Congrats on releasing your game

This is a solid first release, both on the writing and the rendering side. It's just a tad short to immerse yourself in the story at the moment so I'm hoping to see more soon! ^^ Especially since I'm a sucker for the slasher genre, so your comments on this thread are quite promising.
I'm wondering if Grace already had a clash with the bogeyman in the past. This would explain her trauma and the alcoholism (doesn't justify her behavior though... And it was a bit weird to see Hazel telling the kids to back off when they were the ones being bullied by the mom

). To use some "slasher vocabulary", she could be the "final girl" of a previous massacre but in that case, I don't see why her husband wouldn't believe and support her (Michael Miyers, Jason Voorhees and the likes aren't exactly well known for their discretion

If you ever need some inspiration,
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is a good horror flick that shows off in a fun way "slasher tropes".
I encountered a few mistakes during my playthrough:
- Grace should be the one speaking instead of Lisa on the line "You did a fantastic job on the refurb sis".
- Can you use Hazel instead of her role (friend or aunt or whatever ^^) as the speaker of the line "How are you holding up champ?" and the lines after this one? Her role is only used in this scene, it would be more coherent to use her name (and that would prevent any lack of capitalization of the first letter that happens when using the role).
- In the room, those lines appear twice in a row: "I don't really have a preference, take the top if you want." & "Top it is...".
A more general remark: I like having choices in visual novels but the ones implemented in this release are quite frustrating. It feels like some conversations have been segmented and we can only access one bit of it in our playthrough but it doesn't make much sense since it was only small talk for character's development purposes. I mean, I'd like to ask Lisa both about her book and her friend and I don't really understand why limiting the build-up in their relationship.
Usually in adult VN, when it comes to choices, it's about:
- Pushing forward the story. For example, there is some noise at night, you can: "Investigate by yourself", "Wake up Lisa and investigate with her", "Go back to sleep". Depending on your choice, the story could fork or the consequences could be limited to one or two scenes.
- Optimizing immersion. Give the player choice so he can feel comfortable in the MC's shoes. Sometimes, it's only about changing the dialogues' flavor but it can go a long way to make the experience really great for the player (or at least closer to his liking ^^). I didn't try the game before the fix so I wasn't taken aback by the creepy scene but let's imagine another scene where Lisa is playing with their finding in the bottom drawer and the MC stumbles upon the scene: "Quickly leave before being noticed and give her privacy" (nice and proper MC), "Enjoy and record the show for research purposes" (creepy MC), "Make yourself known and tease her for playing with auntie's toy" (shameless and playful MC).
- Scoring brownie points. Obviously, a "points system" isn't needed but it's always nice to have a choice before furthering a relationship with a LI. In this first release, this could have been a choice to turn your head when Grace is kissing you so she ends up kissing your cheek instead of your mouth but maybe this was a mandatory scene cause you wanted to implement some kind of awkward conversation about it the next day.
- Giving options when it comes to kinks. "Can I interest you in a footjob?", "yes" or "no"
When giving choices, it should make more sense when one of them eliminates the others. Else, instead of giving us a voice, it feels like the choice is taken away which defeats the purpose. I haven't tried the game before the fix so I can't compare but I'm wondering if the kinetic version wasn't more appropriate (it's not the end of a world if a first version doesn't have any choices, it's better than feeling that we lose content for no reason ^^).
For example, a real choice would have been a way to react to Grace's outburst when you offer her to drive : "Being confrontational" (like in the game), "Being understanding" (you de-escalate things before everyone loses their shit and Grace stays stubbornly behind the wheel but gave you an apologetic answer), "Silence treatment" (an option where the MC is neither overly nice or aggressive).
Well, that was a long-ass post, I'm sorry!

That shows my enthusiasm for this project!

I wish the dev the best of luck with his game. I think this will quickly become a game worth supporting as long as you are committed!