My Insta360 Workflow Revealed | How to Shoot and Edit Like a Pro
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Insta360 is having a HUGE sale with saving of up to 25% off of selected items!**
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**Global except for APAC,JP,AU,NZ - May 24 - June 7
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My insta360 workflow from Start to Finish!
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Use code FEELZ10 for 10% off the Neowise Jacket
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//Motovlog Cameras Used:
○ Insta360 X3 (Get the Moto Bundle for FREE with every X3 Purchase) -
○ DJI Osmo Action 3 -
○ DJI Mini 3 Pro -
○ DJI Mic -
○ Purple Panda Mic -
My Camera
○ Lumix S5 -
○ Vlogging Mic 'Rode Mic pro +' -
○ Great Beginner Vlogging Mic 'Rode Micro' -
My Lenses:
○ Canon 16-35mm L f/2.8 III -
○ Canon 70 - 200mm f/2.8 -
○ Sigma ART 35mm f/1.4 -
○ M50 20mm "Pancake" Lens f/2.0 -
○ Nanlite Pavo Tube 30X -
○ Gorilla Pod 3K -
○ Gorilla Pod 5K -
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!
#motofeelz #insta360
It’s the little sound effects that have me. Donk, doosh, doosh. Made it a lot more, human and relatable.
Use the "new clip" function and you can create multiple clips from the same source footage. It's in the right hand side, second section up from bottom (from memory). It's awesome for taking multiple angles from the same footage.
X3 really can be mounted anywhere! Those shots turned out 🔥
is the moto bundle mount kit promo still active? In the UK and following the link gets me a selfie stick added to the order :/
My moto mount doesn't work like this. Regardless of how tight I have it even with the selfie stick at its shortest it still just falls (at the ball joints) under the weight of the camera.
It's super frustrating
Finally someone who walks us through this! Thank you sir
Thanks for this. Eventually I will expand to this. Right now all I have is the rs camera, samsung tablet and youcut free editing app. My hours have been cut back at work, so for now I have to work with what I have until business picks up or get a side job.
Just wow wow wow...
You gave me such a great relief you would never realize buddy...14:05
My clips are almost stacked upto 300 gb and i didn't know where to start with as ot seemed to be so much effort full...
Thanks a ton for making such a simplified video
6:24 can you show how to put watermark like that ? Like speed... Map or something like yours.
You need to connect it to your Apple Watch or Garmin
@@lets_ride9183is it available on the app?
@@lets_ride9183 only Apple and gaming? What is it called?
Yo this is great. A few little tips which helped me a lot, thanks. Something i found is that instead of editing on a project that you have waiting in the queue for export, you can click on the icon that is 5th down on the right. Click new project and it enables you to start editing fresh on the same clip while still keeping your other projects intact. ❤
Also came to the comments to say the same, it's called "New Clip" though, from memory :)
Hey Rob, is the moto bundle mount kit promo still active? In the UK and following the link gets me a selfie stick added to the order :/
thanks Rob, through your link I bought insta360 and I received the motorcycle bundle for free, you are the only one who gives this possibility ... the other Italian creators also promote the insta360 but you only receive the 120 cm selfie stick
I borrowed a 360 camera for my Thailand trip. They are Awesome...
I've enjoyed many of your videos and finally decided to get the Insta360 X3. I used your affiliate link to get the moto bundle deal. I plan to use this for a 5-6 week trip through the Rocky Mountains on adventure bikes with my 18 year old daughter and 17 year old son riding their own KTM 390 Adventures. I'll be on my 1200 GS Rallye. The kids have been working on a RUclips channel (The Absent-minded Adventurer) and we are hoping to do a lot of photography and video capture on the trip. Once we get back, we will definitely have a LOT of editing to do and your videos have been an inspiration. Thanks!
Nice one Rob
When I saw your buddy wheelying at the beginning I thought "OMG Rob has really improved his riding big time"... then saw it was your mate.
Glad you are having fun on adv bikes... Yes, counter-leaning is definitely weird when coming from a road b/g. Also glad to see you upgraded boots too. I had two friends break legs in those soft adv boots you had before.
I"m off to Iceland for some Adv riding in September... can't wait!
How to record with GPS plz.. I've got x3.. but can't find this option.. thank u soo much❤
Ordered thru your affiliate link just now, crazy good deal with the free motorcycle bundle and free invisible stick 70cm.
Cheers to you 👍.
Thanks - this is really helpful. Just getting started with the X3 and the 360 studio for my flying videos and this guide is much better than the guides and help on the insta website. 👍
I literally was trying to figure it out last night and here you are posting exactly what I was wanting to learn. Thanks so much! Just bought me a MV Agusta 800rr Dragster and went with the osmo 3 (used your link) and got the 360 X3 but editing was nothing like I've experienced. Thanks so much!
Congrats on the bike!!
@@ayaan_pathan_ Thank you! 🙏🏽‼️
Nice, my buddy got the Brutale RR but has had it back in the shop a few times
@@jayztwowheels2109 what year is his?
@@samvargasimages7905 2020
Man! I wish I would've found your channel before I bought the moto kit... coulda saved some bucks. But thanks for the tips and video on editing. One question I have for you, is there a way in insta360 to blur out objects in your vids? I'm thinking license plates, peoples faces, or personal info? Ride safe buddy
Perfect timing.. my work bonus arrives tomorrow so will be using your link to buy my 360🎉
Question... on a long trip. Have you tried running 2 cameras on 1 mobiel phone app ? Switching from 1 camera to the other ??
Your Tenere looks great
Cool tutorial, thank you very much! Just bought this cam and experimenting with it
Thanks for the tips, I'm thinking about adding an Insta360 to my Workflow in Final Cut.
Every time I watch one of these videos I learn something new or just a new technique, brilliant again thank you
Many thanks!!!
Hi ! in one of your videos you mention that you plan to replace camshaft on the scrambler. Did you manage to get it done ?
man, best class I ever had! Thanks a lot! Can you share your export settings for RUclips/Instagram, etc?
Thank you very much for the video my friend. Much appreciated.
Thanks. Picked up a few new tips there.
Project management is so frustratingly lacking in studio, as are so many features like only getting overlays from the gps remote rather then being able to import a Garmin activity for us cyclists. They need to make all features available in love being able to frame everything after but the file sizes are bigger and quality lower than a traditional camera - pros and cons
Brillant video. 😮
You can use ‘new project’ in the right pull out menu bar to create a new edit of a video you have already edited, without impacting the previous edit.
Great video… really helpful in getting yourself organised step by step. 👍😎
Excellent informative vid bud! You have some keen skills both on a motorcycle and in studio mode! No wonder these camera companies are throwing money and their products at you.
Very well explained👍
It would be really nice to see more of this once in a while looks good
Thank you! Bought X3 camera while ago from you affiliate link, still works by the way if some one is wondering. :) This Video helped a lot with the basics in 360 editing!
Great videos.
Will the affiliate link work for india?
very nice video! btw what is the size of the selfie stick you are using?
Thanks for the video on your workflow with the files and software. I wqs struggling with the learning curve of the software but now I know where to find some features!
I was able to order the insta360 x3 with your affiliate link (included in other vudeos) and got the motorcycle bundle + selfie stick for free!
Great information and a good job explaining everything and walking us through step-by-step ! how do I get a free motorcycle mount for my 360 X.3
Hi! How do you record your sound of your bike? I assume you use something like a Zoom recorder, right? If so: How do you merge / sync your external audio file with your Insta360 files? Because your external audio must be completely out of sync if you cut / edit peaces in Insta360 studio and export that. Thanks for your answer!
Did anyone ever find a good solution to syncing?
really looking forward to the video about outsourcing the editing part, don't really mind the editing, but it requires a lot of time. Great video, as always!
Great, video man. Appreciate you taking time ✌️👍
what is the best selfie stick for motorcycle 70 or 114cm?
I like my x2,but i hate how it handles low light conditions!
Great video! I’ve always been a GoPro guy but when it comes to 360 the max post production sucks! Looking to upgrade to the x3! Can you please tell me that the standard motorcycle bundle standard is what you use? As there’s another option which is motorcycle kit that doesn’t come free with the x3 under affiliate! Thank you!
Mate, this video has helped me so much! Had you of told me that you edited with davinci resolve.. I would've shit myself.. but that's cool.. Keep up the great work! ❤
снимай в 4к 50fps и картинка сыпаться не будет, у этой камеры 5.7к не рабочее
Hi - thanks for an inspiring video. However I'm mystified regarding the telemetry data - I just can find the right handside menu where the gauges icon are which you use for adding the overlay, I cannot find this/these option(s) on neither my MAC nor my PC.
I must be missing something.
What's the most basic computer set-up you need for editing? Windows vs Apple, I've got a decent windows pc but it's old now and won't edit 1080p, is there a better option tha spending 4k on a new build pc, will basic Apple laptop do it?
Good 👍 very nice and smooth camera.
Man I just ordered my insta360 X3 I would have loved to use your link to get the motorcycle set cause that's why I picked it up! Hey you got a new sub from me though great video.
Just a note. Insta360 now sells Removable lenses for the x3
Should say “how I shoot and edit as a pro” 👌🏼
Two questions, can you take footage from two separate cameras and put them together into Insta360 studio? And can you put in your own music?
Awesome and informative. Ive been wanting to get an Insta. It may be time.
This is quality, appreciate the time you put into this
I bought mine 15 minutes ago with rhe link. Thats for the free kit and great video!
how are you do to put the GPS activity in the program of insta360 of the pc? i can only on the app, i connect insta360 with my garmin
Hi great video thanks, do you use lens protectors for the 360 in these shots or not
Did you use automatic setting in the first place while shooting? Or is it manual?
Nice video!how many SD card you use or rather how many/size gb do you use?
Super cool video ! I’ve the same camera and the same bike. Totally newbie, aren’t you afraid to scratch the lenses when you go off-road ? ✊🏻🤙🏻
I’m afraid of a lot of things when I go off-road haha
Was curiou what clamp you use to go to the ram swivel. 1inch ball
How to get the free mount bundle?
May I ask? When you trim the video, do you loose the original footage? Somehow I trim it I export it and the original footage was deleted. (I did the edit through the phone though)
Thanks so much man. This was helpful. You are in my mentor list ❤️
Glad to hear that “anyone” can do it”. Call me “anyone” 😄👍✌️
I use a similar workflow. Do you feel like ProRes is worth it for the flexibility in color grade?
thanks for the workflow tutorial! very helpful!
Another killer super sick tutorial; great job!
The biggest problem I have yet to solve is how to download files from the One RS to an external drive while on the trail with no hydro. How have you been dealing with that?
What do you use for audio while riding?
What PC spec do you have? I have the X4 and my PC struggles to edit the videos.
Thank u 4 this video. Amazing :)
It’s because it is simple it is inspiring actually. Great video mate and thanks for making those.
Now i am trying the method plugging my sd into my laptop and for some reason the footage is so laggy and choppy . No matter how good or bad my internet 🥲 any tips ?
I never use export queue. I always export one at a time and never encountered the problem you described.
Nice. Thanks
awesome. what do you do to get so good sound?
Nice job. I’m using my X2 more lately and getting used to 360 Studio. What machine were you using to edit here?
Any tips for machine specification: you’re using a Mac, I would prefer using a PC, so I guess something like: i9 Intel processor, 32Gb RAM, 8Gb graphics card with i360 Studio 2024 is recommended?
Explained well… Good informative content.. ❤
Thanks for this. You might want to high-pass some channels. There's quite a lot of LF rumble in the intro. :)
Thanks for all the tips. Do your lut packs work with Davinci Resolve? It's my preferred editor, even though I'm not very good with it.
Edit: Never mind, I should have checked your website before asking 😅
Man i have the motocycle mount kit and mine is nowhere near as reliable as yours. The ball clamps just slip under weight regardless of how tight i tighten it and im on way smoother terrain.
Is there some sort if trick im missing man i don't trust it at all to hold up the selfie stick even when not extended.
Seeing how your one holds up blew me away
I like your videos..nice
I've learned so much from you. Thanks! 🤘
What camera did you use in your room?
Loved it 🔥
For rough terrain, we need a better mountain option that isn't so flexible and whippy.
Nice vid. Noticed this is a year old, and I'm wondering if you've ditched final cut pro, in favour of new update where you can stitch etc on insta studio?
I haven’t yet. If I did I’d probably move to Davinci.
There have been a bunch of new updates for the studio over the year. I’ll make an updated Insta360 Studio tutorial again soon
Great video made just ordered the Insta 360 from your link. Keep making good videos.👌🫡
Where is your helmet and Goggles from?
How can I make 60fps videos? Or is it just 30fps allways?
How do you remove unwanted sections of a long video, thanks
Image Quality like gopro 3 from 2011
These cameras capture unique angles, but the quality is... low, there are many huge pixels due to the fast motion and many tiny details/textures.
how to insert this GPS into the video, I have insta x4
*Very nice video man*