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Jan 16, 2016 2:50 AM

Sep 2011
Zazie122 said:
arsonal said:

Forum posts are not a singular determinant of activity. It can certainly contribute to the selection process, but we have other ways of tracking activity as well.

While that's fair, several of the requirements involve forum activity, such as helping out in the database forums. There's also an emphasis on teamwork and the like, and I fail to see how you can gauge someone's personality if they don't use the forums at all. Interacting with users is a big part of being a moderator (even a DB mod), so I don't understand why someone who doesn't interact with the majority of users would get the job. That's just my viewpoint though.
Maybe so, but they can be trained.

As you said, with 0 posts it's hard to understand a persons personality and to see whether or not if they're suited for the spot. Generally speaking, all positions, when applying, take into account ALL your posts that you've made on the Forum. A good example of what they'd look for is how you respond in threads and to people.

Now, someone with no posts won't show this obviously, but that wasn't everything that was taken into account for this test, I assume. If it's similar like the Forum Mod one, you'd give a brief motivational summary as to why you want to join, and your tests score would also get taken into account... So, this person prob had a good paragraph + test scores.
Jan 16, 2016 3:04 AM

Mar 2015
Congrats to you guys.

* It's just you.
Jan 16, 2016 3:08 AM

Jan 2015
Zazie122 said:

Xenocrisi said:

I guess you had enough knowledge to become an Anime DB Moderator, but perhaps there were people who has done the application better(?)
And well yeah, I'm surprised that you didn't become a Anime DB Moderator.

I'm not even mad that it's not me, honestly. Only slightly annoyed. I'd just like some sort of indication as to why I wasn't chosen. That's all. And maybe some reasons why the staff that they did pick were chosen, so I know that thought actually went into this and it wasn't all bias.

Why don't you ask it yourself to Kineta (if she remembers who you are).
Jan 16, 2016 3:17 AM

May 2008
Xenocrisi said:

Why don't you ask it yourself to Kineta (if she remembers who you are).

Because I don't really know if it's rude or not lol. Plus it's not like, a super big deal or anything -- I'd like to know why I wasn't chosen, but in the end, I can just apply again in the future. I was more confused at the decision than anything else, really.
Jan 16, 2016 3:31 AM

Jun 2008
Very nice news! 10 people is a lot.
Jan 16, 2016 3:48 AM

Feb 2010
Zazie122 said:
Xenocrisi said:

Why don't you ask it yourself to Kineta (if she remembers who you are).

Because I don't really know if it's rude or not lol. Plus it's not like, a super big deal or anything -- I'd like to know why I wasn't chosen, but in the end, I can just apply again in the future. I was more confused at the decision than anything else, really.

I think she just forget to include the corrected version of the application that includes all the feedback in the PMs she sent out so if you remind her nicely that you didn't get your results I'm sure it wouldn't be considered rude.
I probably regret this post by now.
Jan 16, 2016 4:16 AM
Anime Moderator
᠎ Master Öqvily᠎

Aug 2014
Zazie122 said:
You also gave a mod position to someone on semi-hiatus, even though a requirement was being active --or at least I thought as much.

I'm guessing you're talking about me. xD Well I added that status when school started (5 months ago) since it was really hectic at that point but currently I'm completely active. Why I left it there? I just never really bothered with taking it down~

Forum set made by my
secret santa, Nate!
Jan 16, 2016 5:29 AM

Jun 2015
Jan 16, 2016 5:33 AM

May 2008
Jicetus said:

I'm guessing you're talking about me. xD Well I added that status when school started (5 months ago) since it was really hectic at that point but currently I'm completely active. Why I left it there? I just never really bothered with taking it down~

Whoops, my bad lol. I'm not that familiar with you so I thought you were still semi-hiatus >_>. Wasn't trying to be nasty or anything btw. It's nothing against you at all haha.
Jan 16, 2016 6:02 AM
Anime Moderator
᠎ Master Öqvily᠎

Aug 2014
Zazie122 said:
Whoops, my bad lol. I'm not that familiar with you so I thought you were still semi-hiatus >_>. Wasn't trying to be nasty or anything btw. It's nothing against you at all haha.

Np, it was really me fault leaving it there. And I didn't sense any hostility either, you were just bringing up the fact. Nothing wrong with that. :D

Forum set made by my
secret santa, Nate!
Jan 16, 2016 6:55 AM

Apr 2008
Congratulations to all!!!! :D
Jan 16, 2016 7:27 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Xenocrisi said:
Why don't you ask it yourself to Kineta (if she remembers who you are).
Of course I remember who the applicants are, sheesh. What do you take me for. (Actually my memory is kind of scary...)

Zazie122 said:
Because I don't really know if it's rude or not lol. Plus it's not like, a super big deal or anything -- I'd like to know why I wasn't chosen, but in the end, I can just apply again in the future. I was more confused at the decision than anything else, really.
I don't really understand your logic here. PMing me would be rude, but saying some chosen users shouldn't be moderators in the thread is not? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something.

When we choose database moderators, we look at a variety of factors, including:
- site activity (note that site activity is not always reflected in forum posts);
- previous contributions to the database (also part of the above point);
- understanding of the database guidelines (as a gauge of how much we'll need to train them);
- effort put into the application (there are some questions in the app which indicate how far you'll go to find information);
- personal skills, estimated by how the applicant treats other users on the site, has interacted with moderators, and any other indicators as given in their motivation message.

My messages might sound a little stock-PMish sometimes; I send them to so many users I can't write each and every PM from scratch. But I only include portions of the PM which apply to that individual, and the words written in them are sincere.

If you don't understand something in the message I've sent you or you'd like more information, you are always welcome to reply back to me. The staff and myself are not going to give individual applicant results or reasons for being accepted/denied in a thread like this. We never have.
Jan 16, 2016 7:53 AM

Dec 2011
Just to say I would much prefer someone to get an anime database mod position with zero forum activity or even who was slightly rude but nonetheless were active on the site and strong with regards to
Kineta said:
- previous contributions to the database (also part of the above point);
- understanding of the database guidelines (as a gauge of how much we'll need to train them);
- effort put into the application (there are some questions in the app which indicate how far you'll go to find information);

than someone who was significantly weaker in those respects but a friendly and regular forum user.

Signed - Someone who is not, was not and most likely never will be involved in the selection process in any way.

Oh, and well done to those selected. Hopefully this will enable things to flow better now than they have been recently.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Jan 16, 2016 8:13 AM

Jun 2015
Welcome MAL Class of 2016.
Jan 16, 2016 8:21 AM

Sep 2008
Welcome to the team new mods :)
Jan 16, 2016 12:16 PM

Feb 2012
Oi, where my Nicks at?!
Jan 16, 2016 12:20 PM

Mar 2013
Congrats, guys and gals :)

Thank you for dedicating yourselves towards helping maintaining and updating of the database, it is appreciated
Jan 16, 2016 1:03 PM

Dec 2013
Jan 16, 2016 1:58 PM

Jun 2015
Jan 16, 2016 4:11 PM

Jul 2015
Congratulations to the new admins..

More staff members to choose for the anime watching challenge criterion that requires you to watch an anime favorite(d?) by a team member.

"There’s one last thing you should never forget, Issei. Even a Pawn can take down the King."
Jan 16, 2016 7:00 PM

Mar 2008
Welcome new mods and admins to help keep our site ticking.

I do kind of regret not applying, tempting as it was to be a mod here I just feared I wouldn't be able to keep up with my duties here on top of everything else I have to do in life :( But Welcome again to the new Mods!
My Channel Anime Reviews, Unboxings and More
Drak Shadow For LetsPlays and Movie Vlogs
Jan 16, 2016 8:03 PM

May 2008
Kineta said:
I don't really understand your logic here. PMing me would be rude, but saying some chosen users shouldn't be moderators in the thread is not? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be. I'm questioning why they were when there's no indication of what they're like. I just want an explanation as to the reasoning behind it, is all. But if I went up to you and said "HEY WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK ME?" that'd be rude.

When we choose database moderators, we look at a variety of factors, including:
- site activity (note that site activity is not always reflected in forum posts);

True, but it contradicts this slightly, in my opinion:

- personal skills, estimated by how the applicant treats other users on the site, has interacted with moderators, and any other indicators as given in their motivation message.

How do you know what their personal skills are like if your only interactions with them are through the application process? I'd personally say that if someone doesn't use the forums, they seldom interact with mods and you have no idea how they'll treat other users.

- previous contributions to the database (also part of the above point);
- understanding of the database guidelines (as a gauge of how much we'll need to train them);

These are only things you can get through applications really, sure. But with database contributions, do you look at what they've posted in the database forum? Because a lot of contributions posted there end up being ignored and since they're not implemented they could go undetected by the staff who select the applicants.

My messages might sound a little stock-PMish sometimes; I send them to so many users I can't write each and every PM from scratch. But I only include portions of the PM which apply to that individual, and the words written in them are sincere.

That's fair. I didn't think it was a rude PM or anything, I would have just liked a bit more indication as to how I could've improved my application and such.

If you don't understand something in the message I've sent you or you'd like more information, you are always welcome to reply back to me. The staff and myself are not going to give individual applicant results or reasons for being accepted/denied in a thread like this. We never have.

I personally feel like if you did, people would trust your decisions more. Not even going into specifics or anything, either. Just something generic like "showed good ___ skills and seems promising in ___", maybe.

This is just how I feel though. I'm not against anything, I'm just confused by the decision making process. But I'll keep applying whenever mod applications are open (and I think they should be held more than every 2 years given all the new things MAL keeps implementing) until you hire me.
Jan 16, 2016 8:38 PM
Sep 2007
Sorry, but I can't help feeling sad and betrayed not being chosen as well, even second time I applied...

For years (since 2008, I believe) I have spent my precious time contributing to database (adding thousands of characters, people, editing stuff, etc...), not really for the goal of becoming a mod, but because it brought me pleasure.

Had some good talks with mods, too.

IMO, I think I "proved myself", so I'd lie if I said I didn't hoped this time I'd get a position of anime mod, simply as some recognition, if nothing else - even if I said when I applied that I will be happy for new mods, even if I don't get chosen.

Because, in the end, over the years, what I did wasn't just for me...

And just words like simple "thank you", or "we appreciate your work", now seem more like an insult, compared to my time that won't come back, and that, as soon as I read first post, I now bitterly regret.


I can't believe I was such idiot all these years, all these efforts and hard work, only for it to go to nothing.

I apologize if I sound selfish now, but right now I wish I could remove everything that I added to MAL - and there is a lot of it.

If nothing else, I will try not to demean and humiliate myself any further, by not contributing to MAL database anymore, something that I most likely shouldn't have ever started in the first place, and which saddens me to no end now.

Congratulations to the new mods, I guess...
Jan 16, 2016 8:40 PM

May 2008
Why did you delete your post and then repost it? It's not going to help, dude...
Jan 16, 2016 8:44 PM

Nov 2014
Psajdak said:
The feeling when the reality hits you.

Jan 16, 2016 9:02 PM
Sep 2007
Zazie122 said:
Why did you delete your post and then repost it? It's not going to help, dude...
No, I didn't do it for any help or something like that - if after all these years, and after all I've done, I wasn't chosen, and some members who were here for maybe year or two were, than I doubt I would ever get this position that I think I deserved, and wished for.

It's just that I hate that mini message "Psajdak edited this message."
Dunno why, I just find it annoying.

ExTamplier said:
Psajdak said:
The feeling when the reality hits you.
I guess you are right...
Still, this goes beyond being just offended on forums, we are talking about years here, about time that won't come back - for instance, take a look at Detective Conan character's page...

More than 97% of these I added, and that is only a tiny part compared to all titles I contributed to - that is a HUGE amount of time.

You can't blame me for being sad now that I see that all that had gone to waste.
Jan 17, 2016 1:33 AM

Jan 2015
If you apply, you do it at your own risk. You have to be prepared (mentally) if you don't get the position you were aiming for.

You sound more than selfish to me, tbh.
Look, I've not been accepted as Anime DB Moderator, but I'm not here to write 5 pages of "Why wasn't I accpeted?", or "I deserved that position, he/she didn't!". No, I'm not here for this. I should just be improving my skills.

And maybe, but just maybe, since you didn't get that postion is probably because you didn't deserve it?

And I don't even get why you are talking about "years on MAL", when it is simple as it is, or in other words, fully understanding the Anime DB Guidelines.

If you don't, well, don't expect to become a moderator.
Jan 17, 2016 1:57 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Welcome aboard. I look forward to working with all of you!




[H+] ³  
Jan 17, 2016 2:02 AM
Sep 2007
Xenocrisi said:
If you apply, you do it at your own risk. You have to be prepared (mentally) if you don't get the position you were aiming for.

You sound more than selfish to me, tbh.
Look, I've not been accepted as Anime DB Moderator, but I'm not here to write 5 pages of "Why wasn't I accpeted?", or "I deserved that position, he/she didn't!". No, I'm not here for this. I should just be improving my skills.

And maybe, but just maybe, since you didn't get that postion is probably because you didn't deserve it?

And I don't even get why you are talking about "years on MAL", when it is simple as it is, or in other words, fully understanding the Anime DB Guidelines.

If you don't, well, don't expect to become a moderator.
Sorry, but you simply can't understand - first of all, you being 15, and only being on MAL for a year.

To understand me, you should spend about 7 years filled with hours, days, weeks (when acumulated) of adding thousands of stuff to MAL database, wasting my life on something that now that I saw this thread, I realized was for nothing.

How could I not know Anime DB Guidelines by now?

Even if said something that sound selfish, can that even compare in the slightest with years of my life, that in the end had gone unrewarded, while some others who I doubt contributed even 1/1000 of what I did got positions without much effort - only nice application message?

I still love this site, but when I read Kineta's first post, and then Tyrel's where he said that new mods can be trained, with all due respect, it almost made me commit suicide, for my precious time being wasted without point, and how could I have been such a fool.
Jan 17, 2016 2:07 AM

Dec 2011
How is it wasted?

If you, as you claim, were doing it for fun, then the fun itself would have been just reward and thus it wasn't wasted.
If you place any value on improving the database itself, its accuracy or its completion, then again your efforts weren't wasted as they would have helped out immensely in this respect.

The only situation in which it would be wasted is if you were only doing it in pursuit of that database mod position. Which you claim you weren't.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Jan 17, 2016 2:30 AM
Sep 2007
kuuderes_shadow said:
How is it wasted?

If you, as you claim, were doing it for fun, then the fun itself would have been just reward and thus it wasn't wasted.
If you place any value on improving the database itself, its accuracy or its completion, then again your efforts weren't wasted as they would have helped out immensely in this respect.

The only situation in which it would be wasted is if you were only doing it in pursuit of that database mod position. Which you claim you weren't.
No, I didn't...

Would anyone spend such huge amount of time by thinking I only do this so I can become mod?

If that was my end goal and reason, then I would have rather befriended current admins and mods, being on IRC, and tried to find some way to become mod myself that is at least easier.

Only because of love and fun in what I were doing did I continued contributing without stoping.

My interest in becoming mod wasn't because of just to have that position, but because over the years I noticed no matter how many of them were here, only few were active, and that was noticeable, mostly when it comes to waiting for additions to be confirmed - something which took months often.

Most of them were just ignoring messages, and did their own thing, being active and helping on a whim.

So, if nothing else I decided to apply in the previous applications, hoping that based on my previous efforts and hard work, I more than proved I could do the job for at least three inactive mods - but some others were choosen, and why being a little annoyed, I continued contributing, thinking that next (this) time, if I applied again, I would get position both as a reward, and as a sign that what I was doing was recognized.


But it's pointless to talk about it now; all I can say now is that no matter how positively I try to look at things, all I'm filled with right now isn't even grudge against others, because in the end, it's not like I was forced to contribute, but rather immense sadness for doing what I did, even if at the time really brought me joy.

I wish all the best to the new mods.
Jan 17, 2016 2:34 AM

Mar 2013
If people were database moderators for fun only, it would last for around two months maximum. The task is tedious. To last and your activity not decline drastically, one requires the mindset of wanting to improve the website with that being the aim and goal. The fun aspect dies off in time as the actions required from a moderator are quite 'static', so to speak.

True, cases can and are different each time, but the basic principle remains the same: a filled queue and a moderator requires full attention for each separate submission to either deem it appropriate or not through (preferably) multiple sources.

Let's just say it is a tedious task that loses its shine and becomes quite bland in time. Sooner for some, later for others, but all at one point. That is why doing it for fun is not enough if you want to last. You require the dedication to contribute even if you are not really totally hyped about it anymore.

As for those applying just to wave around the status... you will get over that, too. But the duty will remain. Bottom line, apply if you want to contribute to MAL as a part of the team, not to boost yourself as an individual, as the latter will draw it all back.
Jan 17, 2016 2:42 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Psajdak said:
Sorry, but I can't help feeling sad and betrayed not being chosen as well, even second time I applied...
Just to note: you did not complete an application and send it in during the recruitment process. You sent a message to KinaBot. These are the results from the recruitment thread. KinaBot is for open applications outside regular recruitments.

Zazie122 said:
How do you know what their personal skills are like if your only interactions with them are through the application process? I'd personally say that if someone doesn't use the forums, they seldom interact with mods and you have no idea how they'll treat other users.
That's not true. Many users interact with moderators on a regular basis through their submissions to the site, reports, and private messages. Not everyone wants to interact via the forum.

Zazie122 said:
But with database contributions, do you look at what they've posted in the database forum? Because a lot of contributions posted there end up being ignored and since they're not implemented they could go undetected by the staff who select the applicants.
We're well-versed with the users who post modifications regularly in the forum thread. This is only one small aspect of contributing to the databases, though.

Zazie122 said:
Kineta said:
The staff and myself are not going to give individual applicant results or reasons for being accepted/denied in a thread like this. We never have.
I personally feel like if you did, people would trust your decisions more. Not even going into specifics or anything, either. Just something generic like "showed good ___ skills and seems promising in ___", maybe.
Then the discussion becomes "how did X show good ____ skills?" or "how is Y promising in ___?" If we choose the users as mods, we think they have some good skills and are promising. Isn't this to be expected?

Why is there any reason to distrust the decisions we make? We see the applications. We see how the users do on the tests. We have knowledge of the users' prior contributions to the site, their previous interactions with users and moderators. We know where the weaknesses are in our team, in the database. We have experience evaluating applications and training moderators. Of course no one ever knows for sure when they hire new people. But where exactly is the reason to not trust our decisions? The only reason I can see would be because the individual thinks we only want to hire our "friends"—and me even going so far as to post all the graded applications will not get that idea out of the head of someone who chooses to distrust.

I'm really against public spotlighting and shaming. Applications are a private process. It's up to you if you want to tell users you applied and/or were rejected. This is not something I will share. Newly hired moderators will not see the applications and results of their peers either. Everyone starts with a clean slate and at the same level. That is the best way to forge a new team.
KinetaJan 17, 2016 2:47 AM
Jan 17, 2016 3:01 AM

Mar 2013
Kineta said:
Why is there any reason to distrust the decisions we make? We see the applications. We see how the users do on the tests. We have knowledge of the users' prior contributions to the site, their previous interactions with users and moderators. We know where the weaknesses are in our team, in the database. We have experience evaluating applications and training moderators. Of course no one ever knows for sure when they hire new people. But where exactly is the reason to not trust our decisions? The only reason I can see would be because the individual thinks we only want to hire our "friends"—and me even going so far as to post all the graded applications will not get that idea out of the head of someone who chooses to distrust.

I don't believe the issue lies in distrust or believing that you recruit people who would be your friends or such. As far as I can see, the people that applied and by that showed interest want to know exactly how others were better than they are in the aspect. They do not distrust, they want to know how they are a 'worse individual'. I am not saying this is the case, just what they perhaps feel as of right now.

You are a supportive person, Kineta. You see positive teamwork as something that goes for granted if a group wants to reach some sort of success. That sort of thinking is good, but it is not universal for everyone. Some have a stronger essence of individuality and give more power to the word "me".

As far as I can see, some are simply frustrated to know that they were deemed less appropriate as individuals than the ones listed in the OP and cannot see exactly how good those were. They know for themselves, but want to know for others as well. In detail.

It is only temporary, though. Information such as how applications for each individual have gone should remain private. Looking at the entire system, it is how the process is best to run.
Jan 17, 2016 3:24 AM
Sep 2007
Kineta said:
Just to note: you did not complete an application and send it in during the recruitment process. You sent a message to KinaBot. These are the results from the recruitment thread. KinaBot is for open applications outside regular recruitments.

I see, stupid mistake, although I doubt I'd gotten position anyway, considering you only responded to this part.

Doesn't matter anymore, since at least I won't be contributing anything to MAL database from now on.

I do however wonder if it's possible for admins or mods to at once remove all characters, people, anime and manga titles, pictures, and other editions done by individual member, because it pains me to have them anymore on this site which from on will I only be using for listings, info, and forums.
Jan 17, 2016 3:46 AM

Mar 2013
Calm down, man. If I learned something from my past time here it is not to make any over-dramatic statements. Stuff happens. Just go do what you like. And know that time is always on your side over here.

At the end of the day anime and manga are meant to bring some sort of entertainment, with MAL being a website that enhances that experience. Getting this stressed and emotional at it is just stupid and counter-effects the purpose.

Do what you want, but don't take these 180 turns. They don't end well in most cases.
Jan 17, 2016 3:57 AM
Sep 2007
Subpyro said:
Calm down, man. If I learned something from my past time here it is not to make any over-dramatic statements. Stuff happens. Just go do what you like. And know that time is always on your side over here.

At the end of the day anime and manga are meant to bring some sort of entertainment, with MAL being a website that enhances that experience. Getting this stressed and emotional at it is just stupid and counter-effects the purpose.

Do what you want, but don't take these 180 turns. They don't end well in most cases.
No, right now, I don't care for not being chosen; just all that time I spend on MAL database is now hurting me, and if nothing else, I would like it if some mod removed everything I added so far.

So, it's not like I am angry (well I am, on my stupid self), just sad and and kind of empty - wondering what was so wrong with me to spend youth on MAL database.
Jan 17, 2016 4:11 AM

May 2008
Kineta said:
That's not true. Many users interact with moderators on a regular basis through their submissions to the site, reports, and private messages. Not everyone wants to interact via the forum.

Fair, but do users who get accepted as mods have to use the forum? That's how I interpreted the requirements -- forum interaction was part of it.

We're well-versed with the users who post modifications regularly in the forum thread. This is only one small aspect of contributing to the databases, though.

I get that, I was just asking if it was taken into account.

Then the discussion becomes "how did X show good ____ skills?" or "how is Y promising in ___?" If we choose the users as mods, we think they have some good skills and are promising. Isn't this to be expected?


Why is there any reason to distrust the decisions we make? We see the applications. We see how the users do on the tests. We have knowledge of the users' prior contributions to the site, their previous interactions with users and moderators. We know where the weaknesses are in our team, in the database. We have experience evaluating applications and training moderators. Of course no one ever knows for sure when they hire new people. But where exactly is the reason to not trust our decisions? The only reason I can see would be because the individual thinks we only want to hire our "friends"—and me even going so far as to post all the graded applications will not get that idea out of the head of someone who chooses to distrust.

It's not so much "distrust", it's more being wary, I think. Given past examples of features being implemented and the staff dismissing any kinds of complaints, I feel like people think their views don't matter and the staff just does whatever they want. I don't really feel a connection between a lot of the MAL staff and the userbase, but that's simply my interpretation and there are probably exceptions to that.

I'm really against public spotlighting and shaming. Applications are a private process. It's up to you if you want to tell users you applied and/or were rejected. This is not something I will share. Newly hired moderators will not see the applications and results of their peers either. Everyone starts with a clean slate and at the same level. That is the best way to forge a new team.

That's fair. I agree with most of that. I'm not saying I'm against the way this has been done, I just had some concerns, but in the end, as I said, it's not that important. I want the best for MAL and I hope the database standards improve (eventually -- I know it takes time to integrate new mods!) and that things get done quicker. And when it's hard to tell what some of the new mods are like, I find it difficult to know that I can trust them and their skills. I know that is built up over time as well, but when I have absolutely nothing to go off, it'll simply take longer. I have nothing against any of the new mods, or you, and I do hope this all goes well and in the long run we'll see improvements. I'm not immediately dismissing anyone -- as I said, I just had some concerns.
Jan 17, 2016 4:23 AM

Mar 2013
There's nothing more stupid than discarding your time and effort like it never happened. Those were your contributions. True, they were approved by a moderator. True, it is the community that benefits from them all. But in a sense, it was you who has taken the initiative, and that is the core from where everything is built on.

Those are little sub-initiatives that matter. Sub-initiatives that could have been done because there were others made in the past, the most visible one being Xinil starting off MAL.

Do not undermine these initiatives. Hold them with pride.
Jan 17, 2016 4:27 AM

Jan 2015
Psajdak said:
Subpyro said:
Calm down, man. If I learned something from my past time here it is not to make any over-dramatic statements. Stuff happens. Just go do what you like. And know that time is always on your side over here.

At the end of the day anime and manga are meant to bring some sort of entertainment, with MAL being a website that enhances that experience. Getting this stressed and emotional at it is just stupid and counter-effects the purpose.

Do what you want, but don't take these 180 turns. They don't end well in most cases.
No, right now, I don't care for not being chosen; just all that time I spend on MAL database is now hurting me, and if nothing else, I would like it if some mod removed everything I added so far.

So, it's not like I am angry (well I am, on my stupid self), just sad and and kind of empty - wondering what was so wrong with me to spend youth on MAL database.

It's not like this was the last opportunity of your life.
There will be another recruitment in 3/4 years I guess.
Jan 17, 2016 4:38 AM

Mar 2013
Xenocrisi said:
It's not like this was the last opportunity of your life.
There will be another recruitment in 3/4 years I guess.

The MAL staff acts rationally. If one is a dedicated and appropriate individual that shows signs of teamwork and positiveness, they will be recruited at any time.

The database moderators, and pretty much all moderating sectors on MAL are always in need of a few extra hands. If you have the qualities listed above and come forward and politely make contact yourself regarding the matter, it doesn't matter what the status of recruitement here says, you will be considered on-spot.

The only times the MAL staff will take the initiative and reach out to you (and the rest of the community) is when they will truly be in need of more moderators. That might take some time, yes. But 'the more the merrier' always goes here. After all, if someone is suited for the position, polite and dedicated, what a madman wouldn't recruit them? The issue is that there are very, very little of those around that take the initiative as well.
Jan 17, 2016 4:54 AM

Jan 2015
Subpyro said:
Xenocrisi said:
It's not like this was the last opportunity of your life.
There will be another recruitment in 3/4 years I guess.

The MAL staff acts rationally. If one is a dedicated and appropriate individual that shows signs of teamwork and positiveness, they will be recruited at any time.

The database moderators, and pretty much all moderating sectors on MAL are always in need of a few extra hands. If you have the qualities listed above and come forward and politely make contact yourself regarding the matter, it doesn't matter what the status of recruitement here says, you will be considered on-spot.

Well yeah, that's true. It happened to me that an anime moderator asked me to become one of them while there was the recruitment since I was helping a lot the database. So even the moderators can take the initiative, not only the members.
XenocrisiJan 17, 2016 5:44 AM
Jan 17, 2016 5:21 AM

Jan 2014
Psajdak said:
Sorry, but I can't help feeling sad and betrayed not being chosen as well, even second time I applied...

For years (since 2008, I believe) I have spent my precious time contributing to database (adding thousands of characters, people, editing stuff, etc...), not really for the goal of becoming a mod, but because it brought me pleasure.

Had some good talks with mods, too.

IMO, I think I "proved myself", so I'd lie if I said I didn't hoped this time I'd get a position of anime mod, simply as some recognition, if nothing else - even if I said when I applied that I will be happy for new mods, even if I don't get chosen.

Because, in the end, over the years, what I did wasn't just for me...

And just words like simple "thank you", or "we appreciate your work", now seem more like an insult, compared to my time that won't come back, and that, as soon as I read first post, I now bitterly regret.


I can't believe I was such idiot all these years, all these efforts and hard work, only for it to go to nothing.

I apologize if I sound selfish now, but right now I wish I could remove everything that I added to MAL - and there is a lot of it.

If nothing else, I will try not to demean and humiliate myself any further, by not contributing to MAL database anymore, something that I most likely shouldn't have ever started in the first place, and which saddens me to no end now.

Congratulations to the new mods, I guess...
cry more

Congrats Higashi (and all the other new mods ofc) !
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jan 17, 2016 5:38 AM

Sep 2010
first of all congrats to all the new mods, especiallly higashi (Pullman) whom i'l have to treat with respect from now on.
second, guys don't be let down for being left out in this season draft. luckily next year there will be new reruitment, and if you keep up with your good work, and don't sweat the small things you can achieve greater heights. complaining like a sore looser won't help you getting a position as mod, so keep up the good work and better luck next time

"Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss
Jan 17, 2016 5:49 AM
Sep 2007
Sapewloth said:
cry more
For what reason do you want me to cry?
I don't remember ever doing anything to you, that I would deserve to be told something so cruel?

In fact, I don't recalling talking to you before, either.

@Xenocrisi: If after all this time I didn't get chosen, while some others were even invited even without applications, I doubt I will ever have that position, anyway.

No to mention, instead of little appreciation for everything I did, what I get now are cruel replies such as "cry more", or that I'm selfish...

That's why I just wish all of mine contributions to be deleted, to just erase that mistaken part of my life.
Jan 17, 2016 6:11 AM

Jun 2008
I think it's wonderful that you did so much for the website Psajdak and I thank you for that. I doubt the moderators will delete your very useful contributions to the site because obviously they are a good thing and removing them would be counterproductive. In my opinion you should be proud of all the things you did for the database. I don't understand what made you think that your efforts aren't appreciated anymore just because you weren't made a moderator (which apparently you didn't even apply for properly?). All your contributions are very appreciated by good people that truly care about the website. Whether you're a moderator or a regular user is irrelevant here. And as for troll remarks and insults... Well, they are just troll remarks and insults, and they don't really deserve your attention, now do they?

It appears that at the moment you're quite stressed out, which is usually a very bad time to make ultimative statements and decisions of any kind. So I think that maybe you shouldn't write so many posts right now and instead try to calm down, let some time pass, think about what this site means to you. And don't consider suicide over some moderator position, goddamnit. Maybe in a few days you'll be remembering this situation with a smile.
Jan 17, 2016 6:11 AM

Dec 2011
Psajdak said:

No to mention, instead of little appreciation for everything I did, what I get now are cruel replies such as "cry more", or that I'm selfish...

That's why I just wish all of mine contributions to be deleted, to just erase that mistaken part of my life.

You've got it the wrong way around. You're being called selfish because you're asking for everything you've ever contributed to the site to be removed (which you did in your very first post on the thread). You even used the word yourself...

Think about what that would mean in practice for a moment:
- Every entry you've made to the site would then have to then be readded by someone else, possibly in exactly the same form as you had done.
- For any manga or anime that you had added to the database, everyone who had them on their lists would have their entries wiped, their history wiped, any posts they had made about the series wiped...
- Not to mention the fact that the deletions would themselves probably take a significant amount of time to do in the first place.

Yes, I think "selfish" sums it up quite nicely.
kuuderes_shadowJan 17, 2016 6:17 AM
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Jan 17, 2016 6:14 AM

Mar 2015
Psajdak said:

lmfao, you're a true gem, you know that mate?

On that note, congrats to the new mods. The job of a moderator is no easy task (which I, and many others, have no intention of ever taking on), especially because of the sheer amount of time you will no doubt have to invest in controlling the forums.

In any case, this is a welcome change to our wonderful host of dictatorial overlords. I've often spoken out about how moderators no longer interact with users so much and have thus been growing more distant from us. Some, of course, have also made dubious decisions that I will probably never understand or get a decent explanation from. Here's to hoping you guys can bridge that gap and make the moderation team more capable and friendly.

starting with disputing the 30 character limit rule please
Jan 17, 2016 6:42 AM

Mar 2011
We're in need of recommendation moderators, just take a look on the rec section at any time...
Jan 17, 2016 6:48 AM

Jan 2010
Congratulations and good luck!
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

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