verrà mai aggiunta la versione renpy?
No, because it is impossible to replicate the same game in Ren'Py.
There are probably ways to show a 3D cube, but good luck doing anything with the lighting the same way an actual 3D engine can.
That being said, why would you want the game to be made in Renpy? I do not see anything the game lacks that a renpy project would have.
There is rollback, there is a log, and so on.
If there is something you like in Renpy that you would like to see in this game, do let me know.
Do you plan on adding a loki route ?
My current plan is up to the end of season 2, so no.
So is multiple endings game?
I'll do the Hestia route only ( strange right?

) ...She will accept other girls for example of the same familia like Lili or Haruhime?
I love Hestia but also Haruhime so dating both would not be bad
The game, similarly to Overlord H, will have a single ending.
However, how you get to that ending will change depending on whom you pursue.
You can see that in effect on R2 already: If you pursue Hestia, the events will change when compared to the source material.
Basically the starting point and the ending point are the same, but the stuff inbetween is full of branches.