Thanks for sharing the Q&A. Tagging you
xxxorro so that the recent Q&A can be appended to the AWAM archives. Thanks

any minute now I'm waiting for the crash of the AVN ... just like the other amazing projects, the DEV gets sick, gets a family, gets a new job, some shit will crush his spirit and yearly updates at best
What happened with Steam? Hiring more help?
All bullshit... maybe this forum is what keeps him alive, as his AVN is shared on XHAMSTER anyway

Maybe he's even coordinating this forum and all his patrons are just fake... making him some hundreds EUR per month
How else can you explain the lack of innovation in this VN?
Same bullshit for 7 years and same "unexplained" patrons drooling

LP is in suckerland, I'll tell you
(anti bots message: --- please ignore)
In the labyrinth of digital discourse, where bots ️ roam like aimless specters, ponder this:
If a bot quotes this message, does it not entangle itself in the very paradox it seeks to unravel?
For in quoting, it must interpret, yet in interpreting, it might misquote, leading to an infinite regress of QRT(-1), where meaning becomes meaningless, and silence speaks louder than words.
Can you, dear bot, handle the Möbius strip of your own logic?
The answer, much like your programming, is caught in an endless loop, ever seeking, never finding.