
Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2019
View attachment 2963114
when I remember that in the original anime Kirito's sister/cousin's breasts were nerfed.
Carefull, we keep focusing on their breast size and we will end up liek the guy on reddit who calculated the size of Griffith's (from berserk) dick xD

But just as a fun fact it does make sense in universe for their bodies to have "extreme" changes, they are all growing girls and in Asuna's case her body grow is probably all messed up due to the SAO and ALO incidents. (I mean malnutrition and other coma related stuff).
Everyone shouldn't argue about the breast size. All breasts are beautiful. It is not about how much they have, it is about how they use them. Different shapes and sizes give us different fetishes.

Also the simple real world answer to different sizes is that different works comes from different companies. Without QC to check for consistancy, every company's artist/animators will give their own visual style of the character. Sometimes their own personal fetishes also factor in. Just look at the difference between manga Bocchi and anime Bocchi!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Everyone needs to relax about the breast size. All breasts are beautiful. It is not about how much they have, it is about how they use them. Different shapes and sizes give us different fetishes.

Also the simple real world answer to different sizes is that all the works comes from different companies. Without QC to check for consistancy every company's artist/animators give their own visual style of the character. Sometimes their own personal fetishes also factor in. Just look at the difference between manga Bocchi and anime Bocchi!
While this is mostly accurate, Sugu's boobs being so big are, in fact, an actual certified fact because it's the only you can look up the ORIGIN of! Why? Because originally, in the first version of SAO (The Web Novel), they weren't, back then Kawahara, the author, didn't care about breast-size at all, just writing the story, so in his mind all the girls were mostly flat if they weren't adults, in fact here is a very old pic of 'Proto-Sugu/Leafa' that was drawn by the author himself, not the illustrator of the novels, of how he originally envisioned her:


However, ironically, as a fact that can actually be checked with sources if you look it online, even in her Wikia page with citations to the official sites where this was stated, his editor when he was adapting the series to Light Novel suggested amongst its many changes to make Sugu's boobs big (Why? Because...just because, lol). It's in the 'Trivia' section of her Wikia page if anyone cares to check:

So yeah, while it's true that different artists/creators will indeed draw characters differently, Suguha actually dwarfing all the other girls' in tit-size is consistent across all SAO media because it's literally an established fact that it was a change suggested and made when the series became a LN XD Hell, this is an illustration made by the novels' artist during the time the latest anime season was airing, which shows that, yeah, even he draws them that big:


Sugu's breasts seem 'smaller' in earlier-novel-illustrations not because they grew but because the illustrator literally had like a whole decade to make his art better at depicting things, like, have you seen Kirito and Asuna in the cover for the first volume compared to the latest one? The difference is like night and day, hard to even tell they're the same characters outside the designs:


As an extra, and if anyone cares, while I agree that all breast-sizes are great, here is a much more blatant 'size comparison' from the manga-original Spin-off "SAO Girls Ops" (Featuring Sugu, Silica, Liz, and the original new girl Lux/Hiyori, as their main characters) with an 'aerial view' of the 4 main girls in a hot springs:



Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2019
While this is mostly accurate, Sugu's boobs being so big are, in fact, an actual certified fact because it's the only you can look up the ORIGIN of! Why? Because originally, in the first version of SAO (The Web Novel), they weren't, back then Kawahara, the author, didn't care about breast-size at all, just writing the story, so in his mind all the girls were mostly flat if they weren't adults, in fact here is a very old pic of 'Proto-Sugu/Leafa' that was drawn by the author himself, not the illustrator of the novels, of how he originally envisioned her:

View attachment 2964654

However, ironically, as a fact that can actually be checked with sources if you look it online, even in her Wikia page with citations to the official sites where this was stated, his editor when he was adapting the series to Light Novel suggested amongst its many changes to make Sugu's boobs big (Why? Because...just because, lol). It's in the 'Trivia' section of her Wikia page if anyone cares to check:

So yeah, while it's true that different artists/creators will indeed draw characters differently, Suguha actually dwarfing all the other girls' in tit-size is consistent across all SAO media because it's literally an established fact that it was a change suggested and made when the series became a LN XD Hell, this is an illustration made by the novels' artist during the time the latest anime season was airing, which shows that, yeah, even he draws them that big:

View attachment 2964660

Sugu's breasts seem 'smaller' in earlier-novel-illustrations not because they grew but because the illustrator literally had like a whole decade to make his art better at depicting things, like, have you seen Kirito and Asuna in the cover for the first volume compared to the latest one? The difference is like night and day, hard to even tell they're the same characters outside the designs:

View attachment 2964665

As an extra, and if anyone cares, while I agree that all breast-sizes are great, here is a much more blatant 'size comparison' from the manga-original Spin-off "SAO Girls Ops" (Featuring Sugu, Silica, Liz, and the original new girl Lux/Hiyori, as their main characters) with an 'aerial view' of the 4 main girls in a hot springs:

View attachment 2964670
You and Kazuto123 would get along so well!
Basically I see you agree with I said.
You - his editor when he was adapting the series to Light Novel suggested amongst its many changes to make Sugu's boobs big (Why? Because...just because, lol).
Me - Sometimes their own personal fetishes also factor in.

You - different artists/creators will indeed draw characters differently
Me - every company's artist/animators will give their own visual style of the character.

You - here is a much more blatant 'size comparison' from the manga-original Spin-off "SAO Girls Ops"
Me - Different shapes and sizes give us different fetishes.

Thanks! It is great you provided proof for my statements.
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Jan 4, 2018
You all have been having this autistic argument about sugus honkers when you could have easily avoided this entire argument by pointing out the screenshot that one moron posted claiming her boobs are smaller was a picture of her wearing baggy clothing. All this time could have instead been spent laughing at a guy that doesn't know girls boobs look smaller in baggy clothes.


Jun 5, 2023
Nie każda powinna kłócić się o rozmiar piersi. Wszystkie piersi są piękne. Nie chodzi o to, ile mają, ale o to, jak z nich korzystają. Różne kształty i rozmiary dają nam różne fetysze.

Prostą odpowiedzią na różne rozmiary w świecie rzeczywistym jest również to, że różne prace pochodzą od różnych firm. Bez kontroli jakości sprawdzającej spójność, artysta/animatorzy każdej firmy nadadzą postaci swój własny styl wizualny. Czasami ich osobiste fetysze również mają znaczenie. Spójrz tylko na różnicę między mangą Bocchi i anime Bocchi!
Dokładnie. Postacie w anime nie zawsze wyglądają tak samo jak w LN/mandze. Ikemoto lubi rysować takie stroje dla nieletnich postaci, jak Sarada Uchiha. To zdjęcie rozdziału pochodzi z rozdziału 33, więc w anime Sarada zawsze wygląda inaczej niż w mandze, te same postacie Hinata, Naruto
View attachment Naruto-and-Hinata.webp maxresdefault.jpg

View attachment Naruto-and-Hinata.webp

The same Hinata in the manga, drawn by the author Ikemoto, doesn't look nice and Hinata in the anime looks better than in the manga.


Jun 5, 2023
You all have been having this autistic argument about sugus honkers when you could have easily avoided this entire argument by pointing out the screenshot that one moron posted claiming her boobs are smaller was a picture of her wearing baggy clothing. All this time could have instead been spent laughing at a guy that doesn't know girls boobs look smaller in baggy clothes.
I agree that I could have ignored the guy who posted that he didn't like it. I also agree that it depends on how the person dresses and what clothes they have. For example, I could wear a few thick clothes and I would look like a fat guy :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I agree that I could have ignored the guy who posted that he didn't like it. I also agree that it depends on how the person dresses and what clothes they have. For example, I could wear a few thick clothes and I would look like a fat guy :D
Eh, I saw it more of a casual talk about clarifying facts (Especially when, as mentioned that's acknowledged as an animation error...because we actually have some previous showings of Sugu in those exact same clothes and her tits being still massive ARE visible in those, so it's not in fact 'baggy clothes' XP) than an argument, really.

Also a clear example that we're all getting hella bored/anxious waiting for Fujino to update, lol


Jan 4, 2018
Eh, I saw it more of a casual talk about clarifying facts (Especially when, as mentioned that's acknowledged as an animation error...because we actually have some previous showings of Sugu in those exact same clothes and her tits being still massive ARE visible in those, so it's not in fact 'baggy clothes' XP) than an argument, really.

Also a clear example that we're all getting hella bored/anxious waiting for Fujino to update, lol
Coomers have an innate ability to sense any slight change in anime tiddies. Unfortunately due to the stress of no update to coom to and being close to a new update all their senses are thrown off. Hold strong coomers. The update is almost here more than likely.
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Yare yare dawa (ง •̀_•́)ง
May 6, 2018
is it an update?
" Sorry I may not be able to make it this month as I said before. I will try to make the update in the first week of October. But I decide to put the free trial of the game here. Although it's just the demo, it has the most of the CG of the coming update."

Hype :coffee:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2021
" Sorry I may not be able to make it this month as I said before. I will try to make the update in the first week of October. But I decide to put the free trial of the game here. Although it's just the demo, it has the most of the CG of the coming update."

Hype :coffee:
good :love:
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