For Mother Teresa, a Profound Darkness

hmmm interesting,,,,,, there's different ways to look at it... I'll have to give it some thought before I can put my thoughts in words.
Wow! I never would have imagined that she was hiding such inner turmoil. I agree with the article that this only enhances her case for sainthood.
I didn't make a comment because I would think it can be looked at from two points of view. There is no God to give her faith, and/or she is showing her human weakness.
I didn't make a comment because I would think it can be looked at from two points of view. There is no God to give her faith, and/or she is showing her human weakness.

I should have been more clear,my post was actually not in response to you or actually any other post or even this recent story about the letters she wrote where she expressed her own doubts about her faith.It was that there is another version of her works and activities than the popular one most have heard.
I didn't think that. I didn't take in a lot about it, just the mention of a book on the news during the day. I expect that's, "Missionary Position", they were talking about. I have no opinion on this at all, but those two potential arguments above come to mind.


Any person of any measurable amount of faith and/or spirituality has moments - and even extended periods - of their life when they question their faith, the existence of God (or whomever). their reasons for being involved in the faith, etc. It's only natural ... and is indeed an indication of their free will to choose their respective path.

I find absolutely nothing wrong with her questioning her beliefs ... I find it admirable that she was able to convey her thoughts in such a manner. I find it doubly admirable that she chose to continue with her faith and work.

Hell, I even question my faith, too. I left the Lutheran Seminary simply because I had a personal and tragic event that robbed me of my ability to devote myself to my God. I blamed Him; hated Him ... and turned away from Him.

It's only natural to question its validity at one time or another.