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Feb 9, 4:52 AM

Aug 2016
Didn't expect Jolenta & Nowak to cross paths without even recognizing each other. And what's stranger, is that no matter how many people die, Nowak somehow still continues to live on. Rafal died, Badeni died, and lastly, Jolenta, and Nowak still somehow pushing on. Only 5 episodes left, excited to know how this would conclude.
Feb 9, 5:22 AM

Sep 2019
I was so naive thinking Jolenta could get a happy ending. 😥
I am curious to see how Novak will learn about his daughter. Something's telling me he will and it will affect him somehow.
Feb 9, 6:00 AM
Oct 2024
Another PEAK episode
RIP Jolenta
Feb 9, 6:09 AM
May 2017
another beautiful episode, just another 5 episodes and this series will come to a close. If the quality stays consistent and they stick the landing, my 9 rating will change to a 10 most likely
Feb 9, 6:14 AM
Jan 2017
I wanted to see so much the confrontation of Jolenta and her father and see if he fights against thd church then ... so I was disappointed they only had this little moment ... that was a bit boring
Feb 9, 8:30 AM

Feb 2021
This show is so peak. Great episode as usual
Feb 9, 8:40 AM

Sep 2016
Reply to Aminho
whyyyyy nowak-san not seen joloenta-san ???? arrrrgghhhhhhhh
Feb 9, 9:28 AM

Jul 2023
Before Jolenta died, the imagery is great. She looks at the heavens and the scenes from the past are flashing before her.

But damn! I'm so disappointed that she was unable to confront her father. He didn't even see that she was alive all this time, and now she is dead. Heck, he didn't even know that the dead leader is his daughter.

Other that that, I like the intellectual duel between Plato and Aristotle. They represent different philosophical traditions even though Aristotle was Plato's pupil.
Feb 9, 11:04 AM
Apr 2020
Feb 9, 11:22 AM

Aug 2018
Was this Peak what I just watched?

The dialogues in this episode were particularly good, especially the last one between Draka and Jolenta! It really makes you think about the purpose of life, and how, in a way, all of we want to make something that marks history, since that's the only way we can our life eternal on Earth.
By Draka's reaction, it's clear that "making money" isn't much of a conviction that she thought it was, and next episode we'll probably see some change in her after that.

I was so happy to have Jolenta back, but the authors really said "Hm, enough happy time, let's kill Jolenta" :(
Best character in the series, that's for sure! Jolenta the GOAT!

I have never seen a family reuinion so tragic as this one. In the end, Jolenta and Nowak never met eacho other again since that day, and that pains me to see. For a second time, Nowak led to his own's daughter death, without even realizing it. The scene with Jolenta's arm flying off due to the explosion was just CINEMATIC. I loved it. I wonder if Nowak will discover the truth somehow. For now, he still thinks it was heliocentrism that killed his daughter, when it was the own church that killed Jolenta (and now him...).
And the reality check that Draka had at the end just shows we still have a lot to go.
I wonder what the 2 knights will do against the liberation force.

The ending shows a lot of burning. It that hinting towards the possibility of the liberation force starting to print the books, and the Church burning it all down? If that was to happen, it would be tragic, and Draka would be the only one able to save the situation, since she knows it word by word.

Now that I think of it, only 5 more episodes to go for Orb to end! It's crazy! I have been watching this since October, and I can't believe it's already coming to an end. It has become an habit for me to watch this weekly, so saying goodbye to this amazing anime is going to be hard. But that's for later, we still have 5 episodes.

Can't wait for next week!

R.I.P. Jolenta
Feb 9, 11:23 AM
Oct 2016
This episode was beautiful… Jolenta talking about her motivation behind her convictions was so well written. Draka arguing against her ideals and finally understanding where Jolenta though process comes from was nice as well. I teared up seeing Jolenta viewing her past life in the sky while smiling just like Badeni and Oczy. I hoped that she would see Nowak again, but maybe it was for the best so her feelings wouldn’t change the outcome.
Feb 9, 11:27 AM
Jun 2024
I wasn't sure whether Nowak and Jolenta would reunite or not, but we have our answer now. I'm often left guessing where the narrative will take me, and I love that about it. Finding beauty through tragedy is what this series does well. I'm struggling to contain my curiosity, to the point I might have to go ahead and read the manga.
Feb 9, 11:35 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to rasterman7
And that's it for Jolenta. Her becoming a martyr was not something I expected to happen so soon but in the way things were going the death flags kept rising so it was to be expected. The way each character has their interpretation about God, religion and life for what it is makes this quite the thought provoking anime, one that raises many questions without expecting a definitive answer but a debate and a self reflection for the future.

Man, with this literal banger people are still not talking about it? Really?
rasterman7 said:
Man, with this literal banger people are still not talking about it? Really?

For real, how has this anime not started picking up a lot of popularity after being this good, and having a score of 8.4?
Feb 9, 11:37 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to AnimeGirlGusher
And people complain that AOT kills off too many characters...

I can't believe they killed off every remaining character, Novak might as well be dead.

I looked forward for an emotional meetup, but what transpired is consistent with the philosophy and themes explored so far.
AnimeGirlGusher said:
And people complain that AOT kills off too many characters...

I can't believe they killed off every remaining character, Novak might as well be dead.

This is so true, it's like I'm watching AOT all over again. It's incredible that Nowak is the only character from the beginning of the anime that is still alive.
Feb 9, 11:42 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to Woodmann
This makes me realize all over again just how next-level Japanese voice actors are. Jolenta’s performance here really had me believing that 25 years had passed for her character.
Woodmann said:
This makes me realize all over again just how next-level Japanese voice actors are. Jolenta’s performance here really had me believing that 25 years had passed for her character.

Wait, the 39-years old Jolenta had the same voice actor as the 14 years old one?
Feb 9, 1:25 PM

Jan 2009
PokefanPT said:
rasterman7 said:
Man, with this literal banger people are still not talking about it? Really?

For real, how has this anime not started picking up a lot of popularity after being this good, and having a score of 8.4?

I think 8.4 is actually already a high score for a non-conventional anime like this, considering the majority of newer anime fans mainly rate a show based on animations and battles.

The members number is quite high, too.
Feb 9, 1:45 PM

Nov 2023
Really hope Novak figures out the truth before it's too late. It’s tough watching him so blinded by revenge, going after people who have nothing to do with it, all because of those who fooled him. Honestly, it kinda feels like he's the real protagonist at this point.

Feb 9, 4:25 PM

Aug 2018
Reply to WhiteTestament
PokefanPT said:
rasterman7 said:
Man, with this literal banger people are still not talking about it? Really?

For real, how has this anime not started picking up a lot of popularity after being this good, and having a score of 8.4?

I think 8.4 is actually already a high score for a non-conventional anime like this, considering the majority of newer anime fans mainly rate a show based on animations and battles.

The members number is quite high, too.
WhiteTestament said:
I think 8.4 is actually already a high score for a non-conventional anime like this, considering the majority of newer anime fans mainly rate a show based on animations and battles.

The members number is quite high, too.

Exactly, the score is quite high! My comment probably wasn't clear, but what I was trying to say is that 8.4 is a really good score, and it's curious to see that it isn't making more people check this anime (I personally haven't watched that many anime with more than 8.4 of a score).
The members number is good, but I don't know, it deserved more attention, I don't see many people talking about it.

But I remember perfectly that before this anime started airing it barely had any noise about it, so at least it started to grow a lot after that!
Feb 9, 5:36 PM
Oct 2024
been a while since I watched a PERFECT episode like this one, really nailed it, getting deep into the characters beliefs is the greatest development we could ever get and the debates in the episode are sophisticated as always make the characters appear to be real people with their own paths and goals and principles, the ending was brutal which real shows how far the characters are serious with their roles and how much they believe in their position in the spectrum of life, I wanted to see more of novak and yolenta together but I guess it's for the best, Masterpiece for real!
Feb 9, 7:28 PM
Nov 2020
Nooo the reunion 😭😭😭😭😭
I didn’t expect her time will come soon. I didn’t prepare for this. 😭😭😭
Feb 9, 8:30 PM
Apr 2020
bro it feels like I've watched 100 episodes and it's only been 20
Feb 9, 8:49 PM

Jun 2019
What a tragedy for Nowak that he couldn't recognize his own daughter even as she blew herself to bits and sent her smoking arm hurtling down in front of him. He got to hold hands with her one last time, the same hand he purchased those gloves for, just as featured in the intro, and it was the detached fragment of a corpse he was seemingly oblivious to.

This is a man that has become so consumed by his own single-minded idea of revenge and salvation that he has inadvertently damned himself. I think Jolenta would cry for him if she knew how much of his life he has thrown away over this nonsense. It's a tragedy for them both, really.

PokefanPT said:
Exactly, the score is quite high! My comment probably wasn't clear, but what I was trying to say is that 8.4 is a really good score, and it's curious to see that it isn't making more people check this anime (I personally haven't watched that many anime with more than 8.4 of a score).
The members number is good, but I don't know, it deserved more attention, I don't see many people talking about it.

But I remember perfectly that before this anime started airing it barely had any noise about it, so at least it started to grow a lot after that!

If that's the case, then it's probably because this series is very plot-based rather than character-based or a vehicle for showing off flashy high quality animation. And the plot is basically the evolution of a scientific idea, popular understanding of a scientific idea, and the philosophical concept of the cumulative influence of certain scientific and religious ideas and competing ideologies on different subsets and generations of humanity over long time scales, how they drive progress (and the fight over defining what constitutes "progress" in people's eyes), and how they influence the people caught up in them who may internalize grand ideas to drive their lifestyle and personal choices.

So I feel as if a lot of people either aren't interested in discussing that or perhaps find it interesting but don't feel that they have much to add or contribute themselves on top of it.
WatchTillTandavaFeb 9, 9:03 PM
Feb 10, 2:27 AM

Dec 2013
Builder45 said:
Fck dude,this is how the reunion went down?Novak prob noticed but did Jolenta recognized its him?Worst of all now i dont see how he could figure out it was all Antonis doing,only hope is that blonde inquisitor kid he mentored for.

Got more depth for Lewandowski and im still pretty suspicious about Frei.He did seemed opposed went they wanted to publish the book.Seems like theyre in hot water,feel like its a confirmed that Draka will be the one to carry out the plan.

By his reaction, i think he didnt notice. Would say probably ahe noticed more then him. I loved this, but at the same time, i wanted ro see them reunited. But real life has alot of this. Damn, she deserved better, cant we have a mc be happy in this.
Feb 10, 4:22 AM

Jan 2024
Cruelty of this show...
Everytime every character.
The Jolenta Nowak reunion/confrontation also didn't happen, just simple end. Both of them atleast needed to see eachother. Maybe Jolenta did see him at her last second probably why she smiled. My copimum.

Rip Jolenta..
Feb 10, 6:39 AM
Aug 2023
Kitsune_089 said:
wtf was that all buildup for?? they did absolutely nothing with jolenta and her father
such a fucking waste
dropping my score to 9 from 10

it couldve been so good. Like literally a single sentence or two of dialogue wouldve been enough
so annoying

Yes it was shocking and I guess we all expected this to be a reunion of sorts.

however I believe this was a brilliant piece of writing, again Orb surprises and shocks.

The author gave Jolenta the power to choose her own fate, something that she always wanted. She openly said she really wasn't looking forward to ever seeing her father again, even if he was still alive. Her main purpose in life was putting heliocentrism out there and she saw that was the only way to protect it.

I guess it would have been interesting to see a reunion, but this show is amazing in every way.and I've never been so engrossed and had a really thoughtful provoking experience watching it. Will Nowaks ever find out, who knows? I will be watching on the edge of my seat again on Saturday
Feb 10, 7:07 AM

Apr 2013
can't wait to Nowak realize whats up then he about to lock tf in.
Feb 10, 7:24 AM
Feb 2018
RIP Jolenta, Nowak didnt even get to see his daughter again so sad.
Feb 10, 8:16 AM

Sep 2013
What a depressing end for Jolenta but a huge leap for heliocentrism
Deep dark fantasies
Feb 10, 9:50 AM
Mar 2024
Absolute peak cinema episode as always
Feb 10, 11:23 AM
Oct 2021
jolenta noooooooooooo!!!!!
Feb 11, 12:36 AM

Jan 2021
The second most impactful death after Rafal's, at least for me. I felt really emotional because she was already preparing for her death... and it was in front of her father! But they were both unaware of each other! I was hoping they'd at least look each other in the eye and realize they were father and daughter but Jolenta blew herself up right when Nowak almost saw her. Rest in peace, Jolenta.

There are only 5 episodes left and I'm honestly curious to see how it goes. I mean, we've always been given main characters who believe in heliocentrism before. This time, the four of them, especially Draka, are doing this task because of their own beliefs but none of them are related to heliocentrism. Let's see..

Feb 11, 1:20 AM
Jul 2020
Every time this Schmitt character opens his mouth he reveals himself as a more and more dangerous idiot. Schmitt being motivated by his village destroying itself over interpretations of God and somehow being blind to his actions being the same thing is just detestable. It's interesting just how similar he is to Nowak in his hate of technology and his brutal methods. He makes good secondary antagonist and I'm interested in seeing how his hate of technology comes to a head with human ingenuity.
Feb 11, 2:25 AM

Nov 2013
Unexpected. No "epic showdown" between father and daughter. Nowak was an ass but I'm still glad he didn't see or realize who the leader was. That would've been cruel.
RiP Jolenta.
Feb 11, 5:19 AM

Mar 2008
Oh shit Jolenta and Nowak didnt even get to meet again but for a fraction of a second. I do kind of wonder if she really is dead or if she just had a decoy body but im going to assume she is dead since that would be taking a risk to not die for real.

WatchTillTandava said:
What a tragedy for Nowak that he couldn't recognize his own daughter even as she blew herself to bits and sent her smoking arm hurtling down in front of him. He got to hold hands with her one last time, the same hand he purchased those gloves for, just as featured in the intro, and it was the detached fragment of a corpse he was seemingly oblivious to.

This is a man that has become so consumed by his own single-minded idea of revenge and salvation that he has inadvertently damned himself. I think Jolenta would cry for him if she knew how much of his life he has thrown away over this nonsense. It's a tragedy for them both, really.

It was implied subtly that he subconsciously recognized her when he said "just now…for a brief second…" and trailed off. Him holding her severed hand mirrored how he held her gloves too. Of course he wouldn't consciously recognize his daughter being 25 years older and only have a brief glimpse of her while assuming she was killed long ago. It is a tragedy though.
traedFeb 11, 5:30 AM
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Feb 11, 6:51 AM
Nov 2024
This is the best anime of the year for sure
Feb 12, 12:17 PM
Aug 2020
Reply to Kitsune_089
wtf was that all buildup for?? they did absolutely nothing with jolenta and her father
such a fucking waste
dropping my score to 9 from 10

it couldve been so good. Like literally a single sentence or two of dialogue wouldve been enough
so annoying
@Kitsune_089 The world isn't worried about your needs and expectations. In fact, the real good stories are there to frustrate them.

Think about it and do grow up
Feb 12, 1:22 PM

Jul 2017
Soujirama said:
@Kitsune_089 The world isn't worried about your needs and expectations. In fact, the real good stories are there to frustrate them.

Think about it and do grow up

stfu you pretentious little shit
Feb 12, 3:49 PM
Aug 2020
Reply to Kitsune_089
Soujirama said:
@Kitsune_089 The world isn't worried about your needs and expectations. In fact, the real good stories are there to frustrate them.

Think about it and do grow up

stfu you pretentious little shit
@Kitsune_089 gonna cry? lol grow up, chicken
Feb 13, 11:06 PM

Apr 2016
WOW, Jolenta dissapeared of the anime with a great explosion!!!
She could watch her father one more time!!
Tragic final again!
Feb 14, 9:16 AM
Mar 2015
It is too bad that Nowak just missed seeing his daughter
Feb 15, 7:53 PM
Oct 2020
I'm sorry, i really don't wanna to undermine how people's fellings are, but, as much as is 100% okay to be disappointed on how the Novak and Jolenta situation ended, saying as someone who had real pain on the chest on the moment of the explosion, but saying that the show is worst now because of that ???!! Sorry but, what show you been watching for the last 19 episodes ? It's how every history is in this show goes, a tragedy that it self would give a full book, a lot of tragedies follow by more.
Feb 16, 7:49 AM

Jun 2021
Feb 17, 12:08 PM

Aug 2018
Bro this is actually evil.
This show is clearly stated to be more plot centric than character centric, unlike most anime are, still the effort the author made to write the protagonists to be likable is simply admirable.
What strikes me the most is how it is always acknowledge they follow inherently flawed ideals, which is something we realize both as a dramatic irony standpoint because what they only trust as a theory (heliocentrism) we the audience know is the true model of the solar system, but also inside the narrative, there is always a character to contrast and put their beliefs in question (here mostly Draka which confronts both Shmidt's and Jolenta's ideals, but before it was Badeni and Oczy or Rafaal and Nowak).
No one is really presented as a model of virtue and therefore, a character which was initially presented as incarnating pure evil like Nowak, becomes sympathetic as the story progresses because we realize he was also just a cog in the machine, a puppet being controlled by higher forces he cannot go against.
That's why I think this failed reunion hurts more than it should, the writing was carefuly handled to make this moment not overly dramatic but implicitly tragic.
Feb 21, 2:02 AM

Aug 2019
Once again, we lost another incredible character. I thought we would get a reunion, a proper one.

I hope the Nowak’s realized that it was Jolenta.
Mar 1, 9:40 AM
Mar 2018
Yet another brilliant episode. To say the various discussions between Draka and the members of the organization were thought-provoking is an understatement; I particularly loved her last exchange with Jolenta.

Jolenta, of course, was the episode's MVP, may she rest in peace. Her final moments, including the "reunion" with her father, were so intense!
Mar 8, 4:44 AM

Jul 2017
With the heliocentrism book recreated from memory, the Heretic Liberation Front has no need for Draka, but if anything, she's the one who will spearhead the future.

The belief of gods other than man-made ideals have killed scores of people, and that's a fact that Draka hears from one of Schmidt's men. Though Jolenta already has everything prepped according to the book, and the note to which she has to hold on to preserve those who fought against religion to see heliocentrism as it is. Even if Draka didn't do anything, God will still move the world in one way or another, and being the Christian who knows adept that God will not forsake her and the history that followed her to her conviction and beliefs, all her life is for that moment where she first walked away from Nowak and embraced heliocentrism for what it is.

A childish belief, yes, but it's to be believed when your whole heart knows the target after, and Jolenta knew that the knights incoming would be after her, the perseveration of generations past before Nowak could see his own daughter on a suicide mission. Of course, it was part of the plan to provide an escape route for the Liberation Front to continue their work, and this too provides a cover that they're able to continue the hope of the book being published without ever being noticed. Draka taking this mission with feelings, is to mean abandonment for the sake of conviction.

For the belief of heliocentrism, martyrdom truly is savage, at least for Nowak.
Mar 8, 11:24 PM
Anime Archivist

Aug 2019
Rest in peace Jolenta 🙏 she did her part. And her dad acted seemingly none the wiser that the one who blew up was her daughter. She gets to join all the heretics that were tortured or burned as sacrifices toward that research.
Mar 9, 7:12 PM
Jan 2019
Straight-up evil. This episode make you question “does Nowak really deserve all this?” he might not realize it yet, but soon he will.
Mar 11, 10:55 PM

Nov 2024
Lots and lots of monolog, but still enjoyed it.

Draka is trusted and has been entrusted by Jolenta, with an important task once the book gets publish. Is that letter to Nowak, i wonder.
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Poll: » Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite Episode 15 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

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110 by TheOtherJN »»
16 minutes ago

Poll: » Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite Episode 14 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Dec 28, 2024

138 by TheOtherJN »»
50 minutes ago

» From a 10 to a 6 in the span of 2 episodes

Kitsune_089 - Yesterday

40 by Gippy »»
1 hour ago

Poll: » Chi. Chikyuu no Undou ni Tsuite Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Dec 7, 2024

111 by TheOtherJN »»
2 hours ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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