The story of love they found in their garden

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • I visited a garden with whimsical repurposed garden art, found object, amazing outdoor bar, and a hand-built gazebo! It tells the story of love they found in garden, but it's a story I can never fully truly tell you, as it's a story of love that will never truly end. This is the garden of Dean and Jody, it is part of the Open Gardens program in Western New York. (You can painted your own Garden Posts! DIY at Jim Charlier's blog Art of Gardening: artofgardening...)
    (USDA Cold hardiness Zone 6)(Filmed in August 2023)
    I am Jay, I ask strangers if I can see their gardens. This video is part of the " Can I see your garden? " series:
    • Can I see your garden?
    #garden #outdoorliving #art #plants #diy #home #lifestyle #homedecor #decoration #gardening #gardendesign #gardener #perennial #travel #travelvlog #travelphotography #walkingtour #walkaround #relaxing #relax #nature #naturelovers

Комментарии • 68

  • @bobbistevens5648
    @bobbistevens5648 24 дня назад

    What a charming couple and a beautiful garden. Anyone would be drawn to this space. What a treasure.

  • @greensage395
    @greensage395 9 месяцев назад +14

    Oh, the pleasures that would be! Thank you for showing them to me. I need more Whimsy in my Garden!

  • @DouglasDrake-o8e
    @DouglasDrake-o8e 9 месяцев назад +13

    So many pieces of garden art and whimsy but not at all cluttered looking. Beautiful fun garden. Very talented couple.

  • @nanding7300
    @nanding7300 9 месяцев назад +18

    With gardening, you can meet wonderful people who are kind, passionate, and generous with love. Thank you for sharing. Beautiful garden and great hosts❤

  • @urchinsushi2041
    @urchinsushi2041 9 месяцев назад +12

    I am always so inspired by your garden walk videos!! I love the antique baby swings hanging in the trees in opposite directions - I can see in my mind 2 little ones swinging and laughing while looking at each other 🤗

  • @lisamcfadden578
    @lisamcfadden578 Месяц назад

    I absolutely love this garden. So many relaxing places to sit and just enjoy being there.

  • @shadedfromreality
    @shadedfromreality 9 месяцев назад +8

    This garden has so many special touches! I love the little desk window box and the door entry to the garden! So many other charming additions and very impressive pergola diy! Thank you for the tour Jay! You have a beautiful Garden Dean of Jody!

  • @MayJ-gu2wh
    @MayJ-gu2wh 9 месяцев назад +5

    Just wow
    This is a healing ccenter.

  • @margievaughan2456
    @margievaughan2456 9 месяцев назад +12

    Thanks Jay for another beautiful garden tour

  • @sabine3769
    @sabine3769 Месяц назад +1

    I love this garden.

  • @LifeHomeandGardenwithAnaRica
    @LifeHomeandGardenwithAnaRica 9 месяцев назад +6

    Very inspiring garden, Thank you for a beautiful garden tour.

  • @katherineb6102
    @katherineb6102 9 месяцев назад +9

    So much great imagination.

  • @annbailey311
    @annbailey311 Месяц назад +1

    So happy to find a new garden channel. It’s very different from gardening in Texas.

  • @c.jakubowski6549
    @c.jakubowski6549 9 месяцев назад +6

    Oh how beautiful. So much imagination and hard work. This yard is absolutely a treasure. Thank you you for the tour.

  • @GDSavingThePast
    @GDSavingThePast 9 месяцев назад +4

    Great garden with interesting touches at every turn.
    Wonderful couple, love how the garden and their relationship began with one very cool looking piece of furniture.

  • @creolelady182
    @creolelady182 9 месяцев назад +9

    I really enjoyed this tour. Thank You

  • @mariamendez3690
    @mariamendez3690 9 месяцев назад +8

    Thanks for another beautiful garden video with so many lovely details 🎉.

  • @hectorvivas8659
    @hectorvivas8659 Месяц назад

    All the elements, artifacts, art, furniture and plants make a really beautiful garden.

  • @jeane561
    @jeane561 9 месяцев назад +5

    Jay this is a favorite garden tour that you’ve done. I love it because we love to use found objects in our gardens too. Dean and Jody are so talented not only in putting plant combinations together but all the decorative pieces In their garden. Dean is also a talented carpenter in building the structures. I thoroughly enjoyed this tour and know I will watch it more than once. Thanks so much Dean and Jody and Jay for an incredible tour. Love and blessings ❤️❤️❤️

  • @allonesame6467
    @allonesame6467 9 месяцев назад +4

    Found Inspiration! Art and Love! Thank you for sharing.

  • @lynnpurse
    @lynnpurse 9 месяцев назад +1

    Wow, what a great tour Jay! I love all of the quirky furniture and objects, and that pergola is just beautiful. Such an unusual garden and such lovely gardeners - thank you Jody and Dean for sharing your garden and your talents with all of us.

  • @dianaadhdchannel
    @dianaadhdchannel 9 месяцев назад +4

    Wow! The whole garden is like an art installation 😍😍😍

  • @santahampton
    @santahampton 9 месяцев назад +2

    Wow, whimsical indeed and so many beautiful "garden" rooms--it more than just a backyard!

  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda 9 месяцев назад +4

    Woohoo. Omg! that's pro sharing- catch you later,

  • @PeggyMills
    @PeggyMills 9 месяцев назад +4

    Such a unique garden, Jay. Just stunning. And the bonus footage at the end gave us a more in-depth look at it. That might be a nice touch for future videos.

  • @juliafeliciano5372
    @juliafeliciano5372 9 месяцев назад +3

    What a lovely amazing beautiful garden 🪴 🌸🌺🌷🐝🌿🌾🌱🎋so many areas to enjoy your garden made my heart ♥️ happy😊 God Bless you 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏

  • @doowopshopgal
    @doowopshopgal 9 месяцев назад +4

    Charming and spectacular

  • @lindylou3519
    @lindylou3519 9 месяцев назад +5

    Love that shed! Thanks for another visit in someone’s garden!❤

  • @WineWhiskeyNH
    @WineWhiskeyNH 9 месяцев назад +6

    Wow!! Beautiful!

  • @BerthaRamsey-e9o
    @BerthaRamsey-e9o 9 месяцев назад +1

    Most beautiful home garden I have ever seen. 😢

  • @songliniu2648
    @songliniu2648 9 месяцев назад +3

    What a beautiful garden and lovely story great video. love it ❤❤❤

  • @michaeljonesdougherty.209
    @michaeljonesdougherty.209 9 месяцев назад +1

    Wow Jay there gardens are very pretty and well done. I love meeting new garden people that are like minded 💚 are involved with nature plant babies like me . I enjoy all your gardening tours .

  • @pinetreesnflowers
    @pinetreesnflowers 9 месяцев назад +2

    Wow so cool! A wonderland garden! What a cherished place :)

  • @Gena777-r95
    @Gena777-r95 9 месяцев назад +1

    Oh my goodness!! This is gorgeous...I love how they used older items and whatever in the garden. Its so beautiful ❤❤❤

  • @nenidiaosorio2261
    @nenidiaosorio2261 Месяц назад +1

    Bonito jardín

  • @doowopshopgal
    @doowopshopgal 2 месяца назад

    Absolutely unique and gorgeous

  • @ChristineDuval-cy5ck
    @ChristineDuval-cy5ck 9 месяцев назад +2

    Art of the rocking horse reminds me of my art work for Winchendon, Mass. Known as Toy Town.

  • @randyrice1429
    @randyrice1429 9 месяцев назад

    What an amazing garden! I loved it! And I especially enjoyed your commentary, Jay.

  • @michelenemechek7942
    @michelenemechek7942 9 месяцев назад

    Wonderful job hosting and beautiful camera work. ! Great gardeners too !

  • @nana_mcstuffing5030
    @nana_mcstuffing5030 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for sharing such a fabulous garden 💚💚👩‍🌾💚💚

  • @stephaniesharkey3538
    @stephaniesharkey3538 9 месяцев назад +4

    So pretty!🌿🌸🌿thx Jay

  • @barbaracole4314
    @barbaracole4314 2 месяца назад

    Really nice, you should be so proud of this such a personal touch

  • @СвітланаФесик
    @СвітланаФесик 9 месяцев назад +1

    Дуже творчі люди! Ви для багатьох- приклад!🤗

  • @dawndawn6946
    @dawndawn6946 9 месяцев назад +2

    How wonderful! Well done!❤

  • @marylynnhaynes7558
    @marylynnhaynes7558 9 месяцев назад +3

    Love, love, love❤❤❤

  • @martastauts3240
    @martastauts3240 8 месяцев назад

    What a beautiful garden. Thank you Jay❤

  • @Creativeworksbyalesia
    @Creativeworksbyalesia 8 месяцев назад

    I’m in Getzville, I had foot surgery and missed the garden walk AGAIN! But what a stunningly beautiful garden and such clever decorating! Really enjoyed this!

  • @Katsimagination21
    @Katsimagination21 9 месяцев назад

    Such a beautiful garden !I hope to visit on the years garden walk😊

  • @marymoran8674
    @marymoran8674 8 месяцев назад

    What a phenomenal oasis! ❤

  • @semsimama2191
    @semsimama2191 9 месяцев назад +2

    Absolutely beautiful ❤

  • @Orientalbackyardgarden
    @Orientalbackyardgarden 9 месяцев назад +1

    A Garden Of Love & A Video Of Love ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @pamelacorsi
    @pamelacorsi 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for showing us this cheerful and creative garden full of inspiration!

  • @ItsMefromSnuffys
    @ItsMefromSnuffys 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you this is a beautiful work of art

  • @tomasacreyes6701
    @tomasacreyes6701 9 месяцев назад +5


  • @fourdayhomestead2839
    @fourdayhomestead2839 Месяц назад


  • @lanarey2669
    @lanarey2669 9 месяцев назад

    Breathtaking. Every single beautiful thing

  • @MJYouAreNotAlone1
    @MJYouAreNotAlone1 9 месяцев назад

    Absolutely stunning🥰

  • @melaniem5971
    @melaniem5971 9 месяцев назад

    So special! A labor of love !

  • @Kelly_B_
    @Kelly_B_ 8 месяцев назад

    This is so beautiful!!

  • @tinameech4858
    @tinameech4858 2 месяца назад


  • @margaritaroa8826
    @margaritaroa8826 9 месяцев назад


  • @sharongiles6326
    @sharongiles6326 9 месяцев назад


  • @deniseewert6372
    @deniseewert6372 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @MomPuff-b9w
    @MomPuff-b9w 9 месяцев назад

    Great video!! Thank you 🤗🦋 so inspiring!! New subscriber 🥰💕🇺🇸

  • @merrylmarsh9037
    @merrylmarsh9037 9 месяцев назад

    Ì'm IN LOVE!❤

  • @lauracamper3425
    @lauracamper3425 Месяц назад

    I recently discovered your channel and am enjoying it. I used to have family in Buffalo. I can't place your accent. Where did you grow up and how did you end up in Buffalo?

  • @قناةطبخالمغربيالاصيل
    @قناةطبخالمغربيالاصيل 9 месяцев назад

    مسيىة موفقة🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🙏🏾🙏🏾✌🏿✌🏿👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾🍺🍺🍺🍺

  • @francisfamilyadventures7968
    @francisfamilyadventures7968 9 месяцев назад
