In other words, you okay if the project will never be finished?
The longer the project drags on, the less likely it is to be completed, that's just a fact.
I'd hate to follow one project for so many years and never get a conclusion because the author suddenly got health problems, burnt out, other IRL stuff.
That's a straw man argument if ever there was one. Although, for the record, if the game could be delivered 100% complete by tomorrow, I'd love it, but it's not happening is it..
From what we know, there are roughly 7 more episodes after this one, give or take (unless
Arigon's right, in which case we're almost there!)
DPC's already done a complete game, as well as he's just about to complete his 9th episode of this one.
There are no specific signs that he's slowing down, dying of cancer, or about to be hit by a bus.
But based on what the developer himself has said, if he were to rush things, or get others involved in the development, there's a greater chance that this game may never be completed, or won't be what he wanted in the first place.
There are plenty of other games around, why rush this one specifically?
I don't know what you, or anyone else here does for a living (except maybe
AchedCroissant, supposedly he sells "merchandise"...

), but I work as a software engineer. Once I graduated, I got a job and I've been writing software for my entire career (about 9 years). I often work long hours but so what? It's a living.
DPC's making a living off this game, seems to enjoy it, and gets paid a fucking lot more than I do. He's consistent with weekly updates, provides a transparency throughout the development cycle, and conducts this project rather professionally (aggression towards people annoying him on discord not withstanding...)
Sure, he may never complete this game due to unforeseen circumstances, but that could happen in spite of, or even because of, hiring a team to work with him.
And objectively (because the point of my initial argument was to be objective rather than simply being driven by our own desire to get the game sooner), unless DPC will personally benefit from having others involved in the development of this, there's no good reason why he should do it.
I resent that. Quite narrowminded of you. And the poster you quoted as well. My post was a simple comment offering solution to DPC bending himself over backwards to justify his anal retentivness.
Besides there is nothing to be debated here. For him to actually hire a team would be going against his nature, it is his IP and his decision alone what he does with it. It could be argued that he could increase revenue with going pro or semi pro indie studio using his intellect and creativity to finish BADIK earlier and spawn more IPs but ultimately it doesnt matter because his mind seems set on that particular matter. But when he writes a lenghty reply to a patron why it takes more time for a production of a episode, it is only fair and valid of us to point out a perfectly logical solution that wouldnt compromise on the amount of content that he needs to make in order to fulfil his vision.
Fair enough. A team could get the game out sooner. But as you say, we know it won't happen. The argument surfaces regularly, and it's a pointless one. Why should he spend money, lose money, and risk leaks and other internal problems etc., just to make patrons happier, when from a business model (because it's his job), it's a risk that quite likely may not improve his bottom line.
And if it makes you feel a little less targetted, I wasn't thinking of your cock specifically when I was referring to the crybabies and their flaccid members.