  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • I bought this mangled Audi RS3 from a subscriber of the channel... but unfortunately they crashed the car and insurance wrote it off! But there's a big problem that we won't be able to sort out... and it means I need to do something big!
    Instagram: saving_salvage

Комментарии • 918

  • @SavingSalvage
    @SavingSalvage  21 день назад +113

    I forgot there will other wheel base related issues like prop and side skirts. 😃

    • @rusty_cee
      @rusty_cee 21 день назад +2


    • @xeode
      @xeode 21 день назад +11

      ah just chop the middle bit out and get your local dave to weld them back, good as new 🤣

    • @terrytyrrell1381
      @terrytyrrell1381 21 день назад +2

      Can you get rs3 front seats that fold forward or will you have too get them made

    • @yhshah21
      @yhshah21 21 день назад +3

      @@SavingSalvage front wheel drive rs3 will be mental. Don’t let it stop you otherwise it’s going to be another unfinished project lol

    • @martiszx
      @martiszx 21 день назад +6

      ​@@yhshah21it will be quattro, that's the reason he bought S3 parts.

  • @f1kwa399
    @f1kwa399 21 день назад +107

    I was so taken-in by the enormity of the project that I hadn’t noticed someone else was doing the filming… congrats Dean, now your up there with the big boys, but doing a way better job, can’t wait for the next one!

  • @B16YUG
    @B16YUG 21 день назад +258

    Liking the new filming, you have invested in a camera team! Well done!

  • @benstevenson8874
    @benstevenson8874 21 день назад +120

    Really rate this way of filming, you are natural and fluid in front of the camera and entertaining to watch. Keep up the great content, I've been watching you for around 2 years now and learnt so much from you

  • @Tyronnster
    @Tyronnster 21 день назад +36

    New camera team. Still as natural as ever.
    Well done look forward to this build

  • @gordonbradford4054
    @gordonbradford4054 19 дней назад +6

    This casts my mind back 45 years to when I was re shelling write offs. It was better getting a new straight shell rather than straightening a bent one. Cars were a lot simpler then, nowhere near the amount of electrics as there is these days. Keep it up this project look like a good earner.

  • @BarksRG
    @BarksRG 21 день назад +26

    Production value is night and day, it was the only thing holding the chanel back imo, so glad to see you taking it to the next step, will be following this project for sure ✌

  • @jonbell2305
    @jonbell2305 21 день назад +45

    Cat B
    I used to work a lot with insurance companies and had my fair few bust ups with the underlying issue.
    If the insurance company never paid out on the car they can NOT put it on the damaged vehicle database it will still be listed on say carvertical etc.
    But the actual car reg number can not be classified as a written off vehicle. Because as you know a car is only a total loss due to the repair cost nothing else.
    So as no insurance company has paid out the car can not be classified under any category.
    And you can get the classification removed

    • @chrisletchford6394
      @chrisletchford6394 21 день назад +13

      Yes you are right if the insurance company throw the claim out they did not have any rights over the car they walked away from it .Plus private people are not registered to end of life the vehicle they are not licenced car dismantler. insurance companies dont sale cat A or B salvage to the public .SO THIS CAR IS UNRECORED. iI would be inclined to cut band shut it with a short back end .

    • @statementleaver8095
      @statementleaver8095 21 день назад +5

      Vehicle "Marked" through VIN by Police = ANPR instant Puller!!
      HMRC notified by Insurance for Fraudulent use....Claim without MOT
      Roof not kinked, and parts for Repair are available.....Roof kink = NCAP Fail👍
      But in my opinion..... Shouldn't be Categorised should've been Crushed instantly for VOID Insurance

    • @jonbell2305
      @jonbell2305 21 день назад +4

      @chrisletchford6394 I watched a RUclips channel a few yrs ago and same thing happened to that guy.
      But he won the battle and got paid compensation as it took 2 yrs to sort out the value of the vehicle was less so they had to pay for the time etc.
      They will rob you without any care about the person.
      Any vehicle can be repaired no matter how bad it's damaged.

    • @Schnitzer325ci
      @Schnitzer325ci 20 дней назад +1

      ​@statementleaver8095 steady on, he cocked up with no MOT, but he was paying for insurance, even if it's technically been voided. You sound peed off like he hit your car 😂
      Glad you're not a rule maker

    • @Schnitzer325ci
      @Schnitzer325ci 20 дней назад +1

      This is very true. No insurance claim no cat. Bstrd took the piss on this one.

  • @lmeisteruk
    @lmeisteruk 21 день назад +10

    Really liked the new format felt like a step up. Think i would like to see longer videos with more progress. Appreciate its a revenue balancing act. Good work.

  • @LiamE69
    @LiamE69 21 день назад +139

    It takes a special kind of plum to go for drive in a high performance sports car with no MOT and knackered tyres.

    •  21 день назад

      the words dick and head spring to mind

    • @craighughes7702
      @craighughes7702 21 день назад +8

      A very special plum indeed.

    • @LiamE69
      @LiamE69 21 день назад +3

      @@craighughes7702 Wasn't you, was it?

    • @Adam2050
      @Adam2050 21 день назад +1

      into a tree too

    • @mikythesaint6507
      @mikythesaint6507 21 день назад +6

      @@Adam2050 looks like he power reversed into said tree 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @johhnyrg
    @johhnyrg 21 день назад +10

    Love the new production style Dean. Well done and great content

  • @stevengroom5639
    @stevengroom5639 21 день назад +11

    Great video ! It great to see someone doing great projects like this and the Vrs3 Skoda ! Too many people just rebuilding crashed supercars on RUclips now !!! Keep the hl great content coming

  • @astonman4
    @astonman4 21 день назад +7

    This is a grat idea Dean and a little bit like the TT you worked on with 2 into 1!
    As far as I'm concerned, all of your content is worthy of setting time aside to enjoy.
    All the best with this one mate....my eyes are glued for this project! 😁👌

  • @aidie26
    @aidie26 21 день назад +6

    Hi Dean this way of filming is a lot better and you are a natural in front of a camera. Keep them coming.

  • @anurbanpenguin8890
    @anurbanpenguin8890 21 день назад +3

    New format took a few minutes to get used to but its quite nice tbh, nice to see you evolving. Personally think you are one of the better car youtubers out there. You generally do affording attainable things for most people like this rather than Ferraris and Astons constantly (looking at you Mat Armstrong and Tavarish), but more importantly you actually finish projects and keep us up to date on them unlike some others (AutoAlex and again Tavarish).

  • @jmaximus1uk
    @jmaximus1uk 21 день назад +3

    Love the new style (in front of camera) of video, it's an evolutionary thing, just shows your content is getting even better than before. Well done Dean, can't wait to see this series pan out...!!!

  • @carllamb6711
    @carllamb6711 20 дней назад +3

    Good morning Dean, I have followed you from virtually day one and this video has got me on the edge of my seat you’ve got yourself a cameraman and what are you doing with these two Audis is exciting, great content, loving the new look Onwards and upwards to the next one mate 👍👌

  • @jakegwilliam
    @jakegwilliam 21 день назад +7

    This is going to be a great series!! Much like the rest of them!

  • @kam_uk
    @kam_uk 21 день назад +33

    Dean's already booked the MOT.. 😜

    • @mattdud
      @mattdud 12 дней назад +1

      Top comment 😂

  • @simnicnic71
    @simnicnic71 21 день назад +3

    Good to see you got a cameraman better for you and your viewers watched you from beginning and enjoy every episode

  • @blakereynolds528
    @blakereynolds528 21 день назад +2

    Can't wait for this to continue. Audi ✅️ quattro(although faux wheel drive) ✅️ light blue( sprint/ara crystal)✅️ saloon ❌️ but hey ho can't have it all. Looking for a 8v face-lift in that colour is hard found lower milage for a daily(tractor spec). Imagine jumping in and hearing that 5 pot roar 😮 *side note humblemechanic knows the rs3 wiring inside out after his golf swap, if any gremlins pop up😂

  • @lammarwitson5435
    @lammarwitson5435 21 день назад +6

    I remember seeing a 3DR S3 with a full RS3 conversion for sale last year in Mansfield. Looked tidy but was boring spec. Top work as always Dean.

    • @eddiek821
      @eddiek821 21 день назад

      The greatest town in the uk 🇬🇧

  • @stuartchristie64
    @stuartchristie64 9 дней назад

    its great to see how far your channel has come, i think you were around 4k subscribers when i first subbed, and the improvement in presentation and editing (and camera operator) is very noticeable too - good job Dean 👍

  • @primitivemass
    @primitivemass 21 день назад +20

    Buys an RS3 but is too tight to pay for tyres. Plum! Looking forward to this one Dean, thumbs up for the step up in video style too.

  • @miklok1833
    @miklok1833 21 день назад +1

    This is my kind of content. Way better format than the norm.

  • @KieranPerez-i4p
    @KieranPerez-i4p 20 дней назад +10

    Thank you for giving us great content.

  • @geee6666
    @geee6666 21 день назад +1

    This new style is so good. Great to watch and still down to earth. Makes us to hook more to the video. Thanks for the awesome content. Greetings from Finland 🙏

  • @pauljackson1069
    @pauljackson1069 21 день назад +6

    I wouldn't have expected it to have been recorded at all without a claim against it from my experience. A new shell and an RS3 log book would make more sense in the non recorded situation.

  • @1-Champ
    @1-Champ 17 дней назад

    3 door doors are longer, so swapping a 5 door into a 3 door, you will also need different door cards. Bumper, bonnet, fenders also being swapped? If so, they’ll need paint. I’m going to love this one Dean, great job.

  • @boejoss
    @boejoss 20 дней назад

    Dean should win a RUclips award for calling it a workshop rather than a unit

  • @tadasvalatka6457
    @tadasvalatka6457 21 день назад +5

    Like new way of filmig with some music too . Well done pal

  • @DerrickRichardson-yb6iy
    @DerrickRichardson-yb6iy 21 день назад +1

    These are the type of rebuilds I wanna watch.current models with performance and a twist.💯 excellent.Keep up the good work.sell everything.interior,airbags and all four corners plus all the extra glass.theres plenty cash to be made.without a doubt.cheapest and best RS on the road.cant wait, Then hopefully a chance to win it😉

  • @duarab2057
    @duarab2057 21 день назад +40

    If the insurance never paid out how can they mark it cat b?

    • @yhshah21
      @yhshah21 21 день назад +22

      They do this if you try make a claim, once they inspect it they’ll tell dvla. Even if it means you not being paid out for whatever reason.. basically the insurance do you over.

    • @deanbeattie7670
      @deanbeattie7670 21 день назад +1

      Was thinking the same

    • @Yaku123_
      @Yaku123_ 20 дней назад

      They dont in canada at least this is in the uk so maybe its different but ive bought cars totaled with clean titles not going through insurance companies but the owners try to go through insurance but the insurance dont do anything

  • @andrewgrimshaw5180
    @andrewgrimshaw5180 18 дней назад

    Love the different mix of vids you have on your channel. Your expertise never fails to amaze.

  • @DanDan-yx6so
    @DanDan-yx6so 21 день назад +10

    Just be careful with this. The last time I did a similar shell swap DVLA were a nightmare & wanted to Q plate the car. I seem to remember that unless it was a brand new shell or a certain percentage of the original car was used in construction it can become an issue. Things might have changed in the last 10yrs but just double check as I'd hate to see you have DVLA trying to mug you off Dean

    • @damionpickwell2804
      @damionpickwell2804 21 день назад +9

      Only if he tries to put the RS3 ID on the A3, as long as he keeps the A3 ID on the A3 then all is good

    • @xp677
      @xp677 21 день назад

      @@damionpickwell2804 the OP is correct, its classed as a radically altered vehicle: www.gov.uk/vehicle-registration/radically-altered-vehicles
      Using the original shell, steering, and suspension will get enough points for it to pass as the original car, and hopefully those are the same between the cars.

    • @tech4pros1
      @tech4pros1 21 день назад +1

      www.gov.uk/vehicle-registration/radically-altered-vehicles if he's swapping the RS3 suspension/subframes, transmission and engine into the A3 bodyshell, it will need to go through an IVA and be Q-plated. edit: it will DEFINIELY need an IVA and a Q-plate, he is modifying the monocoque/bodyshell.

    • @Racecarlegends
      @Racecarlegends 21 день назад +3

      It’s the change of fuel that’s the biggest nightmare. Had it when converting an Astra van to petrol

  • @adomasz.3958
    @adomasz.3958 21 день назад +1

    Props to new filming team! Really looked well and still entertaining as ever!

  • @GregorySeaborn
    @GregorySeaborn 21 день назад +3

    Very interesting project! I always can't wait for your next video, and enjoy all of your videos! Thanks for all of your hard work!

    • @SavingSalvage
      @SavingSalvage  21 день назад +1

      Thank you very much!

    • @pffyespff
      @pffyespff 21 день назад

      @@SavingSalvage ...but these are different generation (8Y vs 8V) cars... can you really use many parts from the crashed car, platforms are different.

  • @bz849
    @bz849 21 день назад +2

    Be nice to see it completed this year! It’s another one on the pile I can’t keep up with you dean I love your videos but not seeing many completed projects lately

  • @Cheesesoup786
    @Cheesesoup786 21 день назад +2

    Dean, you’re the fucking man. No project is too hard for you and you piss all over the problems. ❤

  • @michaellindsay2495
    @michaellindsay2495 21 день назад +1

    Really like the new addition of a camera person. Looks great! This is a fantastic idea for a project Dean..

  • @mrc3063
    @mrc3063 21 день назад +3

    I'd strip the blue one first, then it's remove and refit as you go. I reshelled a Uno turbo mk1 into a mk2 45 that way, many years ago.

  • @matthewruss
    @matthewruss 17 дней назад

    You anf lee lock are the only ones i like to watch. Cant relate to others who only buy and repair supercars and suspect they didnt come from nothing

  • @blackcat-ux4rn
    @blackcat-ux4rn 21 день назад +2

    Dean you have read my mind, I've got a 4 door 2.0L tdi with pan roof and quattro, I wanted to do this to mine!!! Thank you bro best channel on RUclips, when you finish this one, Can you give me a quote of how much it would cost to do mine mate 😊👍

  • @techtipsuk7521
    @techtipsuk7521 21 день назад

    Finally got someone on the camera, much better!!
    Good content choice as well. Hard to come up with something original these days but you’ve done it.
    Good luck for the project 👍🏼

  • @banjosoft
    @banjosoft 21 день назад +6

    you said the insurance company didn't take the car. If they didn't pay out then the car shouldn't have been written off in which case they shouldn't have categorised it cat B.

  • @seanwatts1019
    @seanwatts1019 18 дней назад

    Great new filming format great to see your content is still within reach price wise for people considering doing the same at home, best channel on the net 👍

  • @tostadora_estandar
    @tostadora_estandar 20 дней назад +1

    Time for the aesthetics to match the level of the rest of your content. Love another interesting engine project. Dean the DAZA king

  • @VivaceCoin
    @VivaceCoin 21 день назад +1

    love the new camera angles and overall presentation of this video keep it up!

  • @georgedaville4662
    @georgedaville4662 20 дней назад

    Love your attitude Dean, a mass of issues to be sorted, not only mechanical but also to get it registered and road legal. Looking forward to the journey on this project, especially in the new format of filming - upwards and onwards mate 👍😎💯

  • @JW-wr9un
    @JW-wr9un 18 дней назад

    Great video Dean , looking forward to the rest of this series, filming is top class too. Keep up the good work 👍🏻

  • @adrianowen6524
    @adrianowen6524 18 дней назад +1

    Great stuff dean always great what ever your doing and interesting keep em coming fella!.💪💪✨💪💪

  • @szapy20
    @szapy20 20 дней назад

    Thank you for the video, new subscriber here.
    Because you asked:
    Pros: clean footage, no long word salads, facts, good articulation, logical approach, interesting project.
    Cons: havent seen much, great amateur video, just hoping it will not be one of those 52 episode runs [the length of the process is understandable though, big task ahead]
    Good luck, looking forward to the next vid !

  • @TheBeardedBoofhead
    @TheBeardedBoofhead 20 дней назад

    Loving the camera man filming, seems to enhance the way you talk to 'us'
    Really complimenting your style Dean, awesome sauce!
    I imagine you won't be able to use him for the whole video, but for intro videos and such it's great!

  • @bobp1957
    @bobp1957 20 дней назад

    Brilliant Dean, and the new filming methods enhance the already great content. Keep going

  • @stuartjones1751
    @stuartjones1751 20 дней назад

    Congratulations on the format. I’m sure the level up will help grow your channel.

  • @markjfitzpatrick
    @markjfitzpatrick 20 дней назад

    Dean can't wait to see you finish this project I've noticed you are getting better and better love watching your videos

  • @TheZyborski
    @TheZyborski 21 день назад

    Nice to see you making the most of the weather and being outside for a change 😊

  • @1066gaz
    @1066gaz 20 дней назад

    I think it's the best project you have done since you started this channel.
    Look forward to the next one on this.

  • @zkljajaaaaa
    @zkljajaaaaa 20 дней назад

    Production value going way up, hope it won't result in 300k builds that we're already seeing from big youtubers. I love the "attainable" builds

  • @alastairmarshall7929
    @alastairmarshall7929 20 дней назад

    Love the new filming technique, and a great project. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it.

  • @steveharvey100
    @steveharvey100 20 дней назад

    A new addition of a camera person, must be a welcome relief. Looking forward to the RS3 build.

  • @Numbnuts-
    @Numbnuts- 21 день назад +1

    Good show , I'll looking forward to the next episode , better than the norm of just rebuilding a car, even though they are good . 5 door to 3 door, new door trim + , good work 😀

  • @mribi
    @mribi 20 дней назад +1

    I love all of your VAG engine swaps. I’m considering doing one myself one day. You should sell like an ebook on daza wiring

  • @GingerJ73
    @GingerJ73 21 день назад

    Looking forward to this series Dean and congrats for getting a camera person on the team! Onwards and upwards 👍🏻

  • @FuelledLife
    @FuelledLife 21 день назад +1

    Nice one Dean, looking forward to seeing the journey on this and the complete build. 👍

  • @andyh1917
    @andyh1917 21 день назад

    Look forward to the rest of the series Dean. Also liked the new way of filming, you were a lot more relaxed & focused 👍🏻

  • @channelwhywhywhy
    @channelwhywhywhy 19 дней назад

    Hehe looking forward to this one! Taking the whole car restoration to a whole new level! Kudos Dean! 👏

  • @twoone611
    @twoone611 20 дней назад

    Love the new camera work. Your channel was good before but it feels a little more professional now. Onwards and upwards. Great work.

  • @martinDmodels
    @martinDmodels 20 дней назад +1

    In my opinion quattro rear axle can not be mount to FWD shell. You should double check it. I mean, FWD rear axle is mount to shell by 4 screws on front bushing housing and shock absorber, that's it. Quattro axel is mount to shell by rear longitudinal arms, rear shock absorber and rear subframe... On FWD shell you are going to miss mounting points for quattro subframe. But maybe I am wrong and you already checked it (I hope so). Also wheelbase is different (RS3 103.58in vs A3 3 doors 102.2in), this is problem for propshaft and probably EPS as well. Anyways, love this swap idea and looking forward for this series. 🙂

  • @popyxxl23
    @popyxxl23 21 день назад

    Good luck on the next level. What a difference with a cameraman 🎉🎉.

  • @TheAngeloDK
    @TheAngeloDK 20 дней назад

    Looking forward to this build. Gonna be awsome! Everybody is doing supercars, you still making super nice cars. And cars most people Can afford. Thats really cool!! Love your videos and your work🙏🏻 Much love from Denmark🇩🇰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • @Multipleimaging
    @Multipleimaging 21 день назад

    Really looking forward to seeing this build Dean. Hope it’s not too much of a headache.

  • @John-w6f2w
    @John-w6f2w 21 день назад

    This will be a really good swap Dean. You are not frightened of a challenge that’s for sure. Not sure if all the parts will fit. One issue I see is the front seats won’t tilt so you can get in the back of the 3 door using 5 door seats.
    Look forward to watching this one like I do with all your videos. Wish I was able to participate in the auctions but am sadly not in the UK anymore.

  • @colseverns9848
    @colseverns9848 19 дней назад

    Unroad worthy Tyres on an RS3 ???? WTF …. But Dean you are a bloody legend mate !! Taking on projects like this … looking forward to the transformation.

  • @_LuisS
    @_LuisS 21 день назад

    Can't wait to see this finished.. Love the VAG content. That's why I been subscribed for years. 🤙🏾

  • @terrytyrrell1381
    @terrytyrrell1381 21 день назад

    I like this new dynamic style you have looks very professional and looking forward too this epic build 👍

  • @mosiuwamositi3975
    @mosiuwamositi3975 21 день назад

    The reason I am so excited about this project, it is because I own an A3 8V. There's someone who swapped a 1.8 TFSI with S3 engine here in South Africa.... I just wanna see you converting an A3 8V into a 3 Doors RS3 8V... very special, we don't have one🙆🏽‍♂️

  • @martinpattison7705
    @martinpattison7705 21 день назад +2

    Looking forward to this project. Liking the new filming too 😁

  • @scooterperu
    @scooterperu 20 дней назад

    love the new filming style dean!! massive improvement!! keep the great work make!

  • @Sinan-z3j
    @Sinan-z3j 18 дней назад

    Looking forward to this one!! In the middle of a full restoration where we are modifying the boot floor too but it's not a RS3 unfortunately, love the channel great video's thanks and looking forward to seeing more!

  • @leatherles
    @leatherles 20 дней назад

    I went back and watched your really early stuff Dean. You Scrawping about on your back and that. They're still good but I'm glad you've Finessed your production method, (lol mainly for your benefit), the end results are pretty impressive. Looking forwards to the next one.

  • @stephengreen9663
    @stephengreen9663 20 дней назад

    Yet another good 1 Dean i look forward to everyone. Fantastic for the Audi fan boys. 1st class❤

  • @BrianWalker-w7o
    @BrianWalker-w7o 20 дней назад

    I love the concept of your new project Dean. Looking forward to it. Good luck.

  • @adrianpettitt7105
    @adrianpettitt7105 20 дней назад

    As an apprentice many years ago I did a few body shell replacements. I think even a basic Escort was about 100 hours work and you’ve got to dismantle two! Lots of hard work ahead particularly as it’s not like for like! Looking forward to seeing this one progress. Have you worked out a plan of attack?

  • @salzar4431
    @salzar4431 21 день назад

    This is great, I would also love a video explaining all the bureaucracy around the points system, and if it’s realistic for smaller budget builds than this. I know an engine swap isn’t an issue, but once the chassis is altered too, it gets complicated.

  • @davidmclaughlin8390
    @davidmclaughlin8390 21 день назад

    Great video, Dean. I’m guessing you had a cameramanwoman for this one, which was really good actually but I appreciate it comes at an extra cost. Maybe mix it up a bit - the stuff in the garage probably doesn’t warrant a cameramanwoman but maybe the intro/outro videos do. Also, I know RS3/VAG stuff is your bread and butter but it’s good to see you out of your comfort zone in stuff like the recent Land Rovers.

  • @antonytownsend810
    @antonytownsend810 20 дней назад

    Great filming love watching your videos and content, keep up the great work 👏👏👏 also I’m sure I’ve asked you before, what topdon diagnostics are you using?

  • @chaosenterprises57
    @chaosenterprises57 20 дней назад

    Cannot wait to see this build progress. Well done Dean.

  • @olivers.6420
    @olivers.6420 20 дней назад

    I prefer this type of filming!! This will be a really great project!! Another great idea Dean!!

  • @mjnh1234
    @mjnh1234 20 дней назад

    Dean, great job with the film crew, it will help you so much, just getting your second hand back to work is a good start!! 👍

  • @Markyboy699
    @Markyboy699 20 дней назад

    Man that subscriber was extremely lucky!! Many, many moons ago I had a terrible accident in my Rover Coupé Turbo (rare FDH plate. Those who know, will know) and experienced the same 'luck' if you can call it that. High speed loss of control, car spun and spun and spun some more all while staying on its wheels, final massive impact hit a big gantry sign exactly at the rear. Sliced halfway through the car!! But I walked away without a scratch. A hit ANYWHERE else, I'd have been a worm feast!!

  • @martinbeaumont1135
    @martinbeaumont1135 21 день назад

    Great project and great video, love the step up with a camera man - really makes a big (better) difference!

  • @dghackett58
    @dghackett58 20 дней назад

    You like doing the big jobs 😁. Have you thought about putting the diagnostics on the diesel to see if it will give you a greater idea of the engine problem. I might just be a faulty injector (wishful thinking) but the smoke did look like diesel smoke but as my pixel does not have smelly vision only you could smell if diesel or oil. Good luck with the 2 x strip out and 1 x rebuild. I'll be following with interest and anticipation.👍👍

  • @DiscoD69
    @DiscoD69 21 день назад

    What a wicked idea, I love the 3 door A3 and she's gonna rip with the RS3 motor.
    Loving your work Dean

  • @jasonfranklin4088
    @jasonfranklin4088 21 день назад

    Thumbs up for the new format Dean.

  • @cdodsworth
    @cdodsworth 21 день назад

    what a superb project, never been done before and right up your street. you have picked a good one ...cant wait for the rest

  • @nickmattock1303
    @nickmattock1303 21 день назад

    Yet again EXCELLENT content keeping it interesting on our favourite VAG cars but mixing it up further!!!! Keep doing what you are doing and I’ll hopefully win one of your competitions one day👌

  • @curbyourshi1056
    @curbyourshi1056 21 день назад

    You surely cannot have even imagined getting a logbook for a car in that state? Good content applying for one though. There's plenty to be had off of that motor. Ooohh, I love where you're going with this right now. Excellent work.

  • @makeit2132
    @makeit2132 21 день назад

    big upgrade to the video composition quality. I wish you al the best Dean!

  • @TheAfricanBeastKe
    @TheAfricanBeastKe 16 дней назад

    I am glad you have a camera team now. Waiting for the finished swap.