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Pumping in Europe
Pumping in Europe
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Pedal Pumping in Old Black Ballerinas in a Strange Blue cabrio HQ

6/7/23 4:20 PM19 min355 MBmp4720p
Price23.49 EUR


This girl has got a blue converted old cabrio and made it a two seater. She wears black worn ballerinas and a nice blue tight dress.
She shows the strange cars and explains about it. Also showing the bad parts like the floor, because of leaks.
Nice down blouse. She also opens the hood.
She shows how the start the car by pressing a button, so no key needed.
Who would want to steal this car? 
View on feet while starting. Starts after a few seconds. 4 minutes view on feet while driving and shifting.

After a short stop she has trouble starting it again. Pedal pumping for 30 seconds.
She explains more about the car. 2 minutes pedal pumping from the left side.
Down blouse while showing the car. She opens the hood and checks the oil. Nice downblouse.
2 1/2 minutes pedal pumping without effect. Opens the hood again because it is flooded.

Pedal pumping from the right side and it starts after a minute!
2 1/2 minutes driving and braking with view on the feet. Facial view 1 minute while driving with the open roof. 2 1/2 minutes driving and braking with view on the feet

See her also in the next episode: 

Blue cabrio driving and downblouse HQ


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