Do you believe in Universal Health Care ?

Do you believe in Universal Health Care in U.S. can work?

  • Yes, I believe in Universal Health Care in U.S. can solve many problems in our medical system.

    Votes: 14 51.9%
  • I don't believe Universal Health Care can solve all the problems in our system.

    Votes: 13 48.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Really ? Tax dodgers can still get "free" health care ?

How is one to survive, not paying taxes ?

Live underground ?

Work Illegitimately ?

People Like that piss me off, 'cause they don't contribute to the costs incurred (Hospital costs).

Somebody is paying to run the joint (The Taxpayers)
'cause nothing is "free" my friend.

All the best ~

They are not dodging taxes if they do not owe any taxes. If you make under a certain amount per year then you do not pay taxes.

I have known both mooches and very good people who have been on welfare (I have never been on welfare - BTW). There are people who abuse the system. Definitely. But there are also people who need it from time to time to survive. Not so they can buy cigarettes and beer. To survive.

I do not mind one bit my tax dollars going to them for short periods of time.

To the moochers? That is a different story.


Universal health care reform is inevitable IMO.The current system is going to break the bank of the US economy.What just happened with GM the other day and the short strike is all health care and the out of control costs.The US currently spends double per capita what any other industrial country spends but in 2000 was ranked only 37th by the World Health organization.Maybe if we were ranked #1 the current system might be defensible but since we are not it is not.No one else has a system that has for profit insurance companies involved.While govt sure isn't perfect at least they don't go in with all kind of negative for the good of the most incentives like Insurance co's do.We can and must have a system that covers everyone and costs us less by elimanating the for profit Insurance co's and going to a single payer system similar to every other rational country.

WELCOME BACK Friday. You were missed.
WELCOME BACK Friday. You were missed.

Thanks McRocket good to be back among the living lol.Good luck convincing these folks who have been subjected to overwhelming corporate propaganda about how great our health care system is and how all the other countries hate the ones they have.We pay double get ranked 37th but were the best lol.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Speaking as an uninsured American, yes I believe universal health care, even of less than excellent quality, would be better than no health care at all.


A majority of Americans already have health care. All this talk about Universal Health care is all for just 16% of the population. the problem is not health care insurance, it's the rising cost of health care itself.

Just 16%? That's almost 50 million human beings.

As far as I am concerned, that 16% are individually as important as the other 84%.

And I imagine they feel that way also.

No offense intended.


Just 16%? That's almost 50 million human beings.

As far as I am concerned, that 16% are individually as important as the other 84%.

And I imagine they feel that way also.

:thumbsup: I agree. Everyone should be equally important when it comes to healthcare.
A majority of Americans already have health care. All this talk about Universal Health care is all for just 16% of the population. the problem is not health care insurance, it's the rising cost of health care itself.

No one in the US really knows if they are covered until they get really sick.The Insurance companies spend 50 billion a year on trying to find ways to deny claims.But let me agree with you on the REAL problem is the cost.Yes people under served by this health care system is a tragedy but the issue for us as a people is what this system will do to even the healthy which is bankrupt them.Again I reiterate for the 3rd time WE SPEND DOUBLE WHAT ANY OTHER COUNTRY DOES PER CAPTIA AND ARE RANKED 37TH.We are being hosed by the Insurance companies along with others.I can't see how some here can't see as bad as govt is ,for profit corporations are worse.All the rest of the world does it maybe not perfect but way better and cheaper than we do.


No one in the US really knows if they are covered until they get really sick.The Insurance companies spend 50 billion a year on trying to find ways to deny claims.But let me agree with you on the REAL problem is the cost.Yes people under served by this health care system is a tragedy but the issue for us as a people is what this system will do to even the healthy which is bankrupt them.Again I reiterate for the 3rd time WE SPEND DOUBLE WHAT ANY OTHER COUNTRY DOES PER CAPTIA AND ARE RANKED 37TH.We are being hosed by the Insurance companies along with others.I can't see how some here can't see as bad as govt is ,for profit corporations are worse.All the rest of the world does it maybe not perfect but way better and cheaper than we do.

Assuming your statistics are right, you make a very good case.

And knowing you (online anyway), I assume they are.


Really? These people "piss you off"? The disabled? Neglected or abandoned children? The mentally ill?

Before you rip my face off....I know what you were trying to say but you cannot presume that everyone on welfare is a lazy bum....even though there are most certainly people who are.

I have no problem with a bit of welfare, provided that it is used expressly as a "safety net / get ya back on your feet again" institution and not as a lifestyle.
I often witness individuals who milk the system, I do not have sympathy for those types, I see at the grocer . . . using food stamps to pay for cookies, snack crackers, frozen fudge bars, gourmet coffee, baby back ribs, haagen daas [sic], items from the bakery etc. ..........................and you see them in the parking lot, getting into a brand new Caddy Escalade :mad:

Aside from welfare, in the grand scheme of things, it's all about how we, as individuals, prioritize.
If a given individual is foolish and has the capacity to build a life savings, but decides to exhaust his income on decadent luxuries, 24/7 *3651/4 days a year, said foo should have to eventually pay his dues - i.e. - "give back to the system" in the event he busts a toe, become ill, requires 30 sutures etc.

The immediate care emergency services are my primary concerns here . . . OK ? Cancer had been discussed a few posts, previous (to no avail ?)

How about when an individual has a stroke ?

Time is of the essence. The sooner a stroke victim gets to the proper physician the greater chance that patient has the ability to recover (no kidding !) :rolleyes:
I envision this new "utopian" h/c system as a very marginal health care system of which could only satisfy "Nurse Practicioners" when a DOCTOR is actually reqd ! Who TF would wish to become a government - salaried doctor ? Uhhh . . . few !
Sorta takes away all the incentive, for up-n-comers to become Medical Doctors ! They actually fix people for money, recall ? ! What a concept !!!

Funny[/I] How this works, once again -

For the most part, People(s) who live amongst an inferior system would gladly undermine their neighbors' better system . . . for why would they wish such change to begin with ? To enable their neighbor the greater ? I don't think so ! :jeer:
So what ? . . neighbors compete amongst one another i.e. - keepin up with the Jones' ! Ha ha ! Human nature, I guess.

Sincerely -

The best of health and happiness to all ~

Good to see a group of which can debate said issues without Fire -n- Brimstone . . . Rancor laden #@%*$#* Cool ! :D
Nope. Health care administered by the govt. would be like everything else administered by the govt. Piss poor.


I am no fan of the government running everything. But I should point out that the government is already paying nearly half of all medical expenses. It's called medicare and it's a very efficient run program compared to private insurance. Medicare administration expenses are a lot lower than the expenses of private insurance in the aggregate.
[B][URL=" said:
Friday[/URL][/B] on my mi, post: 1665321, member: 44516"]No one in the US really knows if they are covered until they get really sick.

Isn't that true!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
[B][URL=" said:
Friday[/URL][/B] on my mi, post: 1665321, member: 44516"]No one in the US really knows if they are covered until they get really sick.

I agree! Well-stated fact on the subject. You da man, Friday!



After having typed all my support for Universal Health Care. I, like many on here, do have a distrust of almost all things government.

And I think Universal Health Care should be available to anyone that needs it. But there should be a choice for people to have privately run health care as well.

I think the States has a good set up, but a poor execution. I think their private health care coverage is too profit driven and corrupt. And I think their government assisted health care does not go nearly far enough.

Whereas in Canada, we service the poor and middle class far better. Those with more money have no choice as private health care in Canada is not allowed. Or is at least; strongly discouraged - which I think is a mistake. Choice is always a good thing - IMO.

I think, one day, there will be a happy median. But I think it won't be for many years.


Is somewhere outhere.
I suppose it would to good for the people who can't afford it.

Why should people who can afford it be first in the line to those who can't :dunno: seems unfair.I guess that's why we have the NHS.
I suppose it would to good for the people who can't afford it.

Why should people who can afford it be first in the line to those who can't :dunno: seems unfair.I guess that's why we have the NHS.

Which doesn't work. Plus as I've already said it isn't free and you are still selected by the status order.


Is somewhere outhere.
Well it pays for my mother's drugs to keep her alive,in which if we had to pay for them direct would be a bloody I stand by my case ;)

It also depends where your from as well I suppose.But I think it works well in Scotland anyway.
Well it pays for my mother's drugs to keep her alive,in which if we had to pay for them direct would be a bloody I stand by my case ;)

It also depends where your from as well I suppose.But I think it works well in Scotland anyway.

Which she or you have paid for with your taxes and national insurance. Also if you are a worker you pay over the odds to help pay for the none workers medication when you get any you need.

The NHS isn't free and is very poorly run. It does has it's good point. But far more bad ones. The system been run on it was set up in the 1970's and still is the exact same system today. It's very dated and doesn't work in the modern era.


Is somewhere outhere.
Which she or you have paid for with your taxes and national insurance. Also if you are a worker you pay over the odds to help pay for the none workers medication when you get any you need.

Well I don't mind paying for someone elses drugs if they badly needs it.Maybe that's what's wrong with the world today (The Me,Me,Me syndrome)

The NHS isn't free and is very poorly run. It does has it's good point. But far more bad ones. The system been run on it was set up in the 1970's and still is the exact same system today. It's very dated and doesn't work in the modern era.

Do you think Brown will fix it??
One of the major reasons why the German actually chop up Chrysler and give back 80% to the American is the 19 billion dollars (and counting) liability of the health care "cost". The German back in 1998-1999 did not even know the Chrylser retirees' health cost will eat them alive.

GM shifts the retirees health cost to UAW control funds to avoid further skyrocking health care liability.

No one asks why America has the highest health care cost because U.S. has the most advance cancer drugs, diagnostic equipments, heart transplant teams, etc if you can afford it.

But do we really need all those fancy stuff ? Do we need 6 medical schools/centers in Philly, 7 medical schools/centers in Chicago, another new medical school at Cleveland Clinic ? The answer is NO !

The issue is how to curb the rise of health care cost here in U.S. below inflation rate and if Maine can afford almosts Universal Health Care System for all the citizens of Maine, then the rest of 49 states can certainly try.