Streaking, Public Dares/Forfeits, ENM

What's your favourite?
One time when I was in college, my friends and I were spending Friday night drinking in someone's dorm room. We were playing Beer Pong and there was a rule that if you lost without scoring a single point you had to take a naked lap and run around the outside of the building completely naked. The rule was mainly a joke since it was rarely ended up happening.

Well this night, "Mike" was drunk and ended up losing before he could get a point. So all the guys start egging him on and daring him to actually do the naked lap. Mike refused but people kept joking and calling him out on not doing it. Finally Mike stands up, starts unbuckling his pants and declared that he was actually doing it!

Mike was a pretty loud and boisterous guy, he was always the tallest one in the room and had short brown hair. He stripped down to his underwear and went outside, so we all ran to the doorway to watch him. He quickly yanked his underwear off and tossed it aside before taking off. We all cheered as we watched his pale ass bouncing off into the night.

I guess our cheers alerted everyone else in the building because people started looking out their windows to. After about a minute we see Mike coming around the corner of our building at a full sprint. He could tell people were starting to look, he didn't even try to make an effort to cover himself instead he just ran as fast as he could inside. I can still picture him with his face beet red and his dick bouncing as he ran. He sprinted past us and ran back up the stairs to his room.
Good story haha

Similar thing happened at college. Group of guys messing around playing a drinking game and the loser had to do a naked sprint down the street and back. Guy who lost wasn't shy and quickly stripped down, making little effort to cover himself up and then did a jog to the end of the street with his dick swinging around.