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Well, one would say that cheating on your spouse once is enough. Apparently not this time, since even after getting pregnant this quite ferocious otter still has quite a thirst to quench. The fun time goes rather well, and the pair have what they want while being undisturbed. Unfortunately though there is no happy ending at least for one side of the deal.

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I was like "When is the husband gonna show up"
Good art but need's a little more to the story.
No sight of any food, disappointing. 0/10
Aren't we all? Isn't this website the equivalent of hell?
I feel like it's more like the purgatory
Only instead of cleansing your sins, you're committing more here. So I guess it is like Hell.
Also, when will I get my favorite test subject back? I've missed him for some time now...
I feel like this more like a test to see if you'll succumb to the horrible comics or not.
And I'm sorry to say but depending on the type of test I won't be able to be your test subject anymore, I'm kind of exclusive to Modeus now, sorry
That is a great analogy. A test, I like that
And don't apologize, you two have had this thing going on forever, so I'm glad you two are happy with each other. Do the other girls know though?
I'm actually not sure of they know and thanks
You might want to tell all of them then, including the ones from your universe. I'd hate to see you get fucked up again, well a part of me would, the other we all know would love to see that.
Oh my, you're right, I'll tell them when I get the chance
Best of luck, and tell Haru I said hello. I like Haru.
Everyone loves Haru, no one ever sends their regards to Futaba or Makoto, but I guess it makes sense, you two really quite similar in tastes
Futaba is a sweet little thing, and Makoto I do appreciate for being so talented and hardworking, but I really do like Haru. It's like you said, we are quite similar in tastes. After all, we both fell for you.
Thats what i said to President Kimball fucker!
This one was actually kinda cute. I'm interested in seeing how this plays out.