U.K. Secondary Schools Explained | Grammar Schools | State Schools | Private | 11+ Exam | ElevenPlus

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
  • U.K. Secondary Schools Explained | Grammar Schools | State Schools | Private | 11+ Exam | ElevenPlus
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Комментарии • 151

  • @slraja83
    @slraja83 4 года назад +5

    Thanks very much for the video .. I was sometimes confused between GCSE and A level exams .. Now understood GCSE exam = Year 11 A Level exam = year 13..
    Not very evident when you see it in wiki.. please continue your good work !!

  • @siafrajames8401
    @siafrajames8401 2 года назад +4

    Hi Anand, lots of good information but this post was really just focused on getting into grammar school. I think you could have expanded on the differences in the 3 types of schools and the pros and cons for all. Remember there are bursaries available for private schools and some of your viewers may be interested in actually applying for these schools. Perhaps look at an update on this video with further information on this sector. Uk is unfortunately still very driven by class and a private education opens up further opportunities for children that perhaps the state system can’t. Things are of course changing but still slowly.

  • @kevingarfield2094
    @kevingarfield2094 Год назад +1

    When he says words ending with t ... For example.... "Excellent" ( he spits out a literal 💣 instead of 't' )

  • @muhammadaamirhussain6951
    @muhammadaamirhussain6951 Год назад

    Very informative for a person like me who has no prior information of UK education system. Thanks for the minor details.

  • @V.g.n
    @V.g.n 3 года назад +6

    Hi, thank you so much for explaining this clearly. Is there a way to find out how large is the catchment area for a grammar school . And also is there more preference based on distance within the catchment ?

  • @djain368
    @djain368 2 года назад +1

    Hey Anand, Excellent Content and lot of useful information,, keep up the good work mate!

  • @JMamatikutty
    @JMamatikutty 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you 🙏🏻 for this information. As a parent I now have an idea how this education system works. I didn't know the difference between Grammer school and State School syllabus and which will be better for my child. In greater Manchester there aren't many Grammer schools too.

  • @angelinediviyathamburaj
    @angelinediviyathamburaj 5 лет назад +3

    How much I wish that I got to see this video a month before when I was going crazy on researching this as a newbie to uk and a mom of a 5th grader.. thank you for this video and I am writing a email to u , please reply when u get time .

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  5 лет назад

      Sure Angeline, send me a mail and will answer as best as I can 👍

    • @mzain2113
      @mzain2113 8 месяцев назад


    • @mzain2113
      @mzain2113 8 месяцев назад

      Can send me the guidelines or patern of grammar school exam plz

  • @surajmehare
    @surajmehare 4 года назад +2

    Very nicely compiled video comprises all basic information needed for 11 plus preparation. Would like to know exactly GL exam pattern, like maths plus non verbal combines to in to one exam and rest is in exam 2.can you please explain it. thanks in advance.

  • @SowjanyaManugula
    @SowjanyaManugula 5 месяцев назад

    Very informative and well explained

  • @kunsha1
    @kunsha1 2 года назад +1

    sir, I am moving to UK in the month of Sep 2022. My son will be completing his 10th grade. I am bit lost there are different varieties like sixth form, college etc. he is mediocre in his studies and I am lost. please help me

  • @tanilkumar1
    @tanilkumar1 3 года назад +5

    I am living in London since 2yrs and im planning to bring my family here this Sep or Oct. My kids are 13 and 10 yrs old and looking for some information around how to get admissions for them in a school in London.

    • @DivyaMohan-tz2nx
      @DivyaMohan-tz2nx 6 месяцев назад

      Hi, I know it’s a very long time u have put this comment. My kids are of the same age now. Can u please share ur experience

  • @km8017
    @km8017 2 года назад

    Thanks a lot for the elaborate explanation,great help👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏻

  • @figh761
    @figh761 4 года назад +2

    what is the chance to get into grammar schools in kent for children outside county( we live in horsham)

  • @bizlme
    @bizlme 3 года назад

    Great video Anand! 🙏🏾

  • @navitagujralart
    @navitagujralart 3 года назад +1

    Very useful information 🙏🏻
    I needed advice from someone knowledgeable like you. For a naturally bright child who has one parent’s full time and support at home(in academics as well), what kind of tuition would be the best?
    I am in Berkshire and aiming for the schools here and in Buckinghamshire.
    Daughter is in year4 right now and the admissions for AE tuition centre for year5 will be open soon.
    Do you think small coaching Center would be better for her than AE? Also I was also toying with the idea of taking the training from home as they have this option too. They send the material by post, give us video lessons and zoom meetings. What would be the odds against this scenario? Please could you advise?
    Many many thanks 🙏🏻

  • @Priyasamratchannel
    @Priyasamratchannel Месяц назад

    Plz one question ..? ..lf there is no difference between curriculm then why do people give so much prefrence to the grammar schools

  • @StarryWarryPUPPY
    @StarryWarryPUPPY Месяц назад

    Hi, we are in Glasgow Scotland and thinking to move to London for Grammer school. My daughter turning 9 in February. So is it feasible to go for a grammer school? In Scotland we can go for private but they are costly.
    Could you please recommend the areas also where we can move for good grammer school?

  • @Danieleplayz78
    @Danieleplayz78 3 года назад +3

    Thank you. What is the situation for special needs school

  • @subhasish17
    @subhasish17 2 года назад +1

    Hi Sir
    First of all thanks a lot for this video. It's very informative. I need some guidance from you. I am moving to London in Oct-Nov 22 with my 12 yrs old daughter ( 12 yrs completed in July). I want to know
    Will she can get admission in Year 7?
    How to find good secondary schools in London or outside London?
    Thanks a lot in advance 🙏

  • @MbaimbaiMaria
    @MbaimbaiMaria Год назад

    your video was very informative . i just have have one question how do i apply at a state high school in uk while im abroad

  • @zouz8888
    @zouz8888 Год назад

    This is very useful thank you

  • @azeezadebiyi
    @azeezadebiyi 3 года назад +1

    Do they do entry exams for the free schools im going to year 11

  • @PreetiSingh-yx6vh
    @PreetiSingh-yx6vh 2 года назад

    Very nice and well explained video. Thank you for sharing.
    We are in US and planning to shift to London. My kid is 12+yrs and had finished his 6th grade. So want to know, these exams can be given in every secondary year or only when you are entering secondary school?
    Will my kid be eligible for it, if we shift by December 2022?
    Please reply. Thank you

  • @shreedevisambandam2802
    @shreedevisambandam2802 2 года назад

    Very informative video!
    What is the situation of the child who lives overseas (in my case India) will have to do if we miss the proper admission procedure or timings, like if we relocate to UK inbetween the academic year?

  • @praise8411
    @praise8411 4 года назад +1

    Thank you. it was very informative and enlightening 🙏

  • @flipballaz93
    @flipballaz93 3 года назад +1

    Hello I like to say that you have done a fantastic explanation on this subject however I would prefer to send my children to a private school if I can afford it as state schools are badly run and educational standards are quite low compared to asia.

  • @rohinimalavade1911
    @rohinimalavade1911 Год назад

    Is necessary coating or we can do at home as well?

  • @prasadrad
    @prasadrad 5 лет назад +2

    Nice bro, also please do video on corona situation in UK, many countries are criticising UK approach and Boris’s view

  • @God_guys-pro
    @God_guys-pro 5 месяцев назад

    My son is moving to Uk in January 2025, he would miss his exam to gramme school. What is the way forward?

  • @betthemahmud6642
    @betthemahmud6642 4 года назад +1

    Is there any g school in London that don’t count cathment area.
    We live Newham so we don’t have any g school so how we can make choice to get any gram school.

  • @jeevarekha2504
    @jeevarekha2504 3 года назад

    Nice video: one query sir.. when should we move towards grammar school catchment area.. before writing the 11+ or after knowing in which school he got admission!?

  • @Ali-qt2bj
    @Ali-qt2bj 6 месяцев назад

    Very good informative video

  • @ManjeetSingh-ts9iy
    @ManjeetSingh-ts9iy 4 года назад

    How does catchment work. Example for tiffins is it useless trying if you are outside priority area.. Which are the best areas to be in to cover multiple grammar schools at same time

  • @taimoorhussain6216
    @taimoorhussain6216 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for nice explanation of the topic 👏

  • @gritikverma08
    @gritikverma08 3 года назад

    Hello.... I am a new viewer.... we are soon travelling to UK... I am in class 8 in India.... please tell in which ks/year will I get the admission and what type of test will be taken.....
    thank you... I’ll be waiting for the answer

  • @Clementina2911
    @Clementina2911 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for the video. It was very informative. I am planning to move to UK with my 12 year old son who has studied in India till now. Can you give me any guidance as to how to go about for an admission in a Grammar school in Birmingham? Also will appreciate any guidance as to how to get him prepared for the entrance exam if he is eligible. Please help

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  4 года назад +2

      Sweta if he is already 12 years old, then he would have passed the eligibility to join grammar schools / write 11+ for now. 11+ is written before they are 11. He will join year 8 in a state school directly to begin with. There are some grammar schools that take admission if they have availability in Year 9 and later depending on performance in year 8 from a state school sometimes.

  • @satyasuresh9473
    @satyasuresh9473 4 года назад

    Good Explanation and very detailed.can I know what areas does cover in Buckinghamshire ex..milton keynes

  • @snehalk1059
    @snehalk1059 4 года назад

    Thanks sir. This video is very well explained in detailed very informative.👍

  • @ayeshasanasohel1748
    @ayeshasanasohel1748 Год назад

    Can a child take the 11plus exams from a different county without actually moving.is it possible to move after they have qualified?

  • @tamilvlogengland828
    @tamilvlogengland828 5 лет назад

    Hi Anand, My Daughter is doing her year 2. In May month she has to do SAT exam. Is this exam mark reflect anywhere? Do I need to give much practice ? All your videos are good and casual talk. Much appreciated your dedication 👍 came to know JustPark app after seeing your video. Immediately I rented out my garage and getting £110 per month . Thanks a lot 😊

  • @shraddhasharma733
    @shraddhasharma733 2 года назад

    Does all grammar school follow catchment criteria? If not, which all school does and which area should I shift for my boy?

  • @krishnendubiswas8847
    @krishnendubiswas8847 5 лет назад +1

    Excellent.....very good description...and what are the coaching class fees and what are the secondary school fees?

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  5 лет назад +1

      State schools and Grammar schools are free Krishnendu. No Fees. Private Schools can be up to 2000 £ per month for 7 years. The coaching class fees for eleven plus are around 200 to 300 £ per month for one year.

    • @normalguy1849
      @normalguy1849 5 лет назад

      @@AnandChennai i got admit in brunel university. i am from chennai i like to ask you some doubt regarding staying in UK

  • @MensahAcademics
    @MensahAcademics 3 года назад

    Very Informative but as exam bodies aim to make the tests more tutor proof are Kent schools doing an online test now because that is important to know.

  • @femymathew5686
    @femymathew5686 Год назад

    Very informative

  • @Mavsterzzz
    @Mavsterzzz Год назад

    How can u compare a child education to a flat or a house against a private school???

  • @tauseefakbar7105
    @tauseefakbar7105 3 года назад

    Sir it's mean when a child come in England in age 10 it's not possible that he joined the gramer school. Because one year short period he can't pass this exam . Please reply how he ca

  • @fahimanasrin2589
    @fahimanasrin2589 4 года назад +1

    Thanks you explained well enough.

  • @deepthigolleru2441
    @deepthigolleru2441 Год назад

    Thank you so much for this video.Very Useful. Do you know anyone who can give English classes for my son from year 5 which helps him to do 11plus exam. Thanks.

  • @rithura1314
    @rithura1314 2 года назад

    My child is studying in Kerala State syllabus school.will she be able to follow the class if she come in UK

  • @manjushreemukherjee302
    @manjushreemukherjee302 3 года назад

    Its very informative. Thanks for the video. I have few more queries about mid year admission of secondary school. I will send you mail. Can you please check when you get time.

  • @chaitraguna5841
    @chaitraguna5841 4 года назад

    Thank you very much for the information and it is very well explained 🙏🏻

  • @inuuuu5945
    @inuuuu5945 2 года назад

    Hi. My daughter is 2year old now and v r currently in the UK. I wanted to know in which age should u apply for reception? Is it 3 or 4? Bcz in some videos i saw it is reception at age 4 and in urs its written as age5. So pls clarify!
    And also in the uk govt website, I saw that v hv to apply at least a year back toget a place in the reception for the next year.
    So can u pls clarify regarding this?

  • @azeezadebiyi
    @azeezadebiyi 3 года назад

    Do they take you back because of age?

  • @sash_anecdote
    @sash_anecdote 4 года назад

    Thank you for all the information u provided. I would appreciate if u help me with few queries of my own. I have come to uk(kent) very recently, a month back. My son will go to primary school (year5) from next week. Unfortunately, he will only get few months to attend yr5 & then wud start his yr6. Do u think this time is sufficient for a child who has come from india, given the fact that he has a lot to get accustomed to in this educational curriculum.

  • @abbey3490
    @abbey3490 3 года назад

    Thanks Anna very informative.

  • @anitapatel6021
    @anitapatel6021 3 года назад

    Thank you. So much informative.

  • @marinafrancis3398
    @marinafrancis3398 4 года назад

    Can we call the school authority to check whether we have can keep some hope

  • @deepikavunnam42
    @deepikavunnam42 2 года назад

    Dear Anand ji. Very well explained video. Thank you for that. Can you please let me know about the grammar school for primary school? My son is six and we are moving to UK for next academic year. While we were going through the schools for him, we came across this particular school in Stockport. It would be very helpful if you can give information and your views in this regard. Thank you.

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  2 года назад

      Hi Deepika, best wishes for your move to UK. As far as I know there is no concept of grammar school for Primary Schools. I have done a comprehensive video on primary schools in UK. You can check most of the answers to your questions on that here - ruclips.net/video/Ilt9eS-cwOM/видео.html

    • @deepikavunnam42
      @deepikavunnam42 2 года назад

      @@AnandChennai Thank you very much!

  • @cryptocraze9731
    @cryptocraze9731 2 года назад

    Hi Anand , why not another video on this subject 😅 a casual one probably

  • @ratharatha6625
    @ratharatha6625 9 месяцев назад

    Hi..we from Malaysia..we planning to mindgrad to uk next year 2025.. questions is my kids age 16 next year.. Is she able enter Grammar school

  • @ganeshp80
    @ganeshp80 3 года назад

    Hi sir planning come to uk which county is good for grammar school in Buckinghamshire Aylesbury or Buckingham please let me know waiting for your reply .

  • @mohmmadibrahim322
    @mohmmadibrahim322 4 года назад +1

    Great Information...We are planning to move to UK with family trying for Global Talent Visa, my daughter will be completing 10th here CBSE this year, will it be very difficult to get admission in A level schools, can you please help us in getting information.

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  4 года назад +2

      She wouldn't be getting into a grammar school but a normal state school (which are also good schools) . Like primary schools the council has a responsibility to get you a secondary school place somewhere. But it may be difficult to get a school near your place to begin with. Some councils like ours (Bucks) have got a good updated list of secondary schools with places that you can find online. So best is to find a school that has availability and move closer to that school . See this link for bucks as an example - www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/education/school-admissions/changing-school-in-year/check-for-school-places/list-of-school-vacancies/

    • @mohmmadibrahim322
      @mohmmadibrahim322 4 года назад

      Thanks Anand, what i understand is my daughter can get into state school after 10th here from India into A level schools, which is like intermediate here.

  • @mahee14312
    @mahee14312 3 года назад

    HI, i will be moving to London in Jan and I have 12 years son ( Jan 2010),will he be eligible for Year 7th or 8th yea as per his DOB) and one more concern s will he get admission into state school and worried if he can adjust the schools over theri)

  • @God_guys-pro
    @God_guys-pro 5 месяцев назад

    Can you share contact of coaching centres for grammer school

  • @manimegalaia6185
    @manimegalaia6185 5 лет назад +2

    Hi Anand, neat explanation about the schools in UK

  • @fncgroup
    @fncgroup 5 лет назад

    Thanks for your video this is really helpful for newcomers to London.I will be shifting to London in August if the situations are under control. My work location will be near Heathrow Airport.please guide me a good location. I am shifting with my 11 the grade kids.

  • @jegaj5523
    @jegaj5523 5 лет назад +2

    Hi first comment👍

  • @ramyakrishnan2629
    @ramyakrishnan2629 2 года назад

    Hi Sir, In case if a child is relocating with parents at the age if 11 years(For ex : in the month of May/June ) before September, How will they be able to apply for schools ?
    What is advised in this case. can you please help?

  • @SanaKhan-ox8mf
    @SanaKhan-ox8mf 3 года назад

    Can i apply for grammer school and also for my childs secondary school in case my child dont get the score thats required for grammer school?

  • @ratharatha6625
    @ratharatha6625 9 месяцев назад

    Kindly please explain which web site for choose Public school

  • @PA-vf5st
    @PA-vf5st 2 года назад

    I am moving to UK in abt 3-4 months, My son is 15 years old, is it good to schooling in UK ? I guess he will get admission in Year 11, is it advisable to move ?

  • @umeshpatel9090
    @umeshpatel9090 3 года назад

    Hello sir it's good informative video but sir make a video on 13 plus grammar school information

  • @swatijain4182
    @swatijain4182 3 года назад

    Can you guide me my kid not getting admission in any school although he is waiting list

  • @toyettan
    @toyettan 3 года назад

    Is there a second chance for a kid who misses the entrance exams, as she came late to the country. Kid is in 6th standard as of today

  • @marinafrancis3398
    @marinafrancis3398 4 года назад

    If we are in waiting list no.12 is there a chance in getting

  • @stalinpaulraj9364
    @stalinpaulraj9364 3 года назад

    very good explanation ,thank you

  • @creepboy3181
    @creepboy3181 3 года назад

    Hello sir ,my mom has got a visa in uk and she wants me to reach there before 18, and wants to continue my study there currently i am studing in 11 cbse with 10th pass certificate, what course should i take please respond sir........

  • @sangimangi597
    @sangimangi597 5 лет назад

    Good Afternoon ,Sir please tell me details about Jersey island visa

  • @susantasumita
    @susantasumita 4 года назад

    very helpful video but i have a question........can we apply for two different county grammar school..........because we are living on the border of two county.............so any one of these two county schools is suitable for us............... or it entirely depends on which council we're paying our council tax

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  4 года назад +1

      You can apply for multiple counties and write exams for multiple counties too. My daughter had written the exam for Girls grammar school in Reading and in Buckinghamshire. I know people who had written in Berks , Bucks and also London grammar schools.

    • @susantasumita
      @susantasumita 4 года назад

      @@AnandChennai Thank you so much for your prompt response. I still have a small doubt. Appreciate if you can offer some help on this.
      My son has already appeared for Birmingham Grammar Schools entrance test and I'm hopeful he might get a qualifying score there. However, my local council’s grammar school test is still awaited.
      But while trying to fill up the school preference form through Birmingham City Council (which is not my local council) it inquires whether we have our council tax under them. Otherwise, it doesn't allow us to navigate further.
      So my question here is if it's possible to take admission in Birmingham Grammar schools just in case I find my son fell short of a qualifying score in my local council.

  • @abbey3490
    @abbey3490 3 года назад

    Anna by any chance can I contact you?

  • @JaneyGeorge2680
    @JaneyGeorge2680 2 года назад

    Hi..Thank you for this valuable information...just wanted to check if these grammar schools exams are eligible for kids aged only 11 years or can an older aged child do these grammar school entrance exams..I am asking because we are planning to relocate to UK this year and my elder child is 14 years old so can she do these exams to get into a grammar school

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  2 года назад

      There is a process called 12 plus and 13 plus. But this is extremely strict and rare to go into year 8 and year 9. In the entire Bucks county only one person was admitted for 12 plus and no one for 13 plus as you can see here - www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/schools-index/school-admissions/apply-for-a-late-transfer-grammar-school-test/
      Then there is A Levels called Sixth Form entry in Year 12 & 13 after GCSE - this is around 20 per school I think, but with exceptional grades and only if Students from that grammar school are moving out to somewhere else.

  • @TheChosenOne_1st
    @TheChosenOne_1st 4 года назад

    Please can u send me some preparation materials for the 11 plus exam

  • @jayantdrummer
    @jayantdrummer 9 месяцев назад

    Where in UK can I get a place for £150k?

  • @rkpraveen123
    @rkpraveen123 2 года назад

    🙏🏻 Thank you sir

  • @gauridesai6153
    @gauridesai6153 2 года назад

    Hi, My son is in 9th class (CBSE) and we are shifting to UK in the month of April. Would he adjust the school in th Uk? And how to get admission in class 10? Which school is better as per your video? Please co operate for the same.Thanks in advance.

  • @chinnijanu2011
    @chinnijanu2011 2 года назад

    Hi, good afternoon, thanks for the information. still I have some doubts, How can I contact you please. I am relocating to UK

  • @nagalakshmi2258
    @nagalakshmi2258 4 года назад

    Useful video
    We r living in Ilford . My son is now studying year 5 so, we are moving to county only in year of 6 . We will apply for the exam before June to Hertfordshire county from Ilford.
    Is this way is correct?

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  4 года назад

      Please check the cut off dates for moves. Some schools have a cut off date for the county move or catchment move as April and some have October.

    • @nagalakshmi2258
      @nagalakshmi2258 4 года назад

      Thank you Anna

  • @ilakkiyab625
    @ilakkiyab625 8 месяцев назад

    Can you please put video on A level

  • @annipunnam
    @annipunnam 2 года назад

    Hair my daughter started in grammar school but she doesn't like it there because no friends and the distance from home , is it a good decision to move her from there to a state school nearby ?

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  2 года назад +2

      Ultimately it is the kid's happiness and comfort that is very important. If she continues in a grammar school and doesn't perform well in her A levels, then there is no point. On the contrary if she moves to a good state school and gets better grades in her A levels then she will get a good university. School is just a vehicle to get to the destination and the Enjoying the travel and Safely getting to the destination is the key. Beyond a point the brand name of the bus we travel in doesn't matter. That is my personal opinion Annipunnam.

    • @annipunnam
      @annipunnam 2 года назад

      Thank you

  • @sangimangi597
    @sangimangi597 5 лет назад

    Sir please tell me details about Jersey island visa process in tamil

  • @vijayalakshmigunasekaran220
    @vijayalakshmigunasekaran220 Год назад

    talk about syllabus in secondary school

  • @chowchowbath7132
    @chowchowbath7132 4 года назад

    Sir, we are moving to UK and my daughter is 12yrs. Please explain what are her chances of getting into a grammar school. Thank you

    • @TheChosenOne_1st
      @TheChosenOne_1st 4 года назад

      Pls how do.i get online materials to begin preparation for my 11plus ..

  • @amaderdiary2420
    @amaderdiary2420 4 года назад

    thanks for this information

  • @adhipta
    @adhipta 4 года назад +1

    Hi, thanks for the video, I found it super helpful. How about the chance of the kids who live in the county like Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire to get into Grammar School in Buckinghamshire?

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  4 года назад +3

      They can write the grammar school exams by applying to write specifically out of county. But the preference goes to in county kids first. For e.g. Dr Challoners High School - DCHS - is in Little Chalfont Buckinghamshire - literally on the borders of Hertfordshire - There are people who live 1 mile away from the school but on the Hertfordshire side and preference is given to kids who live 7 miles away in Chalfont St Peter for e.g. than those kids in Hertfordshire who are 7 times closer to the school and yet scored the same marks. But that doesn't mean no one gets in, because of that there are a few kids who get admission to the School from Hertfordshire due to the proximity and when they have score more marks and all kids in bucks with pass marks are allocated a place.

  • @nijrabpur5139
    @nijrabpur5139 3 года назад

    Thanks for explaining my two children pass the exam for tiffin boys and Tiffen girls

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  3 года назад

      Congratulations Nijrab & best wishes to your kids 👍

  • @Edenvalley123
    @Edenvalley123 4 года назад +1

    Thank you brother.

  • @crickettweet
    @crickettweet Год назад

    What's your mail id sir,have some questions about 11+

  • @amaderdiary2420
    @amaderdiary2420 4 года назад

    ple explain us about kent test too

  • @daa1167
    @daa1167 4 года назад

    Do u write exam before you start school in uk ?

    • @AnandChennai
      @AnandChennai  4 года назад

      Not sure if you watched it fully. This 11+ is an optional exam you write when moving from Year 6 (Primary) to Year 7 (Secondary) for certain selective school choices. For primary school there is no exam to join or even in the school while studying. Except for the optional 11+ there is no real exam till Year 11 (16 years age) - GCSE