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I play for both sides of the field. I know that as much as I like Hunters content, if his ship has to sail, I'll be there to send it off with a smile. He did his job and he did it well. I don't think his end will come any time soon as he still has to actually score with Ophelia and Cath, but after that happens, if WWG says it's time, I won't complain.

and for the sake of those who never liked Hunter, they'll get a kick out of however WWG choses to send him. With a peaceful goodbye.... OR EXTREME PREDUJIDICE! How many more pieces can you break of this walking Lego of a man?

edit: i was talking to a medical professional friend who plays this and we were joking about what more can Hunter loose, but no will know and still function?

we talked about a testicle as a possibility. He can have testicular torsion and since he refuses to go to the hospital, essentially lose it. You can twist it with blunt force alone, so one of the girls can accidently kick him there or something for the canon path lol. He can still have normal sex in every way and still impregnate with the one testicle. So if Hunter had to lose another thing that won't trigger a flag with the girls... there you go.

oh oh, it can be with Ophelia. Brenna tooth checked Sterling, then Cath eyeball checked Sterling. Next NTR event, Ophelia has to ball check sterling to see if they are both there and of course, they will be lol.
Последнее редактирование:
  • Haha
  • Yay, update!
Реакции: AlphaBit и maynardkeynes65


The MC considers murdering Hunter with a gun and in an NTR ending follows through on that plan. I'd say he's covered being angry and spiteful.

And blackmailing Hunter would be mutual destruction. They'd lose the house, their social lives, and have to pawn off almost everything else.

They're angry that the MC ran away to the other side of the country and broke all communication with them. They're angry that he abandoned them. Catherine's character arc over the first three chapters is about her getting over her negative feelings concerning the MC abandoning her.

And Condemned's review was a source of comedy in this thread. It's hilariously off on almost every plot point. Check here or here.

He lets Kevin get more blackmail material because it doesn't make any difference at that point. Someone having three videos of you cheating on your wife isn't any different from them having a hundred. He knows Kevin is going to hate watching the MC get a blowjob from Aliza and bonus, the MC gets a blowjob from Aliza.

The MC has been on Hunter's laptop multiple times before(in the Erick storyline and Brenna's NTR event in CH 7). The MC isn't interested in finding evidence of Hunter breaking the law because it's everywhere. The MC doesn't need evidence of Hunter breaking the law. Everything Hunter does in the game is evidence. And again, that'd be mutual destruction. The MC could destroy Hunter's plan in Chapter 1. The issue is that it would also destroy their lives. The point of the game is to solve the problem without anyone knowing there was one.

And the MC was deeply depressed when he thought he was about to lose his penis. He hadn't given up on them but he admitted to having thoughts of suicide.

Lucia doing that with the old men wasn't a test of her intelligence. She's mentally abnormal and in that scene unhinged. She wants to be put in compromising unprotected positions, that's been her quirk for a long time now.

One of the reasons why Hunter may not care about prison was hinted at in an NTR ending in Chapter 8. Problem is, almost all of Hunter's details are walled off in the NTR zone because I can barely have him on screen without vanilla fans complaining. Don't be surprised if the NTR character's motives don't "add up" when you have NTR turned off.

The heat would die down in a few months? They'd be locally famous and could never show their faces around there again. Small town memory is deep.

The MC is too stupid to realistically learn how to pay off a mortgage in a few months? I think everyone here falls into that grouping. And he is trying to do that at the moment with the OnlyFans account but keeps running into money problems. Also, he can't just start giving Ophelia tens of thousands of dollars. She'll have questions about how an unemployed nineteen year old is paying her mortgage. Questions that he can't answer without terrible consequences. Ophelia would want proof. The MC just saying a bunch of cryptocurrency jargon wouldn't work. Ophelia would demand to know exactly how the MC made the money.

Ophelia reflects on touching the MC's dick. She rationalizes and excuses the behavior on several occasions.

Why would Brenna be okay with seeing the MC's dick? He kept getting erections during photoshoots and she took it in stride. The taboo wears off after the fifth time. She even surreptitiously took video of him when he got an erection the first time they did a photoshoot together because she thought it was funny. And of course the obvious: maybe she secretly likes it?

Why would Aliza barely have any guilt with her nephew eating her out? She did feel guilt; but she was also under the influence of several "things" and wasn't herself. She doesn't understand what happened that night but she states multiple times that she feels guilty about it.

Why is Eva so easy? She always liked the MC and was doing Brenna a favor. It's a win-win. She doesn't consider sex to be a precious thing. I don't see you asking why any MC is so easy.

Hair-brained fool? This may explain why you don't appreciate the wordplay in the game.

You want the MC, a nineteen year old with an average level of computer literacy, to spend his summer learning how to hack a remote laptop and cloud servers? You know you play as the MC, right? You'd either complain about how unrealistic it is that the MC learned how to hack overnight or how there's no sex in the game because the MC spends the entire game learning a skill that would lead to mutual destruction.

The hearing aid thing would be resolved by Hunter turning off his hearing aid, researching the issue, and getting a new one that doesn't pick up the problematic frequency. It worked in the first chapter because Brenna's NTR event only represents a short period of time and only occurred in a specific area. If the MC tried to blast that frequency, Hunter would be forced to spend the time and find a solution.

Hunter musing to himself that he'll end up on another watch list is tongue in cheek. He's referring to real criminal watch lists that he may be on. He follows it up by saying "the less eyes on me the better" as a joke about his looks. This is a comedy and Hunter is an unreliable narrator. Try not to read into things that hard. And he has plenty of avenues to buy illegal items so he certainly should have no issue procuring more cameras. Remember, Hunter is approaching this as a game. He's trying to have fun. Maybe he's too lazy to buy more in that chapter, maybe he's tired, but him rationalizing his behavior with a joke is not a "plot hole".
My dude came in and immediately hit a 7 kill streak, won the match, drink his GamerSupp and went to bed :PogChamp:

Also, taking advantage of the fact that you are here, I have a question, how is the MC going to get back to neutral ground with Hunter? Because ever since the old man threatened to blackmail him if he intervened directly in his way, MC has been at a disadvantage, but with luck on his side. But now that Drew is going to appear, things can get very complicated, and luck cannot always save you.
I had thought of using Hunter's own cameras to blackmail him with his own evidence or do something that would force him to discard the option of blackmailing him. I mean, we know the shitty old man isn't going to win, but with the threat of blackmail involved, it's going to take a miracle to get rid of that pile of bones.


"Small town memory is deep"

Normally yes. But when you have someone running around with an infinite supply of drugs and pills all you need is one unguarded town water supply. :devilish:

What? Why? Games

Game Developer
4 419
Dude pop off. Hunter is nothing more than a plot device. He is our antagonist, but also our stories clown. Nothing bad will ever really happen to Hunter, but at the same time nothing really bad will either.
Nothing bad? Hunter has been losing body parts at an alarming pace. At this rate, his coffin will contain a toe.

Also, taking advantage of the fact that you are here, I have a question, how is the MC going to get back to neutral ground with Hunter?
Sorry, that's basically asking how the story ends.

What? Why? Games

Game Developer
4 419
As I get better, every chapter before starts to look worse and worse so my favorite is usually whatever I'm currently working on. The DnD event was probably the most fun to make. Sadly, with how fast the real relationships are moving now, I can't devote any time to fantasy.


As I get better, every chapter before starts to look worse and worse so my favorite is usually whatever I'm currently working on. The DnD event was probably the most fun to make. Sadly, with how fast the real relationships are moving now, I can't devote any time to fantasy.
Oh yeah, that was such a large scene, like the trio scenes in the hotel and the scene with Brenna in the bathroom in the last chapter. That now lead to the next question. How many hours do it takes to make scenes that long? Like, your ass must fall asleep from spending so much time creating 3D tits and funny ahegao faces


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Nice some Ophelia time, also we are 1/3 of the way to the next update so hopefully people wont spam about whens the next update since it wont be any time soon obviously.

Also it bothered me for a while that the MC's dick drooping pre-cum like that always reminded me of something but i could never figure out what until it finally hit me

Sorry but after this i can't unsee it anymore lol.


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The fact that it got revealed in the TEASER of all places lol. the build up... gone, just like that lol

but i mean... at least I can finally see it.


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All the teasers weve had so far and the next update is only a third done. Gotta admit i really like how big these updates are these days even if i do glare at these teasers and still feel slow burn with the characters within them even this deep into the story and the fact few have inhibitions between them and the MC left lol.
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