Before being judgmental, try searching in this thread and see how quickly you can find the solution for those "same questions asked repeatedly". I've tried that, and most of the results lead me to a post where someone asks the question, and instead of answering it or linking to the old answer, some smart ass thinks it's a better idea to make a meaningless shitpost that mocks people. The ordering of the search results doesn't help either: it's not sorted by date, so are you expecting new players to click on every link until they find the answer? There could be pages of results to click through.
This is one of the most popular games on this site, and the game system is very complex and not friendly to first-time players at all. Don't be surprised that there are new players coming in every day. If you find that new players asking questions are annoying, just unwatch this thread and move on with your life. Nobody cares how you don't like people asking the same questions, and to be honest, I don't think those who ask the questions would give a damn about your comment anyway.
This is one of the most popular games on this site, and the game system is very complex and not friendly to first-time players at all. Don't be surprised that there are new players coming in every day. If you find that new players asking questions are annoying, just unwatch this thread and move on with your life. Nobody cares how you don't like people asking the same questions, and to be honest, I don't think those who ask the questions would give a damn about your comment anyway.