This video is so messed up I almost didn't upload it...

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @DaithiDeNogla
    @DaithiDeNogla 2 года назад +6284

    This session was something else haha

    • @TheKentanthony
      @TheKentanthony 2 года назад +22

      Twas wild man

    • @swisscheese1013
      @swisscheese1013 2 года назад +6


    • @TheJonn14
      @TheJonn14 2 года назад +57

      It‘s 02:30 in the morning and my German ass is lying in the bed, nearly pissing myself laughing over some native American meme I don‘t even understand #stoodis #skoden
      So… Thank you for that session hahaha

    • @leonslights3324
      @leonslights3324 2 года назад +18

      Did yall ever find out what skoden stoodis was?

    • @graphikplays
      @graphikplays 2 года назад +9

      Show me them potaToes

  • @mikew.832
    @mikew.832 2 года назад +39

    Rest in skoden Pernell bad arm, you were a real stoodis

  • @andyrulez
    @andyrulez 2 года назад +4368

    No matter how many times it's uploaded, I always laugh at fucking Skoden Stoodis.

    • @TheUnderscore_
      @TheUnderscore_ 2 года назад +140

      The sheer amount of times it was uploaded made it even funnier lmfao. I hope they bring it back randomly some other session

    • @dylans7141
      @dylans7141 2 года назад +24


    • @SpysixVT
      @SpysixVT 2 года назад +36

      Gotta love Native slang

    • @tomferguson9250
      @tomferguson9250 2 года назад +36

      The end when 3 of them had the same picture had me dying, their confusion made it so much better lol

    • @deku976
      @deku976 2 года назад +52

      It took me to an embarassing amount of time to figure out that the Native American slang skoden and stoodis are "let's go then" and "let's do this"

  • @qpsychoo_5741
    @qpsychoo_5741 2 года назад +276

    this is definitely the best session of CAH this shit was actually making me tear up
    my family thought I should be in a mental asylum the way I was laughing alone in my room for 30 minutes

  • @austinholmes751
    @austinholmes751 2 года назад +1012

    13:34. The moment when the entire video begins to derail into absolute madness.

    • @BigZorich
      @BigZorich 2 года назад +31

      Ofc the goons are always hilarious, but holy fuck. This video was just too funny for me. I'm actually crying laughing, and my sides ache.
      I had to come back here and type this again because I was laughing too hard and couldn't type. JFC, the pure insanity

    • @MrKamex
      @MrKamex 2 года назад +10

      You mean 0:00?^^

    • @thegoodone4104
      @thegoodone4104 2 года назад +4

      @@MrKamex ☝️🤓

    • @shoogvs
      @shoogvs 2 года назад +6

      yumi is fucking hilarious

    • @BigZorich
      @BigZorich 2 года назад +2

      @@shoogvs so damn hilarious! 💯

  • @gooey17
    @gooey17 2 года назад +138

    14:21 Dooo's laugh is so great here

    • @alphnx
      @alphnx Год назад +2

      almost sounded fake

    • @samschroeder3980
      @samschroeder3980 5 месяцев назад +2

      It's the lego batman laugh

  • @samueljacobson470
    @samueljacobson470 2 года назад +1086

    Soup's laugh at 20:54 gets me in every single video of this session. I love his laugh in general but that was something else

    • @tomferguson9250
      @tomferguson9250 2 года назад +31

      It's not often he loses it that much but I love when he does 🤣that last round with the 3 almost identical cards still destroys me

    • @GunterBagsYT
      @GunterBagsYT Год назад +2

      What about the air into basketball meme in that other session not 2 or 3 months later? I mean it's a close second.

  • @McKayPorter
    @McKayPorter 2 года назад +45

    Forget crabs, everything either evolves into SKODEN or STOODIS.

    • @andrewpotter9613
      @andrewpotter9613 3 месяца назад +1

      The crabs said well skoden and stoodis

  • @Cameron_SLB
    @Cameron_SLB 2 года назад +1492

    These guys always make the best comedic videos ever I will literally never forget them for this reason.

  • @mrmoogles4071
    @mrmoogles4071 2 года назад +77

    TheDooo’s pressure screaming is so funny 18:13 😂😂😂

  • @beaniebean2611
    @beaniebean2611 2 года назад +481

    Knowing the meaning of Skoden and Stoodis while watching them not know what it means is 10x funnier

    • @Nathan_p68
      @Nathan_p68 2 года назад +20

      Well? Wait doesn't it mean "Let's go" or something

    • @awinsea
      @awinsea 2 года назад +2

      I agree beaniebean2611

    • @awinsea
      @awinsea 2 года назад +3

      @@Nathan_p68 CLOSE XD

    • @codydunn3320
      @codydunn3320 2 года назад +71

      @@Nathan_p68Skoden as in “let’s go then” and stoodis as in “let’s do this”

    • @soundwaveravagesuperior
      @soundwaveravagesuperior 2 года назад +8

      @@codydunn3320 Ah i see it’s like “y’all”

  • @spaceefficient9540
    @spaceefficient9540 2 года назад +33

    Dooo always amazes me,
    completely blows my mind
    at how he can manage
    to get sponsors
    besides his thousands and millions of views

  • @Nordorf
    @Nordorf 2 года назад +366

    This has allready been explained in every other version of this video (from the other guys on their channels something like 1-2 months ago) but for whoever's only subbed to Doo:
    Stoodis = "Let's Do This"
    Skoden = "Let's Go Then"
    It's native american slang. The "Skoden" phrase was originally said by a native american by the name of "Pernell Bad Arm". (pictured in this video at 20:26 )

    • @37sarcastic
      @37sarcastic 2 года назад +41

      Skoden is usually said first, followed by Stoodis from the other person involved... and the scrap is on. Source: Me growing up on a Rez in Canada

    • @ChildrenOfBodomFan66
      @ChildrenOfBodomFan66 2 года назад +2

      Thanks for the explanation, beautiful man ❤️

    • @UhOh_ItzJDX
      @UhOh_ItzJDX 2 года назад +2

      @@37sarcastic "in Canada"..just saying that.. i've only ever thought about Native history reference to The U.S. but now i truly wonder how much the history differs between the two and what each land is like to them both now and back then
      sorry native history and old settlements or civilizations just fascinate me
      where in Canada if i may ask??

    • @37sarcastic
      @37sarcastic 2 года назад +6

      @@UhOh_ItzJDX To see how Canada has treated the Native population, look up 'residential schools' and be prepared to be shocked.
      Looking up 'starlight tours' is a trip as well.

    • @FailedBard
      @FailedBard 2 года назад

      @@37sarcastic Just as interesting to that part of history really, is that in school we were taught about the "Red River Rebellion" lead by Louis Riel, and also taught that he was executed after it. Completely omitting the flight to the US, and his part in the second "rebellion" at Batoche / Duck Lake, which would have been interesting to learn about in school since I had family that fought in that one.

    @BINKSYHD 2 года назад +9

    The fact that cards is so basic but just chuggs on the sense of humour these guys have is what makes these videos the peak of entertainment right about now on yt 😭

  • @taylorbenally7567
    @taylorbenally7567 2 года назад +284

    As a full blooded native american, I laughed so much seeing "skoden" and "stoodis" memes being used in Cards against humanity. I love yall so much. Keep making great content.

    • @KiatoNatsuko
      @KiatoNatsuko 2 года назад +1

      What does it even mean

    • @JeffreyjkKlein
      @JeffreyjkKlein 2 года назад +14

      @@KiatoNatsuko i did a quick google search so take it as a grain of salt but something along the lines of lets do this or lets go

    • @KiatoNatsuko
      @KiatoNatsuko 2 года назад +2

      @@JeffreyjkKlein no wonder their brains melted after the 2010 memes

    • @37sarcastic
      @37sarcastic 2 года назад +26

      @@KiatoNatsuko Skoden=Let's go then, Stoodis=Let's do this. Then the fight is on.

    • @Whitehawk-
      @Whitehawk- 2 года назад +2

      @@KiatoNatsuko Also the "Rez" means reservation, basically white man use treaty agreement, take land and give us shitty pieces of land called reserves

  • @jasonjohnson1824
    @jasonjohnson1824 2 года назад +10

    I love that all these creators release these at a slower rate so I can watch each of their videos of the same session and still enjoy it

  • @novarangerx6441
    @novarangerx6441 2 года назад +589

    I laughed so hard that I almost couldn't breath half the time. This has got to be the most cursed and hilarious videos TheDoooTooo has made.

    • @tomferguson9250
      @tomferguson9250 2 года назад +7

      Hearing Soup lose it laughing always gets me going, I dunno how he was breathing at the end 😂

    • @jammin_time
      @jammin_time 2 года назад +3

      I genuinely had to pause the video 3 times so I didn't pass out

  • @davecrupel2817
    @davecrupel2817 2 года назад +13

    I swear from 20:00 onwards, they werent even looking up these. They were _creating_ these memes _on the spot._
    Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣

  • @tahmiduddin7511
    @tahmiduddin7511 2 года назад +555

    These videos infact did restored my faith in humanity

  • @KVGKQuake
    @KVGKQuake 2 года назад +4

    Crazy to believe that 11 Billion Crabs CS:GO and Skoden Stoodis CAH are some of the funniest sessions to bless RUclips ever and they both came out in the same year

  • @netcodeerror9420
    @netcodeerror9420 2 года назад +422

    2:34 We just skip passed the fact that theDooo clearly showing some gym gains 💪💪💪

  • @GutsInBerserk
    @GutsInBerserk 2 года назад +2

    Skoden Stoodis is literally just Native American slang for “Let’s go then” (Skoden) and “Let’s do this” (Stoodis)

  • @zenerstorm95
    @zenerstorm95 2 года назад +454

    14:19 Ladies and Gentlemen: The HARDEST Dooo has ever laughed in his entire RUclips career so far.

    • @3Guys1Video
      @3Guys1Video 2 года назад +24

      It was fake laugh but ok

    • @dxvddd
      @dxvddd 2 года назад +12

      @@3Guys1Video i think thats wut he was pointing out

    • @davidcowles5786
      @davidcowles5786 2 года назад +1

      Yeah, I think dick pic X-ray still reigns supreme for severity of his laugh

    • @MikeTheEnforcer
      @MikeTheEnforcer 2 года назад

      He sounded like Terroriser.

  • @gavindrums565
    @gavindrums565 2 года назад +1

    0:54 As someone from Kentucky, WLKY is a news station affiliated with CBS that is located in Louisville, Kentucky. It was the first news station in the state to have a news chopper. The reason the horse is like this is because it is part of a collection of art pieces known as ‘Gallopalooza’ which are placed all over the place in Kentucky and are made to commemorate the Kentucky Derby and Historic parts, places, people, and things that are from Kentucky!

  • @tsgnexus1753
    @tsgnexus1753 2 года назад +5

    14:20 Dooo’s laugh sounds fake but he’s just laughing so hard he can’t help it😂

  • @Amateur_Ambiance
    @Amateur_Ambiance 2 года назад +110

    Being a Navajo, the last act is soooo funny

    • @AlSmokin
      @AlSmokin 2 года назад +7

      Me Too Brother 🤣

  • @stespin
    @stespin 2 года назад +4

    14:17 Well played Soup, well played

  • @imauralyn
    @imauralyn 2 года назад +104

    As a native American this was the fucking funniest thing ever to me seeing the other guys freak out over it. It's amazing

    • @FireballFlareblitz734
      @FireballFlareblitz734 5 месяцев назад +1

      *"WHAT IS THIS DEEP WEB SHIT I'M LOOKING AT!?"* is easily a top Soup quote

  • @jammin_time
    @jammin_time 2 года назад +17

    I genuinely have never laughed this much in my life

  • @antonyahmadzai8608
    @antonyahmadzai8608 2 года назад +61

    I have been sick for the last 2 weeks and while watching this I couldn’t get to a bathroom in time, so thank you dooo for literally making me shit my pants

  • @foxyblaster98
    @foxyblaster98 2 года назад +2

    I never like a vid unless I cry and this made me try (its 11:53 pm atm)

  • @themauler1599
    @themauler1599 2 года назад +17

    This session created so much attention for Skoden and Stoodis that the know your meme page mentions Soup's live stream

  • @pichie5409
    @pichie5409 2 года назад +1

    10:29 HA HA HA ! So true the horse got the same haircut as Teayung XD

  • @stevenredrup7020
    @stevenredrup7020 2 года назад +54

    thank you for posting this like months after recording so I can watch everyone's perspective and not feel schizo

  • @Shawn-yo4oc
    @Shawn-yo4oc 2 года назад +6

    Ive never laughed so hard that i just sat there and cried. Holy shit

  • @justaguywholikescamerupt211
    @justaguywholikescamerupt211 2 года назад +149

    I love how much they don’t care they might get arrested 💀 Edit: Thanks for 100 likes this is the most I’ve ever got 🎉

  • @ziggythecartoon
    @ziggythecartoon 2 года назад +12

    This is the hardest I've heard Soup laugh. Holy shit!

  • @RedWood.Oak7233
    @RedWood.Oak7233 2 года назад +33

    Cure to depression
    Therapist: no
    Thedoooo: yes

    • @aduckonaplane3816
      @aduckonaplane3816 2 года назад +1

      I mean, makes sense, i wouldn't go to The rapist to cure my depression

    • @GunterBagsYT
      @GunterBagsYT Год назад

      @@aduckonaplane3816 I see what you did there.

  • @stryfer1989
    @stryfer1989 2 года назад +1

    I love how the video slowly devolved into memes that are not funny at all becoming the most hilarious memes ever.

  • @Explorer_Godd
    @Explorer_Godd 2 года назад +9

    Skoden = let's go then.
    Stoodis = let's do this.

  • @flame_half
    @flame_half 2 года назад +4

    I've watched every perspective and still laugh just as hard each time.

  • @kempolar9768
    @kempolar9768 2 года назад +17

    I was about to say "who the hell would sponsor this shit?", then he said gamersupps and everything made sense.

  • @DJKillahKoba
    @DJKillahKoba 2 года назад +1

    If you can't handle me at my Skoden.. you don't deserve me when I Stoodis

  • @TrentFalkenrath
    @TrentFalkenrath 2 года назад +27

    This is the hardest I've laughed in a long time. Plz do this again at some point.

  • @connorstahl8391
    @connorstahl8391 Год назад +5

    I got a Burger King ad before this video started

  • @clonetrooper576
    @clonetrooper576 2 года назад +5

    Ive seen this session about 8 times and it never gets old. This was the most legendary session i have ever seen

  • @ghostriposte2977
    @ghostriposte2977 2 года назад

    “Let’s go then, let’s do this.” Is my reaction to seeing a Doo video in my feed.

  • @JapaneseMonkey4
    @JapaneseMonkey4 2 года назад +7

    the last like 5 minutes of this video I'm literally just hollering and crying of laughter

  • @joshuawilds1025
    @joshuawilds1025 2 года назад +1

    I don’t care how many times Skoden stoodis gets uploaded it’s funny every time

  • @ShadyDoesContent
    @ShadyDoesContent 2 года назад +4

    This video was quite the Skoden Stood is moment, honestly

  • @MasyBrown
    @MasyBrown Год назад

    Watched this months ago, laughed until my face hurt, forgot everything, found and rewatched, still some of the funniest yark I've ever seen. Omfg good on you

  • @Brod_-mn5vr
    @Brod_-mn5vr 2 года назад +13

    Skoden = Lets go then
    Stoodis = Lets do this
    Canadian lessons

    • @GunterBagsYT
      @GunterBagsYT Год назад +1

      Canada taught you about Indians?

    • @Malcador-TWOM
      @Malcador-TWOM 9 месяцев назад

      ​@GunterBagsYT well, they definitely didnt. They were too busy drinkin

  • @ravensrevenge7245
    @ravensrevenge7245 Год назад

    If anyone hasn't figured it out yet, "Skoden stoodis" means "Lets do this" in smoke signals

  • @Stekkerdeus
    @Stekkerdeus 2 года назад +3

    Just dying of laughter through this whole video 😂

  • @Kheqi
    @Kheqi 2 года назад +2

    0:52 I saw the cursor on my screen, thought it was dust, blew on it and it moved, I think I'm done for the night after this

  • @yigithenden126
    @yigithenden126 2 года назад +28

    I dont remember ever laughing at a video this hard for a long time aka #Skoden

  • @Kolossusofkraut
    @Kolossusofkraut Год назад

    Every couple of weeks I get drunk and watch this and end up crying all over again laughing at stoodis

  • @Colonel_Mustsard
    @Colonel_Mustsard 2 года назад +3

    I wonder how Dooo is always 3 weeks behind the rest of the goons

  • @fabiancosta340
    @fabiancosta340 2 года назад

    Urban Dictionary: "Skoden" Is slang for "Let's go then" when trying to engage into a fight, usually followed by "Stoodis" which is slang for "Let's do this".

  • @alleyramos6925
    @alleyramos6925 2 года назад +8

    13:50 we went down hill fast, and it was all Yuma’s fault

  • @candy_rose9187
    @candy_rose9187 2 года назад +1

    Soups Laugh is the best thing ever

  • @iamsam6111
    @iamsam6111 2 года назад +4

    I’m surprised the FBI hasn’t question a thing

    • @smithsonian2464
      @smithsonian2464 2 года назад +2

      They're watching but they're just flummoxed at what they're seeing

    • @iamsam6111
      @iamsam6111 2 года назад

      @@smithsonian2464 LMAO yeah you’re right

  • @Ohio_etsu-masu
    @Ohio_etsu-masu 2 года назад +1

    did i just have a stroke watching a YT video? i feel disoriented and cant understand words

  • @martingu36
    @martingu36 2 года назад +9

    Everytime Dooo's skin shows up I always think "How is he whiter than #FFFFFF?"

  • @RingsofCaturn
    @RingsofCaturn 2 года назад

    Skoden= Lets go then (Usually said when going somewhere or trying to pick a fight)
    Stoodis= lets do this (Speaks for itself)

  • @RuskiFuze01
    @RuskiFuze01 2 года назад +2

    2:50 don’t know why but this shit had me dying 😭

  • @AK91002
    @AK91002 2 года назад

    I’m in tears the last five minutes of that was just a fever dream Lmaoo I love it

  • @Can_Head
    @Can_Head 2 года назад

    The WLKY Honseacopter at 1:00 is one of many horse statues placed around the state of Kentucky in reference to the Kentucky Durby which is held at Churchill Downs, Louisville Kentucky. It is also the longest running sports event in the United States, also called the "Run for the Roses" in reference to the reef of roses presented to the winner.

  • @bucker_2532
    @bucker_2532 21 день назад

    This is the friend group everyone needs

  • @feedthecreature
    @feedthecreature 2 года назад

    I love how every time a messed up picture of someone holding a guitar with the head cropped out, you literally have to stop and wonder if it's you. Like you're thinking back and trying to remember all the stupid things you've done. LMAO

  • @bambampewpew32
    @bambampewpew32 2 года назад +1

    16:49 he's not wrong at all LMFAO they got so dumb we started laughing at them again

  • @lionsoldier1179
    @lionsoldier1179 2 года назад

    I despise the fact that when the minion homework meme was played, I could sense the general gist of the last two words entirely from the game they’re playing.

  • @mogwiawolf4354
    @mogwiawolf4354 2 года назад +1

    i blame yumi for making the end of that boring

  • @TheAverageDoge1321
    @TheAverageDoge1321 Год назад

    This video is by far the best video TheDooo has ever uploaded

  • @lonerz_rap1955
    @lonerz_rap1955 2 года назад

    Bro the horse helicopter thing at 1:05 is from one of my local news stations. WLKY out of Kentucky. Never knew they had that weird ass statue.

  • @angelredvivar
    @angelredvivar 2 года назад +1


  • @jen.leu.2643
    @jen.leu.2643 Год назад

    this has to be the funniest and most out of hand CAH play-though i ve ever watched and it has to be the funniest video that ive witnessed the goons play!!!

  • @moxxym
    @moxxym 2 года назад

    the most entertaining part of these video's is looking at the images that they don't talk about and wondering what they typed into google to find those images

  • @andrewpotter9613
    @andrewpotter9613 3 месяца назад

    I love how the editor cut out at the start then saying not to play a mini ladd card!

  • @johncoffey6368
    @johncoffey6368 2 года назад

    I’m crying at this you gotta put this on the main channel

  • @cameronspatz5833
    @cameronspatz5833 2 года назад

    I watched this in a quite classroom and I tried so hard the whole time to not burst into tears of laughter.

  • @AubDenashi
    @AubDenashi 2 года назад

    i cant believe a 2010 meme was made into the funniest thing i've seen this entire year XD

  • @TangoRango19
    @TangoRango19 2 года назад

    2:18 I love that flavor of gamer supps, russianbadgers is really good

  • @Narutokun1545
    @Narutokun1545 2 года назад

    "Skoden" is "Let's go then." and "Stoodis" is "Let's do this."

  • @kbryce14
    @kbryce14 2 года назад +2

    whenever Yumi said he was gonna throw up i felt the exact same. my stomach is in pain 💀

  • @PunkieDudie
    @PunkieDudie Год назад +1

    skoden stoodis is my life style now :3

  • @Grumm-Nation
    @Grumm-Nation Год назад +1

    This video represents the evolution of man but reversed, like it's the butterfly effect in a video and chaos erupted when someone "Yumi" had to post a cat pic of the most obscure words EVER!!!

  • @xxdesertstorm
    @xxdesertstorm 2 года назад +211

    the fact I've seen this same video from the rest of them and still make me laugh just makes it a great video

  • @LB0206
    @LB0206 2 года назад

    For some reason, the YT home page recommended me this video twice in a row (as in, it was on the page twice at the same time, on top of each other, which I haven't seen before), so I figured I had to watch it.

  • @brxyden05
    @brxyden05 Год назад

    20:54 soups laugh kills me everytime

  • @benparrish4422
    @benparrish4422 2 года назад

    Unbridled chaos! Excellent!

  • @AnonyBoiii
    @AnonyBoiii 2 года назад

    Little disappointed that my first thought for the “what tastes surprisingly good?” was the _Burger King Foot Lettuce_ meme

  • @blotobob331
    @blotobob331 Год назад

    And on the fifth day, God made Skoden. On the sixth day, Gid made goons. And on the seventh day, God made Stoodis, and it was good.

  • @opticalbeard
    @opticalbeard 11 месяцев назад

    still come back and watch this, one of my favorite goon videos.

  • @minor7805
    @minor7805 2 года назад

    Skoden and stoodis both mean like “lets go then” or “lets do this” apparently 💀💀

  • @AcadianBacon8
    @AcadianBacon8 2 года назад

    I have watched pretty much everyone's upload of this session at this point, always funny.

  • @Yeeet132
    @Yeeet132 2 года назад

    *makes a RuneScape joke*
    Soup: no one's going to get the joke.
    Me a 14 year old that grew up on RuneScape and Diablo:*Gets it*
    Guy in the back of the room: NERD.

  • @pyro6719
    @pyro6719 2 года назад +1

    At 14:19 he really sounded like Sr. Pelo laughing his ass off.

  • @Butterish17
    @Butterish17 2 года назад

    The Bloodveld pic had me crying man... Runescape nostalgia is real.

  • @almostWater
    @almostWater 2 года назад

    From literally ANYONE else I'd assume this is clickbait but knowing your track record I 100% believe this title