0:44 keljon konehuolto, place where i bought my polaris. This beach is like 2km away from my home and i swim there sometimes. Stf garage is in my hometown so i guess im famous now
Bruh that second clip at the start scared me enough to push the turd out while I was watching it while during my shit break at work......legit scared the shit outta me.
@@55bur me and my family rent a house in main for three months a year, we just went up for a week, they don’t have much snow thoughtful year, but it is still awsome
У меня такое ощущение, что если движок с вот такого снегохода снять и поставить на мини-вертолет той же массы, то оно резво так взлетит, даже с человеком на борту.
Now that's talent. Every clip is incredible.
i don't even know how many times I've watched this video. It’s just to good 😌
Same here lol. Span of like three years
Me too just to good
Yep, back again and don't what view this is for me lol
This is like my 6th time back
Now that's more like it, awesome video. Great back ground music and crazy jumps. The first ones off the cliffs, those were just nuts and spectacular.
Darrin Marchand first one is GoPros vid
@Cooper Dyment Glitch hop is actually quite popular. This exact song got some recognition from the Battlefield 1 trailer.
Darrin Marchand the vid was good but the music was horrible
Imagine how brave you would have to be to do the first two clips
I would need to be on some drugs
You have to be dumb to do that
Bruh ik
@OT F7 soft
@OT F7 I'm sure they didn't believe they were risking their life as snowmobile crashes are very painful before lethal
Now that was a awesome video ! Mostly the cliff jumps in the beginning, i was like Holy sheep shit hahahaha !!
Dj M the first one is by GoPro
This makes we want to tell my grandma I'm not hungry
I'm calling the police
@@JozefLucifugeKorzeniowski plz don't
When grandma says eat..YOU EAT it's a law
Bru moment
Incredible video. Makes me want to become a boondocker real bad. Thank you!
One of the best GoPro vids out there
Imagine if you were minding your own business fishing and a snowmobile comes ripping up the lake
fred fuchs your welcome
It happens
It happend here in Norway. He got stopped by the millitary
Gamer Lightning nr 1 its from finland stunt freaks team
yep, that happened in finland and driver is finnish...
snowmobiles are literally the most aerodynamic things ever. look at that 361 foot drop!
i used to watch this so much when i was little
0:44 keljon konehuolto, place where i bought my polaris. This beach is like 2km away from my home and i swim there sometimes. Stf garage is in my hometown so i guess im famous now
*Crazy* Amazing Video 👍🏻
This the average kid in Alaska
Молодцы,вот где настоящие снегоходчики,круто!!!
ye fax
Bad ass riding, best vid yet !
Finally a Sled vid with some GOOD background Music 👍👌
Bruh that second clip at the start scared me enough to push the turd out while I was watching it while during my shit break at work......legit scared the shit outta me.
I haven’t paid attention to sleds in over a decade. Holy shit have they developed. Wild!!!
You know it Will be a good vide when the music is Seven Nation Army👌😂
what’s a vide
The first and second ones scared the beans out of me
Dude sidehillin on the M.....dude's a sick rider!!!!
My heart literally stops when you go off cliffs it’s cool tho I’ll give you that
Edit: I want to snowmobile so bad
It's so fun
If you do make sure you ride backcountry it’s so much fun
@@haydenconway8539 do you go snowmobiling
@@55bur me and my family rent a house in main for three months a year, we just went up for a week, they don’t have much snow thoughtful year, but it is still awsome
@@haydenconway8539 it’s that time of year again the snows melting and it’s becoming spring ❄️
The last two jumps was that, I think this how you spell his name LaVelle this video was all insane great stuff
Let's be honest snowmobiles are better than bikes
Backflip on water was done in sweden!
Anton Enbuske sant
Sweet trick
Thought for sure it was going under
Anton Enbuske yeah i am swedish
Wait.. when is summer finnish SFT do double backflip
I just watched a bunch of sad vids a this just made me happy
Intense beginning til end!!!! WICKED VIDEO HOLY CRAP !!
today I learned snowmobiles fly and float, best to rent.
Amazing. I think I'm going to get a new one now
Amazing video and great music
Со снежной горы падать ну прям слов нет👍
Why this is the best video Evert time on winter?!
0:30 those lil pieces of snow be like: *ZERO GRAVITY TIME*
0:20 crazy jump
Is it me or is riding kinda of you and your snow machine become one and it takes you and you go with the flow? Weird but it’s what it’s like for me
This gets my heart pumping
Nice song choice as well
just to cool! your video is the best!
what kind of people even dislike this awesome sport
Vegans 😂
Awesome video
0:56 who needs a jet ski
@ben I always think this 😂
@@amandafaboz7387 lol
Yes sir
Ok, this is epic!
This is more a Polaris Ad then any Polaris will ever produce
Buy one then they dont come with music. Bad ass thanks... Now i want... Have got to get one!!!!!!
The new bf1 looks great
That smoke on the water is better than the original one
Nothing is more fun than sledding!!!!!
Awesome video great editing
I love snowmobiling in the mountains and jumping off the cliffs
Pssssss.... EASY..... you got nothing on me.... lol BADASS
Awesome 🔥
Makes me wish it was winter again... 🥲
No one can ride like Burandt!
Всю рыбу распугал!😀
music wrecked it... I like hearing the sleds
100% agree. What's with powersports and dubstep/sonically invasive electronic crap? Ugh. Let the motors sing the song!
Trenton Deel it should have music in the background only
It sucked anyway
Trenton Deel its calked sevon nation army glitch mob remix
Trenton Deel ii
Burandt could watch him all day
I would crap myself if I went on those jumps.
Not me
@13432 2dkti3 you are to dum to do it
@@troygameing8184 dumb*
Great video I love your sled
Thats good ol Ostacruiser on his Ski-doo free ride @1:23
the bass went up 10000000%
great video love the music
like the song
number 2 i don't know what to say
Solid content 👌 all good clips. nice work
Sick...and CRAY, CRAY!!!
suomi mainittu torilla tavataan!
FinXana sft
FinXana saatana perkele
Very nice
Thank you!!!
You make the best for the Nature...... :-(
Great video 👍
Umm?, holy shit,, that was awesome
Not to mention the British columbia snowmobile federation sticker WOOOO YEAH
Lol and I’m watching this video while playing battlefield 1
Looks like riding a wild horse !!! 😲
Good music choice
Я так на Буране делаю после самогона!
А я так под самогоном делаю
Если вы со скалы с бураном так же ебнетесь я вам по 100 литров самагона подгоню
@@hotsteell смотри видос на канале ребята там на буране так почти хуярть
3:18 when the guy jumps off the damn that's my cousin, so random to come across this that's the arva dam in ontario
mark freeman is your cousin?
mark freeman is my cousin obviously
Yeah right, do you have proof?
That last jump is nuts! Does that beat the longest done on a bike?
Cool stuff.
someone invents snowmobile for driving on snow
- uses it on water *like a boss*
Song is awesome i will be Shazaming it.
lesson learned. if the sled throws you off, pin it and hang on (or you will get swamped and be digging in 30")
even Seven Nation Army didnt make Polaris look good
когда в буран залил 95 бенз
Когда в иже жиклеры на большую тягу выставил
Cool vid
Like the background music
awesome vid
Pretty sick vid
Психи в натуре👍👍👍👍👍
О русские xD
Tracked vehicles in general are just so fucking great.
У меня такое ощущение, что если движок с вот такого снегохода снять и поставить на мини-вертолет той же массы, то оно резво так взлетит, даже с человеком на борту.
no clue what this dude is saying but fax
If only the music was replaced by the sound of the sleds, it would be so much better that way
your videos rock
Let's try that snowmobile in a half mile drag strip