We Bought An Amazon Returns Pallet For $525 - Unboxing $6500 In MYSTERY Items!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Shop our Amazon pallet finds + get $15 credit to use on Whatnot!👉 www.whatnot.co...
    You won't believe what we found in our Amazon returns pallet of mystery items! We picked this particular pallet because it was very large and not sorted through. This Amazon pallet cost us $525, but the retail value of the items was over $6500 MSRP! To watch our other pallet flipping videos, check out this playlist here: • Pallet Flipping
    Be sure to check out Grand Rapids Pallet Liquidations Facebook Group Here: / grandrapidspalletliqui...
    Our Flipping Guide: jamieandsarah....
    Follow us on Instagram: / wearejamieandsarah
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    Be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already! www.youtube.co...
    Check out our Amazon Store! www.amazon.com...
    Sarah has been following the Facebook group of a pallet liquidator in our area who buys truckloads of Walmart, Target, and Amazon returns and then sells them by the pallet to resellers. Since we love flipping furniture we thought it would be a unique opportunity for us.
    Reselling Amazon returns can be a great side hustle if you know how to list, sell, and ship items on eBay and Facebook. We have learned a lot through experience and hope you find these videos helpful and informative! Return pallet flipping is something we’ve done before, but we wanted to try again to give it a fair chance. Not only is the pallet unboxing fun, but there is a great potential to make a lot of extra money! We hope to profit over $2000 on this Amazon pallet!
    Ring Doorbell(for safety): amzn.to/2LdKXnY
    Our Video Gear:
    Our Camera: amzn.to/3tpY0E4
    Our Main Lens: amzn.to/3mskSia
    Our Main Light: amzn.to/3e2r11B
    Our Vlog Tripod: amzn.to/3mtees0
    *We earn commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
    #amazon #palletflipping #reselling
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 2,9 тыс.

    @JAMIEANDSARAH  Год назад +25

    Shop our Amazon pallet finds + get $15 credit to use on Whatnot!👉 www.whatnot.com/invite/junglefinds

    • @Donaldperson7
      @Donaldperson7 Год назад +2

      Sarah is a hot lady!

    • @lil_yaca25
      @lil_yaca25 Год назад +2

      I'm a new subscribe From Lawrence Massachusetts God bless all of us amen 🇩🇴🇩🇴🇺🇸🇺🇸🇩🇴🇺🇸🇩🇴🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤝❤️ 0:54 💚💚💚❤️ 1:04

    • @horderphelps1402
      @horderphelps1402 Год назад

      This concept is a much more postive experience than the storage locker buyers who make money off people who are in financial trouble.

    • @roxannewalcott8092
      @roxannewalcott8092 Год назад


    • @reneekey3935
      @reneekey3935 Год назад

      ​@@horderphelps1402but if someone doesn't buy it they throw it all in the trash. Sometimes people pass away as well. I'd much rather my things go to someone than be thrown in the trash. It is sad to know they or family lost their belongings but some creators here on RUclips give back all the personal items which is very kind of them.

  • @jammiedodge9222
    @jammiedodge9222 Год назад +56

    I relieze that this video is a year old already but what I like is the fact that y'all are giving and donating things to local area businesses or... like shelters and others! It's sweet keep on keeping on! God Bless ❤

  • @DreamSurferRelaxation
    @DreamSurferRelaxation 2 года назад +336

    To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. ❤ 🙏🏼🧘‍♂

    @_SPREZZATURA_McGEE_ Год назад +40

    HEY YOU GUYS ARE A NICE COUPLE.. very kind, generous and pleasant vibes.LAUGHING TOGETHER is a great sign haha

  • @jessbradlamberth4604
    @jessbradlamberth4604 2 года назад +16

    Hey I'm a young-ish woman (34) and Folgers is my go to! Maybe it's just comforting because that is what my Granny always drank. But I'll let you guys by on that one because you are both so precious and I loved that you guys are willing to help people with useful things , like air filters! I hate buying those! God Bless you guys and I hope you keep sharing!

  • @soyreeng8864
    @soyreeng8864 Год назад +24

    Thumbs up for giving stuff away to people who need it. It makes this channel have a positive vibe

  • @LadyJFord
    @LadyJFord 2 года назад +50

    So glad my mother shared your link with me to see this. She's 80+ yrs young & enjoying your videos & now I am too. You're fun to watch & hearing you saying it's good to share with others is both refreshing & give me hope in the younger generation.
    I stopped right as you were opening the rat bait stations when you asked what are they to share this... I'm sure you probably figured it out by now but for those who come in late like myself, they are great for rat bait stations. There's a wire on the inside that the blocks of rat poison fit onto through the center hole then you put the wire back into it's slot & close the lid that should have a key to open & lock it to keep kids & other creature out (hopefully the squirrels stay out.) Then if you also provide a container of water further away from your house/property... they will eat the bait, run for the water & usually die very quickly once the water is added to the poison. The best poison I've found to use are the big yellow bait blocks one can find from a farm feed store (Cosco or Tractor Supply also.)
    Now back to enjoying your video. Thank you again, you make such a lovely couple. Keep up the good work. God bless you both.

  • @marlenebyrnes6846
    @marlenebyrnes6846 Год назад +19

    I was impressed that you didn't toss things around because it didn't cost that much. Almost every other show I've watched, the people were not showing respect for the goods. It makes me wonder why they buy the stuff at all.

  • @danielllleX
    @danielllleX Год назад +16

    I have watched several of these channels and yours is my favorite. I really appreciate how you don’t BS about the value! I know I am not going to pay more than 40 to 50% of what you get when I’m buying something off eBay or marketplace etc, it’s super refreshing! New subscriber

  • @leslielewis7286
    @leslielewis7286 Год назад +7

    The best part of this video is how cute and happy Jamie and Sarah are when they open the boxes. They're fun to watch. I really liked the old people take on Folgers coffee.

    • @CraftAero
      @CraftAero Год назад

      I actually thought that was the worst part, I only made it 2mins in.

    • @irenestier1062
      @irenestier1062 Год назад

      Bottom feeders comment for the Folgers coffee!!??
      That was really rude and classless Jamie!!

  • @bubbaboy0587
    @bubbaboy0587 2 года назад +45

    Just letting you guys know, that .22 cal pellet gun is actually really nice. It’s a Benjamin Marauder and I personally own one and they’re great. I was honestly surprised to see something that I know well in this!

    • @Ninjasnail1926
      @Ninjasnail1926 2 года назад +2

      We just got one too. We love it. Actually really great. Was surprising.

    • @Gdsamplify
      @Gdsamplify 2 года назад +2

      Im gonna put one of those to my skull before i ever do pallet flipping.

    • @donnawatkins8542
      @donnawatkins8542 2 года назад +2

      But her reaction was too extreme. I enjoyed watching their videos until the pellet gun and bait boxes 🤣 but I'm not a fragile person 🤣🤣

    • @toastyghostyofdeath3909
      @toastyghostyofdeath3909 Год назад +3

      ​@donna watkins agreed. Its not even a real firearm. Even if it was there is no reason to freak out about one as long as its handled safely.

    • @somebodypeculiar
      @somebodypeculiar Год назад +2

      The stock is not split, it is adjustable.

  • @leona159
    @leona159 2 года назад +28

    You guys are just awesome and smart. I saw a lady that bought from a on line seller, she lost big time! Great advise to buy local 🙌🏼. This is my dream job, self employed and free of crappy bosses and making them rich while we get minimum wage. Love your easy going style! 🙏🏼

  • @lou196t
    @lou196t 2 года назад +144

    I like that she said sometimes it’s just nice to give something to people who need it. Very kind and considerate. Glad I heard that part of this video. Way to go.

    • @pariramachandran7633
      @pariramachandran7633 2 года назад +2

      Humans v hav more than needed... only we need to give back to nature and environment around us

  • @pedrofan34
    @pedrofan34 2 года назад +649

    I’m going to buy a pallet for my wife to hopefully satisfy her online shopping addiction

  • @jodymcgraw8732
    @jodymcgraw8732 Год назад +3

    These two are so adorable. Such a great idea! How exciting to see what’s inside each box.

  • @eugenestrawberry1835
    @eugenestrawberry1835 2 года назад +13

    4 million people watched this. Who cares what you bought, this video made you profit. 💰

  • @billprezioso3677
    @billprezioso3677 2 года назад +15

    I think the best news is the broken table in the beginning actually withstands a significant amount of weight

  • @T0tenkampf
    @T0tenkampf 2 года назад +13

    unless you see some damage on the side that we cant see, the broke part of the benjamin is a height adjustable cheek piece and is supposed to be a separate part. The perceived value of the pot filler is way to high to keep for what it is, any good plumber could hand craft one for you out of raw copper for far less.

    • @eventhisidistaken
      @eventhisidistaken 2 года назад +2

      Moen has a lifetime warranty. When it starts leaking, they'll send you a new one for the cost of shipping. We recently replaced ours for $20 shipping. The down side is, if you have any color other than silver or polished brass, they constantly mess around with the colors so what they send will not exactly match what you had before. ...I seriously doubt a plumber would custom make one for you for $500, they are not just copper pipes with a hose bib, they have flexible joints that the water runs through.

  • @Thorbaby13
    @Thorbaby13 2 года назад +318

    The pot filler is very pretty but I can tell you that I went down this road and after spending the money on the fixture and the plumbing I was fascinated by it for about 2 weeks and then never used the dam thing. I grew to resent it after 1 year. So very nice and friends love it when they see it but overall pretty useless.

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +60

      Thanks for your input! I appreciate that! Yea it’s a lot of extra work for something that will probably never get used. We aren’t exactly Gordon Ramsey over here 🤣🤣

    • @Thorbaby13
      @Thorbaby13 2 года назад +13

      @@JAMIEANDSARAH LOL….it is an extravagance but it really is beautiful to look at. No matter what your new home will be a show stopper with you both at the helm!

    • @horsebytes
      @horsebytes 2 года назад +10

      @@Cancionera40 Yes, and if you seldom use it, the water in the lines will taste gross so you'll have to empty a few pots full of water.

    • @michellemanuele2033
      @michellemanuele2033 2 года назад +13

      I use mine all the time

    • @cherbear1996
      @cherbear1996 2 года назад +11

      Wow..my sis in law has one n loves it..uses it all the time..but she also cooks, a lot..

  • @DonnaRetler
    @DonnaRetler 8 месяцев назад +3

    I love watching the two of you! You work so well together.

  • @Y-Knotz
    @Y-Knotz Год назад +1


      @JAMIEANDSARAH  Год назад

      Wow thank YOU so much! We really appreciate the support of our channel. It means the world to us! ❤

  • @tinahooper4267
    @tinahooper4267 2 года назад +18

    Since you're redoing the kitchen, I would say, keep the brass faucet. Also, I think the small sticky ring is double sided tape used by crafters. Enjoy your new kitchen!

  • @herbwhite4445
    @herbwhite4445 2 года назад +17

    Hey, Jamie hey Sarah. If and when you guys ever get Coffee like Folgers or other brands and you don't mind donating it you could take it to your local Soup Kitchen or homeless shelter or other programs that work with our less fortunate in the community. Just a thought for you. Those are things that organizations like that have difficulty getting sometimes. Looks like a blast to get a pallet like that though.

  • @ulrichkristensen4087
    @ulrichkristensen4087 2 года назад +4

    The waste is unbelievable because the stores will not retail them, you are doing a great job, reselling is good, so it does not end up as junk

  • @FoundingYouTuber-2005
    @FoundingYouTuber-2005 Год назад +1

    I'm just posting this for future reference. That Benjamin Marauder Air Rifle at 17:30 IS NOT DAMAGED. That top piece on the buttstock that looks broken is actually an adjustable cheek/chin rest.

  • @Coach.FlipmorePallets
    @Coach.FlipmorePallets 2 года назад +5

    The “Sweet Spot” = 40-50% of retail. Get it in, get it out! Great video!

  • @emilylguidry
    @emilylguidry 2 года назад +80

    If you ever thought about doing a pot filler, id keep that! Love the finish & even if you dont use it all the time, it looks great aesthetically

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +4

      Thank you!! 😁

    • @arbonneladyTN
      @arbonneladyTN 2 года назад +3

      @@JAMIEANDSARAH Where did you find this place to buy a pallet?

  • @bonniemunday4711
    @bonniemunday4711 2 года назад +4

    It's like Christmas everyday. With every unboxing there is a surprise. I love it.

  • @tech-dad
    @tech-dad 2 года назад +115

    Somehow YT recommended this video to me. At first I was like “meh!” but as I started watching, I couldn’t stop until the end. You both are amazing at keeping the interest level high. I didn’t know anything about Amazon return pallets until you both educated me. Thank you!

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +4

      Thanks so much for watching! 😁😁

    • @teenytinytoons
      @teenytinytoons 2 года назад +3

      Same. I was like, I’m just going to watch one unpacking but nope. Watched the whole thing. Lmfao.

    • @zebrobertson
      @zebrobertson 2 года назад +2

      lol same... kept watching because both are likeable but i especially like that they are realistic about resale values and show the amazon listing. so annoying to watch 'storage wars' where they say 'oh this random piece of garbage is worth $80' and then they add that amount to their total...

    • @peters8181
      @peters8181 2 года назад +1

      It's a scam omg people it's a scam.
      And these youtubers are full of BS.
      After shipping fees to Amazon or ebay and costume returns and even costume scams they will lose $ on this joke.
      I did this when it first started 10 years ago. I stopped when it turned into a scam

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +8

      @@peters8181 just because you got a bad pallet doesn’t mean it’s a scam

  • @janteynor5524
    @janteynor5524 Год назад +3

    This is like being a kid on Christmas morning! 😂🎄🎁

  • @hena1937
    @hena1937 2 года назад +11

    The projection screens are awesome! I bought my projector for under $80 on Black Friday. There is a business that sets up outdoor movies in my area. It could be a new side hustle for you guys as you only work at night for about 3 hours. They even set up summer movies at a park downtown. I’ve been to see wizard of Oz. It’s fun. People have inflatable parties all the time. It would be cool to end the party with a movie time for the kids. I didn’t know the smaller one was so cheap. I want one now.

  • @wardayousufi
    @wardayousufi 2 года назад +47

    I loved the expressions on both of your faces rather than the packages and stuff...
    The shine, excitement and glow was everything......material can never replace precious human emotions....they are timeless....
    Bless you both ❤

    • @judgecari93
      @judgecari93 2 года назад

      Donate the coffee to a hotel

  • @thesehandsart
    @thesehandsart 2 года назад +18

    You two are freaking hilarious. I'm so glad you made a good chunk to put towards the kitchen🙌🙌🙌

  • @talapeanutbutter4250
    @talapeanutbutter4250 Год назад +1

    We’ve bought so much from the Amazon warehouse and about half, we’ve sent back

  • @justdoiteasyfixservice9488
    @justdoiteasyfixservice9488 11 месяцев назад

    Keep the tent and the 22 air Rifle for squirrel 🐿️ Hunting.

  • @scaletownmodels
    @scaletownmodels 2 года назад +53

    As a home machinist, I had to look up that pot filler. Yes, those moen's go for $500-$1000. That's ridiculous for a couple pieces of tubing and some o-ring swivel joints.

    • @notprovided1131
      @notprovided1131 2 года назад +1

      Rich people will pay a lot of money for it, and they don't want to spend the time to make it. Maybe you could make some yourself and sell them! You could make good money!

    • @eventhisidistaken
      @eventhisidistaken 2 года назад +3

      They have a lifetime warranty, and they honor it without hassle. That's part of what you're paying for.

    • @scaletownmodels
      @scaletownmodels 2 года назад +4

      @@eventhisidistaken No, Craftsman had a lifetime warranty on tools you could literally beat the crap out of for a few dollars. That faucet is about $10 in materials. You're not paying $900 for a warranty for something that carries a few ounces of water. At worst the o-rings fail because you never use it and they dry out, so you spend 30 cents to fix it.

    • @eventhisidistaken
      @eventhisidistaken 2 года назад

      @@scaletownmodels it's not $900, it's about $350. Ideally, they would use standard o-rings and you could just change them out, but they don't - no-one does, which makes you wonder what 'standard o-ring' even means, considering that no manufacturer uses such a thing.

    • @Ease54
      @Ease54 2 года назад

      They probably give builders a 90% discount so they can sock it to people rich enough to have a kitchen that needs a built in "pot filler".

  • @tazgee599
    @tazgee599 2 года назад +11

    Quick tip: always cut open boxes “away” from you!

    • @jessiejames2155
      @jessiejames2155 2 года назад

      That,..and, they're really dreaming, if they really believe..that half of that stuff will work, or sell .

  • @jasonbozek
    @jasonbozek 2 года назад +6

    Have you every done a follow up video explaining true profit after resale and how long it took you to offload that particular pallet???

  • @nightrunner1456
    @nightrunner1456 2 года назад +2

    Put 2 lite boards across the top of the pallet. That way when (you) put 2 straps across top of the pallet and TIGHTEN, IT TIGHT down with EVENLY PRESSUR. And secure the load.

  • @alansylvia4276
    @alansylvia4276 Год назад +1

    This was so much fun. Sarah you are absolutely adorable.

  • @CassieDavis613
    @CassieDavis613 2 года назад +15

    Re the pot filler: Unless the thing also empties a heavy pot full of cooking liquid, what's the point? You still must lug a heavy pot of water to the sink to empty it.

    • @SharonLoans
      @SharonLoans 2 года назад +3

      That’s what I thought

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +4

      True! 💯

    • @brendatomlinson
      @brendatomlinson 2 года назад +2

      Excellent point!

    • @repaid1
      @repaid1 2 года назад +5

      Pot fillers are used to fill pots on the cooking surface, generally in commercial kitchens, you fill with water add ingredients to be cooked, then that is served to the plate from the pot on the stove top. The purpose is so you don't have to carry a 50lb pot full of water to the stove, not the other way around as the pot is empty when you remove it from stove.

    • @brendatomlinson
      @brendatomlinson 2 года назад +3

      @@repaid1 We understand the purpose of a pot filler. As an example to further explain the OP’s point, if you fill the pot with water to cook pasta, after lifting out the pasta you still have a pot full of water to dispose of.

  • @RollinHomies
    @RollinHomies 2 года назад +5

    Speaking from personal practice, the wrong items are returned when the manufacturer (not Amazon) will not respond to emails or phone calls to honor warranty on failed products.
    I will for sure buy a new something and return the old one if there’s a warranty and I can’t get anyone to honor it.

  • @ahmadtariq7963
    @ahmadtariq7963 2 года назад +4

    A little advice... Make your MSRP COUNTER transparent... Its blocking the view... Or you can change its location from bottom to upper corners

  • @jimmyfishburn7894
    @jimmyfishburn7894 2 года назад +4

    The stock is not broken. That is an adjustable stock for the cheek rest. Good find.

  • @bethanyfelton4330
    @bethanyfelton4330 2 года назад +4

    It depends on what the other boxes yield on if you should keep the kitchen faucet or sell it.

    • @leslielewis7286
      @leslielewis7286 Год назад

      But how much does it cost to put in the plumbing on your stove wall? That has to be expensive. Unless you fill large pots of water for boiling frequently, it would be mostly a conversation starter in the kitchen.

  • @nicolefashton
    @nicolefashton 2 года назад +6

    Could you give an update in a different video on the total you made, about how long to move things out and where you sold the majority of the stuff? Would be interesting follow up!

    • @bbyjscx
      @bbyjscx 2 года назад +1

      I second this

  • @edfuadmo9995
    @edfuadmo9995 2 года назад +23

    50% of what they found they’re giving it away.
    What a generous Couple

    • @davidy22
      @davidy22 2 года назад

      50% of 6500 when they paid 500 is still a handy turnaround

    • @proctorfamily5401
      @proctorfamily5401 2 года назад

      @@davidy22 , totally agree. They're turning a hefty profit 📈, not Saints, not donating. But they're fun people and seemingly honest.

  • @rowebil00
    @rowebil00 2 года назад +17

    The air filter is still in the bag. As long as it's sealed, if the MSRP is $30 you can sell for $22-25 but would have to include free shipping. It is common for air filters to arrive damaged boxes so you can sell it as an open box but sealed.

    • @senorbonbon
      @senorbonbon 2 года назад

      Do you think I should get a Amazon pallet? I have some in my area selling for $350

  • @melissataylor6835
    @melissataylor6835 Год назад +1

    You can break down that plastic chain into smaller sections. Cover with watered down cement, sheet rock plaster or papermache. All to make a stone look to use as decor. Use like the string of wood beads. You could also do a industrial look as well.

  • @WebGuyTV
    @WebGuyTV Год назад +1

    19:26 Folgers Black Silk is the bomb for iced coffee with a swirl of caramel. Don't knock it til you try it.

  • @josephhollifield660
    @josephhollifield660 2 года назад +12

    It hurt me inside when you called a Benjamin freakin Marauder a BB gun. That is a legendary, high powered PCP air rifle. It's better than a .22lr for anything that you would use a .22lr for. What a great find.

    • @T0tenkampf
      @T0tenkampf 2 года назад +1

      My neighbor kills wild pigs with his and its quiet enough not to send the herd running right away.

    • @T0tenkampf
      @T0tenkampf 2 года назад

      my neighbor takes wild pigs with his and its quiet enough not to send the herd running right away

    • @aidannathan9643
      @aidannathan9643 2 года назад

      I was hoping someone would say this haha

  • @nancyisshopping7950
    @nancyisshopping7950 2 года назад +10

    You guys are adorable! It is so sweet how well you get along and how you look at each other. ❤️

  • @shelleyzaragoza2195
    @shelleyzaragoza2195 2 года назад +12

    The customers play a fast one returning things back to the store giving them their used one. It's the store employees not checking in the box before giving back a refund to the customers.

  • @linda777---
    @linda777--- Год назад +4

    Depending where your water line is and plumbing to hook it up will be a big factor to keep or sell

  • @GaryCrumrine
    @GaryCrumrine Год назад +1

    That BB Gun isn't cracked. It is an adjustable cheek rest Loosen the two screws on the other side and pull up.

  • @edcanada9230
    @edcanada9230 2 года назад +11

    You guys are so awesome!!! Sarah is killing it! i love the energy!!!Keep it up! Awesome content!

  • @jsbf1611
    @jsbf1611 2 года назад +4

    I heard what u said about all online stores being a scam. But I found one which is not. Its tells u what is in them but not what condition it is and give u a very good price of normaly 15-30% of the msrp. They r a uk based company called marthill.

  • @Jumpman67
    @Jumpman67 2 года назад +7

    I haven't' watched this yet but for some reason I love these pallet videos. I hope you found some good stuff!

  • @WillieBlack-q1f
    @WillieBlack-q1f 11 месяцев назад +1

    Just letting you guys know, that .22 cal pellet gun is actually really nice. It’s a Benjamin Marauder and I personally own one and they’re great. I was honestly surprised to see something that I know well in this!

  • @shesaknitter
    @shesaknitter Год назад +1

    What fun! I just discovered your channel with this video. I knew about pallet-buying, but had never watched an unboxing before. What fun to watch while I'm knitting. Thank you! I've definitely subscribed and upvoted.
    I vote for you to keep that expensive (and way cool) Moen faucet thing that you opened near the beginning of the video. I've never even heard of such a thing, but how cool for your new kitchen!

  • @JenAngel21
    @JenAngel21 Год назад +17

    That would totally be like Christmas to me! Actually I get Ipsy once a month just so I can be surprised and pretend it’s a present! 😂 I wish I could buy a palette of stuff!

    • @jodymcgraw8732
      @jodymcgraw8732 Год назад

      What’s Ipsy?

    • @JenAngel21
      @JenAngel21 Год назад

      @@jodymcgraw8732 Ipsy is a monthly subscription that you get in the mail. It’s a box of makeup or beauty supplies in general. It’s usually stuff that is recently released or sometimes recently viral. It’s a really good value I think.

  • @chasbo25
    @chasbo25 2 года назад +6

    I haven't read the comments, but I'll say it, Sarah is a doll🤠

  • @alladreamwedreamed
    @alladreamwedreamed 2 года назад +9

    All those wooden hangers would be nice for a retail shop. Small retailers are always hunting for bargains on display materials! Fun video yall

    @DOCTORMARKTECH Год назад +1

    More money today car repairs $2099.80 but that pot filler was nice at twice the price. New to me Love your channel 😊

    @MICHAELCOLEMAN-j7w Год назад +1

    I love a good treasure hunt very fun filling 😊

  • @marvin7533
    @marvin7533 Год назад +1

    I had a friend who bought an Amazon pallet 2 years ago. The entire pallet had Mac Books. I never seen anyone so lucky in my life! Of course he resold them making a killing.

  • @45green1
    @45green1 2 года назад +7

    You wouldn't believe how much I need some good wooden coat hangers 😁 you two are sweet, never watched a video on this subject, enjoyed it

  • @rachell4912
    @rachell4912 2 года назад +37

    “We’re not bottom feeders” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ah man that made me laugh

    • @dot2dal
      @dot2dal 2 года назад +3

      I agree that was pretty funny. It reminds me of teachers staff room coffee. Yuck. I hope your grandpa enjoys it!

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +1


    • @TheRealBwoi
      @TheRealBwoi 2 года назад +2

      🤣🤣 I assumed someone else laughed as hard as I did at this, and I was right. Too funny

    • @brendatomlinson
      @brendatomlinson 2 года назад

      I may have literally gagged when I saw that box of Folgers 🤣

    • @barbaraventre9865
      @barbaraventre9865 2 года назад


  • @Kunfucious577
    @Kunfucious577 2 года назад +3

    It’s really crazy how many items they can just get rid of and still make big profits

  • @delynndehardt1859
    @delynndehardt1859 7 месяцев назад

    The tall dog bowl is for large dogs with deep chests. It helps to prevent life-threatening gastric torsion. If your dog gets gastric torsion, he can be dead in just a couple of hours.

  • @johndewey6358
    @johndewey6358 10 месяцев назад +1

    My favorite item: The Potato Chips! That really goes well with your 30ft projection screen.

  • @jamesemerson3414
    @jamesemerson3414 2 года назад +6

    Re pot filler: If you found $450 cash in that box instead, would you buy that pot filler with it?

  • @tjseeley1
    @tjseeley1 2 года назад +4

    I’m happy that GRP Liquidations shared this. My wife and I have been doing this for over a year and just started going to GRP Liquidations. We live in Allendale (just west of GR). I am not sure if it is the location, but we struggle with furniture. People just don’t seem interested in driving out here to pick up furniture.

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +4

      Yes they are great! Furniture can be tough. Sometimes we assemble it and stage it and it helps…a lot more work, though!

  • @tashsikkes
    @tashsikkes 2 года назад +33

    Damn, best one so far! Personally I'd sell everything so then I can get exactly what I want but some of those items were gorgeous 😍

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +2

      Thanks! It was a fun one! 😁😁

  • @highimpact000
    @highimpact000 8 месяцев назад

    Sarah makes some funny faces of excitement over a light fixture lol

  • @Maggie19701
    @Maggie19701 Год назад +1

    Sell pot filler. Really use it maybe for spaghetti water.

  • @muratkk1096
    @muratkk1096 2 года назад +6

    Love the energy you guys have, keep it up

  • @winndixie5505
    @winndixie5505 2 года назад +10

    Dude!!! Your so lucky..your wife is very hands on willing to work and help...my wife just points fingers so she doesn't break a nail...lol...great show guys..can't wait for the next episode..liked and subbed!!

  • @BellydancingAmazon
    @BellydancingAmazon 2 года назад +13

    I would keep all those wooden hangers. Love them!

  • @kamiklaver7612
    @kamiklaver7612 Год назад

    I love that you mentioned the wet burrito!! My sister still talks about those things and we have lived in Texas now for over 20 years!

  • @nscan2
    @nscan2 Год назад +2

    Love it. Jamie “oh that ones heavy” looks at Sarah “you get that”. Good on you Sarah!

  • @sarahenriquez1994
    @sarahenriquez1994 2 года назад +5

    If the pot filler color fits your plans you should definitely keep it!

  • @BenjaminVaterlaus
    @BenjaminVaterlaus 2 года назад +4

    I bet that tape was "VHB" or Very High Bond tape that you can use to semi-permanently attach things like super-duty double stick tape. I've used it in the garage quite a bit - you should keep it in your toolbox, Jamie. :)

    • @elifino200
      @elifino200 2 года назад

      Looked more like pinstriping tape for a car...maybe?

  • @jaykadlec
    @jaykadlec 2 года назад +18

    Happy that you all got a great hall this time! I’d sell it all, can always buy stuff again later when your other projects are done!

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +3

      True!! Thanks Jay!! 😁😁

    • @jaykadlec
      @jaykadlec 2 года назад +1

      @@JAMIEANDSARAH although if you keep the big screens for a movie night you can count us in! 😂

    • @techgalvan
      @techgalvan 2 года назад +1


    • @merifesavillon19
      @merifesavillon19 2 года назад +1

      No money i like days

  • @SharayahKitten
    @SharayahKitten Год назад +1

    Just found this video, I hope yall kept the pot filler it was stunning and super useful especially for families!

  • @MyTi824
    @MyTi824 Год назад

    This was such a great video, so cool, and so different than everything else that you see on RUclips. And you guys are just great. You’re so cute together.

  • @sueellenathome
    @sueellenathome 2 года назад +10

    y’all are adorable and so funny! thanks for the laughs 😂

  • @TrapperWorks
    @TrapperWorks 2 года назад +7

    Great video!! I think it would be great if you post a link to your ebay page where you sell all these products so people that are looking for something could buy it! Also -- you could probably find the right buyer for your new Air Filter Shop that way haha

  • @DarlingDays7
    @DarlingDays7 2 года назад +12

    I love this! How much do you sell on Facebook marketplace vs. a place like eBay? And how do you differentiate what gets sold on what?

      @JAMIEANDSARAH  2 года назад +12

      Thanks! I would say 60% eBay and 40% Facebook. We sell obscure items more on eBay since people search for them. Large items are also better to sell on marketplace so you don’t have to ship them. Hope this helps!

  • @cindytriffon4942
    @cindytriffon4942 11 месяцев назад

    You two are so cute..... keep loving one another.... may all your pallets bring you wonderful items... ❤

  • @castielangelofthelord3546
    @castielangelofthelord3546 Год назад +1

    Coffee would have been a great donation for women's shelter, shelters for people living on the streets, etc. Something easy to make for people in need😊

  • @Stunseed
    @Stunseed 2 года назад +4

    i think jamie is waaay more sensible in his pricing for REAL resell potential. when sarah says 200 bucks she goes eeeh maybe 250 then he says 120 id trust his logic way more. it is ebay after all right?

  • @dealerslicenseops
    @dealerslicenseops 2 года назад +3

    Now here's the million dollar question: How do you actually sell these items? one by one on ebay? Or do you go to a swap meet or flea market, or sell it as a wholesale lot?

    • @bryanrogers794
      @bryanrogers794 Год назад

      I bought my first 2 pallets a couple months back. Sold almost everything on Facebook between marketplace and local groups. You are allowed to post in up to 20 of them at 1 time. I did sell 3 items on ebay, but between their cut and shipping I netted $148 on items that retailed for $740. End of the day I still have 15 Christmas trees that I'm going to sit on until October, but I've gotten my money back on the other stuff plus my wife got a new suitcase and a new set of really nice pots and pans.

  • @JamieCormier
    @JamieCormier 2 года назад +7

    Keep the pot filler! It will add value to your home-not to mention the convenience of using it yourselves-far beyond what you could sell it for.

  • @memeruss9896
    @memeruss9896 2 года назад +1

    I know this is 6 months later, but you could swag that plastic chain with larger eye hook across the corner of your daughters room. Use cute little ribbons around her stuffed animals, then slip colored paper clips through the ribbon and hook to the chain. Stores them up out of the way.

  • @carilariviere505
    @carilariviere505 Год назад

    So you're renovating the kitchen and havent made fixture decisions yet...you HAVE TO design around the pot filler and the ceiling light fixture, add a beautiful copper farm sink....gorgeous! NO to BBgun. Coffee, poise pads to the food bank. As i type, you're at $5167 (just under $4000 if you keep my choices, and I still see boxes. Thanks for filming these, I would never do it but being part of the opening is a lot of fun.

  • @Live-for-today-YouTube-channel
    @Live-for-today-YouTube-channel 2 года назад +6

    In this video, a couple bought a pallet of Amazon returns for $525 from a liquidation company, and then unboxed the items to reveal an exciting variety of items with an estimated retail value of $6,500! From kitchen appliances to electronics and fashion accessories, the couple found a wide range of items in their pallet, and even some rare collectibles. This video is sure to excite anyone who is interested in buying liquidation items, as it shows the potential of scoring great deals if you know where to look.

    • @mhnoni
      @mhnoni 2 года назад

      The hard thing would be to sell it for $6.500.

    • @marshmower
      @marshmower Год назад +1

      ​@@mhnoni eBay would happily take their 13% or whatever it is and then the taxman cometh. These companies know it's not profitable because logistics and time wasted moving thing. Back in the days when big lots was awesome, nobody was making $9 an hour in retail. Fuel prices continually kill off any possible shipping efficiencies. I'd never buy one of those. I'd lose in a big way. Might as well buy things that YOU like

  • @shapeofsoup
    @shapeofsoup 2 года назад +6

    17:22 You’ll shoot your eye out! 😂

  • @radarodonnell
    @radarodonnell 2 года назад +4

    I worked at eBay well over a decade ago. One of my first emails was a lady that bought a diaper pail and it came filled with used diapers... That seller didn't last long, but still.... ewww!
    Glad you didn't get that kind of surprise! This time...

  • @anniehalbert3930
    @anniehalbert3930 2 года назад +1

    When you guys get something unopened, do you open it up to test it or do you just sell it as new with returns? I’m always worried something won’t work but I’m afraid it’s not worth the new to new open box price hit!