I love Bill.....I had seen this before....and it is spot on! You see the obnoxious contestants on Million Dollar Money Drop literally having an orgasm sniffing money. Hell I think anything over a $20 has cocaine residue on it....maybe that was what they were sniffing!
But what I love about Bill is the fact that he is not afraid to tell things the way they REALLY are & he is not afraid to my fellow Americans out! Sadly, too often the truth isn't exactly the most popular thing to say! I mean Hell, the level of greed that exists in the US is so bad that I'm fairly certain that if Satan exists, that he awakens every morning with an erection when he thinks about the greed, narcissism, and materialism that exists in this country. I mean is it any wonder that poorly educated Kenyans are so easily able to rip Americans (even highly educated professionals) off through various scams? When greed is involved, the brain goes bye bye!!! Hell, we don't make anything anymore! Our whole economy is based on spending money.....usually borrowed at that!
Furthermore, Bill is spot on with regard to religion too. I am a very private person in my religious practices, and I have a great disdain for organized religion. Like Bill, I agree that far more negative things have resulted from organized religion that any good that came from it. Organized religion tends to divide us as opposed to bringing us together. Sadly, the cynic in me was stoked when I found out there was no Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc......but God, another unseen entity, does exist. The only thing that allows me to keep an open mind about God and/or a creator is the fact that the Big Bang Theory alone does not explain everything......the hole in it makes a creator possible. However, the fact that I have seen 1st hand that churches tend to be "houses of hypocrisy" and the historical record on organized religion, makes me feel very strongly that the world and society would be a FAR better place without it (if it never even existed really)! Look at the Jews and Muslims who have hated each other for over 2000 years.....despite the fact that they are from the same blood line (per the Bible anyway).
Anyway, I for one STILL miss "Politically Incorrect," which was 5 nights a week! "Real Time" once a week, with long periods where it is on hiatus, isn't enough Bill for me.