarajevo had all it's venues bombed/shelled in a civil war. Of course they've decayed

  • @alenomadedigitale
    @alenomadedigitale 3 года назад +7

    Being from Turin, Italy, I really appreciate that you pointed out the disastrous waste of time and money that the Winter Olympics were for out city!

  • @nope2dat
    @nope2dat 3 года назад +236

    The Olympics only occurs in one city historically cos they were tied to worlds fairs which no longer happen. I think they could definitely keep each games having an individual identity while reducing the cost by spreading future games over whole countries like world cups do. Imagine for a country like the UK you could build one venue and one far smaller village (2000 people instead of 1600 for example) in each of London, Bristol, Cardiff, Birmingham, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester and Leeds. Then each city could afford the cost and find far more uses for their venue or housing complexes after the games rather than be stuck with so many white elephants

    • @samasher5370
      @samasher5370 3 года назад +1

      What's world fairs

    • @nerdistry
      @nerdistry 3 года назад +30

      That's a great idea, as it would contribute to development outside of the capital as well, which is something many countries are struggling to get done these days.

    • @kristamehanikova4720
      @kristamehanikova4720 3 года назад +36

      @@samasher5370 the thing the Eiffel tower was built for

    • @alias_not_needed
      @alias_not_needed 3 года назад +16

      I agree. There are some sports that are very tricky to hold a good event. Rowing is such a sport. You need a 2km long piece of water, that is ideally protected from wind. Olympic rowing boats are not built for wavy conditions. So the olympic rowing course in rio was a desaster. There are many artificial created basins for rowing events. Would be much nicer to use them instead. I guess the same goes for sailing, surfing, wild water canoing etc. They all need certain conditions and are held outside the olympic villages anyway, i guess.
      But than it would be more about the sport and the athletes and not so much about media and money. Who would want such a thing?

    • @emilioalban1234
      @emilioalban1234 3 года назад +2

      I think it would make sense to do it per state in the US, but other than that I agree with you.

  • @DaveP258
    @DaveP258 3 года назад +5

    Great video!
    Small correction: Broadcaster like BBC, NBC,... actually do send camera crews out to film the events as well. Be it to get another additional angle (and doing interviews directly afterwards in the Mixed Zone) or to have better coverage of certain athletes.
    Sometimes in case there are two disciplines happening at the same time in the same venue, the world feed will only include one and the camera crew will be responsible to cover the other discipline.

  • @ProjektKlover
    @ProjektKlover 3 года назад +31

    The fact that humans are able to organize and create all of this is mind-blowing to me.

    • @Lance3015
      @Lance3015 3 года назад +2

      step by step i guess.
      i know what you mean, how did anything at all of todays world emerge. it leaves one thinking

  • @petermario191
    @petermario191 3 года назад +3

    Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympics was a huge economic success for the state of Utah. The exposure to how great Park City is alone boosted the tourism, ski resort success, coinciding housing market in surrounding areas, etc.. The annual Sundance Film Festival took off to new levels since then, and venues are used for a variety of purposes all throughout SLC, Park City and Provo. One of the few notable successes in recent Olympic history.

  • @Kriae
    @Kriae 3 года назад +22

    There's also the gigantic amount of condoms they need to provide to the olympic village

    • @HaydnGittemeier
      @HaydnGittemeier 3 года назад +5

      What do you expect from the worlds most fit and talented young people?

  • @milgrim
    @milgrim 3 года назад +1

    You got me so interested in what is happening to the Olympic villages after the event and after that even answered it for the few cases.
    Good episode, thanks!

  • @sam08g16
    @sam08g16 3 года назад +119

    It took me 45 minutes to realize he was referring to Turin, Italy.

    • @darraghmckenna9127
      @darraghmckenna9127 3 года назад +11

      Same ! Wasn’t the Olympic village in Torino really shoddily built ? I remember seeing some of the housing in terrible condition and that was back in 2014

    • @Sagittarius-A-Star
      @Sagittarius-A-Star 3 года назад +6

      @@darraghmckenna9127 Probably quality construction by your local Mafia bureau.

    • @IlleScrutator
      @IlleScrutator 3 года назад +2

      @@darraghmckenna9127 Not really, the video make it seem like all the villages were at the end a waste of money and space, but all of them except one were readily converted to normal housing from the beginning, even becoming a very enjoyable place; all except the Turin one, that was in fact left derelict until last year, when works began to convert it to house university students and young workers.

    • @darraghmckenna9127
      @darraghmckenna9127 3 года назад

      @@IlleScrutator the one across from Lingotto right ?

    • @IlleScrutator
      @IlleScrutator 3 года назад +1

      @@darraghmckenna9127 Yep exactly that one, the others were in a couple little villages close to the mountains

  • @timberwolfe1645
    @timberwolfe1645 3 года назад +2

    Simply amazing video. They should show this at the games to show how much work Tokyo has put into it

  • @freddytang2128
    @freddytang2128 3 года назад +4

    from a purely financial basis, it makes most sense for a handful of larger, experienced cities like Beijing to rotate the olympics between them, instead of asking new cities to spend billions building new facilities each time

  • @enriquecguerra
    @enriquecguerra 3 года назад +39

    It's really a shame that the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted this incredibly elaborated event

    • @nunyabusiness8538
      @nunyabusiness8538 3 года назад +6

      thanks china

    • @stevedong5117
      @stevedong5117 3 года назад

      @@nunyabusiness8538 you're welcome, loser.

    • @thankuslay6766
      @thankuslay6766 3 года назад

      Japan is so unfortunate, because big sport event like Olympic, world cup and Asian Games could attract tourists.

  • @thegunslinger1363
    @thegunslinger1363 3 года назад +180

    It's sad that after the Olympics are over. Most of the venues are not used.

    • @MoBahar687
      @MoBahar687 3 года назад +39

      Except for London 2012... Everything was useful after the games.

    • @deyesed
      @deyesed 3 года назад +20

      Montreal's Olympic park area is well integrated too.

    • @deliciousnoodles5505
      @deliciousnoodles5505 3 года назад +29

      Depends on the country really... though generally more often than not that's the case.

    • @juch3
      @juch3 3 года назад +36

      Japan barely built any new venues because what they needed has already been built in the previous one or some years before 2020

    • @glue_ostrich9600
      @glue_ostrich9600 3 года назад +27

      @You Tube tell that to the us military

  • @rocprcr
    @rocprcr 3 года назад +1

    As an interpreter for the 2017 Taipei Universiade, every detail mentioned in this video reminds me of absolutely everything I encountered from 2012 to 2017, from venue requirements to accommodation all the way to the IBC. Back then FISU officials designated Hyatt for their stay and CTS was the IBC and they sold the video feed to the world.
    I hope that Tokyo 2021 Games are successful this year, and thank you Japan for donating 3.33 million doses of the coronavirus vaccines to Taiwan.

  • @StridesandSummits
    @StridesandSummits 3 года назад +13

    "McDonald's provides athletes with food for free" are the 7 words that will shatter at least one athlete's Olympic dreams this year

    • @RaymondHng
      @RaymondHng 3 года назад

      There is a dining hall. Search RUclips for "Olympic dining hall" and you will see from the athletes' vlogs tours of the dining hall and that there are food choices other than McDonald's.

    • @lzh4950
      @lzh4950 3 года назад

      @@RaymondHng Meanwhile S Korea chose to self-cater their own food instead by flying in chefs to a hotel that they'd booked for use as a temporary kitchen. 1 speculated reason is to snub Japan publicly, to express it's distrust that Japan's provided food isn't safe from radiation, after the meltdown of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in 2011, with some coolant water laced with radiation leaking into the adjacent Pacific Ocean & possibly contaminating seafood caught there

  • @GurukiranS
    @GurukiranS 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for all the effort you put into making these videos. They are simply great.

  • @CapnCody1622
    @CapnCody1622 2 года назад +6

    I was in Japan in 2016 and they were already ramping up for the Olympics then. They all seemed so excited! It sucks how it all ended up for them :(

    • @MuchWhittering
      @MuchWhittering 2 года назад

      It was the same for London 2012. For years in Britain, that's all you heard about.

  • @1164-w9h
    @1164-w9h 3 года назад

    Honestly, this video and topic (and my devotion to this channel of course) made me finally sign up for the curiosity stream / nebula bundle! I'm so excited to check it out! Been thinking about it for years now! OP, as always, great videos, much appreciated! Take care!

  • @evivox
    @evivox 3 года назад +18

    You should make a video about the effort that is being put in Eurovision.

  • @RobertO-jf2om
    @RobertO-jf2om 3 года назад +1

    5:55 Sestriere - far from derelict, an amazing ski resort

  • @koreajong
    @koreajong 3 года назад +36

    Sam: I'm fluent in 3 languages.
    Also Sam: Ae-thernet plug

  • @theredditemperor8806
    @theredditemperor8806 3 месяца назад +1

    I have a 27 page reading assignment due in 2 ish hours but Tokyo Olympic’s logistics look kinda interesting

  • @WillTellU
    @WillTellU 3 года назад +269

    I think the logistics are very credible.

    • @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721
      @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 3 года назад +2

      Yeah, seems like the IOC made a really clear-cut document to cite.

    • @0xszander0
      @0xszander0 3 года назад +2

      I think the incredible part is bringing it all together..

  • @AbsolXGuardian
    @AbsolXGuardian 3 года назад

    12:33 Aww, the mascot for the 2020 Olympics is adorable.

  • @uss_04
    @uss_04 3 года назад +38

    I remember being hyped about this in 2016. Man its going go be interesting given todays context.

  • @StreamSonic
    @StreamSonic 3 года назад

    01:37 and 04:03
    Thanks, you shown particular Olympic village's construction site which I actually worked as one of the project manager.

  • @AFAndersen
    @AFAndersen 3 года назад +39

    "I didn't have time to make the video, so I made it for Nebula.."

  • @dtvfan24
    @dtvfan24 3 года назад

    Thanks for this, I worked on London 2012 and just loved how the tech was used . It was last time host broadcaster was host before OBS took over

  • @smallstudiodesign
    @smallstudiodesign 3 года назад +94

    Meanwhile, Adele’s song, “ *Rolling in the Deep* “ will be Japan’s anthem after the Tokyo Olympics … as they’re saddled with the incredible burden of debt.

    • @ikeekieeki
      @ikeekieeki 3 года назад +7

      plus covid cases due to a shallow vaccine rollout

    • @fazzlit
      @fazzlit 3 года назад +2

      Lmfao 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @nayeemhaider8367
      @nayeemhaider8367 3 года назад +6

      The Debt isnt much of a problem though since virtually all of it is owned by Japanese people. A Greece-like situation could only happen if Japan owed its debt to foreigners (like the Greeks do to the Germans)

    • @spreadinghumour
      @spreadinghumour 3 года назад +2

      *"Whatchu know about rolling down in the deep"*
      Sorry it had to be done

  • @alonikan2866
    @alonikan2866 3 года назад

    This is the best channel on RUclips! every video is just amazing

  • @alphagoat2035
    @alphagoat2035 3 года назад +41

    imagine how much money Japan will lose for not having a live audience

    • @tolep
      @tolep 3 года назад +2

      How much? Live audience is just a cost. In most cases.

    • @spencervance8484
      @spencervance8484 3 года назад +27

      @@tolep live audience needs places to eat, shop, sleep. A couple decades or more ago hosting the olympics was a massive economic boon for the host city...but as with everything prices rose significantly to the point we should consider canceling them for good

    • @tyreekbtb
      @tyreekbtb 3 года назад +7

      @@spencervance8484 yup I was gonna go to Japan for my 21st this year but they said nah bro 💀 so that money stayed in Florida 😂

    • @spencervance8484
      @spencervance8484 3 года назад

      @@tyreekbtb exactly my point.

    • @SuperSMT
      @SuperSMT 3 года назад

      Like he said, 3/4 of the money comes from TV not visitors

  • @YouAreBreathing
    @YouAreBreathing 3 года назад +2

    2:56 That's a really specific requirement. I don't want to be the 41,178th person in line and be told I won't get a hotel room because they're all booked.

  • @DerDoktory
    @DerDoktory 3 года назад +123

    Ah McDonalds, the perfect food for athletes :D

    • @gargravarr2
      @gargravarr2 3 года назад +2

      They certainly need the calories.

    • @Zveebo
      @Zveebo 3 года назад +19

      Usain Bolt used to eat McDonalds pretty regularly. Athletes usually aren’t as picky about individual items of food as you might expect - for a sprinter, so long as its got plenty of protein and calories to compensate for the huge amount of training they’re doing, it’s mostly fine.

    • @Morbuto
      @Morbuto 3 года назад +18

      @@Zveebo it’s also generally very safe food… getting food poisoning from eating unfamiliar food is not great for athletic performance. Still I’m sure some of the more high-profile athletes now have very specific dietary plans.

    • @tolep
      @tolep 3 года назад +2

      It's healthy, balanced food. (Except shakes and sodas)

    • @山口れいしゃん
      @山口れいしゃん 3 года назад +1

      Fastfood is bad if you're not burning the calories, it's very dense in calories and definitely not meant to be eaten regularly. Plus not all McDonald's are unhealthy, maybe you guys don't have good regulations.

  • @Т1000-м1и
    @Т1000-м1и 2 года назад +1

    If the entire human civilization had an epic edit video made of it, this would be included

  • @spyrosdevaris3472
    @spyrosdevaris3472 3 года назад +13

    4:44 Meanwhile in an at least two dimensional world "skware miters roum."

  • @milesclemente338
    @milesclemente338 3 года назад

    Most of the Sydney olympic venues have been turned in to amazing parks and training grounds for their sports. I cycle around the international regatta centre and school use it for rowing events.

  • @dim-flower
    @dim-flower 3 года назад +7

    Wait, free McDonalds? Ferb, I think I know what we are gonna do today

  • @DixonLu
    @DixonLu 3 года назад

    Thanks for the video. Would greatly appreciate a video on the logistics of the three weeks, how the athletes get to the venue (if it is not on site), how their equipment (like bikes) get there, how much food and water is consumed (and how they deliver them).

  • @kaibjerget7487
    @kaibjerget7487 3 года назад +3

    They should designate 5 locations around the world to host the olympics, not the way that it is currently done, its not only bad for the environment, but can cause gentrification as well. It is much easier to update and modernise excisting structures in the same location from a past olympic event than to build new ones in a new city that hosted the games for the last time 60 years ago.

  • @tcss0612
    @tcss0612 3 года назад

    I like how the news letter headline (15:10)are all "COVID CASE NUMBER" and "Olympics" really a mix feeling.

  • @ASilentS
    @ASilentS 3 года назад +61

    Probably should have gone with the title "The Incredible Logistics of Why The Fuck Are We Still Doing This? Tokyo is Under Emergency Restrictions And We Could Probably Just Have Delayed it Again". But this title works too.

    • @KRBadonkadonk
      @KRBadonkadonk 3 года назад +13

      Not to mention that 80%+ of Japanese people surveyed want the Olympics cancelled

    • @mcfarofinha134
      @mcfarofinha134 3 года назад +11

      We would cancel it if we could but the contract means we'd sued to all hell if we did

    • @gormauslander
      @gormauslander 3 года назад +1

      @@mcfarofinha134 why'd they sign the dang contract then?

    • @mcfarofinha134
      @mcfarofinha134 3 года назад

      @@gormauslander because thats the only way to become a host in the first place ? Did you even watch the vid ?

    • @gormauslander
      @gormauslander 3 года назад

      @@mcfarofinha134 i did. My point was that it's a huge waste of resources and the people don't want to host, so why did they apply to host?

  • @smoxalot
    @smoxalot 3 года назад

    Yo. I watch alot of videos, but your pages feed my knowledge lust. Please don't stop your productions anytime soon man.

  • @adewilliam9047
    @adewilliam9047 3 года назад +40

    >Village of Top of the Top Athletes
    >Give them free-flow McDonald's
    IOC: helth

    • @endlessrider1994
      @endlessrider1994 3 года назад +6

      Considering Usain Bolt famously had a pre-game diet of nothing but Chicken McNuggets before he broke the record in Beijing, that is quite funny in itself

    • @onyxzheng347
      @onyxzheng347 3 года назад +2

      The cash is more important

    • @shreyaspillai8421
      @shreyaspillai8421 3 года назад +2

      Why can I see this meme

    • @canobenitez
      @canobenitez 3 года назад +1

      @@shreyaspillai8421 you are beyond repair now

  • @ekuche8335
    @ekuche8335 3 года назад

    Love your logistic videos!!! MOREEEEE

  • @Josh_Fredman
    @Josh_Fredman 3 года назад +31

    Little-Known Trivia: Many Olympic athletes eat fast food like McDonald's as part of their training diets. Sometimes they eat quite a lot of it! Many athletes will tell you that getting enough calories each day is one of the most onerous parts of their never-ending daily training regimen. Aside from a high salt content, fast food is pretty healthy if you're actually going to need the calories.

    • @hair6789
      @hair6789 3 года назад +6

      that isnt true at all 🤣

    • @ExitusGSZ
      @ExitusGSZ 3 года назад +10

      Nice try, McDo rep

    • @hello-friend990
      @hello-friend990 3 года назад +3

      Nonsense fast food is high in saturated fats, msg, salt, is not low GIa and makes you feel bloated. It's the least healthy type of food

    • @canobenitez
      @canobenitez 3 года назад +2

      high salt content? the fact the you didn't say sodium (what’s found in food - especially in processed food containing preservatives) but salt (what we add to our food.) makes your argument invalid. you don't know what you are talking about. Good day sir

  • @hikaru-live
    @hikaru-live 3 года назад

    There are talks about IOC thrusting a game to Shanghai, with a relaxed Olympics Village requirement (athletes can be located within 60 minutes of any mode of transport, which means the athletes will be taking the Shanghai Metro to their venues,) and builds zero additional venues (as Shanghai have existing venues for pretty much all sports already in place, and all those venues have access to the Metro.)

  • @tornado1050
    @tornado1050 3 года назад +34

    14:45 I don't care about price, I just want the damn walkie talkie

  • @smooth2477
    @smooth2477 3 года назад

    It’s amazing how this video was put together. Amazing thank you

  • @Just_a_ruski_bot
    @Just_a_ruski_bot 3 года назад +159

    that was painful

    • @ch3burashka
      @ch3burashka 3 года назад +11

      He meant "aethernet" - no other medium can carry that much bandwidth.

    • @NatureXwars
      @NatureXwars 3 года назад +6

      That's how I say it.

    • @Shargur
      @Shargur 3 года назад +4

      Have you heard of the "Chair-oh-key" tribe though?? That's how he pronounced Cherokee in the Navajo Nation video...

    • @timlash
      @timlash 3 года назад +1

      @@Shargur Yeah, he's just trolling us now. This one and that one had to be intentional.

  • @emilyplunkett6034
    @emilyplunkett6034 3 года назад

    I actually would love to be a press photographer at the games. I do concert photography and have even covered a number of award shows with red carpets. I love the spontaneity of media work and would give anything for an experience on the scale of the Olympics.

  • @jlee4039
    @jlee4039 3 года назад +47

    Lesson for the world: Dismantle the IOC and start over

    • @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721
      @vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 3 года назад +5

      Have you tried turning it off and on again?

    • @ZOCCOK
      @ZOCCOK 3 года назад +2

      @@vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 good advice, hope that it solves my erectile dysfunction

  • @el_super_laser
    @el_super_laser 2 года назад

    signed to curiosity right now to support your channel. You owe me one answer. Why is it called Wendoveeeeeeer! Thanks for your great content.

  • @ikeekieeki
    @ikeekieeki 3 года назад +29

    hosting the Olympics in such a densely populated, yet still unvaccinated, city seems like it will make the required mourning area a long-lasting fixture.

    • @ZOCCOK
      @ZOCCOK 3 года назад +2

      IOC is prepared for anything, from making enormous losses to killing people, efficiency is the name of the game

    • @ShillienFeuer
      @ShillienFeuer 3 года назад +1

      Tokyo is around 70% vaccinated, and Japan as whole 50% vaccinated. They are vaccinating around 1 million people a day.

    • @cart.l
      @cart.l 3 года назад +1

      imagine being this stupid

    • @AndrewJeffersonCotter
      @AndrewJeffersonCotter 3 года назад

      calm down doomer

    • @ikeekieeki
      @ikeekieeki 3 года назад +2
      keep up to date following this link. the country is still not up to 30%.. if they continue to vaccinate 1 million a day it will take 22 days to raise that another 10%.

  • @MichaelSnasdell
    @MichaelSnasdell 3 года назад +1

    While London had a new aquatics centre built, it is worth noting that it was specifically designed to be modified after the games, to reduce its capacity.
    During the Games the venue had a capacity of 17,500. The two temporary "wings" have been removed, reducing the capacity to a regular 2,800 with an additional 1,000 seats available for major events.[5] Of all the swimming venues built for the 2012 Summer Olympics, the Aquatics Centre is the only one that will remain afterwards, albeit in a downsized form

  • @aervanath
    @aervanath 3 года назад +3

    Man, I'm disappointed every time the video isn't about bricks.

  • @eashansaju8106
    @eashansaju8106 3 года назад +1

    I was waiting for this since i've subscribed to this channel

  • @Briggie
    @Briggie 3 года назад +4

    1:43 “One of the worlds largest cities.”
    Going by metro area, it is the world’s largest city.
    Edit: by metro area I mean metro area population.

  • @cristinaf3844
    @cristinaf3844 3 года назад

    This was fantastic. The logistics are crazy!

  • @HorseLegend
    @HorseLegend 3 года назад +3

    McDonalds offering free food to professional athletes is like offering a carrot to a lion

    • @tolep
      @tolep 3 года назад

      You have no clue.

    • @RaymondHng
      @RaymondHng 3 года назад

      Carrots are not beef.

  • @arindamghosal8337
    @arindamghosal8337 3 года назад

    Awesome details and content..Great work.

  • @ElleSeven
    @ElleSeven 3 года назад +11

    they are also going to have a kick ass mega skate park left. Can't wait for the inaugural year of SKATEBOARDING in the Olympics

    • @Game_Hero
      @Game_Hero 3 года назад

      What's wrong with skateboarding? It's way harder than it looks.

    • @arshawitoelar7675
      @arshawitoelar7675 3 года назад +6

      @@Game_Hero I think they're talking about skateboarding as a good thing, they're excited about it

    • @nullvid
      @nullvid 3 года назад

      Can you even kickflip

  • @andreslopez8193
    @andreslopez8193 3 года назад

    As always Wendover Productions making some of the best content in RUclips. Keep up the good work!

  • @sonman3694
    @sonman3694 3 года назад +5

    Its strange to think they would submit documents that talk about the USD annual income instead of JPY or other currency used in japan.

    • @RaymondHng
      @RaymondHng 3 года назад

      Applicant cities must submit their bid books in English and French.

    • @sonman3694
      @sonman3694 3 года назад

      @@RaymondHng Gotcha. I didn't know that.
      Lol, of course France would require french haha.

  • @carrottopevans
    @carrottopevans 3 года назад

    It’s so cool how you are still recommending Nebula and Curiosity stream! Love that

  • @remino
    @remino 3 года назад +13

    The title was a polite way to say “The Incredible Mess of the Tokyo Olympics.”

  • @turbinator1990
    @turbinator1990 3 года назад +2

    12:44 - Notice that one guy sitting on double stacked chairs lol

    • @RaymondHng
      @RaymondHng 3 года назад

      Obviously he has to see above the monitor that is blocking his view.

  • @IchorX
    @IchorX 3 года назад +9

    The Olympics would be way better if, at the end, all the gold medalists had to fight to the death gladiator style in an Olympic-themed colosseum. That'd make it more appealing.

    • @NiggaTigga94
      @NiggaTigga94 3 года назад +2

      Ah yes, the pre-cursor to the Hunger Games!
      Do you think we could include a few corrupt politicians in that gladiator event of yours? Just to make things interesting 😃

    • @IchorX
      @IchorX 3 года назад

      @@NiggaTigga94 They can take the place of the animals that were killed in droves in the Colosseum. I'd love to see them be taught to perform tricks before they're slaughtered for sport. -In a video game.

  • @sportsMike87
    @sportsMike87 3 года назад +2

    glad he actually talked about good host cities that actually reused things built

  • @WineZ22
    @WineZ22 3 года назад +7

    With the situation we are in now, more and more ciry will be cautious for participating in the Olympic.
    For future games, just re use the already existing venue.

  • @Musikur
    @Musikur 3 года назад

    Really cool video. I personally know people who will be working at the Olympics in several capacities, and they have been preparing for years, and of course, they're not the people from the host city who were preparing even before the last ones. That being said, it is eye opening to see how late some stuff gets decided.

  • @williampoe1239
    @williampoe1239 3 года назад +3

    Can’t wait for la 2028 have always wanted to attend the olympics

  • @scottwhitley3392
    @scottwhitley3392 3 года назад +2

    Do the logistics of a World Cup finals, since they are usually spread over entire countries rather than 1 city!

  • @HebaruSan
    @HebaruSan 3 года назад +126

    Today's baffling mispronunciation is "ethernet"
    Well done, Wanda-fur.

  • @rigxter1639
    @rigxter1639 3 года назад

    Great video as always.

  • @slightlycrookedworkshop
    @slightlycrookedworkshop 3 года назад +5

    LA can just use the Athlete Housing as housing for the homeless when they're done with it.

  • @hemangchauhan2864
    @hemangchauhan2864 3 года назад +1

    That incredibly detailed rate card is so fascinating!

  • @PeePoolOfficial
    @PeePoolOfficial 3 года назад +103

    Anything: *moves
    Wendover: *inhales