Medications, such as cholinesterase inhibitors and glutamate regulators, can treat memory loss. They can help manage a person’s memory loss symptoms and modify the progression of their condition.

People with memory loss experience greater than expected levels of forgetfulness and may have difficulty with both short- and long-term memory recall. It is typical for people to have mild memory lapses over time. This is age-related and should not cause concern.

However, when memory loss occurs more frequently and affects a person’s daily activities, they should contact a doctor to discuss their symptoms and how their memory loss affects them.

This article outlines the various medications for memory loss, their indications, and potential side effects.

Information for caregivers

As a person’s condition progresses, they may need help reading or understanding information regarding their circumstances. This article contains details that may help caregivers identify and monitor symptom progression, side effects of drugs, or other factors relating to the person’s condition.

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No drug treatment can effectively cure memory loss.

The National Institute of Aging (NIA)Trusted Source states that people should avoid any treatment that promises to restore brain function, prevent brain disorders, and improve memory. The organization further notes that these medications are typically unsafe and can cause adverse drug interactions with other medications.

However, certain medications can help ease symptoms and help a person manage the condition’s progression. Health experts recommend that those with memory loss follow doctor-approved prescriptions only.

For most people with memory loss, a doctor will recommend one of the following types of drugs. Medications with approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat memory loss symptoms include:

Cholinesterase inhibitors

Doctors prescribe cholinesterase inhibitorsTrusted Source to manage various conditions affecting memory, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. They work by blocking the enzyme cholinesterase from breaking down acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, that plays a vital role in memory and learning. Scientists believe that increasing the levels of acetylcholine in the brain may help maintainTrusted Source memory and delay worsening symptoms.

Examples of cholinesterase inhibitors include:

  • donepezil (Aricept)
  • rivastigmine (Exelon)
  • galantamine (Razadyne)

Glutamate regulators

According to older research from 2014, glutamate is the most commonTrusted Source neurotransmitter in the brain. It can cause nerve cells to die through a process known as excitotoxicity.

Excitotoxic cell death can cause neurodegenerative conditions that affect memory. Glutamate regulators control the amount of glutamate in the central nervous system to an optimal level.

One example of a glutamate regulator is memantineTrusted Source (Namenda). Memantine is an N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonist that stops calcium from invading the neurons and causing nerve injury.

Doctors may prescribe memantine alone or alongside a cholinesterase inhibitor due to its minimal side effects.

Cholinesterase inhibitor and glutamate regulator drug combination

This combination of donepezil and Namenda is available under the brand-name prescription drug Namzaric.

Additional evidence suggests combining the two classes of drugs is more effectiveTrusted Source than using only one medication.

Using Namzaric should simplify treatment regimens as a person will only need to take one tablet instead of two separate ones.


AducanumabTrusted Source is the first-line treatment for people with early stage Alzheimer’s disease and is available in the United States under the brand name Aduhelm. Doctors may also prescribe it for other mild cognitive impairments.

Aduhelm is a biologic drug comprising living cells. It destroys plaques of toxic protein known as beta-amyloid. This is the protein that researchers believe plays a role in the cognitive decline of people with Alzheimer’s disease.

However, people should note that the manufacturers of aducanumab announced that they will be discontinuing production of the drug in 2024, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.


In 2023, the FDA approvedTrusted Source a new medication lecanemab-irmb (Leqembi) to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

This medication works in a similar way to aducanumab by targeting beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. Doctors may prescribe it for people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia resulting from Alzheimer’s disease. They administer the drug as an intravenous infusion.

Below is a table of memory loss medications, including drug information and side effects.

Generic name / brand nameDrug typeUsesSide effects
donepezilTrusted Source (Aricept)cholinesterase inhibitordementia relating to Alzheimer’s disease

doctors can prescribe it off-label for the following conditions:
traumatic brain injury
vascular dementia
Lewy body dementia
• Parkinson’s disease dementia

muscle cramps
loss of appetite
galantamineTrusted Source (Razadyne)cholinesterase inhibitordementia relating to Alzheimer’s disease
unintentional weight loss
• low appetite
• skin reactions
• atrioventricular blockage
slow heart rate, which may include sinus bradycardia
stomach ulcer
gastrointestinal bleeding
• other common side effects of cholinesterase inhibitors
rivastigmineTrusted Source (Exelon)cholinesterase inhibitordementia due to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease• involuntary movements
• muscular contractions
• general irritability
• sleep disturbances
• increased risk of death from long-term use
memantine (Namenda)glutamate regulator and NMDA receptor antagonistmoderate to severe memory loss due to Alzheimer’s diseasedizziness
• headache
Donepezil and memantine (Namzaric)cholinesterase inhibitor + glutamate regulatormoderate to severe memory loss due to Alzheimer’s diseasehigh level of stomach acid
breathing difficulty
• diarrhea
• slow heartbeat
• loss of appetite
urinary hesitancy
AducanumabTrusted Source (Aduhelm)monoclonal antibodymild cognitive impairment or dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease• edema
• falls
• immunogenicity
Lecanemab-irmb (Leqembi)monoclonal antibodymild cognitive impairment or dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease• headache
• diarrhea
• infusion reaction
allergic reaction
atrial fibrillation
• decreased lymphocyte levels
• amyloid-related imaging abnormalities

Several health-related conditions can cause memory loss. These causes may occur individually or together and include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease: Memory loss is one of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. A person with the condition may have difficulty remembering important information and completing daily tasks.
  • Head trauma: Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury from sports or accidents can affect the retention of short- and long-term memory.
  • Alcohol use disorder (AUD): According to a 2022 study, heavy alcohol consumption or AUD can lead toTrusted Source the loss of nerve cells in the brain and cause cognitive decline.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency: People with a vitamin B12 deficiency have a greater likelihoodTrusted Source of memory loss and other cognitive issues, according to older 2015 research. This may beTrusted Source due to poor myelination — a condition that damages the myelin sheath that covers the nerve fibers in the brain.
  • Stress: Research from 2016 suggests that stress affects memoryTrusted Source in a time-dependent fashion. Stress can affect the formation of short- and long-term memory, the type of memories a person forms, and the ability to recall vital information.
  • Depression: According to a 2018 studyTrusted Source,people with one or more symptoms of depression can have memory complaints.
  • Sleep deprivation: People who lack quality sleep can haveTrusted Source memory issues, which can directly affect their daytime activities.

According to the BrightFocus Foundation, people with certain conditions may have a higher risk of neurological complications, including memory loss. These include:

Research also suggests there may be a linkTrusted Source between herpes and Alzheimer’s disease. In many instances, treating the underlying infection can resolve the memory loss.

Additionally, aging can changeTrusted Source the structures and chemistry of the brain, affecting a person’s ability to learn new information and retrieve previously known information. The symptoms of age-related memory loss are usually mild and temporary.

Certain medications can also interfereTrusted Source with the brain’s chemistry and lead to short- and long-term memory loss. However, this often resolves with medication changes.

Examples of medications that may cause memory loss include psychoactive drugs, certain tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and nonpsychoactive drugs, according to the American Association of Retired Persons.

Older adults are also more likely to develop drug-induced cognitive impairment than young adults. This may be due to drug toxicity from impaired liver and kidney functions.

A person should contact a doctor if they are experiencing any of these symptomsTrusted Source:

  • getting lost in familiar places
  • asking the same questions repeatedly
  • having difficulty following instructions and directions
  • taking much longer to complete everyday tasks
  • difficulty remembering names and faces of close friends and family members
  • mixing up words during conversations
  • inability to take care of oneself by eating a diet lacking in nutrition, not bathing, and behaving unsafely

In addition, a person should speak with a doctor if they are experiencing any side effects from using a memory loss prescription medication. The doctor can help map out a plan. They can either reduce the dose or switch to a different medication to relieve any worsening symptoms from side effects.

Research from 2020 suggests that there are presently no disease-modifying medicationsTrusted Source for memory loss.

Cholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA glutamate regulators can only stop memory loss symptoms for a short time. However, they cannot stop or reverse the progression of the condition.

Additional research can help scientists understand the effectiveness of amyloid-clearing therapies and produce novel drug therapies.

Without medication, symptoms of memory loss can become severe.

Few medications are available to help manage memory loss. The severity of a person’s memory loss and the underlying cause will indicate the most suitable drug therapy.

Cholinesterase inhibitors are the first choice of treatment for memory loss. The doctor may also prescribe the single-dose drug combination Namzeric to treat moderate to severe memory loss.

If memory loss is due to vitamin B12 deficiency, taking the vitamin through diet or nutritional supplements can help correct the condition. A memory loss due to a traumatic brain injury may require surgery.

The doctor will evaluate a person’s symptoms and determine the best treatment for memory loss.