Almost there, still a few steps to go
Good evening,
By now it's already gotten late here again (past 11pm) so I've decided to write this report before I'm too tired to do so and talk about the past week and what I've gotten done so far.
Monday was all about fixing bugs. I thought I had tested for a lot of things, but it turned out the update was still full with bugs some of them caused by code that I didn't finish to write (autoequipment of mercenaries for example).
After that I went straight back to writing the main quest and that included working on several sprites for enemies and also the MC and Bianca.
Until the start of the week I wasn't completely sure on how I wanted to write the character progression for Ugotha exactly, that changed after I had another sleepless night on it where I then worked out the details.
The next day I then worked on 2 new animations for Ugotha (1 with MC and 1 with Rurg (her mate, which might also have other uses in the future). I thought I had already enough animations for her but yeah this one was necessary for the progression.
Then I worked on the scene between Bianca and Gritz and implemented it together with a new daily routine for Bianca inside the goblin village.
I then continued again with completing the quest, which I finally acchieved a few minutes ago inculding a first scene with her (that was the one which I originally intended to be her only scene).
So, what I now plan is actually a 2nd quest that only resolves around Ugotha. All images are done, I also made more transition images for that this week as I played the whole scene in my head already. The scene with Ugotha and Rurg is also implemented.
"So what now? Why isn't this finished already?" I can hear some of you think.
My ambition has gotten the better of me once again...
Of course, I could just cut it short now, which would mean there is exactly 1 path for the relationship. but as with Agatha (monastery), I want more than just 1 path. I want to give you the opportunity to be either submissive or dominant, depending on what you feel like with her. So I now also worked on a small point and click adventure style section where you would then go on a small search similar to when you inspected Bernards body for clues. This I have also started to work on and it's in part already implemented. This is just to give you an idea why this isn't complete despite another week passing.
*Sigh* As much as I want to move on to Imawyn and then Arianna, leaving something like this unfinished or halfbaked wouldn't feel right. I already made a big cut when I excluded the Snikka & Nibblina path for now.
So I hate to say it, I need a little bit longer. But if you want I can make another intermediate update tomorrow afternoon with everything that is done by then. I've added a poll for that at the bottom of this post, your call.
This will take extra time (I need to make the version stable with no open ends), but will also thanks to reports improve bugfixing.
Votes from Subscribestar & Patreon will be counted together.
So once again I hope for your understanding and patience.
And I wish you all a nice weekend!