Why Funny Valentine is the BEST Villain in JoJo


Комментарии • 7 тыс.

  • @xForts
    @xForts  6 лет назад +7630

    Don't take the title of the video too serious, everyone has their own opinion and I will respect whoever you consider your favorite Villain in JoJo! 💖

    • @MRWHO-gt8zo
      @MRWHO-gt8zo 6 лет назад +36


    • @prolific5627
      @prolific5627 6 лет назад +71


    • @veldrensavoth7119
      @veldrensavoth7119 6 лет назад +35

      MY funny valentine!!! Sweet comic valentine!!! You make me smile with my HEART!!!

    • @veldrensavoth7119
      @veldrensavoth7119 6 лет назад +31


    • @bulink5087
      @bulink5087 6 лет назад +20

      xForts good work this was an amazingly funny video
      I will just leave now

  • @angelpradocalderon3983
    @angelpradocalderon3983 5 лет назад +10911

    Funny Valentine: I must collect the corpse parts to ensure my country is safe and prospers!
    Diavolo: condom broke

    • @kaiden3374
      @kaiden3374 5 лет назад +649

      Kira: *h a n d s*

    • @platenoise256
      @platenoise256 5 лет назад +431

      part 8 villlain:

    • @raviothethief8292
      @raviothethief8292 5 лет назад +202

      Laggy Lagiacrus Kars:I want rok.

    • @Wter-oy1dh
      @Wter-oy1dh 5 лет назад +642

      All villains:
      Part 1: I reject my humanity
      Part 2: I will become the ultimate life form
      Part 3:I will rule the world
      Part 4:I just want to live in peace
      Part 5:I have to remove of traces of my past
      Part 6:I have to reset the universe for my god
      Part 7:I have to make my country prosper
      Part 8:...Wait am I the villain or are you the villain?

    • @cardboardfox6728
      @cardboardfox6728 5 лет назад +58

      Pucci: ghey to false god

    @MR_BRONZO 6 лет назад +11836

    Valentine: pink dude with a blue stand
    Johnny: blue dude with a pink stand

    • @madledski5383
      @madledski5383 5 лет назад +492


    • @bettinaanddbugelites2237
      @bettinaanddbugelites2237 5 лет назад +353

      Im seeing a connection here

    • @J374338
      @J374338 5 лет назад +80

      Bettina and D'Bugelites BL connection between Valentine and Johnny? Lol

    • @pierrejecroi8801
      @pierrejecroi8801 5 лет назад +263

      What if Johnny and Valentine were once gay partners but broke up cause they liked their color schemes but backwards, ahhhh

    • @slyjin2004
      @slyjin2004 5 лет назад +117

      Pierre Jecroi what the fuck

  • @benshmia9696
    @benshmia9696 6 лет назад +8178

    「F I L T H Y A C T S A T A R E A S O N A B L E P R I C E」

  • @emekaebo6271
    @emekaebo6271 3 года назад +504

    I also find it kinda cool how Valentine and Johnny have opposing color schemes. Johnny’s main color is blue and his stand is mainly pink whereas Valentine’s main color is pink and his stand is mainly blue.

  • @yoshikagekira4471
    @yoshikagekira4471 5 лет назад +1791

    Benjamin Harrison was such an unremarkable president that Funny Valentine replaced him.

    • @ianlawvoiceover1056
      @ianlawvoiceover1056 5 лет назад +202

      Be honest, you looked who the helll the 23rd president was just so you could make this comment lol

    • @cossaizy6309
      @cossaizy6309 5 лет назад +122

      @@ianlawvoiceover1056 funny valentine is actually the 23th President

    • @bugjams
      @bugjams 5 лет назад +154

      He only exists because Funny Valentine had to leave our universe to go do something so he found a random guy to replace him. That random guy was Benjamin Harrison.

    • @LucasGabriel-dz3mf
      @LucasGabriel-dz3mf 5 лет назад +6


    • @giovannitabb-martinez7891
      @giovannitabb-martinez7891 5 лет назад +2


  • @plzcme434
    @plzcme434 5 лет назад +4584

    Valentine: "We can't let the corpse parts fall into the wrong hands"
    Also Valentine: GiVeS tHe CoRpSe To DiEgO.

    • @FridayEmpireOfCorpses
      @FridayEmpireOfCorpses 5 лет назад +443


    • @Super-gf7vx
      @Super-gf7vx 5 лет назад +117

      friendly neighborhood merc didn’t Johnny want that? Plus, he was gonna kill Johnny anyways

    • @barbaragarcia8747
      @barbaragarcia8747 5 лет назад +191

      @@FridayEmpireOfCorpses And Johnny was actually good with that deal! All Valentine had to do was just not be a dick but nooo

    • @vibea7019
      @vibea7019 5 лет назад +322

      I was thinking about that not too long ago: it makes sense that, since he couldn't beat Johnny himself, he had to find another way to "win." Diego, though not exactly like Valentine, was probably the best immediate choice he had.
      I mean, think about it. Because of Diego's past, he wants absolute power and to tower over everyone. And because he wants that power, he would not only make sure the source of his power (the corpse and presidency) would never fall (therefore protecting America), he'd also strive to expand America even more.
      It was a risky compromise, but it was the smartest risk to take.

    • @neverunknown1236
      @neverunknown1236 5 лет назад +34

      @@vibea7019 that's probably right but remember this is deigo Brando he probably would have just used it for himself to control the world and he could probably have done that easily because he had the world

  • @Menacing-Mercy
    @Menacing-Mercy 4 года назад +5532

    The taking the napkin first scene gave me more braincells.

    • @Cha0s_jewelz
      @Cha0s_jewelz 4 года назад +153


    • @klf4177
      @klf4177 4 года назад +21

      @@Cha0s_jewelz yes

    • @acedefective1491
      @acedefective1491 4 года назад +131

      Same and it's a legit philosophy aswell

    • @yeetyertyeet9775
      @yeetyertyeet9775 4 года назад +23

      You have mista rolling in his grave

    • @teleportedbread6194
      @teleportedbread6194 4 года назад +50

      @@acedefective1491 it's more like a metaphor of a philosophy

  • @nick-playercharacter8583
    @nick-playercharacter8583 2 года назад +787

    What truly defines Valentine as a villain for me is the fact that the power he seeks is able to redirect misfortune, but not negate it. We get a taste of this in the Love Train fight where all of Johnny's attempts to kill Valentine fail, but someone else in the world is killed instead. Imagine that kind of power spread across a country of ocer 300 million people and the effects that would have. Not just deaths, but every possible misfortune throughout the United States being redirected at random innocent people across the world to seemingly no end. The result is nothing short of cosmic horror.

    • @billzhao1346
      @billzhao1346 2 года назад +44

      True, but that only follows if you can't choose where you redirect the misfortune. It's never been stated that the wielder of the corpse cannot control whom the misfortune gets redirected to(assuming I remember the manga correctly). Assuming valentine wanted to wield the corpse in the most moral manner possible, he would've probably redirected it towards criminals or people attempting to commit crimes accross the globe. Of course, you could argue that the manga contradicts the previous arguement by showing Valentine causing misfortune to befall random people. However, you do have to remember that Johnny and his alliers were trying to kill Valentine so Valentine had no time to properly think through his actions and was acting nearly on instinct.
      Also, I don't think the corpse was literally powerful enough to redirect all the misfortune in the US to other places around the globe and I think Valentine overestimated the corpse's ability considering johnny was able to break through lovetrain despite Valentine presumably directing all of the planets misfortune at johnny. After all, if johnny had the entire worlds misfortune placed on him, then he should've logically gotten a sudden stroke and died.

    • @jcp1296
      @jcp1296 Год назад +51

      ​@@billzhao1346no Valintine said that he would rederect the misfortune to "the other side of the world" so that strongly implies it to be random. Also Valentine did indeed say ALL misfortune would be rederected wich, as far as we see, does seem to be what happens. Yes Johnny is able to get misfortune through the shield but that is stand shenanigans so it doesn't really count. Also if I remember correctly Valentine does not direct all the misfortune of the world onto Johnny (more evidence that he can't control where the misfortune goes), not sure where you got that from

    • @Deadliermlg
      @Deadliermlg Год назад +18

      The misfortunes are all hitting me guys, don't worry, I got y'all's back.

    • @randell3306
      @randell3306 Год назад +6

      ​@@DeadliermlgGod is with you, remember that.

    • @Deadliermlg
      @Deadliermlg Год назад +3

      @@randell3306 Obviously

  • @lorcan7733
    @lorcan7733 6 лет назад +7246

    Valentine shows heroism in his motivation, but Johnny shows heroism in his actions

    • @IsaacBCh
      @IsaacBCh 5 лет назад +174


    • @Sputin
      @Sputin 5 лет назад +126

      like how? he only wants his legs healed

    • @mskiarma2u1
      @mskiarma2u1 5 лет назад +774

      @@Sputin he was willing to abandon that to save gyro

    • @dererlkonig7428
      @dererlkonig7428 5 лет назад +176

      I don't think so,there was no reason for jhonny and gyro to go after the corpse.Jhonny just wanted his legs back and gyro wants 50 million dollars so Gyro seriously did not need the corpse and jhonny wanted it for a very selfish reason.Funny Valentine wanted it for his country and he got what he wanted with dio being able to put the corpse in a safe place before dying for no reason.

    • @mskiarma2u1
      @mskiarma2u1 5 лет назад +11

      @Bumblebee gamer202 freind

  • @idodamari9118
    @idodamari9118 5 лет назад +1411

    I like the fact that he turned extremely hot when his stand is revealed

    • @katkrasher
      @katkrasher 5 лет назад +159

      ido damari I know like did he switch himself for a valentine from another world who was more attractive

    • @geicogecko7303
      @geicogecko7303 5 лет назад +30

      Cream Starter’s flesh came from Valentine

    • @stanfordoquinn9551
      @stanfordoquinn9551 5 лет назад +6

      Katkrasherpb he actually did something like that

    • @chokovok7231
      @chokovok7231 4 года назад +54

      SKELLY_menace 44 no. Araki has literally stated it’s just an artstyle change

    • @delighyt
      @delighyt 4 года назад +26

      he was a fatass then became a hot model

  • @boisvert45
    @boisvert45 5 лет назад +1834

    Funny how the area 51 raid is on funny valentine's birthday

    • @pbrn2533
      @pbrn2533 5 лет назад +240

      That means we'll find the corpse parts there.

    • @sanpurutekisuto6709
      @sanpurutekisuto6709 5 лет назад +112

      @@pbrn2533 we will make America lucky again

    • @Sinstarclair
      @Sinstarclair 5 лет назад +9

      Funny Funny Valentine

    • @SomePotatoMan
      @SomePotatoMan 4 года назад +5

      Mr.LegendsXD Posting Funnier Valentine

    • @arcynixz
      @arcynixz 4 года назад +8

      are u telling me one of my best friends has the same birthday as funny valentine??

  • @Lem1697
    @Lem1697 4 года назад +78

    Araki really did write the greatest deuteragonist AND the antagonist in the same story like it was nothing

    • @hindubanodhruvnahi779
      @hindubanodhruvnahi779 4 месяца назад +3

      Well Johnny was also the greatest protagonist of jojo at that time too
      Just 1 part later gappy came and stole that spot

  • @KeejTV
    @KeejTV 6 лет назад +1860

    Uploaded on the 4th of July?

    • @omdano6432
      @omdano6432 5 лет назад +2

      1k likes and no comments

    • @omdano6432
      @omdano6432 5 лет назад +11

      Sounds. Like something funny valentine might say

    • @aidenmcdaniel4641
      @aidenmcdaniel4641 5 лет назад

      A man of culture

    • @javiernegron2633
      @javiernegron2633 5 лет назад +5

      The first time I saw the stars and stripes... how do I say this... I got a BONER

  • @liamkade896
    @liamkade896 5 лет назад +2067

    Funny Valentine: is 23rd president
    Benjamin Harrison: Am i a joke to you?

    • @ayami123
      @ayami123 5 лет назад +169


    • @uvebun1301
      @uvebun1301 5 лет назад +99

      uh who?

    • @elijohansen6651
      @elijohansen6651 5 лет назад +24

      Pretty much...

    • @theok391
      @theok391 5 лет назад +33

      Benjamin Valentine*

    • @teodormorosan4657
      @teodormorosan4657 5 лет назад +78

      For all those saying "who?", Benjamin Harrison is the 23rd president of USA in real life.

  • @grayanderson2761
    @grayanderson2761 5 лет назад +8392

    Funny Valentine: I must obtain the corpse parts in order to insure that my country can prosper! I'll die as many times as I have to to achieve this goal!
    Johnny: i just want legs, man
    Edit: How was *this* comment the winner? It has more likes than Xforts own comment! Thanks :D

    • @tseliius
      @tseliius 5 лет назад +391

      thezombie baron
      Yep, that’s basically the two in a nutshell.

    • @mat8791
      @mat8791 5 лет назад +181

      @@gork4035 Well it makes him Float a little but i wouldn't say walk and even the super spin, spins his whole body not his legs making him Fly impossible.
      Even gyro says that he can't fix his paraplegic problem even with all his spin knowledge.

    • @myassispixelated4942
      @myassispixelated4942 5 лет назад +36

      @@mat8791 explain him walking in the Diego fight and part 8

    • @meltedbutters9821
      @meltedbutters9821 5 лет назад +56

      @@myassispixelated4942 because he can walk again, not due to the spin

    • @mistamemewide
      @mistamemewide 5 лет назад +95

      Johnny: “Just let me get my legs back.”
      Valentine: “No.”
      Johnny: “Please?”

  • @bb-ms2ln
    @bb-ms2ln 3 года назад +72

    Love steel ball run, especially the napkin philosophy, how actions have influence and will reinforce themselves upon others.
    From the way Valentine's father decision shape Happy Valentine, Gyro and Johnny influence each other, to how readers perspectives change by taking the character philosophy into themself.

    • @Cherry_cola4
      @Cherry_cola4 2 года назад +4

      SBR is undeniably the best Jojo part

    • @cobiguy
      @cobiguy Год назад +3

      ⁠it’s the best and it’s not even close imo

  • @deniss7839
    @deniss7839 5 лет назад +3880

    Funny Valentine: I must collect all of the corpse parts of the holy saint so I can keep my country in a well state as a president!
    Yoshikage Kira: hand

    • @littlewolfyzapling8810
      @littlewolfyzapling8810 4 года назад +68

      H a n d

    • @LethalMonarch
      @LethalMonarch 4 года назад +205

      Kira and okuyasu need to switch stands

    • @Mexnoodles
      @Mexnoodles 4 года назад +105

      @@LethalMonarch nah m8, okuyasu migth blow up his house or something

    • @oki5297
      @oki5297 4 года назад +81

      @@LethalMonarch that would be worse for okuyasu lmao

    • @PearoIGuess
      @PearoIGuess 4 года назад +125


  • @dyllanchandler3335
    @dyllanchandler3335 5 лет назад +3835

    “Valentine did nothing wrong”
    3 mins later:
    *he forced himself on a 15 year old girl*

    • @Legenda1rygamer
      @Legenda1rygamer 5 лет назад +192

      She looked like his wife

    • @tghilkrad8012
      @tghilkrad8012 5 лет назад +447

      Legendmilkgamer She disguised herself as his wife of whom died because of her. Kinda her fault. She had it coming. Karma is a bitch. Valentine really did nothing wrong.

    • @bendybarra
      @bendybarra 5 лет назад +355

      Lord Darklight after it was revealed to be lucy he still tried

    • @demontiming3234
      @demontiming3234 5 лет назад +89

      Aye it was legal back then so he can't be judged for that

    • @davidtrainor9569
      @davidtrainor9569 5 лет назад +279

      @@reinwise7017 but she didn't consent

  • @d4clovetrain114
    @d4clovetrain114 4 года назад +4412

    He’s a pretty nice Stand Master too. Good hours and 2 days off a week.

  • @BedPotato786
    @BedPotato786 3 года назад +119

    Valentine is that character that makes you want to think long and hard about an alternate universe where these powers actually exist...

  • @ammarnk9260
    @ammarnk9260 4 года назад +3026

    "Forcing himself on a 15 yrs old"
    Typical American politician lol

  • @TenshoWasHere
    @TenshoWasHere 4 года назад +3835

    Ah yes, my favorite Stand User:
    Comedic February, and his stand
    *M o n e y 4 B a d*

  • @formerctgovernordannelmall1452
    @formerctgovernordannelmall1452 6 лет назад +2550

    I love how Araki low key uses one of the most ridiculous parts of the mythology of Mormonism in SBR, that being that Jesus Christ travelled to America

    • @eVill420
      @eVill420 5 лет назад +62

      but jesus was supposed to live in the old world, no wonder mormons are so annoying

    • @easportsitsinthegame378
      @easportsitsinthegame378 5 лет назад +32

      Wait I’m a Mormon I didn’t know that

    • @ephex3094
      @ephex3094 5 лет назад +4

      This comment has 666 likes rn

    • @spurka8837
      @spurka8837 5 лет назад +21

      wrong, we don't think tha jesus travelled to america, he appeared there after being resurrected to meet and teach them

    • @spurka8837
      @spurka8837 5 лет назад +5

      i know people usually get wrong our beliefs, but man, how you got that?

  • @donpan1843
    @donpan1843 4 года назад +15

    6:45 I think that the part of "dirt cheap" is more beacuse the acts of funny valentine (such as corruption, killing, etc...)for him, is a small price to pay in comparison of the achievement of his goal

  • @Gadlight
    @Gadlight 6 лет назад +708

    Part 7 and 8 gray morality is what makes them really interesting.

    • @luisenrique7240
      @luisenrique7240 5 лет назад +17

      Although I would love that Jojolion could have a Antagonist already :’(

    • @richardw2801
      @richardw2801 5 лет назад +4

      @@luisenrique7240 Right????

    • @crystalalumina
      @crystalalumina 5 лет назад +3

      @@luisenrique7240 Jobin Higashikata isn't the antagonist?

    • @luisenrique7240
      @luisenrique7240 5 лет назад +2

      Jean Claude Van Dame
      Eeeeeeeeem it’s complicated

    • @makzionut7096
      @makzionut7096 5 лет назад +7

      @@luisenrique7240 bUt mAIn AnTaGonIstS eVentUallY gEt BORinG

  • @basiosrasian225
    @basiosrasian225 6 лет назад +2078

    But he did the one of most unforgivable thing he killed Gyro.

    • @darthxlev6028
      @darthxlev6028 5 лет назад +189

      *The most

    • @naughtiousmaximus7853
      @naughtiousmaximus7853 5 лет назад +358

      @@IFuckingLoveFrenchToast I mean if a character has Zeppeli as his surname you can sort of expect what happens to them..

    • @gabrielsebastianelhagezote1486
      @gabrielsebastianelhagezote1486 5 лет назад +116

      @@IFuckingLoveFrenchToast ok, just.
      man you know you deserve to get spoiled, I mean wtf are you doing in this video if you haven't finished SBR?

    • @mrcatz4311
      @mrcatz4311 5 лет назад +25

      @@IFuckingLoveFrenchToast u are the one who watched the vid....what did u expect if u didnt finish SBR

    • @nillynush4899
      @nillynush4899 5 лет назад +10

      population of America's future's being free of hardship > gyro's life. Valentine did nothing wrong.

  • @JustinY.
    @JustinY. 6 лет назад +3334

    I would agree with that sentiment...
    But I refuse

  • @AffyMoon
    @AffyMoon 4 года назад +60

    While I still have Kira as my favourite villain, Valentine's my second favourite and you described why really well. Only thing I disagree with is "he didn't do anything wrong"(even though there are already thousands of people arguing about that). Valentine was evil, he knew that part of what he was doing was evil, and he has reasons to believe that his cause is good. It doesn't make him good. After all, all evil people believe they're at least half right, now I understand that wars were large back then, with Valentine having trauma from his dad's war accounts and his own experience in the civil war and WW1 being right around the corner he would be worried. But simply saying "For America" to the harm(both mental and physical) of millions of innocents(both by love train, Valentine himself, side effects from the Steel Ball run;etc) is not entirely ethical for a country that was already in good shape.

  • @kakarottokakashi2060
    @kakarottokakashi2060 4 года назад +1757

    Part 1: Narcissistic Blonde Vampire
    Part 2: ancient being
    Part 3: Casanova Vampire
    Part 4: Peace seeker hand fetishist
    Part 5: Mafia Lord suffering from split personality Disorder
    Part 6: Ghae Priest
    Part 7: Patriotic President
    Part 8: U needun to knoun

  • @RipRoxas
    @RipRoxas 6 лет назад +784

    Mista doesn't celebrate Independence day...

    • @4pplypr3ssure
      @4pplypr3ssure 6 лет назад +96

      He's Italian lol

    • @PrismaAlice
      @PrismaAlice 6 лет назад +87

      Zolag it’s cause it’s the 4th of July and he hates 4 but that too

    • @Error0101
      @Error0101 6 лет назад +19

      Did you know that he's Italian?

    • @peeekaajoestar2376
      @peeekaajoestar2376 6 лет назад +9

      Well he only celebrates Italian reunification

    • @heracronite8181
      @heracronite8181 5 лет назад +16

      Dam he must’ve hated April 4th 2004

  • @theresastarmanwaitinginthe5149
    @theresastarmanwaitinginthe5149 6 лет назад +1705

    Napkin symbolism.

    • @dioblanco887
      @dioblanco887 6 лет назад +24

      leave me alone :(

    • @dioblanco887
      @dioblanco887 6 лет назад +4

      og dragonball krillin probs couldn't but saiyan saga krillin definitely can

    • @guts145
      @guts145 6 лет назад +4

      Stands which would be obliged to punch him to win couldn't, but the ones with powers like D4C could beat any DB characters

    • @niceguy9958
      @niceguy9958 6 лет назад

      way to get baited, although he's not wrong

    • @niceguy9958
      @niceguy9958 6 лет назад

      +ILyk2Sip you have to be stupid or trolling lol

  • @randomuchiha6126
    @randomuchiha6126 3 года назад +336

    "The cause doesn't justify the means" is a very important quote in life to help us distinguish villains from heroes and it summerises why funny valentine is and always will be considered a villain.
    To consider him a hero would be like considering Hitler one just because he thinks he is doing what he is doing for his county or considering robbers and assassins heroes and doing nothing wrong because they are going to use that money to help someone. Or considering relegious fanatics right to murder people because it is some noble cause to purify the earth.
    If we look at valantine do from a bigger enough perspective he is selfish. Because selflessness would suggest sacrificing YOURSELF for others. Valantine isn't sacrificing himself he is sacrificing OTHERS for his people. Just like a dictator stealing money from his country to benefit his family. In both these cases someone hurt a large percentage of people to benefit a small group of people. I am pretty sure if valantine was not American this image of him would have been clearer
    Edit : there is a quote from empirio in part 6 which says something along the lines of "the worst type of evil is the evil who believes he is doing the right thing" that is how all villains nowadays are represented. Great motivation but terrible actions and if we ever live in a world that thinks that his cause gives him some right to do all terrible stuff to others just to satisfy the needs his specific minority (group). That world would be a hell

    • @GenuinelyphasingZoned
      @GenuinelyphasingZoned 3 года назад +20

      logical choice vs moral choice empirio's quote

    • @davidthegreat
      @davidthegreat 3 года назад +11

      That was actually Weather's quote but yeah it still stands

    • @shivill2236
      @shivill2236 2 года назад +25

      Small correction: He does sacrifice himself as he has died so many times for his cause. While D4C does bring another Valentine from another universe people forget that there are differences between each Valentines and that while they're the same person they're the not identical so when one dies they're dead forever with a different Valentine taking over.
      Edit: Damn typo.

    • @Akiraspin
      @Akiraspin 2 года назад

      Not even close. Hitlers actions are evil as is his goal. He wanted to genocide an entire race of innocent people because he scapegoated them, and tried to forcibly take over the world and remake it in his image all while creating a cult that literally worshipped him... Objectively evil shit.
      Funny Valentine literally just wants the citizens of his country to live peaceful, happy, and fulfilling lives. He's just willing to do heinous things if anyone gets in the way of that.
      He doesn't even give a shit about other countries, they can do whatever they want.

    • @sealthrux
      @sealthrux 2 года назад +5

      but it DOES. In real life we constantly use it.

  • @Cithara
    @Cithara 5 лет назад +823

    the fact he didn’t mention his “dojyaaaaannnn” in this video makes me upset

    • @jotarojoestar514
      @jotarojoestar514 5 лет назад +37

      Derti Didzu Dan Darto Chipu

    • @justaperson3706
      @justaperson3706 4 года назад +18

      @@jotarojoestar514 it is not your universe, what are you doing here?

    • @jotarojoestar514
      @jotarojoestar514 4 года назад +14

      @@justaperson3706 D4C Bought me here

    • @justaperson3706
      @justaperson3706 4 года назад +7

      @@jotarojoestar514 go back then, your daughter will miss you a lot

    • @jotarojoestar514
      @jotarojoestar514 4 года назад +6

      @@justaperson3706 i dont have a daughter?

  • @olly_lmao
    @olly_lmao 4 года назад +592

    Funny Valentine's localisation name is probably Hilarious Lover.

    • @musardus8395
      @musardus8395 4 года назад +60

      I know you are making a joke, but someone has to be that guy. The song My Funny Valentine is public domain so there will be no localization name.

    • @lucineidecarvalhodeoliveir5566
      @lucineidecarvalhodeoliveir5566 4 года назад +52

      More like, "Laughing February".

    • @stickanimator8209
      @stickanimator8209 4 года назад +7

      @@musardus8395 ok good lol

    • @3xittt
      @3xittt 4 года назад +3

      He doesn’t have one

    • @swagzilla4119
      @swagzilla4119 4 года назад +18

      More like "Lol Cupid

  • @adachi535
    @adachi535 6 лет назад +919

    All jojo villains, are unique in their own way.

    • @strawberrysoda7114
      @strawberrysoda7114 6 лет назад +27


    • @zesork5627
      @zesork5627 6 лет назад +49

      Part 3 Dio is great man

    • @kingkay14
      @kingkay14 6 лет назад +30

      Except for Pucci his goal was fueled by another man’s blind hate towards a family who opened their home to him. I like DIO due to his charismatic nature, Araki showed that no mattter who the person was(man, woman, ancient Egyptian Deity etc) they will fall to his knees. They feared him without even seeing the true nature of his stand or physical prowess. Pucci fell for everything DIO told him and even after DIO was defeated by Jotaro he still continued to pursue the goal of heaven.

    • @moonligjt5870
      @moonligjt5870 6 лет назад +66

      kingkay14 that still makes him unique. Name another jojo main antagonist who lived for someone else even after their death.

    • @lam2142
      @lam2142 6 лет назад


  • @zionzar7899
    @zionzar7899 3 года назад +33

    Can’t wait till this gets animated

    • @kassidyryzer2909
      @kassidyryzer2909 3 года назад +3

      We'll all be like 200 by time it finishes airing 😂

    • @bstaxxalot
      @bstaxxalot 3 года назад +3

      @@kassidyryzer2909 😭 but in all realness going by recent stuff like golden wind premiering in 2018 and ending like a year ago and now stone ocean premiering in 2021 I’d say steel ball rn would premiere maybe 2024-2025 if we going by recent adaptations

  • @HermesVA0823
    @HermesVA0823 5 лет назад +425

    That Napkin thing always intrigued me, i actually tested it when i was in italy, i took one first and everyone else picked the same one, but i wanted to see the opisite thing, so the next time we went to dinner everyone picked the "Left" napkin and it was strange cause i actually had to force my mind to pick the "right" napkin, it was a weird feeling

    • @kkimda5781
      @kkimda5781 4 года назад +9


    • @rakakujo_ak1089
      @rakakujo_ak1089 4 года назад +39

      Maybe because the napkin thing has already been established before, so everyone else already adapt to that tradition. From what I understand napkin theory only applied when the tradition was never there to begin with.

    • @ilchsm6330
      @ilchsm6330 4 года назад +10

      This is an obvious lie tho. The point of the napkins is that if someone takes the one on their left there is no longer one on your right. So if you take the left everyone else is forced to take their left cause their right is gone and it just goes like that.

    • @richardlionerheart1945
      @richardlionerheart1945 4 года назад +34

      @@ilchsm6330 take all the napkins no one else deserves the napkins they are weak

    • @yb801
      @yb801 3 года назад +2

      Just put the napkin in front of everyone instead of the left or the right, problem solved, many Asian countries do this.

  • @demoriginal
    @demoriginal 5 лет назад +821

    I like him cuz in eyes he was the only antagonist who was against heaven ascended dio

  • @roofs817
    @roofs817 3 года назад +113

    I like that nobody talks about that the whip that gave him the scars must have been shaped like an American flag

  • @qwer31asd26
    @qwer31asd26 4 года назад +859

    "Why funny valentine is the best villain in jojo"
    the reason: *DOJYAAAAAAAAAAN*

  • @gungy_vt
    @gungy_vt 6 лет назад +844

    8:52 "We're supposed to be rooting for Johnny Joestar"
    Are we? I thought we were supposed to be rooting for Gyro?

    • @bluerath
      @bluerath 6 лет назад +97

      honestly towards the end there Johnny keeps shooting at the shimmer despite seeing that it just deflects and hits innocent people, it isn't a leap of logic to say Johnny spends the seconds to last arc of part 7 killing innocent people.

    • @luisenrique7240
      @luisenrique7240 5 лет назад +10

      I had the same feeling in Vento Aureo with Buccierati and Giorno haha

    • @killexfid219
      @killexfid219 5 лет назад +30

      And to think Johnny is supposed to be the recreation of Johnathan...

    • @knightofberenike9633
      @knightofberenike9633 5 лет назад +66

      Gungywimp Screw that, I’m cheering for Wekapipo.

    • @roojackaroo8517
      @roojackaroo8517 5 лет назад +54

      knew boo, how can you get his so wrong? It's pretty obvious that he was attempting to obtain the power of the infinite spin, but failing each and every shot, until the last one

  • @yuul4k
    @yuul4k 4 года назад +5145

    Funny Valentine: *Literally has done every wrong act possible*
    Community: *”Funny Valentine is the real hero because he wants to bring succes to america”*

    • @scooble_
      @scooble_ 4 года назад +502

      We don’t talk about... Literally everything he’s done...

    • @bluekawashima-9012
      @bluekawashima-9012 4 года назад +248

      He's the only decent villain out of the rest

    • @CrimesForDimes
      @CrimesForDimes 4 года назад +184

      Compared him to the rest of the villains and you'll see why

    • @superfox7274
      @superfox7274 4 года назад +373

      Part 1:a vampire who kills coz why not?
      Part 2:some guy who isn't a human who wants to be the ultimate life form
      Part 3: same as part 1 but with a stand
      Part 4:some guy with a hand fetish
      Part 5: **MAFIA**
      part 6: the boyfriend of the part 1 villian but he wants to have a perfect universe withouth suffering
      Part 7: i dunno anithing about this one
      Part 8: * doesn't has a villain *

    • @superfox7274
      @superfox7274 4 года назад +9

      @@cibo889 thanks

  • @themangaculture
    @themangaculture 8 месяцев назад +14

    Just gonna point it out - why is every Jojo villain so damn cool and well written? Dio, Kars, Kira, Diavolo, Pucci, Funny Valentine, Tooru

    • @BIGSHOT__
      @BIGSHOT__ 3 месяца назад

      Tooru didnt got a lot of writing but samely yea he is great

  • @Pegyson
    @Pegyson 5 лет назад +1435

    Valentine: *kills someone
    Americans: oh no, he did a bad
    Valentine: *has an American flag
    Americans: no wait, he's good

  • @punisheddante5879
    @punisheddante5879 5 лет назад +743

    Japanese have the best American politicians, just look at funny valentine, Senator Armstrong, and the President from MWC

    • @thegreatkingdedede7391
      @thegreatkingdedede7391 5 лет назад +117


    • @exzyyd392
      @exzyyd392 5 лет назад +76

      @@thegreatkingdedede7391 You can't take a napkin without making a mess and I'm taking the mother of all napkins Johnny!

    • @solarsilencer6403
      @solarsilencer6403 5 лет назад +7

      Mike Haggar from Final Fight

    • @adarshsridhar6051
      @adarshsridhar6051 5 лет назад +22

      The first black mayor of Georgia: SMOKEY

    • @shastealyomeal
      @shastealyomeal 5 лет назад +5

      What's MWC

  • @dumpsterfire6992
    @dumpsterfire6992 4 года назад +3006

    Valentine: No! You can't destroy love train!
    Johnny: My name is Johnny Joestar,you killed my boyfriend,prepare to die

    • @Lorde33
      @Lorde33 4 года назад +184

      I will steal your Chi Mi-Meme!

    • @Maritsun
      @Maritsun 4 года назад +38

      @@Lorde33 more like chi- meme

    • @ronandoogan8977
      @ronandoogan8977 4 года назад +66

      MIKAYLO ANDZA that’s just the joke he made but worse.

    • @Lorde33
      @Lorde33 4 года назад +9

      @@ronandoogan8977 lmao

    • @greenvibe3682
      @greenvibe3682 4 года назад +16

      @@Maritsun bro it's chi mi meme, the way you pronounce meme is not me me lmao

  • @novadante1975
    @novadante1975 4 года назад +97

    that one train engineer: well yes but actually no

    • @dmitrykulak35
      @dmitrykulak35 2 года назад +3

      That man was basically deemed to die simply because Valentine decided so. And there are still people who think he isn't villain.

    • @ForestWizardLookingForPotion
      @ForestWizardLookingForPotion Год назад +7

      not to mention lucy. TWICE BTW

    • @MrFish-ko7vi
      @MrFish-ko7vi 10 месяцев назад +1

      if he managed to get the corpse part in the vault he would've left the world a luckless cesspool because there is a set amount of luck in jojo plus America is a big country thats alot of misfortune to redirect

  • @onlycoIlect
    @onlycoIlect 6 лет назад +394

    Happy big america jesus corpse spinny ripple cripple spaghetti western italiano man spinner day

  • @MercurialSpider
    @MercurialSpider 5 лет назад +393

    Ya know the entire conflict of SBR could've been avoided if Funny just recruited Johnny and Gyro early on.

    • @afii
      @afii 4 года назад +59

      ngl that statement make me realized that phantom blood wont happen if the joestar have a good carriage’s driver

    • @tokuknight64
      @tokuknight64 4 года назад +8

      MonoChromaTics All of JoJo probably wouldn’t have happened. Well, maybe something would’ve come up eventually with Dio, but still.

    • @Flvoq
      @Flvoq 4 года назад

      @demonslayer2005 :D dio probably would've become heaven ascended if he became a stand user and figured out how to achieve it. So no?

  • @jiovek
    @jiovek 4 года назад +1362

    Funny Valentine did nothing wrong
    Lucy: “hold my non-alcoholic beer”

    • @johnnyjoestar1909
      @johnnyjoestar1909 4 года назад +62

      Remember alcohol (and drùgs) was/were legal (and used in/as medicine) for children back then

    • @moderncrusader1150
      @moderncrusader1150 4 года назад +108

      I feel sad for Lucy because of her past but I feel even sadder knowing that someone out there is lewding Lucy

    • @moderncrusader1150
      @moderncrusader1150 4 года назад +46

      @@johnnyjoestar1909 Giorno Giovanna and the Bucci gang wants to know your location

    • @jiovek
      @jiovek 4 года назад +92

      @@moderncrusader1150 right she was only 14 yet she went through so much, she should’ve been able to enjoy her childhood ://

    • @kieranlowery5750
      @kieranlowery5750 4 года назад +86

      @@jiovek she experienced something a child should never experience.. im just glad stepehen isnt a pervert and actually cares about her

  • @lukebr3202
    @lukebr3202 3 года назад +19

    i think that at the end when valentine breaks his vow and attempts to kill johnny, that is the proof that he is actually selfish and only seeks power, although he loes to himself about it

  • @garbotoxins840
    @garbotoxins840 6 лет назад +576

    I do think Funny is the best villain in jojo, but his goal still means dispensing all misfortune to people not in the united states. He's a political leader that doesn't care how many people he kills outside of his country, Gyro refused to use the corpse to dispense his wounds because sees how that's a horrible action to do.

    • @gladiusdeux7040
      @gladiusdeux7040 6 лет назад +56

      Garbodor Appologist Pretty much it. That's not the "greater good", it's just harming some people to save other, while keeping the total number still. While understandable, I wouldn't call it " right", to, for example, murder another family so yours can live on, which is pretty similar to what Funny was doing

    • @Przemko27Z
      @Przemko27Z 6 лет назад +30

      Gladius Deux And mind you, another family that probably didn't do anything bad to you personally.

    • @gladiusdeux7040
      @gladiusdeux7040 6 лет назад +10

      Burning Blitz It could not, since the total amount of suffering is the same. So, if there were no others to redirect the pain, the holy corpse would stop working, or perhaps it would limit his range to only a city or something like that

    • @nephritee
      @nephritee 6 лет назад +3

      exactly, if you are the one fated to be harmed it’s completely immoral to push that on someone else

    • @zackwyvern2582
      @zackwyvern2582 6 лет назад +6

      We'd need to include the entire world into America for Valentine to be morally good. Why can't patriotism be for your planet?

  • @0896007996
    @0896007996 6 лет назад +376

    Next up is “why hot pants is the best girl”

  • @pocketxyco2317
    @pocketxyco2317 6 лет назад +902

    Funny Valintime for President 2020

  • @villerintanthillith1762
    @villerintanthillith1762 3 года назад +194

    "Well, actually Valentine is good because he wants to bring prosperity to the US".
    The rest of the world:

    • @dwaynethewokjohnson6646
      @dwaynethewokjohnson6646 3 года назад +9

      Fr Obama bombed Yemenis doesn’t mean that mf is right

    • @sexoffenderpat7426
      @sexoffenderpat7426 3 года назад +1

      Fuck the rest of the world

    • @jesusllanas9318
      @jesusllanas9318 3 года назад +2

      @@dwaynethewokjohnson6646 according to the left Obama did nothing wrong

    • @dwaynethewokjohnson6646
      @dwaynethewokjohnson6646 3 года назад +1

      @@jesusllanas9318 man shut up with the left and shit

    • @jesusllanas9318
      @jesusllanas9318 3 года назад +3

      @@dwaynethewokjohnson6646 nahhh fam I didn’t even like trump but the media kept on going after him him and Obama did do a lot of fucked up shit that people gloss over so ima keep at it sainted it triggers you

  • @JayOrs
    @JayOrs 4 года назад +811

    I mean, we can pretend Valentine is a paragon of virtue that follows his code of honor, but on top of attempting to rape Lucy, he also tried to shoot Johnny after swearing on his father's handkerchief that he wouldn't.

    • @Krugster
      @Krugster 4 года назад +53

      Lucy disguised as Scarlet and she also murdered Scarlet.
      All for 'Murica.

    • @divineshinobi1791
      @divineshinobi1791 4 года назад +173

      @@Krugster He literally says he doesn't care about Scarlet's death and he found out. Reread the chapter

    • @ryu246
      @ryu246 4 года назад +45

      both Scarlet and Valentine were horrible to Lucy, not mentioning his FV's other things.. the thing, which made me so upset was the gun scene.. but however, i admire his ambition and his father is a great guy, it made me tear up, ngl

    • @karentorres9158
      @karentorres9158 4 года назад +15

      Lucy is an impostor that time, but still, Funny didn't care who the impostor was. But when he found out that it was Lucy, his motives changed and instead of impregnating her, he follow her because he knew that Gyro gave the eye of the corpes to her.

    • @aysegulveli795
      @aysegulveli795 4 года назад +9

      When he realized she was not his wife he said he liked her and continued BUT LUCY FREAKED OUT AND HER SKIN STUFF ALL GOT OVER VALENTINE and Valentine was like oh shi- YOU ARE THAT OLD DUDE'S WIFE WTF im sure in that moment he realized he fucked up even more... cuz its not a random women... its a young girl--- i just wanna imagine him getting away from her after he realized it was Lucy if he didnt got..... stabed.

  • @elliotglaser1718
    @elliotglaser1718 5 лет назад +365

    Is no one going to talk about him getting skinny randomly?

    • @sayanchakrabortyii9409
      @sayanchakrabortyii9409 5 лет назад +38

      Araki artstyle changed

    • @stepladder3257
      @stepladder3257 5 лет назад +43

      @@sayanchakrabortyii9409 i tought he worked out

    • @kappaspinning4832
      @kappaspinning4832 4 года назад +49

      They are different versions of valentine, from different parallel worlds.

    • @FatSalamander
      @FatSalamander 4 года назад +29

      Nah araki stated in an interview that his appearance changed due to the art style evolving

    • @DZMoops
      @DZMoops 4 года назад +23

      Araki forgot how to draw Valentine

  • @joshuamanjarrez6321
    @joshuamanjarrez6321 6 лет назад +139

    *That's So Valentine*
    Wednesdays at 10/9c only on Disney Channel.

  • @starside5990
    @starside5990 3 года назад +1

    gotta love your music selections for this video, they're all sick!

  • @rasati
    @rasati 4 года назад +60

    0:25 daaty deedsu dun daato cheep

  • @نونيم-ي4ح
    @نونيم-ي4ح 6 лет назад +140

    The characters in this part in general are so well written imo gyro/johnny are the best duo of all time

    • @Morshu_DarkSouls
      @Morshu_DarkSouls 6 лет назад

      I never cared about either of them. With Johnny I couldn't have cared less about his goal of being able to walk again. And when I saw Gyro was a Zeppeli I immediately stopped caring because I knew he was going to die. Also his jokes weren't funny, and they weren't even so bad they were funny, they were just a waste of time.

    • @jonathanleon4966
      @jonathanleon4966 6 лет назад +11

      Leevi Piittala in my opinion gryo had only one good joke but what makes the rest of gryos jokes good are just Johnny's reaction to them

    • @shrunker684
      @shrunker684 6 лет назад +7

      Leevi Piittala gyro's joke was made cringe and not funny on purpose, it just for johnny reaction to be more interesting

    • @noctisluciscaelum211
      @noctisluciscaelum211 6 лет назад

      True out of the two Gyro was my favourite Johnny was okay but he was no Jonathan, Jotaro, Joesph or Josuke but he was unique.

  • @reinerbraun9103
    @reinerbraun9103 4 года назад +1276

    “Funny Valentine did nothing wrong “
    *Commits murder , rape, and everything else that’s bad*
    Edit: Jesus Christ this comment section is turning into a heated discussion. It was a joke guys

    • @blyzer7373
      @blyzer7373 4 года назад +187

      Classic Americans

    • @IndigoGrey
      @IndigoGrey 4 года назад +171

      @@blyzer7373 The fact that some people actually think that Valentine is a good or decent person just shows how well-received fascism is in America... god I hate this country.

    • @longinus6182
      @longinus6182 4 года назад +26

      Valentine us a crazy old bastard nut even if i don't care about countries and I am not American i respect him to his loyalty I don't love him but he deserves respect

    • @blyzer7373
      @blyzer7373 4 года назад +46

      @@longinus6182 He is a sadistic murderer. He deserves nothing but the worst

    • @neo8039
      @neo8039 4 года назад +89

      @@blyzer7373 Oh but is dio better off? bitch he wanted to destroy humanity cuz his daddy told him to get a fortune

  • @tysondennis1016
    @tysondennis1016 Год назад +8

    The good deeds and public face of Valentine are put front and center, while his misdeeds are shoved to the side. The way the manga panels are arranged adds to his hypnotic charisma.

  • @Lean_1738
    @Lean_1738 5 лет назад +426

    Finally: 「Reasonable acts done for an expensive price」

    • @dominickglen8338
      @dominickglen8338 4 года назад +9

      Past me you disappoint me

    • @anartist5935
      @anartist5935 4 года назад +20

      Unclean Exploits For Accessible Values

    • @dominickglen8338
      @dominickglen8338 4 года назад +3

      @@anartist5935 Dirty deeds DONE DIRT CHEAP;]

    • @anartist5935
      @anartist5935 4 года назад +5

      @@dominickglen8338 Are there any other bizarre localised names? I only remember D4C's and Notorious B.I.G that became Notorious Chase

    • @dominickglen8338
      @dominickglen8338 4 года назад

      @@anartist5935 yeah their is alot just look it up some guy did a video on all names changed it great

  • @donutguy9228
    @donutguy9228 6 лет назад +99

    Funny valentine is my favorite “villain” because we have the same birthday and he has my favorite stand

    • @incription
      @incription 5 лет назад

      filthy acts done at a reasonable price?

  • @Bowassun
    @Bowassun 6 лет назад +192


  • @leonartha03
    @leonartha03 2 года назад +10

    Valentine is so great, he nearly convinced Johnny to join his side

  • @blackhogarth4049
    @blackhogarth4049 6 лет назад +134

    Wow. Such incredible writing. Araki is a master of his craft.

    • @xForts
      @xForts  6 лет назад +10


    • @tweetug3697
      @tweetug3697 6 лет назад +14

      Part 7 is really where Araki's writing coukd improve thanks to monthly schedules instead of weekly.

  • @hypenoir6982
    @hypenoir6982 4 года назад +1081

    I think we moved on from the “forcing himself upon a 15 year old” thing a bit too fast...

    • @Riyahaep
      @Riyahaep 4 года назад +26


    • @quillon8984
      @quillon8984 4 года назад +34

      America is everything he cares about

    • @KinkyDiamond
      @KinkyDiamond 4 года назад +37


    • @KinkyDiamond
      @KinkyDiamond 4 года назад +48

      @A Random Dude he still found out it was her

    • @KinkyDiamond
      @KinkyDiamond 4 года назад +15

      @A Random Dude what do you mean

  • @user-wu1zj9ko5t
    @user-wu1zj9ko5t 4 года назад +319

    Look up “23rd president of the us“ and go straight to images.

  • @athenastevens9315
    @athenastevens9315 4 года назад +12

    4:21 protagonist does not mean "good guy". it means the character the story follows. protagonists can be evil or whatever, but most writers jsut don't do it this way. funny valentine is the antagonist because he opposes the guys that the story follows.

  • @KaeganThornhillTheCyberRaven
    @KaeganThornhillTheCyberRaven 5 лет назад +456

    Funny Valentine was a Awesome Character/Villain. But he Wasn't the best President. That title belong to Coco Jumbo. Fact.
    Edit: Only true Jojo fans will agree.

    • @nillynush4899
      @nillynush4899 5 лет назад +15

      in terms of motivations, Valentine has way more to fight for than Johnny. He has an entire country to fight for, Johnny is just trying to walk again after his own arrogance got him crippled.

    • @KaeganThornhillTheCyberRaven
      @KaeganThornhillTheCyberRaven 5 лет назад +40

      True, quite true and I complelty agree....but if you read back what I said -- I did not mention Johnny but the all powerful Coco Jumbo.

    • @MarceloKatayama
      @MarceloKatayama 5 лет назад +1

      Mr preeeeeeeeeeeeesssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeent

    • @tigervalley62
      @tigervalley62 5 лет назад +1

      I get it. However.... Not the funniest thing I ever heard. No hard feelings👍🏼

    • @ukrainiangigachad
      @ukrainiangigachad 5 лет назад +1


  • @bugjams
    @bugjams 5 лет назад +431

    I just noticed...
    Johnny's stand has Valentine's color scheme, and Valentine's stand has Johnny's color scheme.

    • @potassiumtheif5857
      @potassiumtheif5857 5 лет назад +14

      “Noticed” totally not because you saw the top comment and decided to copy it VERY original

    • @bugjams
      @bugjams 5 лет назад +37

      I didnt even look at the comments but when I noticed someone else mentioned that I was like... eeh fuck it, I saw like 3 other people mention it too further down. no point deleting it I guess...

    • @pannacottafugo2311
      @pannacottafugo2311 5 лет назад +13

      @@potassiumtheif5857 bruh u mad

    • @marshscarf7467
      @marshscarf7467 5 лет назад +7

      @@potassiumtheif5857 bruh u mad

    • @potassiumtheif5857
      @potassiumtheif5857 5 лет назад

      Marsh Scarf bruh I mad

  • @Superbacca354
    @Superbacca354 6 лет назад +350

    Huh. What a weird way to spell the Oingo Boingo brothers.

  • @josukeshairr
    @josukeshairr 7 месяцев назад +1

    i love valentines backstory i literally cried over it i dont see ppl talk abt it that much its such a beautiful but depressing back story and its one of the reasons hes my fav sbr characters and one of my fav jojo villains besides dio and pucci

  • @tflees
    @tflees 4 года назад +2022

    Everyone: Funny Valentine is a good guy because he's sacrificing people but he's doing it for his country!
    Me: Getting flashbacks of HitIer killing millions for his country...

  • @capybarafilmstudios1620
    @capybarafilmstudios1620 4 года назад +90

    "funny valentine did nothing wrong" Class, if you'd please turn the page to chapter 60-65 you will see that funny valentine may or may not have done at least one thing wrong.

  • @fuyahanabi1304
    @fuyahanabi1304 6 лет назад +192

    It's a pity that you didn't talk about the final moment of Funny Valentine, that scene where he lied to Johnny in the end and decided to shoot him with the gun instead of keeping the promise.
    Johnny was about to give it up canceling his spin and give Valentine the corpse parts in exchange for Gyro's alternate life, but instead of peacefully walking by, Valentine chose to take the unnecessary securing route by lying which ended up in his death.
    If anything, that scene is the only single moment where Valentine became himself as a human being who trusts no one and will do anything to secure the victory for his personal esteem unrelated to his patriotic goal, and it's such an interesting final moment for a villain and I would love to see your take on reviewing that particular scene.

    • @gabrielcosta2560
      @gabrielcosta2560 6 лет назад +40

      Fuya Hanabi
      I believe that Valentine kept that "pistol from another dimension" in case he could not convince Johnny to stop the infinite spin.
      The reason he had to draw the pistol was Johnny trowning the "original pistol" at him, in order to see if Funny had another one from other dimension (which he had, but did not intended to use, if possible).
      When the "original pistol" got close to Valentine, D4C ability was triggered and the two pistols attracted each other, Valentine tought that Johnny would not trust him If he saw the "pistol from another dimension", so he had to try shooting Johnny with It before It was too late.
      Why do I believe this? Simple, because Valentine is honest and never broke one of his promises (he spared Steven because he told Lucy he would be unharmed).
      Diego the second was a Plan C, if everything went well with Johnny, Funny would simply get rid of him.

    • @fuyahanabi1304
      @fuyahanabi1304 6 лет назад +7

      Gabriel Costa that's a very fair point. You made the best explanation on that scene I have read so far and I really appreciate that. Still I'd say it's not implied that he did not intend to use the pistol anywhere so it could just be a reader's assumption which still makes sense.

    • @heehoo-yf5zc
      @heehoo-yf5zc 6 лет назад +41

      Gabriel Costa But he pretty much flat out _told_ AU Diego that he was planning on offing Johnny. Valentine is not by any means an honest man. Even when he spared Steven, he still clobbered him pretty badly.

    • @jonathanleon4966
      @jonathanleon4966 6 лет назад +20

      In my opinion I loved the final fight between Johnny's and alternate Diego and I also believe that Valentine would have succeed IF HE JUST TRUSTED JOHNNY AMD LEFT HIM ALONE

    • @bungiesblueflames
      @bungiesblueflames 6 лет назад

      Brandon Gray ruclips.net/video/winS9vHLKrA/видео.html

  • @Twenty_Third_Nerd2347
    @Twenty_Third_Nerd2347 11 месяцев назад +5

    What's funny about Funny Valentine is he's the hypernationalist president of the United States of America but his stand is named after an Australian band's song.

  • @sawysauce1256
    @sawysauce1256 6 лет назад +50

    Get out they’re and get that napkin baby!

  • @ReyaitheShadowWolf
    @ReyaitheShadowWolf 6 лет назад +180

    Rather Uncouth Duties Performed At A Fiscally Low Rate of Income

    • @bugjams
      @bugjams 5 лет назад +14

      Morally Questionable Performances Acted Upon For A Trifling Collection of Currency

    • @draingaming4518
      @draingaming4518 5 лет назад +3

      Atrocious acts at affordable prices

    • @michaelseverance8552
      @michaelseverance8552 5 лет назад +2

      Acts of an underhanded manner in exchange for a remarkably moderate collection of currency

    • @whatislife1337
      @whatislife1337 5 лет назад

      Antagonistic actions conducted for attainable amounts of currency

    • @justanothercommenterwithan9089
      @justanothercommenterwithan9089 5 лет назад

      amoral action's at a admirable price

  • @jean-guyduc5692
    @jean-guyduc5692 4 года назад +137

    People before getting a stand: **does normal things like a human does**
    People when they get stands: *Go crazy*

    • @kassidyryzer2909
      @kassidyryzer2909 3 года назад +10

      Except for maybe Kira. Was he not murdering before he got Killer Queen?

    • @manga_accurate_angel
      @manga_accurate_angel 3 года назад +12

      To be fair I would do whatever tf I wanted to as well if I had a stand

    • @MariOmor1
      @MariOmor1 3 года назад +5

      If I got a stand it would work like that one stand in Part 4 which brings paper objects to life, and combined with Bo-Rhap.

  • @7ninekrueg573
    @7ninekrueg573 Месяц назад +1

    Bro imagine being one of the strongest villains in the series and be called 'Silly willy kawaii senpai'

  • @pliniomelo6295
    @pliniomelo6295 6 лет назад +306


  • @JohneAwesome
    @JohneAwesome 6 лет назад +239

    Fantastic video as always man

  • @ladofthedamned7796
    @ladofthedamned7796 4 года назад +87

    God i will literally wait 8 years for the anime. Im so hyped

    • @yakthekuza7296
      @yakthekuza7296 4 года назад +6

      I did the math and it should be ~5 years.

    • @burntnutz69
      @burntnutz69 4 года назад +5

      @@yakthekuza7296 So then Stone Ocean is about 1 year?

    • @yakthekuza7296
      @yakthekuza7296 4 года назад +1

      Big Moist should be late this year

    • @burntnutz69
      @burntnutz69 4 года назад +6

      @@yakthekuza7296 If it does i will literally come back to this comment and congratulate you

    • @underscore2736
      @underscore2736 4 года назад +2

      @@yakthekuza7296 april is going to be the announcement, then we're probably getting the first episode by july, then SO will most likely end by 2022, then after 3 years, in 2025, we'll get the announcement for SBR (If DP wants to do SBR).

  • @andikaprayogi6541
    @andikaprayogi6541 8 месяцев назад +5

    The fact he's not corrupt politician but Patriotic Politicians is very terrifying, he do anything to make his country strongest

  • @sharfufu
    @sharfufu 5 лет назад +1764

    Republicans be like: “omg I love trump”
    Democrats be like: “omg I hate trump”
    But I just wanna collect the corpse parts 😩😩😩😩

    • @liafigueiredo9055
      @liafigueiredo9055 5 лет назад +56

      Democrats AND everyone outside of America.

    • @CookieManFrfr
      @CookieManFrfr 5 лет назад +56

      Lia Figueiredo nah I don’t hate him

    • @pinhedlary4408
      @pinhedlary4408 5 лет назад +23

      I’m a republican and I hate trump, not as bad as Hillary thouh

    • @myassispixelated4942
      @myassispixelated4942 5 лет назад +26

      @@liafigueiredo9055 you've replied in the funny Valentine did nothing comment and now this?
      It seems like you really hate America,or just Donald Trump

    • @mothratheresa8582
      @mothratheresa8582 5 лет назад +12

      @@myassispixelated4942 I believe so as well I was skeptical at first but it seems like they want to spread some anto-american rhetoric or something or ITS AN ENEMY STAND!

  • @amano7093
    @amano7093 4 года назад +21

    0:44 valentine's face is smooth af

  • @13j48
    @13j48 5 лет назад +235

    “Why Funny Valentine is the best JOJO villain”
    Kars: “But I’ve reached perfection”
    Dio: “Wryyyyyyyyyyyy???”
    Diavolo: “unlike my stand, this does not work”

    • @Vertigxre
      @Vertigxre 5 лет назад +17

      Bruh you forgot Kira

    • @13j48
      @13j48 5 лет назад +78

      I left him out cause he wants to be left alone to live his peaceful life with his lover

    • @Vertigxre
      @Vertigxre 5 лет назад +8

      @@13j48 ah yes

    • @Vertigxre
      @Vertigxre 5 лет назад +8

      @@13j48 I forget about that

    • @13j48
      @13j48 5 лет назад +2

      person person true

  • @chrisdrury9348
    @chrisdrury9348 3 года назад +13

    its important to acknowledge (I'm surprised you didn't in this video) that Valentine represents the faults of patriotism in that He is willing to bring good fortune to America at the cost of sending all bad fortune away to other people around the world who are not involved. while he is making America happy he is making the world at large a worse place and I think that's truly what makes him a villain and ultimately i think Araki's conclusion was that no one person or country should be allowed to get all the good fortune to themselves and let the rest of the world suffer the consequences was morally correct.

  • @greenchicken5046
    @greenchicken5046 4 года назад +16

    10:15 ''It is determined by the one who makes his or her own hypothesis first''

  • @kai2082
    @kai2082 6 лет назад +19

    Part 7 all together is IMO Arakis Magnum Opis great protagonists great antagonists,amazing stands,great development,great art. This was araki and his manga team at Peak Performance.

  • @xenovegito1131
    @xenovegito1131 6 лет назад +115

    Yay some xForts content
    For F R E E D O M

    • @hnguyen2641
      @hnguyen2641 6 лет назад

      HyperX Trigger even kira's mest up fetish

    • @Rodan345
      @Rodan345 6 лет назад

      HyperX Trigger Your mom gay

    • @Rodan345
      @Rodan345 6 лет назад

      HyperX Trigger I don't care, if you call me weeb. You probably don't even know what it means. But look at your profile pic and that you are trying to fight with people because of your opinion to a anime. You dumbfuck

  • @Llawliet998
    @Llawliet998 Год назад +2

    Watching this during 4th of July

  • @theftking
    @theftking 4 года назад +182

    I think the thing that proves Valentine's resolve is the fact that whenever he switches with another version of himself (due to injury or whatever), his consciousness/ego doesn't get transferred into the new Valentine. Valentine _dies_ and is replaced by another one who looks and thinks just like him, but is not _him_ . That's badass, being able to sacrifice your ego and consciousness in pursuit of your goal.

    • @unorthodoxpickle7014
      @unorthodoxpickle7014 3 года назад +7

      Valentine is secretly a badass

    • @okendo011
      @okendo011 3 года назад

      But he transfer his consciousness to the new Valentine

    • @unorthodoxpickle7014
      @unorthodoxpickle7014 3 года назад +29

      @@okendo011 he doesn't. he only transfers D4C to the new Valentine.

    • @ashwinp45
      @ashwinp45 3 года назад +15

      @@unorthodoxpickle7014 I think stand is based on his goals and ideals. So when the stand is transferred his ideals are transferred as well

    • @wadishenikusha
      @wadishenikusha 3 года назад +3

      @@ashwinp45 Yes as far as i remember the second a new valentine gets d4c he instantly knows what to do

  • @typewriter5932
    @typewriter5932 4 года назад +44

    The virgin Wry.
    The chad Dojyaaaa~~n

  • @aaronli8843
    @aaronli8843 5 лет назад +103

    Funny Valentine: I must use the corpse parts so my country can prosper!
    Diavolo: oh shit where's the condom
    Pucci: Rock hard for Dio
    Kira: Rock hard for H A N D

  • @Bungholian
    @Bungholian 3 года назад +3

    What a coincidence. Its the fourth of july