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Jun 7, 2012 12:40 AM

Nov 2011
Electromaster said:
rodac said:
Electromaster said:
I love it how the subbers always assume that the lyrics make sense.
Then the official ones come out and they don't.

As for the episode, I couldn't care less for that "fanservice" part... But the second half was pretty good. Still, stupid names such as "Country T's territory X" are really going on my nerves. Get some balls and use a real name, Hollywood does it. Or at least have the decency to make up something more convincing.
Not to mention, at this point I really have no idea about the time frame in this anime. I thought it was set in the present, but the Balkan wars ended ages ago, so what the heck? I should know, I live there...

Ah, but Hollywod doesn't stray from the approved list of evil countries and enemies (if they did they might not receive all those subsidies and freebies from the military and the state security apparatus). Jormungand takes a much more even-handed approach to geopolitics. And the Balkan wars are not over, just on a seasonal hiatus. Just pray that they don't find oil anywhere on the peninsula...

While that is indeed true, the approved list of "evil" countries ain't that far from truth. I mean I know there aren't really any "good guys" in any war, but at the same time, saying that "Country T" was quite bad ain't a lie. So you might as well use its name. But yeah, I do understand the idea of being politically correct, and that's fine. But "Country T" still sounds terrible, cause when spoken in the middle of an episode it reminds you "oh yeah they don't wanna name it" and in that second that thought alone draws you out of the whole story. You go back to the real world. The magic is broken. Which is obviously bad, cause the whole point of any media is to draw you in. So they should have just used some made up name.

About the Balkan Wars, eh, while Balkan ain't refereed to as "a barrel of gunpowder" for no reason, the things are getting progressively better. And while the relations with Serbia are still a bit tense cause those old politician bats won't let go of some things, the good thing is that the younger generations simply don't give a damn about what happened in the past, and except for the narrow-minded few, the relations between countries are pretty good. So I think the future seems pretty bright. And as for the oil, meh, like anything valuable like that could be found here... Thankfully. Well, except maybe those "Bosnian pyramids".
Oh and another thing, I really don't get it why people refer to Balkan as a peninsula when that one side connected to the land has the length of a half a continent. When you look at it on the map the whole idea looks just stupid. Greece is a peninsula, but the whole thing... Just no. :/

Even wikipedia calls it a peninsula

If you're talking about countries individually, then yeah only greece is a peninsula but looking at the whole land that is considered balkan, it's a peninsula
Zee530Jun 7, 2012 12:44 AM

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Jun 7, 2012 3:15 AM
Jun 2008
I think even if the Doctor stay inside the plane.The dragon will still open the hatch by force because of the "rumor" that he heard.Those doctor are doom either way.

Barume's breast is bouncy ^.^
Jun 7, 2012 3:19 AM

Jul 2009
Oh wow, you've reinvented the wheel by giving me that link. I'm well aware of what Wikipedia says, what I'm asking is- why?
Peninsulas don't look like that. The side connected to the land is just freakin' huge and the rest of the shape is weird as well. It just doesn't make sense. If we were to go by that logic half the planet would be peninsulas.

But enough off-topic.
Jun 7, 2012 6:33 AM
Feb 2012
Talk about being buffed to the freakin' maximum.

Interesting start for the episode. We see Jonah's kind side again and how he's actually supposed to be. I liked the part in which he talked about him not showing any emotions before Koko and her always smiling in front of everyone quite much. It emphasizes their relationship nicely and makes me finally want to know more about Koko's motives and intentions and why the heck she's so crazy. I bet that there's an intriguing story behind it. But we've also got the sequel to answer that particular question.
Anyway, the rest of the episode was fairly enjoyable as well; showing us the Red Cross like organization of volunteering doctors, focusing on the cruel ways of the Dragon and demonstrating that Lehm is a cold-blooded killer. Like I said- thoroughly enjoyable episode. 5/5
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Jun 7, 2012 10:25 AM

Jan 2012
Walmet´s tatto was cool. A nice epi. I think the nest one will rock... we´ll see...
Jun 7, 2012 4:21 PM

Dec 2011
Cannot decide whether the lyrics got more or less silly.

I was amused with the choice of setting.
Jun 7, 2012 8:47 PM

Jul 2010
Too much of a cliff hanger.
I think there was also a bit too much 'fan service' and it left out what could have been more content in the episode. Other than that, I kind of liked the dramatic build up.
Jun 8, 2012 5:12 AM

Sep 2007
Another good episode. The fan service, though pleasing, kind of didn't fit in with the rest of the series. However, it served it's purpose in the story by showing us this group of hard-nosed mercenaries enjoy downtime like everyone throwing Jonah around lol.

As far as the back-half of the episode, it set up a dramatic showdown for next episode. Should be entertaining.
Jun 8, 2012 5:40 AM

Jul 2011
A episode beach! I did nott expect this :D
Jun 8, 2012 6:39 PM
Jan 2011
pretty intense towards the end, i liked this
Jun 8, 2012 8:17 PM

May 2011
That doctors got good intentions but damn its obviously a terrible idea for him to come out like that. I am liking this arc, very interested to see what happens next. Shit was getting legit at the end.

Lehm and Chiquita. Wow.
Jun 9, 2012 7:28 AM

Jan 2011
Nice episode, good introduction to a new arc.
I'm looking forward to the next episode, I want some epic battles.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jun 9, 2012 4:10 PM

Jun 2008
Itachi0970 said:
MM-Rosiie said:
And lol. Fail opening subs on the episode I watched.

d3nnyyy said:
> we are a killing team
> reality and dream


Those are actually the official lyrics that got released.

I figured that as soon as I saw the PV was released to youtube. I agree that the auto-tuning her singing voice did make it a bit more difficult to understand her lyrics. Now they make sense.
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Jun 10, 2012 5:58 AM
Jun 2012
The fact that Velmet is full muscle could be seen in the OP. Strange many seemed surprised.

Jonah is a skipping homework genius though. I lift my hat to him.

Big battle coming up or everyone shot in one moment? Probably better to avoid big gun-shooting events since the show made a mess out of it last time.
Jun 13, 2012 2:19 PM

Oct 2011
HAHA! wow they are all riped! haha i want to to throw jonah too!
Jun 14, 2012 3:48 PM

Feb 2010
Fanservice + bloody ending/action = win.
Jun 16, 2012 1:39 PM

Apr 2011
Valmer bikini fan service was awesome and the motion of her muscle body kicking the other guy was nicely detailed. Too bad in reality, muscle ladies don't look even 1/4 as nice as Valmer...

This has to be the best episode due to fan serve + bloody action.
Jul 4, 2012 1:01 PM

Jan 2010
really great episode :3
action, blood...WoW ! *___*
Sep 8, 2012 1:13 PM
Apr 2012
Judging from the beginning of the episode, I thought this was going to be a beach episode.
I was wrong. Very wrong.
Oct 1, 2012 1:40 PM

Feb 2012
some crazy shit there
great episode
Oct 14, 2012 12:34 AM

Jul 2008
Time for Koko to kick the militia's ass. And also dat fanservice.
Dec 7, 2012 11:55 AM
Nov 2012
I was disappointed at the ending, which is not convincing. Koko's team has only 10 ppl whilst the armed Balkan Dragons more than 20. If the plot had been realistic, her team would have been all destroyed as soon as Lehm attacked the vilain's henchman. Alas this is a fictional anime after all.
Jan 16, 2013 6:28 AM

Sep 2011
Dat ending, just showing the dominance. LOL
Apr 24, 2013 4:09 PM
Jul 2012
Great episode!
I was dying when Valement kicked the shit out of that guy all the way! Haha!
Koko has nice boobs.
Cool new backstory for one of the soldiers of Mao. Cool he seems to be my favorite character of the soldiers so far.
Dang he shot Lutz. Thank god someone stopped him from killing him. Now this will be good that they will fight.
I still don't know what this arc story is about. In the last episode, is this the new arc or the doctor girl arc? 0_o
Jan 7, 2014 7:12 PM

Dec 2012
Damn the crew is freaking ripped! Even Jonah has abs 0_0 wow. The end though was pure ownage and awesomeness. Leam has to do his thing doesn't he lolz
Jan 17, 2014 3:43 AM

Jul 2013
Valmet have a smokin hot body... but those muscles.. and abs... damn..

fuck! Mao talked about his family... man thats not a good sign..

yeah baby!! love how they ended this episode.. I wanted to see that Mr Dragon cry and beg for his miserable life though.
Jan 11, 2015 12:46 AM
Jun 2013
well koko boobs are bigger then expected. Dam everyone has rock hard abs even valemer. Though not really bothered by her having them abs and the kicking scene was funny as hell. oh oh the only guy on the team with wife and kids I smell a death sentence. Also never would have guessed lehm would be married so many times. Also kokos affection for jona can be a bit weird at times. Oh man what a cliff hanger and I cant wait to see this prick get gun down.
Mar 15, 2015 2:31 PM

Feb 2015
wow... just wow... that Valmet fanservice... wow, she reminds me of someone what the same/nearly the same build as her... Juri Han.

That soldier at the end though /cringe.

Great episode.
Apr 3, 2015 7:30 PM

Jul 2009
Went from swimsuits and beach fanservice (everyone has abs ... XD) to some pretty serious stuff. The view from the airplane nose sure looks awesome ... I wanna see it like that too :O Not to mention some talking about Mao's past and how everyone's different. Didn't expect Lehm to have been married (and divorced ... multiple times) too! :O
Not sure if the doctors would've gotten away with hiding considering that Baldrag guy. Pretty brave of Riviere to come out but obviously it didn't work ... it was pretty silly of him to do it though >_< Now that he came out it's just gonna be a battle between the troops ... THEN THE EPISODE CUT RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT SCENE >_< Guess we'll find out what happens in the next episode ...
Jun 15, 2015 1:30 AM

Dec 2013
Why couldn't the doctor just leave it in Koko's hands
Sep 2, 2015 4:41 PM

May 2012
Oh boy that hard cliffhanger cut! Pretty damn epic, let's see what's next.
Dec 20, 2015 11:47 PM

Jan 2015
Lol that 8 pack on that girl :O
Feb 26, 2016 2:00 PM

Feb 2015
Elite60 said:
The guy getting his teeth knocked out looked very painful.

i know!

TabulaRasaCK said:
the end of the episode was a bit abrupt.

was thinking the same thing.
i love how a 10 year old boy is like super ripped tho. nice to see him having fun though.

ripped women (and over ripped men) set me off, so it was kinda vomit inducing to see valmet. and this is like the first time i have seen nipples on people so that SUPER weirded me out O_O

loved the song when they were at the airport, nice episode. but sudden, like i said before.
Jan 25, 2017 1:05 PM

Dec 2015
Holy shit Valvet's body *__* also Jonah blushing xD
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Mar 29, 2017 12:20 AM

Aug 2014
Why does 3 females in the show look so damn identical? lol
Mar 28, 2018 9:52 PM
Dec 2017
Lol, most of the animes I've seen have either a beach or a Hot Springs scene. Anything to get the female characters in a swim suit or naked. In some animes, they go to both multiple times. Not that I'm complaining. Just something I noticed over the years.
Jan 25, 2019 5:04 AM
Oct 2018
That shit with all the white/blonde-haired characters, where their eyelashes are drawn super-hairy like eyebrows, is extremely weird and disturbing.

It makes all the chracaters, including the kid and the generic-sexy-ladies, look like weird old men, or like some budget alien off Star Trek TNG.
Mar 29, 2019 5:11 AM

Aug 2016
Even in anime about arms dealing there has to be beach episode. Well, shiat gone down at last seconds, I hate these cliffhangers.
Dec 1, 2020 2:27 PM

Jul 2017
Good episode overall. Nice dosage of fanservice overall as the crew enjoy some time under the sun and at the sea to rest and have some down time, and I'm in the few I think but Valmet's is in my top tier of attractive female characters not gonna lie. She's got quite the figure. Jonah being thrown around like a beachball was nice too.

Koko and the crew have to deliver artillery as well as sneak ten doctors too as well to the Balkans. The ending was gruesome and intense as fuck, as Koko orders the crew to murder all the Balkan Dragons milita present there. No peaceful settlements happening there for them.
Mar 13, 2021 10:57 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I cannot believe I came so late to the Valment muscle body party. What a sexy character design.

And then the crazy dissonance with how this episode ended. That was pretty gruesome stuff.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 4, 2022 8:58 AM

May 2016
@Fmmatron +++ULTRA episode.

well except the fact how they gonna survive that when they are surrounded.
May 4, 2022 2:51 PM

Nov 2016
Raizel said:
@Fmmatron +++ULTRA episode.

well except the fact how they gonna survive that when they are surrounded.

What started as a beach episode turned quickly into the usual massacre. Another day in the office.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 17, 2023 3:52 AM

Dec 2020
Unexpected glimpse of what woulda been a beach episode. The doctor shoulda stayed put. Like good cause and all but naw made it worse imo
Aug 27, 2023 6:02 PM
Nov 2010
Excellent fanservice in the beginning. It's nice to see Koko & Sofia in sexy clothing! They are both tappable!
The 2nd half is kind of intense, but I already know they can get out of such a pickle without casualties since they are superhumans.
I like Dragon. He shoots first and asks questions later.
Mar 3, 6:41 PM
Dec 2015
Intense ending there, doctor should've stayed hidden
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