Hey! The Sonic 3 LOST BITS is finally here :) Hope it was worth the wait! (BE SURE TO LIKE + COMMENT TO HELP WITH THE RUclips ALGORITHM, IF YOU'RE EPIC THAT IS)
*just vibing and singing the star sanses theme song.* IF YOU'RE EVIL AND YOUR ON THE RISE YOU CAN COUNT ON THE FOUR OF US TAKING YOU DOWN. Cause we're good and evil can't crush our dreams. WE'LL WIN THE FIGHT AND THEN GO OUT FOR NICE CREAM. WE ARE THE STAR SANSES WE'LL ALWAYS SAVE THE DAY. And if you think we can't. WE'LL ALWAYS FIND A WAY. THAT'S WHY EVERY UNIVERSE. BELIEVES IN. INK BLUEBERRY Dream And Frisk. The human.
18:38 This "something" is a Super Tails, but since there's no coding for him, he just turns into a mess, but still invincible. However, if you activate Debug Mode before he becomes a sprite mess, he stays normal but still invincible.
Man, a lot of the unused sound effects are just from Sonic and Knuckles, or from Knuckles-exclusive content in Sonic 3. I kept hearing things going "No, that's not unused", completely forgetting which bosses and stages are in which games, lol. Great video! I learned a few things about a game that I was pretty certain I knew everything about
the dice tiles with the blue dot are actually like that to b able to differentiate between rotations and mirrored versions because they are simetrical and would otherwise be imposible to know which orientation it has on the screen.
i remember getting the 9:59 bonus in sandopolis act 2. i was very suprised that i managed to finish the boss with one second left on the timer and these 100.000 points were the best reward i could ever get.
@@Quickdrawingartist Most of the act ends with the signpost have hidden item boxes, if you bounce the signpost around so it lands on them, they pop up as prizes.
a lot of them sound familiar to me but a good few i 100% recognized from sonic mania immediately, like the sound for bouncing on the gelatin in chemical plant and the sound for green hill zones act 2 boss locking on doesnt surprise me in the slightest that they would make use of unused sound effects from the genesis titles lol
Nice to see how B, C, D, E, and F all get the true credit they deserve.. Glad to see you finally managed to cover the game, has a nice amount of content to look over.
I think the misplaced ring was actually there for a technical reason. In Sonic 1 and 2 (and CD), getting every ring in a stage awards you with a Perfect Bonus. Most likely that also works in 3. That's not supposed to be possible in a Bonus Stage, since there aren't that many rings and the stages are small. So to prevent this from happening, they placed in an extra ring that's impossible to get. It's a much faster solution than recoding the Perfect Bonus system.
I feel like I've heard a lot of the unused sounds in Sonic Mania, especially 9D. I know there was a boss that used this sound, but I couldn't tell you which one.
There's actually 2 Flintstones games for the NES AFAIK, apparently the other one is very rare because it was never actually sold to people only used for rentals. Not a 100% sure though, would be cool to see him make an episode of both games!
8:23 I'm pretty sure I've heard an extended version of 93 used once in the opening of Ristar. Seeing how that game uses a few other sound effects from Sonic 3, it seems likely they used unused data to fill in for missing sounds.
@TetraBitGaming all those sound effects you ran through from the sound test around the 8:00 mark are neat but a good chunk of them, not all, but most, are actually sound effects that are used in Sonic & Knuckles. Many of those sounds are from Sandopolis Acts 1 & 2, Sky Sanctuary, Death Egg Act 1 & 2, and a couple are from the true final boss, Doomsday Zone
19:53 Fun Fact: One time when I was trying to get all Special Rings, I was playing Sandopolis on Sonic 3 A.I.R and I got to the Act 2 Boss around 9:42 minutes in, and I rushed it and beat the boss battle at 9:59'67 (iirc) and I forgot that easter egg
8:03 I think some of these sound effects made it to sonic mania, I heard the slime bounce from chemical plant act 2 as well as the targeting sound of some bosses. It's pretty cool!
The low res image of the Death Egg looks like it could have been fit in with the background of Chrome Gadget from the multiplayer races. Also with the un-used sonic surfboard intro, its possible it could have been used if the player was playing as Sonic alone in the intro, since it makes more sense for Tails not showing up compared to how it is in the finished game where the tornado is still used. Tails brings Sonic onto Angel Island then just straight up dips on him lol.
Exactly the right amount of Sonic for his Birthday Weekend. That glitchy surfing sonic is pretty wild. Blue knuckles looks like a fan character. Thanks for the 8th emerald and this vid.
i actually never owned sonic 3, but only had Sonic and Knuckles. and i truly loved S&K. it is my favorite sonic game of that era. it had the best sound track imo. though i noticed a lot of the unused content for Sonic 3 you showed was shifted over to S&K. so at least much of it did get used in the end!
16:40 Tetrabit: these include most of the upper section of the green bomber as seen at the end of angel island zone, you know where tails eats absolute (beep) for about a whole minute 16:46 Tails: ow ow ow
23:27 I think i have a little theory about the floating Red Spheres, maybe the developers did not removed those floating spheres or maybe the developers were making the special stages of Sonic & Knuckles, unfortunately the Floating Red Spheres and the Surfing Sonic are not there in debug mode of Sonic 3 & Knuckles
I can clearly remember briefly accessing a somewhat glitched version of what I now believe to be Lava Reef Act 2 or Hidden Palace Zone on my aunt's Sega Genesis when I was younger. She never had Sonic & Knuckles, so can anyone explain this?
@@ver146 Congratulations but it's not the easiest game to complete especially if you're collecting Chaos Emeralds without dying. Don't pretend the original entries were shortcakes because they required total strategy, patience, and willpower.
Flying Battery was probably cut from Sonic 3 late into development. Maybe instead of it coming after Carnival Night they were at one point planning on putting it after Ice Cap to have it act as the final zone in S3 originally. I could see the boss fight against Big Arms taking place in FB. Also you can hear the S&K Miniboss theme in Sonic 3 alone. When fighting the Hydrocity Act 1 Miniboss if you wait in the water until you hear the drowning theme jump out and the Miniboss theme will play instead of the Act 2 Boss theme.
Of course all of the Flying Battery Zone sprites are in standalone Sonic 3 because Flying Battery was intended to be in between Carnival Night Zone and Ice Cap Zone. It was moved to in between Mushroom Hill Zone and Sandopolis Zone in Sonic & Knuckles due to time constraints.
also, in the nov. 3 1993 prototype, sometimes the music will cut out for no reason, and sometimes Tails will randomly start spazing all over the screen, randomly die upon touching the ground repeatedly, and sometimes will fail to load his walking or running animation and will either stand in place and not follow sonic or he will follow sonic but his sprite will still be standing still
This game is the reason why I love Sonic The Hedgehog, the boss themes sounded so badass when I was younger. Especially Big arms and the major boss, hydrocity act 2 I would always die at the moving wall segment and carnival night act 2, *That Barrel* I never really had problems with sandopolis though but I can tell why people hated that zone really neat gimmick with the ghosts though.
Hey! The Sonic 3 LOST BITS is finally here :) Hope it was worth the wait!
Hi tetra
Hello tetra bits
TetraBitGaming: talking about secret menus
Me: vibing to Flintstones and Mario Bros.
This has to be a siivagunnet rip
@@Sackyday It is tho lol
*just vibing and singing the star sanses theme song.*
Cause we're good and evil can't crush our dreams.
And if you think we can't.
And Frisk. The human.
I was so distracted by that, glad I wasn't alone haha
Shout-out to B, C, D, E and F. They did a great job on Sonic 3
F especially deserves our respect.
18:38 This "something" is a Super Tails, but since there's no coding for him, he just turns into a mess, but still invincible. However, if you activate Debug Mode before he becomes a sprite mess, he stays normal but still invincible.
We shall call that glitch tails mess of tails
10:44 that Meet the Flintstones in the background music SERIOUSLY threw me off. (Also Mario 1 Ground Theme at 10:59 and We Are Number One at 11:48)
Gotta love SilvaGunner's music.
G R A N D D A D?
@@SpringDavid FLINT STONES??
@@littlewhisky4992 WHAT THE FVCK?
Just because of that I sorta think everytime those pieces of music are used the information he gives is fake somehow....
Man, a lot of the unused sound effects are just from Sonic and Knuckles, or from Knuckles-exclusive content in Sonic 3. I kept hearing things going "No, that's not unused", completely forgetting which bosses and stages are in which games, lol. Great video! I learned a few things about a game that I was pretty certain I knew everything about
He finally did it. The mad man has done it.
But when is the Sonic 4 lost bits however?
The game itself is a lost bit
@@Quaaku #gotem
@@Quaaku yeah.
You're Disgusting, Ew
(Joke btw)
he already did a Sonic Mania lost bits
This game was my childhood. The lock-on feature with Sonic and Knuckles blew my mind. Great video dude!
Hi I’m a subscriber
Ah yes, my favourite zone in Sonic 3, *Zone*
"These red balls are pretty slick!"
*Knuckles will remember that*
Oh..OH 😰
"Do I look like I need your power?"
*Spins red balls*
the dice tiles with the blue dot are actually like that to b able to differentiate between rotations and mirrored versions because they are simetrical and would otherwise be imposible to know which orientation it has on the screen.
i remember getting the 9:59 bonus in sandopolis act 2. i was very suprised that i managed to finish the boss with one second left on the timer and these 100.000 points were the best reward i could ever get.
24:30 that's an obscure end-of-act mechanic, if you land the signpost on top of those monitors they pop out as bonuses.
Yep, think the trick is landing it in certain spots. I still don't rightfully understand the mechanic itself.
Yeah I thought this was common knowledge? You can hit the signpost and push it around
@@Quickdrawingartist Most of the act ends with the signpost have hidden item boxes, if you bounce the signpost around so it lands on them, they pop up as prizes.
11:05 That's so cool that Yuji Naka programmed his D.O.B to be the way to access the stage select!
Fun Fact: Most of those unused sound effects are used In Sonic Robo Blast 2
nobody cares about
srb2.2 >:D
@@floofmcfloof uhh I care about the game tho, its literally my favorite sonic fangame
@@floofmcfloof get zucked
Most of them are also used on Sonic 3D Blast
a lot of them sound familiar to me but a good few i 100% recognized from sonic mania immediately, like the sound for bouncing on the gelatin in chemical plant and the sound for green hill zones act 2 boss locking on
doesnt surprise me in the slightest that they would make use of unused sound effects from the genesis titles lol
5:33 That Knuckles continue screen sprite looks like he’s having a _highly_ inappropriate amount of fun.
@@liamisacoolkidforeverplayr9647 yo 👍 happy new year!
@@Fritz1105 I suppose it does tie into his name!
“You know where tails eats absolute shit for about a whole minute” -Tetra 2021
@@goku9569 😳
@@TrishaAnnwithanE 😳
@@genki-dama 😳
@@insertcringynamehere6554 😐
Nice to see how B, C, D, E, and F all get the true credit they deserve.. Glad to see you finally managed to cover the game, has a nice amount of content to look over.
I think the misplaced ring was actually there for a technical reason. In Sonic 1 and 2 (and CD), getting every ring in a stage awards you with a Perfect Bonus. Most likely that also works in 3. That's not supposed to be possible in a Bonus Stage, since there aren't that many rings and the stages are small. So to prevent this from happening, they placed in an extra ring that's impossible to get. It's a much faster solution than recoding the Perfect Bonus system.
I feel like I've heard a lot of the unused sounds in Sonic Mania, especially 9D. I know there was a boss that used this sound, but I couldn't tell you which one.
The Death Egg robot uses it in Green Hill Act 2
A good number of them were unused in Sonic 3 but were used in Sonic & Knuckles.
that's exactly what I was thinking
The GHZ Death Egg boss fight
I renember hearing 9D in 3D Blast.
edit: happy bday sonic
It’s interesting how lots of the unused sounds are in sonic mania
10:45 Because of this i want lost bits about that Flintstones game, that became grand dad
The game itself is pretty illusive
There's actually 2 Flintstones games for the NES AFAIK, apparently the other one is very rare because it was never actually sold to people only used for rentals. Not a 100% sure though, would be cool to see him make an episode of both games!
"I promise that I won't make you wait another year."
**waits another year**
Tetra: *releases sonic 3 lost bits*
What fans? >;)
There are no fans of sonic 4
@@tentopia3517 Sadly there are
IGN is one of them sadly
May the algo bless this bad boy. Well done bro every video is an absolute banger.
"These red balls are pretty sick"
Now I keep thinking about the red spheres wearing drip.
Well played tetra... well played...
@@mimahakurei4430 SEVEN GRANDAD
Wherever I go, I see Joel lmao
Link the song
5:51 actually that last one does get used
The first one in that line up is never used
Oh boy, i'm just waiting to see 06' someday
I fell through the ground in a T pose after reading this comment
2 hour video
That game is all a lost bit in itself, get it? Cause' it shouldn't exist!
I need to lay down.
erased from the pages of time...
Fun fact: The Sonic 2 Unused hidden palace icon can be seen seen in the Level Select for Sonic 3. (It's under the second row of Vs 2P mode)
14:18 Looks more like Billy Hatcher as an egg, waiting to hatch.
That game needs a rerelease/remake.
Looks like regidraco
8:23 I'm pretty sure I've heard an extended version of 93 used once in the opening of Ristar. Seeing how that game uses a few other sound effects from Sonic 3, it seems likely they used unused data to fill in for missing sounds.
10:45 Nice to see a high quality rip being used
@@generallyunimportant Hi there, I'm (not) from the IRS. It seems there were some problems with your taxes and I have a few questions.
@@brogamin179 Thanks god I thought they caught me committing tax fraud
It's not made by SiIva gunner just in case you thought it was
It's finally happening!, now the classic games are complete next up, that sonic adventure lost bits
no, Sonic Spinball FIRST.
@@koolaid33 then what about 3d blast
@Wanna Be a Smurt Person Trying I don't even think there's any cut content for sonic 4 anyway
"These red balls are pretty slick."
- Tetrabit, 2021
@TetraBitGaming all those sound effects you ran through from the sound test around the 8:00 mark are neat but a good chunk of them, not all, but most, are actually sound effects that are used in Sonic & Knuckles. Many of those sounds are from Sandopolis Acts 1 & 2, Sky Sanctuary, Death Egg Act 1 & 2, and a couple are from the true final boss, Doomsday Zone
Fun Fact: One time when I was trying to get all Special Rings, I was playing Sandopolis on Sonic 3 A.I.R and I got to the Act 2 Boss around 9:42 minutes in, and I rushed it and beat the boss battle at 9:59'67 (iirc) and I forgot that easter egg
24:27 I think these are for when monitors appear after the signpost touches certain parts of the ground
8:03 I think some of these sound effects made it to sonic mania, I heard the slime bounce from chemical plant act 2 as well as the targeting sound of some bosses. It's pretty cool!
87 sounds like the green slime thingy for sonic mania chemical plant act 2
Also 97 sounds like the stepping sounds of the boss of green hill act 2
@@barreldancer3505 also I'm pretty sure A4 is the sound of the firefly boss in stardust speedway act 1
The low res image of the Death Egg looks like it could have been fit in with the background of Chrome Gadget from the multiplayer races.
Also with the un-used sonic surfboard intro, its possible it could have been used if the player was playing as Sonic alone in the intro, since it makes more sense for Tails not showing up compared to how it is in the finished game where the tornado is still used. Tails brings Sonic onto Angel Island then just straight up dips on him lol.
ah yes my favorite bonus stage
You've heard of the bonus stage, but have you heard of the dolius stage?
Exactly the right amount of Sonic for his Birthday Weekend.
That glitchy surfing sonic is pretty wild.
Blue knuckles looks like a fan character.
Thanks for the 8th emerald and this vid.
Even for a Sonic game, Sonic 3 has an impressive soundtrack.
...but poloy fowwest...
ok but unleashed tho
I’d say this is the second best sonic soundtrack right behind sonic mania
Sonic cd is tied with sonic 3& knuckles
That's because it was composed by an uncredited Michael Jackson.
10:14 the middle of this is kinda lookin' like a burger.
Knuckles: Fryin' and Buyin'!
24:07 "regardless, these red balls are pretty slick"
😳 Ayo 😳
Thank you for finally making this video
Finally, the Sonic 3 Bonus Vid- hey, wait, wrong channel.
Lol i was on the ground when i read your comment🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
9:07 it couldn't have been timed more perfectly lmao
I’ve been waiting for this video!!!!!
12:14 I think it's because before release, ice cap was after flying battery.
6:39 Actually, Flying Battery's echo falls out of sync in the Sonic 3 sound test, but your point does still stand.
Talk about dedication, He literally just sat there at level select for 47 minutes just to hear a slightly louder instrument
6:23 I expected the X-Files theme to play here (Cybershell reference)
i actually never owned sonic 3, but only had Sonic and Knuckles. and i truly loved S&K. it is my favorite sonic game of that era. it had the best sound track imo. though i noticed a lot of the unused content for Sonic 3 you showed was shifted over to S&K. so at least much of it did get used in the end!
20:55 my favorite developers
Same bro
A crying in the corner
16:40 Tetrabit: these include most of the upper section of the green bomber as seen at the end of angel island zone, you know where tails eats absolute (beep) for about a whole minute 16:46 Tails: ow ow ow
The music for the color palettes portion confused the heck out of me.
oh boi
I really thought this was RUclips giving me notifications for an old video
4:02 "BOGRL/LMADE" is My favorite stage is Sonic 3
11:21 sonic has come to tell you NO
Hi tetra I have been recently watching other channels but I am happy I’m coming back to watching you
A few of those unused sounds effects were probably used in Sonic Mania, because some of them sounded really familiar.
Aw yeah, my personal favorite game of all time is on Lost Bits!
opinion!!1?1!? on my twi- oh wait this isn't twitter, nvm.
I really love these videos, azad and also Happy 30 th anniversary Sonic!!
Can’t wait for the Genesis collection to replay these classics!
23:27 I think i have a little theory about the floating Red Spheres, maybe the developers did not removed those floating spheres or maybe the developers were making the special stages of Sonic & Knuckles, unfortunately the Floating Red Spheres and the Surfing Sonic are not there in debug mode of Sonic 3 & Knuckles
I can clearly remember briefly accessing a somewhat glitched version of what I now believe to be Lava Reef Act 2 or Hidden Palace Zone on my aunt's Sega Genesis when I was younger.
She never had Sonic & Knuckles, so can anyone explain this?
Debug mode?
The time has come! Personally I like 2, but Sonic 3’s a good game.
Personally sonic 3 is better than 2
Omg welp that's why your in the gulliotine
3 Is Better
2 sucks, 3 sucks, both overrated. CD is best girl
I don't know how many Sonic 3 related vids I've watched by now, but I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
13:18 I audibly “awww”d at Tails.
He’s soooo cuuuuute
12:49 this was added into sonic origins
Only his boredom animation
Kudos to anyone who finished this hard game in one sitting.
Also, RIP Michael Jackson for his soundtrack contributions.
The game is easy,i beat the game in 1h and 30 mins
@@ver146 Congratulations but it's not the easiest game to complete especially if you're collecting Chaos Emeralds without dying. Don't pretend the original entries were shortcakes because they required total strategy, patience, and willpower.
Yeah for real this game was hard
@@VGMR i did that too
I swear I heard some of these sound effects before, they probably got reused for Sonic Mania like D4 or 89
Or maybe used for Sonic and knuckles
9:14 sounds from freaking hell.
3:22 wow i sure like zone, its pretty nice! now that i saw zone i want to try to play it sometime! zone looks fun!
The unused sign of knuckles is used for knuckles in sonic 2.
It's a completely different graphic in Sonic 2 (pre-rendered with the 3d model used throughout the artwork in game rather than a hand drawn graphic)
Wait what? Knuckles Is in Sonic 2??
Only if you stick it into an S&K cart.
@@SonicPlayer2004 Oh I didn't know that
you can also unlock knuckles in sonic 2 ( mobile version )
TetraBit swearing is something I wasn't prepared for today
Coming in already knowing everything from watching Cybershell.
14:44 based on the S and having a similar colour palate, it is theorized to be somehow related to lemon skittles
Interesting fact!
There it is again at 10:44 and 12:56 from the Sonic & Knuckles Lost Bits episode.
It's linked in the description btw
10:45 *”FLEENSTONES?!”*
Yellow Skittle
Yellow Skittle
shoutouts to the people during the unused audio part that recognized some of the sonic.exe sounds
Flying Battery was probably cut from Sonic 3 late into development. Maybe instead of it coming after Carnival Night they were at one point planning on putting it after Ice Cap to have it act as the final zone in S3 originally. I could see the boss fight against Big Arms taking place in FB. Also you can hear the S&K Miniboss theme in Sonic 3 alone. When fighting the Hydrocity Act 1 Miniboss if you wait in the water until you hear the drowning theme jump out and the Miniboss theme will play instead of the Act 2 Boss theme.
Uh… I don’t know what makes you think that. (Flying Battery taking place after IceCap.)
Of course all of the Flying Battery Zone sprites are in standalone Sonic 3 because Flying Battery was intended to be in between Carnival Night Zone and Ice Cap Zone. It was moved to in between Mushroom Hill Zone and Sandopolis Zone in Sonic & Knuckles due to time constraints.
16:26 it honestly looks pretty cool to be honest
guys I think he's being honest
also, in the nov. 3 1993 prototype, sometimes the music will cut out for no reason, and sometimes Tails will randomly start spazing all over the screen, randomly die upon touching the ground repeatedly, and sometimes will fail to load his walking or running animation and will either stand in place and not follow sonic or he will follow sonic but his sprite will still be standing still
The wait has finally came to a stop
We’ve been waiting for almost forever. Thanks tetrabit
14:11 this graphic kind of resembles the background for most classic Sonic games' japanese box art
The Sonic 3 lost bits is your version of the Sonic 3 bonus video
Our Spiky boi turning 31 in 5 days
This game is the reason why I love Sonic The Hedgehog, the boss themes sounded so badass when I was younger. Especially Big arms and the major boss, hydrocity act 2 I would always die at the moving wall segment and carnival night act 2, *That Barrel* I never really had problems with sandopolis though but I can tell why people hated that zone really neat gimmick with the ghosts though.
That... Barrel... (Vietnam flashbacks)