Laminated Brioche Bread

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
  • There's brioche bread, and then there's laminated brioche bread. It requires laminating just like you would for a croissant, but it takes a day less! Since accuracy is needed here, I have the ingredients in grams. I really recommend investing in a kitchen scale they're not too expensive!
    Ingredients for dough
    180g whole milk (warm, around 100 °F, body temperature)
    12g active dry yeast
    500g flour
    90g egg (approx. 2 large eggs)
    7g fine sea salt
    30g castor sugar
    60g soft room temperature butter
    Ingredients for butter block
    270g European style butter (cold)
    Recipe for Egg wash
    1 egg
    Dash of milk or heavy cream
    A pinch of salt
    whisk all ingredients together in a bowl before using
    Recipe for simple syrup
    125g Water
    160g sugar
    Place water and sugar in a saucepot and bring to a boil on medium high heat. Let boil for a minute till all the sugar dissolves, then take it off the heat. Cool, then store in a container in the fridge until you need to use it.
    I use fresh yeast in the video, which is not available in most grocery stores. You should use active dry yeast. To use, mix into the warm milk and leave for 10 minutes before adding to the dough along with the egg.
    The time it takes for your dough to expand to almost double the size during day 1 depends on the temperature of the room you leave it in. It took me 1.5 hours, it may take you more or less.
    The next day when you take the dough out from the fridge, it should have puffed up. If it didn't, there might be an issue with the yeast youre using
    I use bread flour, but all-purpose flour should work just as fine.
    European style butter has more higher fat percentage, making it more malleable and easier to handle while laminating, I highly recommend using it for the butter block! Brands I use are Vermont creamery, Kerrygold, Plugra.
    It is really important that your butter is flexible before you begin to laminate!
    None of the scraps or edges have to go to waste! You can collect them as you cut them, and store them covered with plastic wrap in the fridge as you laminate. When you're ready to proof your main dough, in a separate pan lined with parchment paper, you can proof the scraps covered with plastic wrap in the same turned off oven. Once you bake your main dough, these will be ready too, so you can apply egg wash to them and bake till golden brown as well!
    I use a pastry brush to apply the egg wash and the simple syrup! They should be available at any grocery store.
    Please let me know if you have questions in the comment section bellow!

Комментарии • 168

    @FREESPIRITEDCOOKIE 4 года назад +14

    Oh no the layers they're ..... Too beautiful...

  • @jennifershepard662
    @jennifershepard662 4 года назад +58

    Soooo peaceful. So beautiful. Can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed. Thank you.

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +5

      I'm so glad you liked it! 😊 thank you for watching

    • @tristanahmad8931
      @tristanahmad8931 3 года назад

      a tip : watch movies on instaflixxer. Been using them for watching all kinds of movies these days.

    • @kaiserblaine7316
      @kaiserblaine7316 3 года назад

      @Tristan Ahmad Definitely, been using instaflixxer for since december myself :)

  • @youdeservethis
    @youdeservethis Год назад +4

    WOAH! Never thought of braiding brioche, although almost the same dough for challah! Thanks so much!

  • @oscarpineda941
    @oscarpineda941 Месяц назад

    I wish this guy posted more, miss these kind of videos on yt. Hope all is well, and if it isn’t, it will get better. ❤

  • @Oso.Moreno
    @Oso.Moreno 4 года назад +18

    Ohhh man, it is on rare occasions when you find exactly what you were looking for. And even rarer when the finding is even better and beyond your expectations. This video is the later. Amazing video!! Thank you so much for the detail explanation!!

    • @obsidyenneg4333
      @obsidyenneg4333 Год назад

      @Oso.Moreno The video is great. Glad it was the latter for you

  • @13c11a
    @13c11a 2 года назад +3

    These are works of art. Thank you for teaching us how to make them.

  • @evindrews
    @evindrews 2 года назад +1

    these are the most beautiful buns ive seen in my life

  • @NotMyNameGrandma-wz9yx
    @NotMyNameGrandma-wz9yx Год назад +2

    All I can say is "WOW"!!!! Absolutely beautiful and they look so delicious. I can't wait to try my hand at making these rolls. I think only a person who bakes would appreciate the effort used to make these brioche rolls. Thank you for sharing. Now I will check out your other videos.

  • @artbybee
    @artbybee 10 месяцев назад

    Dang! I'm in love into baking these days! And watching this video, I love the passion that the chef put into the dough! And hey, it looks so great! Everything about this video feels relaxing and calming!

  • @balqiszaini5172
    @balqiszaini5172 4 года назад +59

    I came here from tiktok hehehe 🥰

  • @nini-su9xm
    @nini-su9xm 2 месяца назад

    Thank you 🙏 it’s so pretty and delicious with salt caramel tripping before forming the small ball

  • @karanaima
    @karanaima 2 года назад +1

    as a french person I wholeheartedly approve of this

  • @mansourbhatti
    @mansourbhatti 2 года назад


  • @pear1122
    @pear1122 3 года назад

    What a beautiful bread paired with such beautiful song. I may not bake this but worth the watch.

  • @rh3308
    @rh3308 7 месяцев назад

    Wow. Thank you for sharing this recipe ❤

  • @johnkilcher477
    @johnkilcher477 Год назад

    Darn right elegant!! Gotta brush up on my skills bit I'll put this to the top of my to-do list.... Thank you!

  • @sebasmoustache
    @sebasmoustache 4 года назад +6

    Thanks for this recipe and your clear way of explaining! Successfully made some beautiful feuilletées, everyone was impressed with!

  • @karenjang5201
    @karenjang5201 2 года назад

    your bread is an art & math. Amazing!!!

  • @zeyzis
    @zeyzis 4 года назад +1

    just showed this to my parents and my dad asked me if ur a painter/architect with your big board😂 they both loved this

  • @humairateli9477
    @humairateli9477 3 года назад

    Wow!!! Your videos are magical...

  • @wayne2091
    @wayne2091 Год назад

    I will make these a couple of times before I make them for the holidays

  • @freddianz
    @freddianz 3 года назад

    Man. Kudos. Big challenge for me discovering your videos on Ramadan. 😆

  • @encarnacionbenito3598
    @encarnacionbenito3598 3 года назад

    Muchas gracias x compartir tan extraordinaria receta....

  • @wayne2091
    @wayne2091 8 месяцев назад

    I'm going to make these for the holidays

  • @aishamemon7762
    @aishamemon7762 3 года назад

    This made me smile

  • @oussama9183
    @oussama9183 3 года назад

    The cinematic production of this!!! i cried at the end

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  3 года назад +1

      aw thank you so much!!! m 😭 I'm really glad you liked it!

  • @michellemckay-nkadimeng4961
    @michellemckay-nkadimeng4961 Год назад

    They look absolutely devine😊

  • @OscarEDodier
    @OscarEDodier Год назад

    I love your videos

  • @reidsite
    @reidsite 3 года назад

    u r now my comfort yt channel wow thank u for this it helps me calm down after an axiety occured

  • @lauriegrassiart
    @lauriegrassiart Год назад

    These look so delicious!

  • @margitschendel1605
    @margitschendel1605 Год назад

    How wonderful❣️

  • @dilberJaania
    @dilberJaania 4 года назад +1

    Rula diya 😭. So beautiful. It's all about love for the baking.

  • @Weltverborgen
    @Weltverborgen 4 года назад +3

    Wow, that looks so amazing!! Happy I found you. Very tasty, have to try this 🥰

  • @LaLuzNoDejaDePulsar
    @LaLuzNoDejaDePulsar 3 года назад

    THANKS A LOT FROM 🇵🇪 PERU. Beautiful product, great job!

  • @melodyyoung9640
    @melodyyoung9640 3 года назад

    Didn't know you had a tictoc, I'll have to watch, trying to thump butter quietly 😂 This looks amazing!

  • @aimanisar6995
    @aimanisar6995 4 года назад +29

    me: they're just some buns
    *finishes watching*
    me: crying, full of purpose and creative hunger and literal hunger and sleep and GAAAH

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +1

      LOL ahhh thank you Aima!!! 😅😂😂

  • @atefmorgan568
    @atefmorgan568 2 года назад

    Excellent job 👏

  • @AMYocys
    @AMYocys Год назад


  • @rocioespinal976
    @rocioespinal976 Год назад

    hermosisimos felicitaciones

  • @nsrinsawas2291
    @nsrinsawas2291 Год назад

    ماشاء الله عليك 👌🏻👌🏻💖 مبدع

  • @toshiyukisuzuki7610
    @toshiyukisuzuki7610 Год назад

    Thank you for this recipe😊 You have very heautiful hands

  • @JuanRodriguez-qo2xx
    @JuanRodriguez-qo2xx 4 года назад

    Mr Bawarchi :
    The very moment i started to see the video
    I notice that i was kind of missing its familiarity and ambience.
    Thanks for invite us to witness your passion.
    Health your way.

  • @stardel
    @stardel 2 года назад

    Beautiful work, very precise and detailed to but I'll go to the bakery

  • @iole96792
    @iole96792 11 месяцев назад

    You are so meticulous and neat! It's a pleasure to watch but I know I can never be so painstakingly careful about anything I bake. I just don't have the patience. Hopefully my brioche comes out at least half as nice as yours!

  • @dilekb5578
    @dilekb5578 4 года назад

    Hellooo came here from Twitter, didn't know you had a yt channel. Will binge all your videos later! 😊

  • @AT-sd4rn
    @AT-sd4rn 2 года назад

    Teşekkürler Hamza temiz bir çalışma gerçekten 🍀 Kürdistan'dan selamlar

  • @chloegaona2868
    @chloegaona2868 2 года назад +1

    amazing! this is one of the best baking videos ive ever seen. beautiful pastry, detailed tutorial, and nice music. thank you for this.

  • @Cremsonify
    @Cremsonify 4 года назад

    Outstanding work keep it up!

  • @maggiefunes
    @maggiefunes 4 года назад +12

    You just reminded me how peaceful it is to bake and just forget everything else. Thank you 💗

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +1

      its such a great feeling 😊 thank you for watching!

    • @feitheexpat
      @feitheexpat 2 года назад

      @@boybawarchi merci for tall those soothing videos and recipes! Do you think it'd make a difference to use a specific type of butter? Here would AP flour work or did you use bread like for the croissants recipe? Thanks a lot

  • @cookathome6085
    @cookathome6085 4 года назад

    So good job! Perfect laminad brioche bread!

  • @ambershah5741
    @ambershah5741 4 года назад +1

    omg thanks for making these vids.they are of high quality ^_^

  • @maaanaaahil
    @maaanaaahil 3 года назад


  • @kasiaasd
    @kasiaasd 3 месяца назад

    What a beauty 😍🍾

  • @vishalkatariya4996
    @vishalkatariya4996 2 года назад

    Beautiful, Hamza

  • @batoolfahad9447
    @batoolfahad9447 3 года назад

    Your videos like a therapy or Meditation 😄💜💜💜, Your recipes are incredible 💜🙏🏻

  • @tech1media842
    @tech1media842 2 года назад

    very realistic and great video. I have all that tools and I love the fact that you don't hide the challenges with the mixer :)

  • @Stardust_4300
    @Stardust_4300 4 года назад

    I've been looking everywhere for a recipe in English as I get French recipes mostly correct 🤣🤣 thank you so much for sharing & not having the irritating background music that many of these sites have. Can't wait to try more recipes. Subscribed, very happy I found your channel 💞 Your brioche turned out perfect & do beautiful. Will come back tomorrow & let you know how I do 🤞

  • @yvonnetx6002
    @yvonnetx6002 4 года назад

    Hi! I found you on TikTok- what you do is art! I am so impressed with your beautiful work and your patient way. You have skills! This is my first semester in pastry school and you are all the inspiration I need- thank you

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +1

      thank you so much for your kind words 😊 wow good luck with pastry school!! I've always wanted to go as well. I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy your time there! again thank you so much for your words

  • @nuviablanco3955
    @nuviablanco3955 5 месяцев назад

    Hola cómo se llama ese producto me encanta gracias 🙏❤

  • @dremorgado4394
    @dremorgado4394 4 года назад +3

    This is such a good recipe!! I’ve never seen the proofing method you used until now!! I’ll definitely try this out

  • @ProximaCentauri88
    @ProximaCentauri88 2 года назад

    3:33 Gosh! I never thought baking could be this beautiful! I shall try this recipe next weekend. What's the name of the instrumental music in this part? Thank!

  • @evonnelai6758
    @evonnelai6758 4 года назад +2

    This is a love project! The effort, time and patience put in to produce this beautiful and detailed bread! Kudos to u ☺️

  • @gracielabeatrizquintana501
    @gracielabeatrizquintana501 Год назад

    Hermosas manos❤😊

  • @senorettamia6714
    @senorettamia6714 9 месяцев назад

    Hermoso ❤

  • @Wjneidnckrkzyk
    @Wjneidnckrkzyk 4 года назад

    Great video bro!

  • @johannymo
    @johannymo Год назад

    Good job. Thankyou

  • @thefoodadvocate
    @thefoodadvocate 2 года назад

    Amazing! I’ve watched this a few times so now I am seeing beyond the video and noticed a woman gripping her head at minute 13:14 from the reflection of the oven. Anyone else notice it?

  • @narendrakolekar3759
    @narendrakolekar3759 3 года назад

    Excellent ... beautiful...
    Can we make danish and croissant following the same proccess...

  • @qbnmusica
    @qbnmusica 4 года назад

    Bravisimo!!!!! 👏

  • @River7109
    @River7109 3 года назад

    Bruv that was beautiful

  • @irini6172
    @irini6172 3 года назад looks like a fine work of art,cooking art.thank you

  • @darbnicacafe6038
    @darbnicacafe6038 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for this amazing recipie! Tried it 3 days after you released video, and turns out its the best dough i've ever worked with! it realy works on pastries you shown, croissants and even koenig aman (if you bake unrised)! Recomend this pastry to everyone out there 10/10 * Best find in 2021 Thank you again (video rocks btw)

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much for your response!! and thank you so much for trying the recipe!! I'm so glad it worked out for you, I hope the video wasn't too hard to follow. And yeah that's true it can definitely work on other pastries! Thanks so much for your feedback honestly

  • @vz6365
    @vz6365 3 года назад


  • @germsite
    @germsite Месяц назад

    Thank you for a mesmerising video, I have a few questions I hope you can answer. How many buns does this recipe make? and if I wanted to add a cinnamon sugar layer, or praline layer at which point in the lamination process should I do it ? Thanks in advance.

  • @lauraguynup4555
    @lauraguynup4555 Год назад

    Absolutely delicious. Thank you for sharing. I had to use grandulated sugar instead of Castor. It is not available where I live. Is fresh yeast better to use for baking?

  • @baydah3868
    @baydah3868 3 года назад


  • @motv4448
    @motv4448 5 месяцев назад

    😮👌 Thanks for sharing ! How many brioches for 500g of flour ? Thank you for your reply ! 🙂

  • @chandatejosomiranda8384
    @chandatejosomiranda8384 2 года назад

    Thank You ❤

  • @CsabaKissColorado
    @CsabaKissColorado 2 года назад

    What a quality production! Fantastic recipe.

  • @thobekabalintulo9470
    @thobekabalintulo9470 Год назад

    Wow thank you

  • @juan7836
    @juan7836 2 года назад

    So naturally brilliant, and yes, ... I felt the love oozing out 😘

  • @xavierrobinson9126
    @xavierrobinson9126 4 года назад +1

    I love this so much - came from tiktok and needed more! Could I do this without a stand mixer?

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад

      thank you!! yes absolutely, it'll just take a bit longer with hands but completely doable, here are two videos that show two different ways to do it by hand. the dough in the recipe I shared will just be a bit more firm because it has less butter.видео.htmlвидео.html

    • @omeryousuf8771
      @omeryousuf8771 4 года назад +1

      Hi! I made the dough today and did not use a stand mixer. It takes a bit more elbow grease and time, but is certainly doable!

  • @antoniettabusatto1275
    @antoniettabusatto1275 2 года назад

    Beautiful, how many cm is the rectangle?

  • @chillhabibichill5447
    @chillhabibichill5447 2 года назад

    good job ! thx !!! please can u tell where you bought the baking carpet ?

  • @omglookpoptart
    @omglookpoptart 2 года назад

    I hope they give you a documentary!!!!

  • @verdaarif
    @verdaarif 3 года назад +1

    Hello! Can you do bakery style yeast doughnuts? And any chance we can have some online learning classes with you?

  • @dildarsyed6449
    @dildarsyed6449 4 года назад

    Pure love

  • @nikitabhatia7357
    @nikitabhatia7357 3 года назад


  • @jbirdyhome-4050
    @jbirdyhome-4050 2 года назад

    Your techniques are amazing, but what is that beautiful piano music???

  • @knutooz
    @knutooz Год назад

    Amazing ! Can’t find the measurements?

  • @iwg.9702
    @iwg.9702 2 года назад

    Wow a lot of work and time but worth it

  • @vegansweetheartbakery8987
    @vegansweetheartbakery8987 4 года назад

    What a great video, thanks so much for filming this process! I now want to make these but I don’t have a freezer that fits the 16x8 inch piece of dough (that you freeze for 10 minutes in the beginning). Is this really necessary? Could I put it in the fridge for half an hour maybe? Thanks a lot!

  • @sirocco7151
    @sirocco7151 2 года назад

    This was not a baking show- it is a commitment 😅😅😅.

  • @rdoddXL
    @rdoddXL 4 года назад +1

    What type of pastry mat is that. I love the fact it has that grid pattern. I checked amazon but did not see that same one. Do you have a link. Thanks! Fantastic video and technique.

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +1

      Thank you! Yes of course here is the link! I got it from a local store

  • @kytran40
    @kytran40 Год назад

    Are you baking these in a muffin pan or cupcake pan? How many does this recipe make?

  • @zoobidoobi1ify
    @zoobidoobi1ify 4 года назад +1

    Yes, I know kitchen scale is v imp but can u please use another measuring system. I can't buy this scale tomorrow but I want to make.

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +2

      let me see if I can convert these into cups and tablespoon/teaspoon! I'll let you know in a few hours

    • @zoobidoobi1ify
      @zoobidoobi1ify 4 года назад

      @@boybawarchi thank you.

    • @Ashleybmakingvideos
      @Ashleybmakingvideos 4 года назад

      I cannot figure out the conversion lol

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +1

      @@zoobidoobi1ify hey I'm so sorry! finding proper conversions online is a bit difficult, ill have to make the dough again and measure these out myself if possible. I apologize for the delay

    • @boybawarchi
      @boybawarchi  4 года назад +1

      @@Ashleybmakingvideos yeah its difficult to find proper conversions online :( im really sorry, ill try to make this dough again soon and see if I can convert them myself and update you guys!

  • @appalachianjungle5816
    @appalachianjungle5816 2 года назад

    Is it bread flour or AP or? 😃😁

  • @hanzohattorri2471
    @hanzohattorri2471 2 года назад

    Is it possible to use gluten free flour? And if so will it turn out flaky and delicious?

  • @demijellelewis5580
    @demijellelewis5580 3 года назад

    Finally here from tiktok ayeeee oh yeah oh yea oh yea oh yea lol

  • @SketchNSavourJourneys
    @SketchNSavourJourneys 11 месяцев назад

    What does it mean the “laminated” term in baking?