36 The Abbey Grange from The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1905) Audiobook

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • The Adventure of the Abbey Grange by Arthur Conan Doyle. It is read by Greg Wagland.
    Production Copyright (P)Magpie Audio
  • РазвлеченияРазвлечения

Комментарии • 226

  • @julesdanie
    @julesdanie 5 лет назад +83

    I am recovering from vitrectomy surgery which means my head must be horizontal for most of the day. I came across your readings and one week later I am thoroughly in love with the SH stories and forever grateful for your reading. Thank you for helping me to recover without even knowing it !

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  4 года назад +9

      Hope you're doing ok now Danielle. Sounds very trying! Glad you enjoyed the stories. Best wishes.

    • @julesdanie
      @julesdanie 4 года назад +1

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio thank you, yes I am thankfully 😊

    • @Walls2008
      @Walls2008 3 года назад +3

      Have come across this a year later. I hope you are well recovered. : )

    • @RoanPretorius-de7xv
      @RoanPretorius-de7xv 2 года назад

    • @ronnyrono782
      @ronnyrono782 2 года назад +2

      Danielle, that sounds as if it would be maddening although you did say most.

  • @jeffreypick57
    @jeffreypick57 3 года назад +28

    I put one of these on every night as I go to bed and lay there relaxing after a busy day and lay there, enjoying all the characters.

  • @hyperphenomenal4360
    @hyperphenomenal4360 2 года назад +18

    I am SHERLOCKED!!!!!! and Mr. Wagland your Sherlock Holmes audiobooks are truly a gift! Thank you very much

  • @tomgilpin8629
    @tomgilpin8629 4 года назад +71

    The quality of these readings is such a gift. Grateful.

  • @ForbzWordz
    @ForbzWordz 4 года назад +25

    I've been falling asleep to these lately. Good dreams. Good days to follow. The stories will live for ever.

  • @glendagraves1637
    @glendagraves1637 5 лет назад +27

    This reading is a great escape from stress. Very enjoyable.

  • @ryskichelovek
    @ryskichelovek 4 года назад +18

    i lisen to these stories every night

    • @tbt1447
      @tbt1447 4 года назад +3

      Me too.... It has now become almost impossible for me to sleep without listening to this !!! Love the work and the voice ❤️❤️

  • @tyamkeaaskew
    @tyamkeaaskew 6 лет назад +247

    This channel is reading to my patient he has Alzheimer's i have seen much improvement sense these stories thank you

  • @mr.sherlockholmes6130
    @mr.sherlockholmes6130 4 года назад +11

    Greg thank you for All you do . Please keep these stories coming. Your Awesome. Sir Arthur conan Doyle would even be proud of you and your Work.

  • @debjaniagarwal9887
    @debjaniagarwal9887 7 лет назад +43

    These are wonderful renditions indeed, all of them. Cannot thank you enough for giving me so much joy listening to the much loved stories all over again. Better than radio or TV.

  • @poke_n_around
    @poke_n_around 5 лет назад +18

    Thanks to you Greg, I’m a bigger Sherlockian than ever🙏🏻💖💖

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +7

      Pleased to hear it, Annette.
      Over the years of doing it I've realised there's a lot more to it than meets the eye.

  • @ianaitken7012
    @ianaitken7012 6 лет назад +18

    Greg there is one word for all your work.... Genius

  • @davidjunto1008
    @davidjunto1008 4 года назад +63

    The best ones are when Holmes does what is right rather than what is legal. Hear, hear!!!

    • @ryskichelovek
      @ryskichelovek 4 года назад +4

      I know right =)

    • @tetyanas4026
      @tetyanas4026 2 года назад +5

      Would he do the same if the lady were a poor commoner?

    • @rosehagood3146
      @rosehagood3146 Год назад +6

      ​@@tetyanas4026He would if he thought her to be of good character

    • @maryoleary5044
      @maryoleary5044 Год назад +3

      Hopefully he would if a real gentleman.
      I believe Holmes is and would.

    • @maryoleary5044
      @maryoleary5044 Год назад +3

      As Dickens experienced the real horrors of poverty and lack of hope/even the chance of an education (in the blacking factory he was in) Dickens SAW WITH HIS OWN EYES the difference between the DESERVING POOR and the viscous child abusing/animal abusing

  • @sophiegravel1423
    @sophiegravel1423 Год назад +9

    Your way of interpreting all the characters of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a pure masterpiece. You know how to do it with subtlety and sensitivity. I will never tire of listening to your recordings! Thank you so much!

  • @johnsrabe
    @johnsrabe Год назад +3

    Such a satisfying story. Justice!

  • @JohnThomas-jg9kl
    @JohnThomas-jg9kl 2 года назад +4

    Great job. Thank you for the service of providing these audiobooks

  • @williamtrimm2281
    @williamtrimm2281 6 лет назад +18

    Thanks,Mr.Wagland for a great read .It would be great to hear some more classics,if available.

  • @gregnicholls8347
    @gregnicholls8347 3 года назад +11

    How wonderful to have a such a sensitive and attentive friend such as the doctor. Always ready and courageous. And with the ability to relate so brilliantly all the events of his and Holmes' events.

  • @technoshamanarchist
    @technoshamanarchist 4 года назад +40

    Why I love Holmes is because he believes that true justice is above the law.

  • @AhmedAli-qs2go
    @AhmedAli-qs2go 7 лет назад +117

    Marvelous narration..I fear im becoming addicted to these SH adventures.

    • @ironically7561
      @ironically7561 5 лет назад +5

      Lol same! Dont fear it, go with it :)

    • @sunzenmind677
      @sunzenmind677 5 лет назад +7

      That is the kind of addiction that no one can feel bad about,
      but I dread to think of what the withdrawal symptoms might be like!

    • @frankmcgovern5445
      @frankmcgovern5445 5 лет назад +6

      Do you inject a 7% solution of Holmes? It's pretty great.

    • @ahmedsheikh9090
      @ahmedsheikh9090 5 лет назад +3

      @@frankmcgovern5445 😂 good one

    • @cygnusx-1862
      @cygnusx-1862 4 года назад +5

      I've listened to all of them and am on my 2nd go round.

  • @quickjumpingfoxes
    @quickjumpingfoxes 4 года назад +13

    @2:10 Poor Watson, his aesthetic judgement so often maligned by Holmes. I recommend sometime that before breakfast he substitute salt for sugar and sugar for salt. That way Holmes can eat his eggs with sugar and have salt in his tea.

    • @willslingwood
      @willslingwood 3 года назад +2

      Right 🤣 John is definitely blessed with patience.

    • @thegreenpigsnout5579
      @thegreenpigsnout5579 3 года назад

      @@willslingwood and a grand gift of silence...

    • @RonKiner
      @RonKiner 2 месяца назад


  • @kevinpaul180
    @kevinpaul180 Год назад +2

    'The game is afoot' wonderful......

  • @annskinner8467
    @annskinner8467 2 года назад +4

    Greg, I don’t know how I missed this one! Love it! Thanks for a great reading 🀄️🀄️🀄️🀄️

  • @michelegallagher9184
    @michelegallagher9184 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you again and again!! Can't get enough of thses

  • @Gothicforever1790
    @Gothicforever1790 4 года назад +24

    It's like Sir ACD is reading his stories to us!🎩

  • @leoniegrosse9121
    @leoniegrosse9121 7 лет назад +11

    Thank you so much for recording these. Your recordings bring joy to my heart!

  • @nikaghambarashvili6408
    @nikaghambarashvili6408 3 года назад +2

    Sir Wagland I'm addicted!

  • @feralbluee
    @feralbluee 3 года назад +5

    i knew what Holmes would do :)
    even though i’ve heard the story before, i’d forgotten some of it, so it was still surprising me !! 🌷🌼🐶

  • @gregjones8412
    @gregjones8412 5 лет назад +5

    Marvelous narration.

  • @veragettinger1829
    @veragettinger1829 5 лет назад +5

    My absolute favorite, thank you very much for your narration! I even predicted how the case would turn out beforehand! ....with some pausing 😂❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @nerissaangel5200
    @nerissaangel5200 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for these. These really helped while going through chemotherapy treatments

  • @stevobannerman8319
    @stevobannerman8319 2 года назад +2

    Love your work. Thank you.

  • @SeerOfTime577
    @SeerOfTime577 5 лет назад +7

    Ahhh, that was really good! Excellent reading as well!

  • @warehousepalmas
    @warehousepalmas 3 года назад +1

    Another great reading. Thanks.

  • @tiniebellie6605
    @tiniebellie6605 3 года назад +4

    Wow...i love the ending...holme is a very fair judge....

  • @remyhocage9854
    @remyhocage9854 5 лет назад +1

    Thx another great story and narrator.

  • @Rahat_Alka
    @Rahat_Alka 7 лет назад +12

    Thanks for wonderful narration. Plse do upload more stories👍👍👍

  • @moviemad56
    @moviemad56 5 лет назад +3

    Oh, I did enjoy that one! 😊 Thanks again, GW.

  • @alexapenn6399
    @alexapenn6399 7 лет назад +4

    consider that i have said thanks sooooooo much for these stories every time lol :}

  • @veritas6335
    @veritas6335 5 месяцев назад +1

    One of the best of Doyle’s stories. Superbly read by Mr Wagland, as always.
    Although I still don’t know what a “grange” is, despite hearing that word in British literature and British films all my life. They never say what it is. The definitions available online are multiple. Is it a farm?

  • @johnmoesche3959
    @johnmoesche3959 2 года назад

    This was my favorite yet!

  • @theonewithoutequals3036
    @theonewithoutequals3036 Год назад +1

    I would love it if there were more illustrations of the story and some sound mixing at the background. This would be the cherry topping to your charming story telling 😊

  • @veritas6335
    @veritas6335 5 месяцев назад +1

    Doyle persists in a surprising flaw here that pervades all of his work and that is that he all too often has corpses bearing grimaces or faces contorted in horror with clenched fists and so on when that simply doesn’t happen and can’t happen. Muscles relax and go slack upon death. It’s curious that he didn't research this particular medical point when he found it so tempting to write about.

  • @ThomasAllan-up4td
    @ThomasAllan-up4td 5 месяцев назад +1

    He often breaks into other people's property in his "pursuit of justice" .

  • @thelaughingtiger146
    @thelaughingtiger146 6 лет назад +35

    The game is afoot!

    • @cruisepaige
      @cruisepaige 5 лет назад +2

      Crazy CAT Lady I know, right???

  • @nickyabrahams4363
    @nickyabrahams4363 Год назад +1

    I'm completely addicted ❤

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  Год назад +2

      Therapy is available.

    • @josh2Sides2
      @josh2Sides2 2 месяца назад

      Annnnnd, are you going to *play* the therapist?!

    • @jpkatz1435
      @jpkatz1435 26 дней назад

      4:07 ​Thats WONDERFULL. Can we suppose that in time and under the influence of making the effort to more fully understand S. H. , J. W. Seeks out Dr. F​raud and in that work must come to know both himself and under the further influence of Dr. Jung, all of humanity? Let us hope so.?@@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio

  • @mijiyoon5575
    @mijiyoon5575 Год назад

    *Holmes* was highly informative in this one w/ his unique knowledge

  • @izzyhaynes6422
    @izzyhaynes6422 8 лет назад +41

    Thank you for creating this channel after the other vanished/ was deleted (?) I absolutely love listening to Greg Wagland and I love Sherlock Holmes so thanks for reuploading and everything!

  • @michaelynedwards1043
    @michaelynedwards1043 4 года назад +2

    My favourite Shirley & John’s caper.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  4 года назад

      It's so long since I recorded it, I remember little about it. I know it was one of Conan Doyle's faves however. There's a playlist of his top tales.

  • @alexapenn6399
    @alexapenn6399 7 лет назад +18

    Holmes does the right thing again :} - another time when innocent people would have been dragged through the courts and have their lives ruined . . .

  • @TedaR
    @TedaR 5 лет назад +2

    One of the more obvious ones but a pleasant listen. TY Greg!

  • @zachhogan7865
    @zachhogan7865 8 лет назад +11

    scottish accent potrays him perfectly.

  • @sivanlevi3867
    @sivanlevi3867 Год назад +1

    The Abbey Grange is quite a great case, but with such an unexpected ending. I was quite struck by the make-believe trial with Holmes as Judge and Watson as Jury.

  • @KiKiabout
    @KiKiabout 3 года назад +1

    Love... Thank you!

  • @nc7547
    @nc7547 3 года назад

    Another great reading

  • @andrewbyronloveshire5209
    @andrewbyronloveshire5209 3 года назад +8

    To nail an Australian accent and NOT make an Aussie cringe is something even academy award winners haven't been able to do.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  3 года назад +2

      Perhaps it's my love of Dame Edna Everage, Andrew?

    • @andrewbyronloveshire5209
      @andrewbyronloveshire5209 3 года назад +2

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio that has to be it.... although I'm worried now i will visualise a Blue rinse in my minds eye as i listen to the Aussie characters 😊

  • @susanhepburn6040
    @susanhepburn6040 3 года назад

    Thank you very much.

  • @vivienmccabe4456
    @vivienmccabe4456 3 года назад +2

    Intellectually storytelling funniest slovening techniques, good mistress slovening , goodies and not so goodies ,great misstree to solve all in all.

  • @escapefelicity2913
    @escapefelicity2913 4 года назад +1

    great reading

  • @joeharoutunian1805
    @joeharoutunian1805 2 года назад +1

    While I love the outcome of this story I cannot help but think that another great fictional detective, Hercules Poirot, would not/ could not be as magnanimous as Holmes in rendering judgment. Under no circumstances could he let a murderer off the hook.

  • @babybooandherhumandeb3188
    @babybooandherhumandeb3188 4 года назад +1

    Thank you

  • @almablagonya3449
    @almablagonya3449 4 года назад +1

    The only stories my baby will sleep to

  • @ginaharrison5560
    @ginaharrison5560 4 года назад +1

    Thank you!😀
    Before it was halfway through I had figured it out - just not the name - but did guess the occupation & the relationship & the motive.
    Excellent !
    Just heartwarmingly excellent!!
    Thank you !!

  • @scottmetcalf8633
    @scottmetcalf8633 3 года назад +1

    "The game is afoot!"⭐

  • @blairmarten2755
    @blairmarten2755 Год назад

    Went through him like he were a pumpkin....lol

  • @michaelg548
    @michaelg548 2 года назад +9

    Consider for a moment the possibility that the most cold-hearted, calculating, and accomplished villain in the entire Sherlock Holmes canon is not Professor Moriarty, but rather an innocent-looking young Australian woman who, having decided to murder her husband for his money, first manipulates a kind-hearted but slow-witted sailor into doing the actual killing for her, next effortlessly induces him and her own maid to cover up all evidence of the crime, and finally, without so much as saying a word or lifting a finger, convinces Holmes not to turn her in to the police.

    • @arnepianocanada
      @arnepianocanada 2 года назад

      😰NOT Gaslighting & conspiracies! We have them in excess nowadays. 1940's "Rebecca" (DuMaurier-Hitchcock) got it too, Max attacked as a manipulator. Idiotic😡

  • @EvelynTokamp
    @EvelynTokamp Год назад +1

    Please add a form of instant pay, other than paypal, as the latter requires opening an account with them. I would certainly like to contribute. Best wishes and thanks from the NL.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  Год назад +2

      There's something called buymeacoffee Evelyn and can be found here:
      Thank you!

  • @arnepianocanada
    @arnepianocanada 2 года назад

    🇨🇦 In decades of human service, I too have placed true Justice above by-the-book blinkers at times -- always with a moral core that I'd defend proudly in Court if needed.

  • @donnasmall2172
    @donnasmall2172 3 года назад

    Brilliant 👍🇬🇧

  • @mijiyoon5575
    @mijiyoon5575 Год назад +1

    Had to Google *beeswing* in old port wine ... a filmy crust on old wines long bottled & the film looks like silvery bees wings so it said

  • @thurayya8905
    @thurayya8905 Год назад +2

    I hate to hear the words, "That is the end of . . . ".

  • @charlesnolan7602
    @charlesnolan7602 7 лет назад +3

    I will add my name to the list of the gratefull listeners!

  • @rodjoass7284
    @rodjoass7284 Год назад

    Excellent work on the Australian accent sir.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  Год назад +1

      Thank you kindly 👍🏼

    • @josh2Sides2
      @josh2Sides2 2 месяца назад

      ​@@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audiodid you have to _fight_ the urge to "throw another shrimp 🍤 on the barbi?"

  • @lisamcmillon3743
    @lisamcmillon3743 Год назад


  • @SudhirThakur-ee9ji
    @SudhirThakur-ee9ji 2 года назад +1

    This voice is strangely similar to Jeremy's voice! 🙄😳 Is he reading it

    • @josh2Sides2
      @josh2Sides2 2 месяца назад

      Jeremy Brett...?!
      Sadly not, he passed away
      (Sep 12 Jeremy Brett [Peter Huggins], British actor (Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; My Fair Lady), dies of heart failure at 61.

  • @Jinseioshiro
    @Jinseioshiro Год назад

    Vox Populi, Vox dei indeed good Sir. 😊

  • @veritas6335
    @veritas6335 Год назад +1

    The lady brought up in south Australia has no Australian accent.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  Год назад +2

      This is late 19th century: much of the population were very recent immigrants!

    • @veritas6335
      @veritas6335 5 месяцев назад +1

      No no - the English banished criminals to Australia in the 1800s, perhaps even earlier, from what’s been told about it. That’s how they populated the territory. The criminals generally spoke cockney English, so that their children and the population in general were raised hearing only cockney English. And, lamentably, that grew to be the accepted form of speech in Australia. Still is, although some overcome it.
      So if this lady were “raised in southern Australia,” as Doyle says, presumably she’d have spoken with an Australian accent. I haven’t time to research the history of Adelaide, but that seems likely.

  • @eisenhertz
    @eisenhertz 5 лет назад +2

    good old,queens english!

    • @yasminedey8612
      @yasminedey8612 4 года назад

      lol, you mean plainly English instead of American English

  • @veritas6335
    @veritas6335 11 месяцев назад +1

    The past tense of the word shine is shone and, pronounced correctly, ,rhymes with phone, lone, tone, stone, bone, cone, drone, or mown, sewn, roan, etc. it is NOT pronounced "shawn."

  • @NickDiFroscia-s4y
    @NickDiFroscia-s4y 5 месяцев назад

    Back to reality ❣️

  • @veritas6335
    @veritas6335 Год назад +1

    What is beeswing?

  • @cristinabelingon3682
    @cristinabelingon3682 7 лет назад +2

    how about the case-book of sherlock home please...

  • @chungokhowb2957
    @chungokhowb2957 6 лет назад

    howdy sheriff... are yr viewing number thru the roof? or have i not being paying attention?

  • @judikingsman6132
    @judikingsman6132 Год назад

    I have just listened to Craig Stephen Copland...the inequality of mercy...which is based on this story. I really enjoy listening to both authors ❤ 😁

  • @NickDiFroscia
    @NickDiFroscia 9 месяцев назад

    Back to reality ❣️.

  • @dmx5439
    @dmx5439 5 лет назад

    The unexpected guest ...lol

  • @nancyM1313
    @nancyM1313 4 года назад


  • @polsen114
    @polsen114 2 года назад


  • @cristinabelingon3682
    @cristinabelingon3682 7 лет назад +1

    casebook of sherlock holmes please....

    • @dougchance8891
      @dougchance8891 Год назад

      Bottle was one third drunk - not half empty- according to the script.

  • @ronnyrono782
    @ronnyrono782 2 года назад

    I believe I've fallen in love with Mary.

  • @cristinabelingon3682
    @cristinabelingon3682 7 лет назад +2

    how about the case-book of sherlock holmes please...

  • @antekpatyk9425
    @antekpatyk9425 3 года назад


  • @gemmacastrillon2301
    @gemmacastrillon2301 5 лет назад +1

    Visto 1/2/20

  • @tetyanas4026
    @tetyanas4026 2 года назад

    It was quite clear from the very beginning who was behind the murder. No mystery here. Boring and predictable.

  • @SelLillianna
    @SelLillianna 5 лет назад +6

    I like this story. :)
    But that one needless, racist line in the middle of the murderer's story taints a lot of this adventure for me, unfortunately... By all other accounts I like this story and find the murderer to be a person with a great heart. I think that's why that line urks me so hard. If the abusive victim was saying racist things I wouldn't mind as he, after all, was framed in the wrong in this story. But since such a virtuous guy was saying it and it wasn't framed as wrong by anyone in the story, It's just... well, quite deeply upsetting.

    • @tedtimmis8135
      @tedtimmis8135 4 года назад +3

      Get a life.

    • @colinremmer2417
      @colinremmer2417 4 года назад +3

      With all the bad things happening in the world nowadays - that's the one thing that you complain about?

    • @GbonesNDhouse
      @GbonesNDhouse 4 года назад +5

      You know this was written in 1903 or so.

    • @quickjumpingfoxes
      @quickjumpingfoxes 4 года назад +3

      Oh dear, how tragic. May I suggest that you limit yourself to texts written no later than 2020. You may find advertising copy for coffee, cars, or cats more acceptable. Otherwise, take a few aspirin and close your eyes for an afternoon.

    • @haveraygunwilltravel
      @haveraygunwilltravel 4 года назад +2


  • @frankirfourfingers
    @frankirfourfingers 7 лет назад +2

    Big ejet that Sherlock Holmes,couldn't catch a cold.

  • @archibaldbagge1235
    @archibaldbagge1235 4 года назад

    Surely Holmes and Watson were lovers. They lived together before Watson's lavender marriage.

    • @davidjunto1008
      @davidjunto1008 4 года назад +4

      Yes, it's a well known fact that human beings cannot reside together without having sex 🤭😉🤫😑
      (I pray you never have children, sir. With that sort of thinking even a pet would be in danger living with you ) cheers!!

    • @ginaharrison5560
      @ginaharrison5560 4 года назад +5

      Surely not !!
      Good Grief, man, I am a heterosexual woman who, when I was young, shared a 700 square foot apartment while see both were going to the University, a handsome young, heterosexual man for 5 years (our Bachelors & 1st yrs of our Masters' degree) & he was my closest friend & we never crossed the line of a wonderful platonic relationship.
      Why does everything have to be about sex ??
      There ARE other things that exist in this life & World !
      But, you should dream on with your fantasy, if it gives you pleasure.
      Each to his own, Sir.

  • @terranovarubacha5473
    @terranovarubacha5473 2 года назад +2

    I can't get my head around the beeswing. The glasses are described as two having clear wine and one having beeswing. How, then, were the dregs of the two poured into the one? How were the two even filled from that bottle, which was also full of beeswing?

  • @tiniebellie6605
    @tiniebellie6605 3 года назад +1

    Wow...i love the ending...holme is a very fair judge....

  • @NickDiFroscia-s4y
    @NickDiFroscia-s4y 5 месяцев назад

    Back to reality ❣️.