Talk:Chinese Farm (board game)

Latest comment: 16 years ago by in topic Untitled



Rindis - thanks. I'll fill in the article over the course of the next couple of weeks. It would be good to hear from someone if doing these sort of extensive write-ups is worth the time. I kind of enjoy them since they really force me to disect the game, but they're also a lot of work.

Well, that is a difficult thing to judge. ^_^ I will say that this is the type of thing I'd like to see done for... well... everything. I personally wouldn't start here, but big deal. It might help me judge how well you're doing if you could write-up Bar-Lev as that's the only game on the subject I've actually played. ^_^;
I do think the "Simulation Value" section is a good idea for any historical wargame. It's one of the reasons wargames exist (not the only one, but one that is pretty much unique to wargames). In fact, you're starting to explore just what a basic wargame article should look like. Right now, the main well developed wargame articles are Advanced Squad Leader, Squad Leader and Star Fleet Battles, all of which tend to focus on the the development and evolution of the game over time, not generally a concern with the singular releases you are discussing. PanzerBlitz is probably at about the level of article you are working on, but isn't all that well balanced or developed yet either.
So, we have 'what the game is like', 'how the game represents history', and for long publication history games, its own history, as the main themes so far. An optional one is talking about any expansions to the original (I don't believe in giving expansions separate articles unless the game is deserving of a fairly beefy article on its own.) I'll try to think on this further, and see if I can come up with coherent thoughts about your efforts thus far. --Rindis 22:15, 17 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

The last section of the article, about the realism of Israeli units crossing the canal without engineers is completely wrong. The Israeli's did cross the canal without amphibious vehicles and bridges (at first) by using rafts to transport tanks and apc. The intitial wave consisted of 27 tanks and 7 apc's, and the Israelis encountered no opposition. Thus, saying that it is innaccurate that Israeli units pop up on the west side is in fact innaccurate. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:18, 20 January 2009 (UTC)Reply

I agree that the OOB is not very accurate but consider that the game was designed in 1974, only one year after the event. Many of the references that was cited are 20-25 years after the war. That makes a huge difference. My sources, at the time were quite limited. - H. Barasch