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Last time, Nicole had a conversation with Yuki to help her on her Anniversary, and it ended up with Nicole fucking with Gumball. Now she's back to talk with Yuki to secretly put a potion on her drink when shes not looking to forget everything about Yuki knowing Nicole had sex with Gumball. Unfortunately Yuki was one step ahead of her, and now waking up to be fucked by Gumball again under Yuki's control...

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The Real Amazing Package was The friends we made along the way
Facts brother, so true my friend
Wise man
So true no mans been truer
and then she breaks her neck after slipping on the carpet
Rape is never ok even if it is fictional
I agree with this.
This comic is taking longer then my journey to D6
Ay, Artyom. How is your Wasteland doing?
Not too well everybody i dying. I don't know where Khan is and the Nosalises are coming. The only good thing is that the wifi is working
Well, that's why I travel by myself. Don't have to worry about anyone else except myself. (plus less chance for some to backstab me)